During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

New request from Christ: Novena to assist His spiritual task in Poland

72 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Polish


On June 9th, Our Lord asked us to begin a novena to His Divine Mercy, starting on June 14th, with the intention of supporting the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe and, especially, the spiritual task that He will carry out in Poland.

The novena consists of praying 72 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Polish, mother language of Saint Faustina Kowalska, polish monk who transmitted to the world this exercise.

Jesus clarifies that the novena does not substitute the Chaplet of Mercy that we pray daily, as a spiritual guideline, at 3pm. This will be a separate exercise.

As we have accompanied our Divine Mother in Her last two requests in support of the Pilgrimage - the Novena of Prayer with Saint Joseph and the Novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help - May we ignite our hearts in the Source of Mercy of Jesus, once opened in Poland, and accompany Him in this sacred task which He will carry out.

All the followers of His Work are invited to participate!

Intentions for every day o the novena

In a message on June 12th, Christ Jesus transmitted a distinct intention for each day of this spiritual exercise:  

See here the intentions for each day of the novena  or  Download a PDF file with the message

How to pray
with the Orandium*

Start by praying the number 1 union bead (as the image shows), and go through the whole Orandiumuntil you return to the number 1. After that, finish the Novena with the last six beads plus the Cross, completing in this way the 7 final prayers. See below the prayers that correspond to each bead.

Union beads:

Ojcze Przedwieczny, ofiaruję Ci Ciało i Krew, Duszę i Bóstwo
najmilszego Syna Twojego, a Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa,
na przebłaganie za grzechy nasze i całego świata.

O Krwi i Wodo któraś wytrysnęła z Najświętszego
Serca Jezusowego jako zdrój Miłosierdzia dla nas Ufamy Tobie.


Dla Jego bolesnej męki,
miej miłosierdzie dla nas i całego świata.

Last 6 beads and the Cross:

Święty Boże, Święty Mocny, Święty Nieśmiertelny
zmiłuj się nad nami i nad całym światem


                                                                                                                                        Learn more about the translation of the Chaplet of Mercy to English                                                     

*In case you do not have an Orandium, you can pray the Novena with a conventional rosary, contemplating the 72 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in polish.

Learn to pray 

Go to the audio recordings of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Polish

As a support, we make available the video of the 59th Marathon of Divine Mercy, held in Portugal, in which monks of the Grace Mercy Order and pilgrims pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Polish.



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
