Pilgrimage for Peace - Europe 2018



Pacify your lives and the surroundings in which you live;
multiply peace and spread it among the hearts.

                                                                                                           Mary, Rose of Peace, June 10, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Select your language:
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Full of Love for the planet, the Divine Messengers carry Their Light to each continent, and on June and July They travel Europe. For the first time, the Pilgrimage for Peace visits Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Germany and Austria, besides returning to Portugal, carrying on ecumenical meetings of prayer and music.

As they travel through the world, the Sacred Hearts rescue the spiritual values of each culture and of each people, motivating them to a love for their fellow being and for the Kingdoms of Nature, to selfless service and to merciful prayer.

Besides the meetings with the Divine Messengers in Europe, the Campaign for Peace promoted a Humanitarian Mission in Cairo, Egypt. The Missionaries of FRATERNIDADE united their efforts to provide a service to those most in need.

In this way,  the teachings of Christ Jesus, the Most Holy Mary, and Saint Joseph reached Africa as a living example of love and charity.


Participate in the meetings!







4| Walk for Peace   accomplished!
5 and 6 | Marathon of Divine Mercy   accomplished!

12 | Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations   accomplished!
13 | Apparition of the Virgin Mary   accomplished!




accomplished!   16 | The Sacred Call - An Encounter with Christ Jesus
accomplished!   17 | Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary





21 | Special Apparition of Christ Jesus   accomplished!



accomplished!   24 | Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations
accomplished!   25 | Apparition of the Virgin Mary

accomplished!   29 | Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary






5 and 6 | Marathon of Divine Mercy   accomplished! 
8 | Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary   accomplished! 





 accomplished!   12 | Special Apparition of Christ Jesus
 accomplished!   13 | Apparition of the Virgin Mary







19 | Meetings with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph   accomplished!
20 | The Sacred Call - An Encounter with Christ Jesus   accomplished!
21 | Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary   accomplished!


End of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe!


Events at the Marian Center of Figueira on June and July


accomplished!    19 | Meetings with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
accomplished!    23 | Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity

accomplished!   12 | Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations
accomplished!   16 | Praying with the Virgin Mary
23 | Music for Healing and Upliftment of Humanity
24 | Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations
25 | Praying with the Virgin Mary

29 | Youth Festival for Peace (event in Buenos Aires)

LIVE brodcast through:




All the events of the Campaign for Peace are free of charge and are supported by spontaneous donations. 



Portugal: +351 916 743 426

Switzerland: +41 768 135 012

Austria: +43 6603937467

Germany: +49 1525 1482616 

Poland: +48 787 696 058

E-mail: secretariageral@comunidadeluzflordelys.org


General Information

Phone WhatsApp (Brazil): +55 35 99982 9053
consultas@mensajerosdivinos.net  |  campaignforpeace@associationmary.org


In 2017 the Pilgrimage for Peace travelled across Europa between May and July, fulfilling the Divine Messengers' aspiration of their visiting Portugal, Italy, Spain, and France.

This Pilgrimage landmarked a before and an after in the consciousness of all, bringing new teachings, and a much needed maturity in this path of service to God.





Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
