
Help us continue taking the Light of the Divine Messengers to the planet!



From April 13 to 20, with His Redeeming Love, Christ Jesus will descend from Heaven to Earth
to distribute His Blessings and send His Messages to humanity during the Sacred Week 2025.

Collaborate with this event!

Find out how to donate



Monthly donations for monthly expenses

Association Mary monthly expenses:
USD 10,197.00 | € 9,470.00

Still missing for March:

USD 5,401.59
€ 4,974.33

Updated on 03/21

Can Association Mary count on you?
Count on me! (Click here to collaborate)

With the donation of:

  • 7 USD (~ 6 Eur) - you collaborate in the maintenance of electronic equipment, vehicles and installations;
  • 10 USD (~ 9 Eur) - you collaborate in hiring servers, applications and domains;
  • 20 USD (~ 18 Eur) - you collaborate in hiring internet and telephone services;
  • 60 USD (~ 54 Eur) - you collaborate in hiring image banks to produce broadcast clips;
  • 100 USD (~ 90 Eur) - you collaborate in hiring the professional technical team;

Find out about the activities developed by the Association Mary:


The Association Mary, founded in December 2012 at the request of the Virgin Mary, disseminates and8 supports all the activities indicated by the Divine Messengers. Of a humanitarian, ecumenical and cultural nature, it acts free of charge, enabling the Instruction of the Sacred Hearts to be disseminated to the whole world.

For this purpose, the Association Mary develops a series of fundamental activities:

  • Dissemination of the Messages, events and live broadcasts through the various communication platforms.
  • Translation and review of the Messages, chants and diffusion materials in several languages.
  • Live broadcasts on Misericordia María TV.
  • Promoting special events such as The Sacred Week and the Youth Festival for Peace.
  • Publication of the books of the Divine Messengers Collection.
  • Live broadcasts on the Internet channel Praying for Peace in the Nations.
  • Production of multimedia content.
  • Planning and execution of digital marketing campaigns.
  • Management of the activities and maintenance of the Marian Centers.

In addition to the existing support from volunteers, this work requires the hiring of the following professionals:

  • Translators and language reviewers.
  • Technicians for Misericordia María TV live broadcasts: operators and sound assistants, illuminators, camera operators, etc.
  • Video editors for editing, assembling and finishing audiovisual pieces.
  • Graphic designers.
  • Journalists and content producers.
  • Assistants and administrative assistants, accountants and legal advisors.
  • General services.

Therefore, it needs a basic structure, which requires:  

  • General maintenance and repairs.
  • Computer equipment, video, sound and lighting, scenography sets, etc.

Monthly expense of the Association Mary:

U$ 11.270,00 | € 10.928,00


All the work developed by the Association Mary is supported by spontaneous donations.
Therefore, any contribution is important for our activities to be maintained and expanded.

Join this current of solidarity and adherence to the Plans for Peace of the Divine Messengers.

How can I collaborate?

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Titular das contas:

Associação Maria,
Mãe da Divina Concepção

CNPJ: 17.695.786/0001-01


QR Code para PIX:

Ou clique no botão abaixo para copiar a chave PIX:

17695786000101 (CNPJ)

Bank deposit

Account Holder: Associação Maria, Mãe da Divina Concepção

CNPJ: N° 17.695.786/0001-01

See below the options for those in Brazil and for those in another country.

Bandera de Brasil Deposits from Brazil:
Banco Itaú


BRANCH 3204 | BANK ACCOUNT 08813-6

Banco do Brasil


BRANCH 0012-4 | BANK ACCOUNT 69234-4

Banco Santander


BRANCH 3336 | BANK ACCOUNT 13002586-6

Globo mundo Deposits from any country:
Banco Itaú

Itaú Bank in

US dollars (USD)

Banco Itaú

Itaú Bank in

Euros (EUR)

Banco Santander

Santander Bank


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You will be re-directed to the UNE System, where you will be able to make your donation in a quick and secure way without the need of previous registration. Insert the data and choose a one-time payment or a recurrent one.

Important: for donations made from Brazil, only credit card donations are available.



In case of suggestions or questions, COUNT ON US!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
