My dear missionary children,

After your hearts and consciousnesses came to know the serious reality of the refugees, of those escaping by boat to Greece in search of a better life, now, your Heavenly Mother will lead you to meet new and profound needs of spiritual and internal service.

I mean by this, dear children, that all the refugees, as well as the children that you met in this mission, reflect in their eyes the result of a total spiritual, moral and physical abandonment in each of their lives.

Thus, missionary children, you are before a spiritual situation of the refugees that will not only be solved with service and with words of affection, you are before a sea of internal and external complications; you are before the visible result of what the human being on the surface, without consciousness and without love, can do with the life of others.

It is at this point and in this non-evolutionary step that humanity finds itself today, very insensitive to the suffering of others and quickly forgetting humanitarian needs; a situation that humanity only sees as world news.

At this moment the insensitivity to the migratory crisis of millions of refugees can no longer be hidden; it is a situation that becomes more extreme every day and because it is so serious, the end of it is not known.

Dear children, that is why I have brought you to Turkey, so that with your eyes and hearts, you could see and feel something human, something of your fellow human beings that is unexplainable.

At this moment the humanitarian mission in Turkey will experience a spiritual deepening, and even though some of My missionaries face, with their pains, the pain of millions of Syrian refugees, My hand will not cease to be upon you to radiate and help you until the end of the mission.

Dear missionary children, I beg you to ask God for forgiveness every time you find a situation of suffering, which is the result of this civil war.

Ask for Mercy and do not tire of asking, so that I may also relieve the lonely hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the Greater Consciousness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While the missions are broadly developing in the spiritual life of consciousnesses, your Heavenly Mother, together with the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, pray so that the fruits and the results of each humanitarian mission may motivate other consciousnesses to live the spirit of humanitarian service. It is in this way, My children, that your Most Holy Mother and Saint Joseph the Worker gradually form the souls who consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart as soldiers in the service of Christ.

Now, dear children, through these missions, must emerge in each one of you not only the strength to unite the groups of prayer, but also, must awaken the missionary soul in My children.

The missionary soul is a state which can feel the consciousness that lives the Plan of God , and who offers the self fully to the Universe to help, to serve unconditionally where necessary.

The missionary soul, My children, could transform the Earth, for it is the living principle of self-giving service in any place.

There may exist, dear children, a common missionary soul, where all consciousnesses unite in that inner level of the spirit to confirm and surrender themselves to fulfill the Will of God.

Among the groups of prayer and among the different missionaries, a positive state of missionary soul is being generated; a state in which many more consciousnesses far away from this Work will be drawn by this spirit of congregating to serve through prayer and selfless giving.

It is for this reason that the missionary soul is being formed spontaneously by all hearts which, independently of where they are, are united in mission through the call of the Celestial Messengers.

Dear children, the missionary soul is safeguarded by the Guardian Angels who take care of all that is expressed as service and prayer. 

This impulse of the missionary soul, formed by the servers, is spiritually reaching the consciousness of the nations, in this case, Argentina and Turkey.

For this reason, dear children, I invite you to protect and move forward in this spirit of fraternal unity that is being created by the prayer impulse of all groups of prayer, in support of humanitarian missions.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you in the Heart of the Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear children,

Today, your Heavenly Mother faces a great spiritual battlefield to be able to rescue the souls of the Middle East, after they were decapitated by evil. 

This rescue means that the Most Holy Universal Mother sends the angels so that, with spears and swords of Light, they may battle against the kingdoms of the enemy, extended throughout Syria, and so that suffering souls may be taken to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Dear children, the prayer of all devoted groups will allow your Heavenly Mother to help dissipate the kingdoms of darkness that subdue millions of souls, incarnated on Earth today, and who go through all the effects of the current war.

As a counterpart, My missionaries of peace work with the refugees, with all the hearts that managed, in some way, to escape from the prison or death imposed by My adversary. These souls who escaped with the help of their Guardian Angels had to go through immense difficulties of life, survival, hunger and health.

That is why, My children, the humanitarian mission, extended today until the first days of the month of March, will try to pour as many celestial codes of love, healing, trust and Mercy over these consciousnesses that will be helped by the missionaries in different regions of Turkey, where it will take place.

I want to tell you, dear children, that in each region that My missionaries will visit, they will find unknown spiritual and physical needs, because beyond humanitarian service, which is what opens the door to the Celestial Hierarchy, there exist planes of consciousness that need much inner prayer and assistance. 

Dear children, the reason for extending the stay of the missionaries of peace in Turkey has the primary objective of being able to cover more Arab regions through the next missions that will come to reach all; but also to be able to establish the Plan of Peace in the Middle East so that finally, the Immaculate Heart of Mary replaces the plans of terror and death that occur today in this region of the planet.

This is how, dear children, the work of this mission will be wider and deeper than it appears.

I will be grateful that everyone collaborates as they can, this mission is part of My campaign for Peace in the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the Greater Purpose,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear children,

At the doors of the humanitarian service in Turkey, the Missionaries of Peace will continue towards the attendance of new spiritual, social and moral needs; all of them will be covered through fraternal love.

Es así, queridos hijos, que Vuestra Madre Celeste está en este momento trabajando en unión a los misioneros con grupos de almas especiales, las que desde el principio de sus vidas esperaban una ayuda espiritual mayor.

Thus, dear children, Your Heavenly Mother is in this moment working in union with the Missionaries of Peace with groups of special souls, which from the beginning of their lives have waited for a bigger spiritual help.

See, My children, how the true humanitarian service, without profits nor personal advantages from any part, the service from the heart, reaches the deepest of the spirit of each being.

The Mother of the World encourages the Missionaries of Peace so that they may reach the same degree of donation and surrender that My beloved Son lived. Along this path of absolute and abnegate donation from the children of God, the celestial doors remain open and these are the internal doors that indicate to the servers the next place of service.

When prayer is also filled by service and faith, dear children, the doors of the Law of Manifestation and of Absence of Need open themselves and the spirit of providence transforms the spiritual and material poverty of the consciousnesses.

Service is a gift, but at the same time it is a mystery that presents itself in the life of people so that they may be encouraged to transcend themselves and above all so that in the service to the neighbor true love be lived.

The Mission of Peace in the Middle East, in this moment, is permitting that the souls with different creeds recover through some path their intimate filiation with the Celestial Father. When this filiation and feeling of belongingness to the Divine are recovered, the suffering soul in need gains inner strength to move ahead and thus to advance in the name of God.

The religions in this moment will become a point of conflict for humanity, because as it has been so far, the faith and trust of the poor souls in the Lord will be at stake. This faith and this testimony of each child of the Middle East have permitted the Heavenly Hierarchy to send the servers of the Plan from the Americas on a humanitarian mission.

This clamor from the suffering hearts has also permitted, dear children, the humanitarian missions to expand throughout the whole Middle East, over the Arabian countries.

Through service, the flame of the Love of God will never go out because service keeps alive the soul that donates itself without interests or complaints; thus through the service of My children My Immaculate Heart will also triumph.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who encourages you to constant self-donation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today, together with the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, your Heavenly Mother has many rescued souls in Her lap, consciousnesses that suffered decapitation and the annihilation of their lives.

Today, Saint Joseph and Your Most Holy Mother cover with Their mantles those who through the actions of the world have been left abandoned and did not receive humanitarian assistance.

So I am asking My missionaries to continue to bear with the fire of this planetary hell that opens up to submerge poor souls in despair and continuous pain.

Your Mother is showing you this reality so that you may learn, dear missionaries and servers of the Plan, that the Celestial Divinity enters into the deepest abysses of the planet to close them and establish some more time of peace.

Peace will be a reality when each of My children, in each part of the planet, labors and cooperates with the works of service and of humanitarian aid; because it will be through the path of absolute surrender that the part of humanity that does not want war or conflict will be able to balance the physical and spiritual misalignments that are caused by the armed confrontations and the worldwide acts of persecution.

The current account of this humanity is unplayable; but, dear children, the humanitarian service, the forgetting of self in attending another, the letting go of comfort of those of Mine who pray in order to sacrifice and give of their self for humanity will allow, I assure you, the Law of Mercy to descend that is much needed by the whole world. 

It is for this reason, dear children, that the mission in Turkey was extended, so that the true alliance of love and of service among beliefs and cultures of East and West could spontaneously occur.

At this time, Your Mother has need of the continuing union of the groups of prayer so that, through the powerful fount of prayer, the missionaries can count on the necessary support and protection.

Dear children, I thank all who opened their hearts to help both missions.

It is urgent that the whole world learn to serve another. In this way, the roots of evil will be taken away from the planet, and the hells will be closed when there are hearts willing to carry out the Designs of the Celestial Messengers.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who uplifts you to the Consciousness of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees


Dear children,

It is with the joy that My Immaculate Heart feels after the positive answer and the confirmation of a longer stay of the missionaries of peace in the Middle East, that on this day My Plan of peace, rescue and service will expand itself over the Arab regions.

It is in this way, dear children, that your Heavenly Mother will be sending the servers to carry out the next humanitarian missions in Iraq, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, among other sister nations that need the presence of the Christic energy through the donation to voluntary service.

In the spiritual plans, Your Heavenly Mother is already working together with the angels to manifest this project, in order for the love and the service of the Divine Messengers to reach, through the humanitarian missions, many needy and completely forgotten souls.

The positive answer of the Turkish association of service to the refugees, throughout many years, has opened the doors so that the unpayable spiritual debts between the Middle East and the Americas were balanced by means of the selfless donation of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation with the Turkish association that takes care of the refugees.

The ecumenical exchange that was spontaneously created through service will allow, in the next cycle and in the new missions, to approach many souls to the Divine Spirit of Mercy, of peace and of love, which goes beyond the religious creeds. The true ecumenism happens as a result of the attention that one soul gives to another when the later is suffering from pain and neglect.

Dear children, your Heavenly Mother and Saint Joseph already find themselves preparing, in the inner plans, the next stages of service and selfless donation, which new consciousnesses belonging to this group of spiritual work will be called to live, directly by the inner call of the Divine Mother.

In this hour, in which the judgment is happening in the world and to all the souls on Earth, the Universe will be granting an extraordinary Grace so that, still in time, the seeds of love and mercy may be sown in the consciousness of humanity, seeds which – in this case, through the humanitarian missions – will be sown in the Arab nations of the Middle East.

What is happening between the different missions in the Americas and in the Middle East is extraordinary, since it is mobilizing the action of more elevated Laws of mercy and redemption to the world.

I leave this message as an opportunity, not only for the missionaries but also for all the servers, that there is still time to change the destiny of this humanity and of this beloved planet.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses and elevates you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees


Dear children of Mine,

The hope of the apostles of Christ must be what renews the entire planet. It is for this reason that the humanitarian missions to regions that are so needy have the preferred motive of repairing, through inner hope, faith, and love to God, the consequences generated by evil.

Dear children, the tonic for these times is an inner attitude of the soul that truly trusts in the Lord, which is unknown to My adversary.

My Children, the humanitarian mission in Turkey will try once more to recover the faith and the hope that My children from the Middle East have lost.

Hope and faith are an inner spiritual attitude that flows in the hearts of beings, just as do the Laws of the Universe. The hope of the apostles and of the followers of My Son is something that cannot be taken away because it is the essence of a deep conviction united to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Turkey is a nation that could gestate in consciousness the vortex of hope, something that could greatly help Syria, which is experiencing an unprecedented battle.

Christianity is the confirmation of the faith of good souls; for this reason, dear children, through living this inner christianity without the need to proclaim it, you will be on the path of trust in God, an infinite virtue of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, at this moment My missionaries of peace are being guided to establish this spirit of faith and hope in the essence of those who were left behind by the cruelties of the world. It is thus that today I invite you to renew the sacrament of faith, so that through this Your Heavenly Mother may have the joy of expanding Her work of peace in the world.

Dear children, know that I never abandon you and that in these times I am with whoever opens their heart to Me so that I may heal them; My last Graces are still being poured out.

Who will accept them in deep faith?

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who renews you in the sacrament of Faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear children,

An attempt is being made to decimate the Christic principle of the Sacred Family through the wars in the Middle East. It is because of this that Your Lord Jesus has decided to send some of you in mission so that on behalf of all, they said “yes” to the Universe for the recovery of dignity and faith of the families of the Middle East.

While the humanitarian mission goes on according to the celestial principles, Your Heavenly Mother is already working on the recovery of the essences of the smallest ones, thus it is established again in each child of Mine the meaning of living and of belonging to the redeeming project of this humanity.

Dear children, all of your daily prayers, those that support this humanitarian mission, as well the mission in Chaco, will allow that the celestial doors be correctly open so that the missionaries, under the divine circle of My protection, may cross each one of them and thus pour the Grace that the world is lacking.

Dear children, the Father observes the dedication of each one of the missionaries, therefore Your Holy Mother is guiding the steps of Her missionary children so that they do not lose sight of the places where there will always be the greatest need. It is thus, dear children, that the whole celestial universe accompanies this moment in both missions because the servers must learn with this entire experience how much the souls have moved away from God through suffering, indignation or deep poverty of the original peoples.

Argentina may be destined as a future consecrated nation to My Immaculate Heart by means of the humanitarian missions, this would change the destiny of millions of souls. It is as in the case of Turkey, which, by opening the doors to the refugees, has become a rescuable nation at these times.

Peace is the premise for these times, therefore the time has come for all of the missionaries to radiate this eternal principle of peace to the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you in the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

The missionaries are now at the gates close to the conflict and to the human disorder of millions of exiled people.

Your Heavenly Mother is now ready to begin the rescue of the essences that have been compromised by terror and by evil. Thus, your Mother, though the missionaries, is preparing to go directly to meet the spiritual and material needs of Her children in exile.

With vigilant eyes and with charitable hands, the missionaries will be carrying in their hearts the certainty that Christ will dispel all evils and, through His apostles, will save the spiritual dignity of the refugees.

At this moment, the angelic armies of Light are preparing to enter the area of confrontation and, silently, they will comfort the souls that are in most need of hope. Terror and persecution will not be able to be defied by anybody.

The imitation of Jesus, silent but attentive, will be the key for souls to be aided by the light of the self-giving hearts.

We are now in the hour of recognizing the reality of the times. May the consciousness of those who did not go on the mission be in protective prayer for each one of the missionaries; thus, the chain of peace will be firmer and My Heat will be able to triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


My dear children,

Your Heavenly Mother is preparing to descend spiritually, with Her resplendent Heart, together with the missionaries of peace, in the city of Ankara, Turkey, where the first steps of assistance to refugees, through this new humanitarian mission, will be revealed to My missionary children.

Turkey is a nation that has welcomed the suffering and exile of millions of refugees. Ankara has been one of the cities through which My children pass in exodus.

The fear of being lost, due to war and persecution, has led refugees into exile in the nations of Europe. Therefore, dear children, this humanitarian mission will first try to help by bringing peace in the midst of the despair of those who, out of fear and by war, have lost everything.

On the spiritual plane, the Celestial Hierarchy will work so that on the inner planes, souls regain faith and trust in God, which are dissipated by the war. In spite of all that is happening, your Celestial Mother will guide the missionaries so that they meet the souls who have true physical, moral and spiritual needs.

The missionaries of peace will carry within their hearts the testimony of the Love of God and will demonstrate it through works of service and charity to the people they will meet in every place.

Spiritual and human shelter will be one of the important keys for this humanitarian mission in the Middle East. Therefore, My missionary children will see, in all that is unworthy and sad, the opportunity to recover purity in the exiled hearts. It will be a time to reflect and to learn about the deep union that must exist with God, despite the circumstances.

Dear children, Turkey is the portal through which those who escape from war pass; the spirit of peace must be recovered, for everything must begin again.

My inner guidance will be in all missionaries.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In a Mission of Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today I come to extend you My Motherly hand and help you because you are My son, you are My purpose of redemption. Therefore on this day I open the doors towards the fount of My Grace, which is the essence that concedes forgiveness to the souls that search for it.

I have come to extend you My hand so you may feel safe wherever you walk, thus I will take you away from the abyss generated by the sins of humanity and from where many are still not able to leave. Whoever prays with the heart and asks for it, will be safe, My Heart is a gift of atonement for all the souls on Earth.

Encourage yourself to take My Motherly hand; I come to encourage you, to take you along the safe pathway to redemption. If you come with Me you will purify yourself and become clean to present yourself before the Lord. Follow My steps in confidence, today I extend you My hand for you to take it tight; you will lose nothing, you will just leave behind the past that makes you grieve.

If you become aware of what you do, you assume to walk with Me through the path of purification. I accept your offer of giving your life. I accept your aspiration to serve the Plan of My Son.

The world is crossing the cycle of a tough battle; it is going through all the abysses to purify itself from the evil induced during centuries. Therefore I come to extend you My Motherly hand because thus you will find the path to your inner liberation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The times of purification are promising deep changes for all as long as from now on there may exist enough openness to carry out these changes.

Therefore, Your Heavenly Mother descends to the world to teach you this path, this path of purification, which is so necessary to be fulfilled.  In all this journey you will find the roots that will always deviate the souls from the path of God.

With braveness and joy for living this transformation, dear children, I wish every day for you to learn to walk through this pathway that will lead you to strive to banish the currents which have always led to the great failure of humanity.

As Your Mother who loves you and who longs for the best in each one, I encourage you to discover without fear or suffering everything inside of you which has come to the time to die.  For this you count on the plenitude of My prayers and of My Graces, states that allow to conduct the few flocks of Christ in these times.

Dear children, unite through this moment, I know it is difficult but it is not impossible. Constant renunciation and acceptance will help you to keep yourselves in the path of this so expected transformation. Do not forget that I am with you and that I pray every day so that the 144,000 new apostles of Christ may awaken from this Earthly dream and enter in the true final work.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you under the Light of the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through His beloved Son, God desires to institute the devotion to My Immaculate Heart as a divine instrument of salvation and of rescue for souls that are lost.

For this to be possible, special Graces will be spiritually generated by those hearts that spread the devotion to My Immaculate Heart; for the victory of the Kingdom of God will occur when souls, in complete repentance and humility, ask for My maternal intercession. 

Your Heavenly Mother promises not to forget anyone during the most culminating time.

My Son desires that this true devotion to My Immaculate Heart transcends the times of today and that, by living and practicing good examples of charity, souls generate the merits necessary to achieve redemption in a broader way.

The foundation of the devotion to My Immaculate Heart is to maintain the affiliation with the Eternal Father; bring to all the spiritual and sacred principles that renew consciousnesses and awaken, above all, a life of holiness and of consecration, important foundations that will allow a new way of life, permeated by the Holy Spirit of God.

All those hearts that in these times adopt a posture of inner devotion to My Most Sacred Mother's Heart will be helping to strengthen that devotion in the planetary consciousness and in all those hearts that must reencounter a deeper union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Therefore, My children, this is the time in which the Three Sacred Hearts are giving of themselves so that souls may drink from the Three Founts of Mercy that come from the same origin and from the same Father of the Universe. That devotion will bring you renewal and, above all, peace in today’s times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with love and compassion,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While My most pure Heart of Love listens to your prayers and the prayers of all those who respond to the call of your Heavenly Mother, God the Father has mercy on His children and tries, with His most precious Power, to have His angels of Heaven help reverse the evil of humanity.

My children, so that this may happen and so that impossible Graces may expand, I come to ask you to place your trust in My Son and in each prayerful word that is pronounced daily. It will be the inner power of this confidence that will prevent many things, and this full confidence will awaken faith and, above all, you will be recognized as worthy children of God.

Dear children, you know that the whole world will pass through its deepest cycle and acute spiritual illness, an illness that lies in the soul and mainly in the heart of each child of Mine. Throughout the years, I have taught you the path to dissolve all evil. This path is love, love among yourselves and your peers. This powerful and divine love will allow the cure of the spiritual illness which the whole of humanity experiences.

I encourage you to make every act of the day an act of love and mercy. Do not allow, My children, the hatred or lies to prevail in your lives. Starting today, seek to transform all evils of humanity through the important inner conversion. Do not wish to convert your whole being in a short time, open the path so that your being may know in consciousness all that which you must banish. Thus, dear children, you will gradually be changing all customs that lead the world to separate itself from the Love of God.

The world forgot to love God; therefore it suffers. God needs you to seek His Kingdom and to live in this world through His Kingdom of Love. Be apostles in transformation. Be true witnesses of the One who will come, in the most culminating hour, bringing once again His Glory and His Peace.

Be loving at all times, the world needs your hearts to pour the Love of Jesus without arrogance or control. Give love and your deepest wounds will be healed. Surrender to God that which until now you have kept under a thousand keys. Surrender your little hearts; thus, My Heart will also triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who rules you in the name of Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My very dear children,

Today, in the Marian Center of Figueira, with the joy of the heart and the eternal Grace of God, your Most Holy Mother gathers you together to pray for peace, a peace indispensable for the world and humanity.

Today, in omnipresence, your Mother from Heaven will be with you to accompany you at this important moment of the consecration of the pilgrim bus.

This new instrument, which will convey the Graces of My Heart wherever it goes, will be visible today to all those present as a testimony to the loving effort of all the pilgrims and those who pray in the co-redemptive work of their Heavenly Mother.

Today, the ceremony of consecration will be of all the pilgrims; and very close by, in the heart of each of My children, I will also be present to bless you.

Dear children, in truth, I would like the visionaries to have been present, but it will not be possible; you know that those who work for God must face in battle the adversities of the times, so as to be able to evangelize in all this mission.

The work carried out in Colombia, Venezuela and the State of Roraima, in Brazil, had its great divine triumph, and the Sacred Centers were able to express in the consciousness of humanity. This outcome, children, resulted in an unprecedented spiritual battle. It is for this reason that I have asked My visionaries, already present in Brazil, to go into seclusion so that the Divinity is able to restore them; this is already taking place and will take some days for the work to be completed.

Today, you who are gathered here will open the doors of the Heavens so that the angels may accompany this special meeting.

Dear children, I leave you all My gratitude of a Mother.

Thank you, dear children, for having concretized My requests!

Who blesses you on this holy day,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I deeply rejoice for finding you here today, reunited in this beloved oratory of My Heart, because all of the praying families are favored before the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, today I would like to tell you from the depths of My Heavenly Soul that higher and eternal life exists after this life.  Many among you, of those who have already left, learn close to My Heart about the power of prayer which rescues and liberates other souls.

For this, you must rejoice, and each day love the Will of the Creator who wants to see you mature and be firm on this path, which will finally also lead you to find your own dwelling in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My children, death is a deep step of purification and detachment: in this way, the soul lives a stage of surrender of everything that it lived on the surface of the Earth.  If your souls pray with trust to My Immaculate Heart, you will fear nothing, Your Heavenly Mother takes care and protects each one of Her children who are following the Will of God in obedience, and their brothers and sisters.

You will see, in these times, My beloved ones, that the world will purify quickly, this is not a punishment of God, it is the movement of truly living a change within the consciousness, in order to be able to reach the consecration to the Kingdom of God.

If you are here today, it is because I love you, and will always give thanks for your prayers, for the Plan of the Most High and for this suffering planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to a Higher Life, after this life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Kneel every day before the altar of God and clamor for Piety and Mercy.  Ask the Lord to awaken humanity from the dream that it lives and to be willing to follow His Celestials Designs, no matter what they are.Son of Mine, Daughter of Mine, listen to the voice of God that speaks directly to your heart, inviting your soul to take a new step and consecrate itself to a superior life.  I ask you to be worthy of living the Project of the Creator, and through your transformation, allow other souls to find a path to Redemption.

Child, if you listen to the voice of Your Celestial Mother, it is because time has arrived to surrender yourself before God.  Wait no longer for the suffering of life to bring an insuperable learning to your spirit so that your soul may realize that it was walking through paths that did not lead to God.

Look, the world around you agonizes and your siblings suffer, day by day, the submission to darkness.  Many are in the bitterness of the wars, with the fear of death and with the impossibility of even having a dignified life according to the laws of the world.  And you, son of Mine, daughter of Mine, I have called to be by My side, and it was not by chance.

My voice pronounces itself before your eyes and speaks directly to your heart, because you have made a commitment with God for humanity and for the kingdoms of nature, for the evolution of this world and of many others.

Know, My beloved child, that the time of learning through love has already arrived for you, because the time of the true suffering for humanity is still approaching and its cycle has recently started.  You still have time to learn to love and to forgive, to be a server or servant of God.  But be brave and not delay in responding, because the clock time is no longer being counted in the same way.  Then hands accelerate and a minute has no longer sixty seconds.

I am your Mother, the Universal Queen, the bearer of a Peace that transcends any sorrow and suffering and that can persevere in the hearts of those who accompany Me, regardless of the events of the world.

For this, son and daughter, feel in My voice the urgency of the times and in My calm the last possibility of awakening humanity.

Your Celestial Mother has already shed Her tears before God and has offered Herself for your salvation and for the salvation of your brothers and sisters; but the Lord is Righteous and expects from humanity the initiative of transforming life on the planet.

The human beings must become worthy children of God, and that, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Mother cannot do for you.

I wish, son and daughter, that My love alone would touch your heart and remove you from the ignorance of the material life in order to lead you to the sacred and to the consciousness that these are times of emergency.

I wish I would make you understand, with My Holy Peace, that this, which I give to you, as blessings and graces, must be poured, through your prayers, over the souls lost in the world.

I wish, son and daughter, that the events that make your brothers and sisters agonize were enough to make you come out of yourself and serve those that you have beside you, to make you forgive what you still have not forgiven in the others and in yourself, and reconcile with God.

Listen, My beloved son, My beloved daughter, because today I speak directly to you: awake and unite to My Peace Army, because your Divine Mother no longer knows how to warn the world, and clamors to the hearts of the humanity that accepts living the Redemption.

Today I leave you My Peace and I thank you for coming to meet Me, although you know that many of those that I have summoned are not here.

Disseminate My Message of Peace, announce My Presence.  Do not allow your brothers and sisters to lose themselves. If I am here, it is to take you to God.

I love you and I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Discover purity and its fount in the heart and reach it through the path of prayer.

Do not look towards the abysses of the consciousness, go ahead in the search for the fountain of the heart’s purity.  Do not detain yourself in the paths of thought.  Do not drown in the lakes of sentiment.

Go ahead in the search for the source of the heart’s purity, there you will be free.  Keep on walking in confidence; prayer is the torch that guides you towards the fountain of the heart’s purity.

If you fall on the stony path of your own faults, an angel will extend His hand to you; trust and go ahead searching for the fountain the heart’s purity.  Walk without fear, may no evil invade you, remember the resplendent fire of prayer that guides you to the fountain of the of the heart’s purity.

Do you see it at the distance? It is not so far, that is the source of the heart’s purity.  Look how it shines.  It is fresh and pure water, it is chaste and clean, it is the fountain of the heart’s purity.

Do not discourage yourself, there are few steps left; may your feet be very firm to get to the fountain of the heart’s purity.

Do you see Me sitting in front of the fountain? I am the Guardian of all fountains of purity in the hearts.  There, exist no debts, only love reigns; let this love transform the sins of your consciousness.

Feel free, you are already in front of it, get to closely know the fountain of the heart’s purity.  Let your Mother from Heaven cleanse you completely, let Her purify your stains through Her Grace.

I am the Mother of the Most Pure Fountain of the Heart of God.  Now you are clean by the rays of My Grace.  Surrender to My arms and sleep on My lap, I am the fountain that cures the heart.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who guides you to the Fountain of the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In these difficult times, I come every day from Heaven so that one day you will reach peace.  For this, with the rosary between your hands, look in the prayer for the essence and the attribute of the Peace of God, because in truth I tell you that it will be the Peace of God that will lead you to find the patience  that is so much sought in these moments.

Embrace prayer as the only shield of protection against the evil of My adversary.  Do not give up the path of consecration and surrender that My Son proposes to you.  For this cause I am here to help you because as your Heavenly Mother I wish you to take the same steps that My Son took to the Cross, achieving the redemption of the world out of love for all.  For this, imitate Him and be consistent with what the Universe gives you.

My Heart accompanies you through this pathway of transformation and renunciation that some are being called to live in the name of humanity.

Love each other and together you will reach the goal that God has set for you. 

Humanity needs many more who people who pray, in this way the Earth will also be able to consecrate itself.  

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who fills you in the Sacred Love of God, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I thank you for your sacrifices and effort, because it is through this surrender that your Heavenly Mother can help the planet, mainly the serious situation of humanity.

Facing now the first part of the end of a time, My Luminous Heart comes to guide you and move you away from the paths that My adversary creates to deceive the good souls.

Through the act of renunciation is found the liberation of the inferior self and thus, the consciousness sees itself totally free of doing wrong and of deviating from the Will of God.

It is by means of sacrifices that your Most Holy Mother can repair many things, like the causes that produce the perdition of the hearts and souls of this world.  For this I come to remind you of the act of your sacrifice and penitence as a key for the liberation of oneself and for the deep healing of the world.

It will be through prayer that the fundamental foundations of the new Christianity will be manifested.  And will be these foundations that will create the interior condition in the souls to reach redemption and specially the preparation for the second coming of Christ to the world.

Dear children, day and night I pray for you, to encourage you, despite the consequences, to be founders of these new foundations that will be formed through the love and the interior donation of everyone to the Plan of God.

You cannot imagine, My children, all that your Heavenly Mother can do to help the souls and the Plan of Evolution in all of the humanity.  For this your sincerity before God will allow you to walk towards this Purpose and thus I will also be able to count on your immediate help.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who congregates you to the apostolate of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
