Dear children of Mine, that in your time of purification may only exist the reason to serve God and His Universal Plan, above yourselves.
Today I invite you, little of Mine, to see the sprouts from the seeds of Christic light that with so much love and effort were placed into the tabernacle of your hearts.
Do not fail to look upon the greatness and the transformation that My Son has realized in you. With spirit of faith and determination live the cycle of your purification, offering to the Eternal Father all of your sorrows and discomforts, for those souls that are here on the Earth and that not even deign to look at God neither remember Him as something primordial for this time.
For this I say to you, children of Mine, have compassion for those hearts, that subjected to luxury and modernity, lose the path that leads to believe in God. God the Father entrusts you certain tests in order that, by delivering them to His Heart of living Love, the world may be relieved again.
To those hearts who do not hear the Celestial Mother, it will only be left to live and suffer the result of their own choices in life.
Children, the path is one and only, there are not two anymore, it is with Christ or it is without His Higher Will. May you be bearers of Grace for this cycle, may you represent the new redeeming apostolate of My Son and give testimony of His next and second coming to the world.
With your little spirits in the highest of Heaven, may you receive today, children, the consolation and the peace to live your purification as an offer of constant sacrifice and reparation. Do not get tired before the expected time, Heaven waits for your maturity and redemption in order that the Kingdom of God may at least be established in the souls transformed by Christ.
In peace you will find the inner strength in order to face the end of a time destroyed and deteriorated by the consciousness of humanity.
You, My dears, by becoming apostles of My Son and professing your constant faith, will achieve the Grace of always having Me by your side, even in the moments of greatest tribulation.
I thank you for answering to My call.
Who protects you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Surrender to Me and you will survive in this time.
I have washed you with My Water to purify you. I dried you with My Mantle to protect you.
I healed you. I healed your wounds with My Blood and all were witnesses of My wise Return to the heart.
Fill yourself with My Light. Be nurtured by My Spirit and withdraw from evil, which only wishes to harm you.
Do not open even one door to the enemy, but rather wait for Me with open arms when I come to visit you.
Be supported by My Trust; you already know that I will not deceive you. Allow My Divine Fire to burn your structures so that now the new redeemed being may be born.
What are you waiting for to surrender to My Light and be a particle of My Christic Energy?
Before you enter My Kingdom, you must empty yourself a whole lot more than you imagine. But have faith and hope, My Hands will never let go of you. I will accompany you until the end, when you truly give Me the space to do so.
I leave My Heart as an offering of life. I would like all to hear Me, as you once heard Me.
It is now time to prepare the dwelling place. It is already time to unify with rather than distance yourself from Me.
My Father has given you everything and I too will give this to you. Thus, trust in what happens within you. Do not feel alone or abandoned, because the shepherd never abandons Hisprecious sheep.
Come and remain in My Lap, in this way you will be worthy of being called a Child of God. While I wait for you to take the step toward My Heart and be a part of Me, I will not cease to tell you that you must return to Me.
I am here for you and nothing else, just as I am for each soul and essence that My Kind Father has conceived.
I Am the Guardian of your life and your destiny.
I Am the perfect Threshold to cross and walk with faith toward the unknown.
I want to make something of you that is unknown to you. I wish for you to let Me work and continue, for My plans for your existence are deeper and truer than you may imagine.
Confess to Me and do not miss the chance for renewal through My Presence in your heart.
Will you accept Me in the way that I Am?
Who will dare to erase their identity to be a part of Me?
Who will wait, in joy and in glory, for My Return?
Now, I come and visit you in Spirit, but I will come in Glory so that you may remember Who I Am.
I only wish to have instruments purified by My Mercy in My Hands. I only wait for your final 'yes'.
Now listen to what I will tell you directly to your heart: "Child, small prayerful soldier without a sword, rest in the Arms of your Commander so that, in the dawn that will come, you see the flame of Love emerge in your inner universe, the glorious flame of the resurrection of humanity."
Under the glory that permeates and consecrates you, be blessed.
Thank you for visiting My Sacred Heart, in prayer.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Let My Blood circulate within your heart. The powers that I manifest and give you are unknown to you.
Let My Blood circulate through your veins, so that your codes of the past may be renewed by My codes of light and redemption. Let My Blood remove all your cells from their place.
Let My Blood purify your feelings and transmute your wounds, for I have the power to reverse all evils. If My Blood does not yet live within you, seek the reason why you do not have Me within you.
Let My Blood free every part of your being; and may your body, even while it is still impure, reach purity and consecration through Me, because what I offer you is not part of your will nor of your desire.
I come from a cell of Higher Life that illuminates even the smallest particles of those who seek Christification through the giving of self. Therefore, let My Water emerge from within you, so that every corner of your being may be bathed by My Water of Life and Liberation.
Let My Spirit dwell within you and cause that which is now old, to die. I have the authority to renew you and, at the same time, to embrace you with My warmth and My peace during the hard cold nights that will come.
Let Me act through you and, in a short time, you will not recognize yourself, for I will perform wonders in your life.
Leave your miseries and tears on the palm of My hands so that, in the name of My Father, I may convert your evils into blessings, your sorrows into liberations, your unhappiness into joy, your doubts into affirmation and truth.
Therefore, I wish My Spirit to have a dwelling within imperfect souls; I seek them and they hide from Me out of fear or distrust. If this happens to you today, it is because you do not know the power of My healing Love.
Let Me be in you, day and night, in your mistakes as well as in your virtues. I contemplate the world and keep it every day within My Heart, in spite of the wounds that many cause Me.
Let Me be unity and life, Mercy and consecration; if you only allow, in a short time, you will be My apostle.
Allow Me to be, allow Me to act, allow Me to live in you, just allow Me to be in you forever because the only way out is through Me.
Under the Love of God, be blessed and united.
Thank you for just allowing Me to be!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
As a bird that flies over the world I come in search of those who have not awakened for My last Call.
Many have heard the resounding of My voice throughout the centuries but few were those who could truly understand the essence of what they were living.
For the first time in the history of humanity the Woman Dressed of the Sun comes to reveal Her true Face so that the beings of this Earth may be able to get out from the ignorance in which they find themselves in life. For this I prepared you for such a long time so that you may be able to be the hands that will remove the veils of human unconsciousness. But for this My children, it is necessary that unconsciousness itself be healed and that your hearts have already defined themselves in this time of purification.
I need firm hearts that are aware of the essence of these times and that do not have their attention on what they live here on Earth, but on what they will live in the universe, from that which they have achieved in this world.
My children, all will be purified in this time. There will not be a soul upon the surface of the Earth that will not live its moment of purification. For this I ask you today that you affirm yourselves in the Power of prayer and in the love of the unknown because in this way, when the time comes to purify and to balance all the debts that you have before God, you will do it upon a strong foundation that will sustain you in the correct path and that will show you that you are living what was foreseen for you and that will soon pass.
My beloveds, if you affirm yourselves in prayer you will be able to purify yourselves in a more harmonious way because in spite of all inner suffering, you will count on My aid that in some way will lead you and shelter you always. But if on the contrary, you do not build this praying foundation, you may be very confused in this moment, allowing the enemy to tell to your heart lies that will have a tone of plain truths, diverting your souls that for so long persevered in fidelity on this path.
I want you to grow up My beloveds, definitively. The times of today are no longer the same as yesterday. Do not wish to keep within and outside you the same planetary scenery because this will not be possible.
The one who may get attached to the images of the past will suffer the abrupt transformation that the world lives. But the one who may let themselves be transformed and may allow the internal structures to be demolished will never suffer because they will be transformed together with the world and, in spite of living internally the chaos that is lived externally, they will also see in themselves emerging a new life when this life is stabilized in the world.
I do not want you to be scared with what you live, but know that many will not be able to support the internal and external transformations and purifications. But for all the merits that you have generated, your evolution will still be able to be saved, even if it may be in the level of the spirit.
My beloveds, My words resound with the tone of these times because you must be mature to understand what truly happens in the world. Have childish eyes no longer before the reality that waits for you to mature, but rather with firm feet. On this boat of salvation, row, row without faltering.
I Am the Mother of Figueira, the fig tree which gives the sap of Life so that its fruit may not wilt. In Me are united Earth and Heaven, Spirit and matter, the new and the old human.
Understand that if My presence were not among you, the self-summoned would not be able to answer to their commitment.
I Am the voice of the Divine Truth. That one who listens to Me with attention will find in Me each step to be taken. In My words is found the path for the materialization of the Plans of God. Do not be deaf in face of the Divine Word. Follow the echo of the Celestial Messenger.
I love you and I conduct you to the Heart of Christ, the Universal King.
Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira
Dear children,
I come from Heaven as a Star of Confraternity, of Light and of Prayer. Today I come to the world in order that through an act of repentance and of forgiveness it may be a repository of the Kingdom of My Peace.
I have come holding between My sacred hands the knots that are tying your lives. Only through your faith and determination to achieve sanctity in this planetary life will I be able to help you to untie the knots that drown you and that do not allow you to breathe My celestial air.
By means of My Maternal Grace and by the divine authority that My Son has given Me, I come to untie the knot in order thus to liberate humanity. For it to be possible, your prayers and sincere offers to My Immaculate Heart will allow the doors to the redemption of the hearts to be open.
Again and again I have descended in Glory upon this blessed hill, that which has been converted into the point of light for this region.
But I need you, I need your hearts to be bright stars of love and of peace for the world. In this way you will be able to dissolve the knots that are held in your little and simple consciousnesses.
Only by means of the power of the Holy Rosary will you manage to live the path of purification and of sanctity. Your souls must convert themselves into living mirrors of the Will of God. In this way, by means of My intercession your steps and footprints will be more luminous, they will be the footprints of the apostles of My Son.
Today I untie especially the great knot of incomprehension and of bad feeling. The knot that the enemy has patiently dedicated itself to create in the minds of those who do not dedicate time to the prayer of the heart.
Now, as mature souls by means of My sacred instruction, the moment has come to you, after seven years of Graces, for you to meditate about the steps that you have taken with Me.
Beyond all that this world goes through and suffers, I bring you the Grace of being able to recognize My Maternal Love, the Love of God, the Love of Mother and the Understanding of all the problems and spiritual conflicts that many of my children live today.
For this, beloved children, see in your horizons the Saving Light that comes to aid you and that passes through here for the last time. See the splendor of the Divine Love that wants to liberate and purify you so that you may be true humble servers of Christ.
To whoever supplicates to Me with heart and with soul, with faith and with spirit, I promise to help to untie the knots by means of the following charismatic prayer:
Charismatic Prayer to Our Lady Untier of Knots
Lady of Celestial Power,
untie from our consciousness
all the knots that oppress us
and close our paths.
Lady Untier of Knots!
Cut and liberate the ties of our lives,
may Your Light of Divine Wisdom
banish and dissipate the abysses of this world.
May Your celestial mantle of protection and shelter
guard us eternally
under the power of Your Love and of Your Guidance.
Sacred Mother who unties all knots,
may our lives, together with Your Angels and Archangels,
be untied by the imposition of
Your sacred hands.
Pray for us
for all days that will come
so that, united to Your Maternal Consciousness
we may see, coming in Glory, the day of our redemption,
the day of the Return of Christ,
Our Savior.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Peace and Blessing.
Mary, the Lady Untier of Knots
Thank you, My child, for fasting; in this way, weaknesses and temptations fade away from the depths of the consciousness.
Dare to give Me that which you can truly give Me; because it is only through you that I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world.
I Am the Sun of the starry night. I Am the Star that brings rejoicing and serenity for whomever seeks them. I Am the Path that opens to find the peace of the heart in this time.
Unite with My precepts and you will know My will, which I wish to concretize in your life.
Today, I bring you to the Portal of Peace so you may enter into My Kingdom and find the Peace that is not in you. Thus, join the universe of wonders and allow Me, through My Love, to bless you.
With this water with which today I bless everybody, I decree by this element the Purifying and Eternal Love of God, so the particles of the enemy may be dispelled and hearts find healing.
Over the water I pour the codes of Redemption and the Glory of My Son Jesus, so that those who have been sad and lonely may be able to again find unity with the Celestial Father.
Today I come so that, through this water, your debts be washed away and the Love of Christ the Redeemer enter into you.
With this same water, I will wash away your offenses, imperfections and fears; through it, I will leave the sign of Baptism and Renewal, by means of the Powerful Essence of the Holy Spirit.
Like the water with which Jesus was baptized, today I baptize you for the redemption of all, so that you may feel My caresses of Motherliness and of Peace.
Let the healing of the spirit be the goal for all; in this way, the doors of Paradise will be open for those who simply said 'yes' to Me from the start.
Over this water, I leave the universal Love of the Cosmos, the visible sign of purification and holiness for the newly redeemed.
Receive this water as the symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father, so this Sacrament of Spiritual Baptism allows you to commune with the Gifts of God and His Adorable Son.
As your Mother, over this water I pour the spirit of liberation and of transfiguration, so that good spirits may rise up and find the peace of the heart.
I redeem you. I purify you. I absolve you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
As Mary transmitted this Message, She was consecrating this water.
So, let's receive this blessing with great love and much gratitude; in this way, as She said, we will feel ourselves washed by this water of life.
After Mother Zorobable does this blessing, there will be two brothers at the exit who will be breaking this bread with their hands, so those who feel like it, are able to commune and carry the Body of Christ in their hearts.
While the Mother does the blessing, let's sing.
As souls who serve lift the banner of persistence, of wisdom, of humility and of bravery of the heart, so that you may continue marching towards My Kingdom, towards the Redemption of this world.
O souls summoned by God! To learn in this world about Love and Unity, I ask you to not lower your arms, to not tire of walking, because the trajectory of your lives will still be long.
Some will leave soon, leaving for the Earth the legacy of their learning. Others will proceed in this world to learn a little more of everything that this planet may offer you.
I have gathered under My mantle those of My children that with bravery have surrendered all to Me and walk with faith towards the manifestation of the Great Plan of God. And today I push them to take a step in their consciousnesses, an inner step, more than that of a physical step.
May each one of you seek, within My presence, the strength to transform that which until today you have not been able to, because I bring to your lives the possibility of an intense and permanent transformation.
I want you to manifest in these fields the Kingdom of Universal Healing for the souls in search of Redemption, and that all may be healers of this world together with those who, in the planes of the spirit, work tirelessly for God.
I see many hearts that are distressed from not being able to discover the path to take the steps in their lives. Today I say to you My little ones, that you are upon one of the most sacred areas of this world, one which makes your consciousnesses live in a permanent state of purification. But gladden yourselves, because this purification will allow that in a future time you may serve God with perfection.
In your lives begins to emerge all that humanity as a whole must transform. Because of this at times it becomes so difficult to walk towards the New Human. Make use then of all the impulses that God has given you and is giving you until now so that you are not taken by the waves of imperfection that exist inside each one of you and that, once in a while, come to the surface.
My beloveds, it gladdens My Heart to see such a great family, such determined hearts that have accepted to accomplish the Greater Will.
I want you to be able to trust more in each other and that, together you may establish in these fields the Kingdom of Our Lord, of Our Heavenly Father.
Risk yourselves to live the true fraternity, to love with the heart each day a little more. Let the virtues that you guard under seven keys emerge. Live something new every day, renew the adventure of being surrendered to God. Overcome the barriers of life, face the difficulties and do not hide from them. Go towards what seems hard to you and overcome the fear of taking a new step in your consciousnesses.
Love the kingdoms of nature and discover in them a source for the transformation of your souls. If you want to take a great step, allow yourselves to know more deeply the kingdoms that surround you. Share your lives with them and ask the Father to open your heart, so that you may finally understand in what way you must act with these beloved kingdoms, these expressions of the Divine Love that are so reviled in this world.
My beloveds, within My words I give you many keys, take them and open the doors of your hearts.
I thank you for being at My side and for being faithful companions of the Messengers of God.
Mary, your Mother and Universal Queen
Be humble before those who, through error or fear, abandon My precious and preferred path.
Pour out the infinite Graces that I have placed in your heart upon those who have lost them through ignorance. Take a risk to the point of giving your life for your friends. There will never be something similar or different that can destroy the love that with so much effort has been built among brothers and sisters.
Happy are they who fully believe in My Truth and profess it because I promise to compensate them on the day of their celestial glory.
Look now at My wounded spiritual Side, which is a sign of the anxieties and the deserts caused by souls into which, from the beginning, I have poured out My infinite Mercy.
All want to drink of the Source, but few dare to seek it through pain, the desert and the void.
Pay attention! I have shown you the path of the desert, and in truth, I tell you that you have not even crossed the first part of the great aridity of the heart.
Sometimes, I have you spiritually experience the thirst that humanity caused Me during the Passion, on the Cross; but I know that when this unbearable and unsustainable thirst worsens, many have the impulse to abandon Me at that time.
I know that after everything you will understand the mystery that I come to reveal to you, the mystery of suffering out of love and of enduring the bitterness that would punish the world. For this reason, day and night, I avail Myself of your inner-selves, to place within states of emptiness and transmutation, necessary to avoid the sovereign Law over humanity.
When you still believe that you will never see Me, I will visit you. When you still believe that you will never feel Me, I will cause Myself to be deeply felt; but My Law is to test the degree of your love and the unalterable faithfulness of your souls.
Woe to those who have not truly invoked Me! They will soon lose all that was foreseen to be received within their dwellings.
But so great and mysterious is the power of My Divine Mercy that I come to warn you, that if you have thought of abandoning Me, you still are in time to return to the path of My Heart, to the blessed House of Adonai.
Today I open your eyes to take away the dust of blindness. Today I touch your hearts so that, now and forever, you will be able to believe that I Am Who speaks to you: Jesus of Nazareth.
Blessed are the simple, for they will always find the suitable answer.
Let your feet not tire of following Me; let every inner desert be a reason for purification and the concrete affirmation of the Plan of My Father.
Under the Love of God, be blessed and intelligent.
Thank you for persisting through My Heart!
The Merciful Christ Jesus
On this day, go on pilgrimage on the long path of your consciousnesses, an inner path on which you will find some obstacles to be surmounted, some tests to be experienced, and some memories to be forgiven and forgotten.
Seek to walk through the inner world with profound peace and joy, and even though the encounter with some situations may cause you pain, try and move beyond them with the joy of the day.
Allow yourselves, My children, to be guided by the Star of Bethlehem to the most simple and pure place of your inner world; a place that for many is unknown, but that exists and is now ready to receive the Son of God.
Today, the Lord offers you a possibility for freeing and healing ancient sorrows, fears, blame, old errors and suffering. Today, the Lord makes known to many of His children that they must transform in this time. Because to experience an effective and resounding transformation, you need to know all that is to be changed in yourselves. However, trust in the Grace that is granted you, of being guided by the Faithful Servant of God, and do not be shocked by what you may see about yourselves.
Those who allow themselves to take a step on this day will find themselves faced with a past to be redeemed and all that they have hidden from themselves for so long.
My children, make of this day a day of Glory, and of this purification, the harbinger of the glorious coming of My Son Jesus. Because for Him you will be building an empty and pure space, where He will be able to freely dwell, and will be able to reign with the totality of His perfect Consciousness.
The greatness of this day will manifest in the consciousnesses of the world, according to the openness of each one to what is being offered to them. The depth with which God will work in your consciousnesses will occur according to the openness of your hearts. Thus, be willing to experience something new, unknown, which will revolutionize your inner world.
My children, make of the pilgrimage on this day a moment similar to that experienced by Joseph and Mary on the night of the Birth of Jesus.
Much was gradually revealed to Joseph and Mary as the Birth of the Messiah drew closer. They offered Themselves to know and heal the evil that lived in the humanity of that period. As the Birth of Christ drew closer through the pilgrimage of Joseph and Mary, the energies of lust, greed, vanity and pride, which were expressed in that period with great intensity in human beings, were gradually changed and transmuted.
Mary's birth pains became more intense than that which was normally felt. They experienced the desolation and the affliction of not being able to give Christ a safe place in which to be born, and this experience of purification culminated when they understood the Will of God and gave life to Jesus in a stable, experiencing the purest humility and joy, and thus discovered that everything was to be healed through humility, purity and faith in the Will of God and in His divine guidance.
Today, for the hearts of the world, it will not be different. If you allow it, the Lord will have you live a great experience, which will culminate in the discovery of an emptiness of self and surrender to a divine humility.
My beloveds, gladden your little hearts today, and walk with Me, for I will be your Star of Bethlehem, and through prayer, I will lead you to the birth of Christ in your essences.
I thank you for allowing Me to guide your lives.
I love you always.
Your Mother, Mary of Nazareth, Star of Bethlehem
Do not fear, soul of Mine, to be polished as strongly as an old piece of wood in the hands of the Carpenter. The greater the polishing, the greater the liberation, and consequently, dear soul, you will be liberated from the game of arrogance and vanity. A good, well-treated piece of wood will last throughout the times.
Allow Me to mold you according to the perfect designs of My Plans. Do not fear, dear soul, to be polished so deeply that the impurities of the unconsciousness may be released from you. Surrender yourself entirely in My working Hands and you will soon see, soul of Mine, how it was necessary for you to detach from yourself for so long.
In new works, God pours His Spirit. In purified hearts, God pours His Infinite Grace. Dear soul, drink of the Water that I offer you from My Side so that, living in sacrifice, you may find the way of holiness and goodness.
Allow Me to show you the Will of My Father, soul of Mine. Abandon yourself in My Heart.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for humbling yourself before My Heart!
Christ Jesus
If you lose the peace of your heart, you will soon know that you are lacking in love; for this do not permit that the hardships, the tests and the unachievable challenges that I send you with so much love, may take away your infinite patience. Now, in another degree of maturity of consciousness, all that God gives His children has the goal of liberating, each time more, the evil and the sin of humanity.
For this, in truth, those who are with Me until the end are always very few; the quantity of disciples who are encouraged to be burned by the Divine Fire of purification is the minimum.
Now, in a time of emergencies, the universe is served by the virtues and the faults of those who are Mine, so that in time they may revert all the causes that oppress the total consciousness of humanity.
In the path of suffering there exists transformation and the partial purification of that which many carry on their shoulders. But who in truth will risk to live it out of love?
While the clock of the world sets the moment of purification for all, I will support My disciples, those who are encouraged to carry a cross similar to Mine. Know that I will not leave you alone, because I know what it means for you to live the consecration in a time of chaos.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for persevering through My Heart!
Christ Jesus
In the face of the movements and the tests of life, My Mercy is present to help you purify your fears and the limitations that imprison you from the actions of the past.
Today I am here to remind you that, in spite of all, you must be united to the greatness of My Heart; in this way you will walk safely, taking the steps towards the Lord.
I come in this time to purify you, and to consecrate you to My Sacred Heart; between these two processes, purification and consecration, you will be able to see all of that which the time has come to be retired from your lives, because in this way I will enter in you.
Remain in Peace.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the Love of My Heart!
Christ Jesus
In the most difficult moments is when My Merciful Heart is radiated towards the consciousness that suffer, because in the hour of My Mercy the source of life and of reparation washes deeply the spiritual wounds of the fragile and lonely hearts.
But when in truth you feel lonely My Wisdom invades your little spirits and comforts the soul that needs forces to be able to continue on My Path. In the plans of the Father, His Works are accomplished according to the availability and the surrender of the servers but these superior works are fulfilled, or they are held up without obstacles when the soul truly needs inner rest.
Those who in truth serve Me and who surrender all to Me are few. For this in them I confirm My Will so that My savior Project is fulfilled.
Guard today the Healing Face of My Being. Know that the Sacred Heart of Jesus also helps and accompanies Its disciples when they are sick or sad. My Light comes to the world to ignite again the commitment. May nothing disturb you, no matter how great it may seem. Trust in the moment of purification and of redemption that your souls and bodies are living.
Be one with Me. In this way I will help you to sustain yourselves in spite of the battles of the enemy. Know that My Light will always triumph on the Earth and in Heaven.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My Message with soul and heart!
Christ Jesus
The Old Law of Purification
Since the first day in which My Mother Mary presented Me in the Temple of the Lord, the High Priest recognized before his eyes and before the eyes of the wisest that they were before the Virginal Purity of God.
As an act of humility, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph carried as an offer to the Temple the symbol of two doves, which mysteriously represented the Holy Spirit during the circumcision of Jesus.
From that day on, the Law of Purification became the Law of Consecration for all beings. Christ, as the Child King, brought a deep change for the life of all consciousnesses. He was the Messiah who announced the liberation from the sin of the people and, consequently, of humanity, through the power of the Love of God.
Therefore, today, do not fear to be before the present law of purification because whoever aspires to the Life of the Infinite will be able to achieve the consecration of their heart to God. No one reaches the Father without having first gone through the purification of body, mind, and spirit.
The Child King, from His consecration in the Temple of Jerusalem, brought the opportunity to reverse the sins and aspects of life through compassion. Do not see yourselves as so impure, see your beings in the cycle of the fiery purification of earthly life.
The Merciful Jesus is the Spring that will wash you and at the same time show you all that must be purified by the brave soul who dares to live it.
You are in a time of a deep redemption of capital sins. Therefore, confirm your faith in the Lord God Almighty so that Christ may receive the permission to liberate you and help you during the great purification.
Offer your miseries to the Universe. Today, I invite you to enter the temple of purification so that more souls may soon be consecrated to the precious Plan of the Creator.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for purifying yourselves through My Redeeming Love!
Christ Jesus
My dear children,
After an important meeting with all of you, on September 12 and 13, in Vitoria, Espirito Santo; today, on this day of infinite Mercy, I ask you to seek and live in the purity of the heart at this time, so that the world may regain the innocence it has lost before God.
As Mother of the Most Holy Purity, I tell you to return to the true origin of your beings, to return to the sense of pure love of the heart.
The Lord needs imperfect and sinful souls to carry out His most pure works of peace and conversion.
In the sacred school that My Immaculate Heart lived on Earth, the Divine Purity was gestated in My Being before receiving the Grace of the Messiah.
That purity of which I speak, and that you should seek, is the purity of your intentions, it is the purity that does not generate judgments nor conflicts because the Divine Purity is the shield against your own sense of life that leads you to error.
The Divine Purity is the essence, the flower of My Heart, it is the universal principle that My Holy Spirit emanates through love and compassion.
For this reason, I beg you, dear children, to seek this ray of purity that flows fluidly from the Sacred Heart of God towards the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary because in its purity you will be able to recognize the power of forgiveness and Mercy.
I return to the world to remind you of the essence of the Divine Purity. All humanity has lost pure sincerity of heart because the world itself and the enemy have taken it upon themselves to extinguish this inner purity.
Pray and meditate, during this coming week, on your pure acts of heart. This way you will understand from your spirit how true you are before life and before your brothers and sisters.
As your Most Pure Holy Mother, I want you not to judge yourselves, but to observe and learn through the serenity that My beloved Son radiates to you. In Christ lies the living example of the purity of love and humility for families, priests the religious, the laypeople and the devotees of My Heart.
Week by week, I truly try so that, through prayer, one day you will die to yourselves and awaken to the Most Pure Universe of God; because in truth I tell you, My little ones, that if you seek purity of intention, the world will heal from the sea of impurities in which it lives.
To be part of the new Earth, you will need to purify yourselves through prayer, communion, confession and the pure forgiveness that your little lives can reflect when you are faced with your impurities and the impurities of others.
The pure Love of Christ, of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, will be your endless spiritual force to reach the Kingdom of the Holy Purity of the Creator. By your effort to day by day live Sacred Purity, God can make humanity free from the great impurities and, as a universal grace, receive the Divine Mercy of My Son.
Be pure, try it every day. While waking up each day, call upon My Divine Purity. I will help whoever decides to be pure of heart.
I thank you for living My most pure call for peace!
Your Mother, Who blesses you and loves you.
Thank you, dear children!
Mary, Mother of the Most Holy Purity of the Heart
The Great Christic Transformation
He who is willing and decides to follow My Path of consecration to God remembers that the tests he will face will be like stones on his path and will serve as a permanent confirmation so that one day he may cross the threshold towards Eternity.
Therefore, never be afraid to face all that you once were in the past because this is part of the art of constant purification to achieve the Most Pure Peace.
The disciple is like a great book that guards a past completely unknown to his small consciousness within this universe. To access the reality of his life and his entire existence, the apprentice must, with strict obedience, do all that in certain cases may seem absurd to him.
This is the great step for the Christic transformation: to recognize that, in consciousness, the disciple knows very little about life, about the true Will of the Lord, and that it only remains for him to follow from the heart the signs that are indicated to him.
In this time of apostolate, the apprentices must cross with their own feet the great and vast lake of the impurities of this humanity, which do not allow the existential sense of the essence to shine in each soul.
By the Law of Grace, the remedy that will dissolve these burdens and renovate the precious lives of all of the beings is the Divine Mercy, the Most Pure Source of redemption and of compassion that washes, nourishes, cleanses, and purifies these great lakes of lamentations.
As disciples, encourage yourselves to experience My Path because I will never fail you, even in the hours of the great tests of confirmation and faith.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for purifying your lives day by day through My Merciful Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Water of the New Life
Get up from where you have fallen and take My sacred hands because I will set you free from pain and error.
Submerge your spirit in the Fountain of purity and of renovation so that the stones, that you have stumbled upon, may be removed from your path.
Dear child of God, I call you to reconciliation. Unite your inner ties to my Immaculate Heart and walk in silence to the Kingdom of the Redeemer.
Observe attentively the descent of My Graces, I am the Mother Star, I am the one who enlightens the spaces and universes of all consciousnesses. I am the Queen of Peace; I am the one that for love of the world helps Her little children.
Dear son, dear daughter, God the Father has encouraged you to grown from your heart, He has given you the hope to live the rebirth in Christ, given you peace to calm your concerns, given you Mercy to wash from the past, in the Fountain, your face and your hands.
Every soldier who serves the Most Holy Mother will face in prayer the great cruelties and human wars that erase love from the hearts of humans.
My soldiers are like the pearls of My eternal prayer, my soldiers are the instruments in which My Light is poured to dissolve evil from the world.
Be still in My maternal Heart and offer to God your small sacrifices. Confess your errors before God, but no longer blame yourself, for the infinite Ocean of the Mercy of Christ strikes at the margin of your life to announce the path that will lead you to redemption.
To work for God is to be in constant emptiness of oneself. To work for the love of God is to live in permanent humility. To serve God is to divest oneself, in a matter of seconds, of what might have happened.
However everything is perfect to God. He loves those who strive, He loves profoundly those who rest and loves those who at this time submerge into the darkness and into the modern aspects of the world.
Nevertheless, the prayer of the Holy Rosary intercedes before God. The Holy Rosary wholly repairs a consciousness that is wounded in the spirit. The Holy Rosary unites and strengthens the love for the Plan of God. The Holy Rosary liberates, purifies, orders, harmonizes and cultivates the hope of living sanctity. Sanctity, for human souls is a challenge that few dare to live, for sanctity first removes the veils from the consciousness and then impels hearts to live inner consecration.
And in all this path of constant purification of souls, is the regency and observation of Heaven; that the Most High God and Jesus Christ follow, step by step, the advances or delays of the children.
Heaven waits for the birth of new and humble saints, like the ones there were in the past, so that through simplicity and surrender, they offer themselves to transform the chaos of the world and the great scale of perdition in which the precious souls live.
Thus, as it was in other times, the lesser ones in the world will achieve greater things and the Celestial Universe will closely accompany the challenge that the new apostles will live. In the end, all the good and faithful servers will congregate in Heaven to share the Glory and Grace of God for having been converted into example of service and surrender to God.
The Queen of Heaven will always help Her children, for your Divine Mother will wait for many more to decide to serve humanity in this time, so that, in this way, the Mercy and Forgiveness of God may descend, instead of Justice descending.
However, the path to follow will be infinite. My servers will cross bridges almost broken, prairies and deserts of the world that have lost the original brightness of Creation; and everything will be accomplished through effort and love to change the consciousness of those who still sleep into the dream of the world.
Your Mother comes, Apparition after Apparition, to awaken all Her children to the supreme Truth, the consciousness that it is urgent to pray for the whole world to leave the superficiality in which it lives.
If new disciples of Mary appeared, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in America and in the whole world.
The time that you live today is a time of great changes, I only ask you to awaken to what many of my children do not want to see, which is the need to purify oneself and to consecrate oneself to the supreme Will of the Father.
I will always guide you as long as you pray the Holy Rosary for the salvation of humanity.
And whole
I bless you and thank the groups of Campinas for allowing that the Mercy of God be poured out.
Mary, Queen and Star of Peace
Dear children,
As Mother of the Church of My Son, Mother of that sacred spiritual doctrine that Jesus established before His Ascension, today I come to inform you that as your Mother from Heaven, I am gathering together all the soldiers of the entire world, especially those who come from different spiritual paths, in order to fulfill the prophecies of My son, the Apostle Saint John, to be able to unite in one spiritual flock the New Humanity, a humanity of service, a praying and forgiven humanity that in these times, under the intercession of My Grace, must respond to the great Call of the Most High.
Fort this reason, for those who are still asleep, pray! For those who separated themselves from My blessed maternal Heart, pray! For those who suffer physically and morally, pray! For those who do not live in God, pray! Pray for all and for all causes.
I ask you, My dear ones, that today you offer to God the prayer of the Holy Rosary so that My Immaculate Heart may implore before Him. A great moment is approaching for all My children of humanity, a moment that you call purification.
To those children who sustain with Me the banner of peace and of Divine Mercy, I promise you, as your Most Holy Mother from Heaven, that I will be able to change the events, offering God the Father My Heart for all of you.
Dear children, today I do not come to bring you restlessness or concern; today I come to bring you planetary awareness of the things that humanity still does and repeats without paying attention to the gravity of their destiny.
For this reason, strengthen your groups of prayer, strengthen your networks of fraternity, prepare as from now the way for what is to come. No longer waste time on yourselves, but rather, dedicate your time to being united to the Heavens so that, during this cycle, you are within the Kingdom of My eternal Grace.
As I have done in the past, I will do so again in the present; I will step on the evil of the world with My feet and I will liberate with My powers the hearts that simply say 'yes' to Me.
Get into the boat of salvation that My Son is sending you, and with attention, read the signs of the events.
Dear children, before the glorious coming of My Son Jesus, the world must be at another point; for this, to the few flocks that I count on, I will give guidance of where to walk until you are able to reach Heaven and Paradise.
Children, humanity is in need of much help. For this reason, in all the time available to you, offer to God your prayers and your sacrifices, offer the Father your transformation and your inner sorrows; for the world as a whole is drowning and needs to breathe freely and in its nature, as it was in the beginning of Genesis.
Dearly beloved, your planet is part of the great redemptive Project of God; the universe is paying attention to the willingness of the servers who, with love, accept to sustain and support it in the end of times.
Know this and remember this always; I am with you and in you. My Mantle protects those who strive to be in God Almighty.
We are in the time of reparation of the spirit and the soul. We are in the time of liberation and of healing for all consciousnesses.
Let us pray with our heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in Grace and Love,
Mary, Lady of All Graces
That soul that is tired and takes refuge in My Heart will not perish but so that it may not perish it must allow My Light to remove all darkness from the consciousness and My Love to cover all that is in deep deprivation.
The path of transformation that I promise to you before My Return is as intense and as ardent as an ember in a great fire. All needs to be purified because in this way the soul will be able to be a participant of the new Spirit that will fill the Promised Earth.
For this, My friends, you must trust absolutely in all that which your mind used to not believe to be like this, but in humility and with openness you will manage to see those veils that for such a long time confused your precious paths.
To tear this great web of confusion you must walk in the direction of My Sacred Heart. After six months of daily instruction My Consciousness comes to pick up the ripe fruit and the new seeds that will serve to be sown in arid lands of humanity and of the hearts.
Now it is already time to firmly continue My Path so that the old may be banished forever and the new face of love may be born. I am with you all the time and I calm down your beings in silence.
Under the grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Today I am with you sharing from My Heart the ardent time of the purification that will lead you to find light for your conversion. When Heaven calls you to conversion It also calls you to live constant forgiveness, so necessary and urgent in order to find the path towards the Divine Mercy.
My brothers and sisters:
I am reuniting you to celebrate the supper of your future redemption, a supper that you will live with Me and that will awaken the new consciousness upon your existence. On the path of effort and of constancy is measured the degree of your love for your peers. In spite of the times of great tests My Merciful Heart encourages you to continue without looking back, without looking so much to the past that imprisons you.
For this live with Me all the time so that your hearts may not be separated from My Redeeming Love. I will encounter you always in vigil and in prayer, adoring My Eucharistic Heart.
Under the Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more