Children, recognize yourselves as part of an infinite, which you ignore, due to your own smallness.

The fact that the Creation is not understandable for you or that not all knowledge is inside your minds does not mean that it does not exist.

The Work of God in this time must be definitive and generate the awakening that the souls have expected so much for hundreds of years.

In all religions, just as in all spiritual groups that have existed on Earth and that began with pure principles, the interference of the human mind many times diverted the Purpose of God, and this made souls wonder if the religions are, in truth, being guided by God or by men.

This is how faith began to be lost in the human heart and the Creator sent His Messengers, so that will be Themselves those who guide humanity.

The Divine Messengers, children, are not only here among you. We have also tried to guide and warn other groups and religions, but even so, they were not capable of listening.

The Voice of God is trying to silence humankind in order to straighten their path and remove human power and authority that some think they have over souls throughout the whole world.

The human heart has lost confidence in their fellow beings because the one who is not reliable cannot rely on the other. This is why, children, many deny the Words of God pronounced over times.

The one who is transparent and true in their faith recognizes the truth when it is before their eyes, and does not fear or doubt when listens to the Words of God, because they know they are capable of following them, even beyond themselves.

Children, if you want to recognize the truth, be true. If you want to live plenitude and launch yourselves into the Will of God without fear to deceive yourselves, then, do not deceive your neighbor, do not lie, do not manipulate, and attract for yourselves only wisdom and truth.

You will live in peace and without mistrusts when you are able to sow peace and trust in the world through your works, your feelings and your words.

You will be able to proclaim yourselves as apostles of Christ when, in truth, you follow His Words and live for Him and not for yourselves.

Humankind would not fear the destruction of the church if they did not know that it is about to collapse, due to its own actions.

You do not need to fear the destruction of the Work of God if you know that it is truly of God and not of humans and if you know that you will do everything, in obedience of the Designs of God, so that this Work may be sustained.

Today, children, I teach you to be true, because in this way you will recognize the truth. There is no other way to perpetuate a Work but with truth and the living example that you give to the world.

Do not fear the words of humans because the one who points out false lies in their neighbor is the one who tries to hide their own.

Follow the truth and work everyday so that you may be each day more transparent before God. In this way the masks of illusion will fall by themselves.

The one who warns you for you to be true and humble, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, the larger the commitment of a soul is, the larger will be the challenge of its consecration, because more souls are linked to its step and so being, its definition will result in the awakening and redemption of many beings.

The larger the commitment of a work is, the larger will be the challenges to manifest it, because the adversary of God will not silence before the echo of the Voice of the Creator.

I ask you to be firm, brave and united in heart; that you maintain your strength in Christ, in the Universe and in all the revelations you already know so that in this way you will understand that the triumph of God goes beyond this life.

Humanity lives extreme opposites of awakening and of profound ignorance, of love and of much evil, and the battle between the establishment of peace and darkness will take place on all levels of consciousness.

What should never exist in your hearts is rage, because all rage that comes from the human heart only feeds what the adversary is trying to build.

You will not be indifferent to what happens in the world and, facing the attacks of the adversary, you will increase in yourselves the power of peace, of unity and of love. You will take advantage of each test to grow and to strengthen your own faith and thus you will not allow the adversary of God to find fuel to continue lightening the fire of illusions, perditions and mistakes.

Each being will be known for their own fruits. This work will be recognized by its fruits because it will sow peace and will make it flourish and multiply in the hearts.

While the falsehood emerges from the beings and all the lies become visible to everyone, the virtues must also emerge. Unite only to the light and do not see the lies of others as a form to defend and to justify yourselves, because this battle must not be competitive on your side, not even in your mind.

To dissolve darkness and to let evil poison itself, it is necessary not to drink from this poison but rather to drink from the Fountain of Christ that in silence and on the cross wins the battle of falsehood, attacks and defamations.

Children, pacify your interior and pray for your brothers and sisters. Today the Heart of God is more wounded and Christ prays before His Father for the ignorance of those who once more allow themselves to be instruments of evil.

The Lord hopes that there is unity among His companions and this must be built by those who are more conscious of this need. Therefore, pray and ask for the Christ to enter into the hearts of all men and women, purify your miseries and make true those who say they follow His Name.

Never lose sight of the example of the Redeemer and remember not to feed evil, not even in thought.

The Sacred Family returns to teach you that only in love, silence and living the truth, that you already know, you can make the Plan of God triumph.

Follow Our example and do not fear to live and announce what we ask you for, because – in spite of all resistance from humanity in losing its power over the things of the world – there are many who need to awaken in order to fulfill their mission.

One day everyone will make use of what We taught you to take the last step, no matter if you had been against or in favor of the Work of God because the truth will emerge beyond the human will.

I love you and leave you My Blessing,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I will send all My angels so that, after each battle, the Healers of Heaven may radiate their healing states over the servant humanity.

This is how your Heavenly Mother sends all Her Hosts of Light so that they may rebuild all that has been damaged after a hard confrontation.

Know, dear children, that the angels of healing dedicate their divine service to restore and balance that which My adversary tries to destroy.

Thus, the Love of God within them allows the doors of evil to be sealed, and, all that is involutive becomes expelled because, at that moment, My beloved ones, the Light of God, the Light of the Creator, triumphs over any adversity.

It is in this school that all the servers are entering in order to learn to love what the Father sends them as instruction and for inner growth.

As your Mother, I will not cease to accompany you on this trajectory that will lead you to serve for the liberation of many souls that are trapped in ignorance and in the temptation of My enemy.

When liberation and a global awakening happens within the consciousnesses, it is a sign, dear children, that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is getting closer, every day; this will be inevitable in these times that will come for humanity. 

Know, My beloved warriors, that I will be near you, sustaining the scepter of My maternal government.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Where I am called, there I am present, because I am the Mother of the Divine Omnipresence.

I am the Teacher of prayer that guides consciousnesses to a permanent remembrance of their purpose before God.

It is in this way that the Universe manifests through the presence of the Heavenly Mother, so that souls may recognize their important task in this hour.

Your Heavenly Mother gathers you together in this meeting so that all may receive the impulses that will manifest from the moment in which the servers step towards God.

From the Celestial Universe the angels of Light gather together all the spiritual impulses so that these may descend upon consciousnesses and so that you may live them on the material plane.

In this last cycle, your Heavenly Mother finds a special opening that repercussions upon consciousnesses, and also in the Universe; thus a spiritual communion is established that, little by little, they will perceive inwardly when they maintain themselves in an act of prayer.

The Holy Spirit also emanates Its Gifts so that these might manifest in simple and humble hearts, which will be able to draw towards the planet the unity and the love that are so necessary in these grave times.

It is in this way that the Holy Spirit, by means of impulses, will be able to be present in consciousnesses that open to recognize God in themselves, a fundamental occurrence so that humanity may be guided towards its last stage of redemption and of purification.

Your Heavenly Mother accompanies these moments because the Plan is in a phase of recovery and is being guided along a new path that the human consciousness does not yet know.

Thus the Divinity, the Eternal Father, is attentive to the opening of humble hearts. At this moment, a deep awakening in most consciousnesses might regenerate the creative consciousness that humanity has destroyed.

Grace is bringing an unknown atonement.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you impulse into the Greater Consciousness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a soul awakens, it is like a rose that opens to receive Grace from the Source. Then, a Law deeply exchanges one state for another, and the consciousness participates in the beginnings of Transfiguration.

Thus, dear children, the reintegration of a being on the path of the Hierarchy confirms the fulfillment of one part of the Plan.

In this definitive time, all those who are awakening participate within a spiritual science that is changing the old being into a new being.

In this way, the consciousnesses that awaken are supported by a Law that they could not access before due to being connected with the things of the world. It is like a different fluid that starts to act in the consciousness that acquires knowledge of the truth.

In order that the process of awakening may happen in a harmonious way, the consciousness must not lose the aspiration of serving and working in the name of Higher Love, this is how everything will be protected and the self-summoned will be permeated by a new Light.

The time indicates the moment of a great awakening for the true task.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and supports you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The inexplicable cycle of peace that I have already spoken about to you, dear children, began on the last eighth of August, and new opportunities for redemption will be opening up for the consciousnesses that most need this.

In this planetary hour, some souls among all those that exist will have the opportunity of receiving a special Grace that will lessen their sins and their faults.

That hour which I refer to is the hour in which the Mercy of My Son will go through a great universal expansion that will draw to itself the most miserable in spirit so they may achieve redemption and be re-inserted upon the path of spiritual evolution.

It is for this reason, My children, that your Heavenly Mother works untiringly so that the greatest number of souls possible recognize the only Kingdom of God and so they draw closer to it as the self-summoned of the Plan.

I ask that, in the same way that you became aware of your awakening, that you have enough love for those souls that will come to straighten their paths toward the Light after having been lost in this world.

Thus, once again, My Son goes in search of those who, for various reasons and circumstances, remained behind, imprisoned in the hands of My adversary.

Now that this cycle of Peace and Grace for granting many things has come, children, I invite you to follow the steps of the last global events that will place humanity upon its axis and consciousness, after all that it has done, deviating throughout these times.

I ask you for that great spirit of peacefulness in order to be able to follow along with your purification and the final purification of your fellow beings, for if you do this, My dear children, it will be the test that you have understood and knew how to live in the Love of God in these times.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When Christ calls us to live His Path, we must respond and follow Him in whatever way because in Him we will have the inner strength to transcend and overcome all miseries.

Christ calls the sheep for them to convert themselves into His apostles and in this way to retransmit the impulses He wants to pour over all of humanity.

Christ calls the sheep to the consecration for them to vivify Him and to feel all the greater and infinite love that does not exist in the world nor in any other consciousness.

Christ calls His disciples for them to offer Him their swords and so that, surrendered before the Lord of Mercy, life can be redeemed.

When Christ calls consciousnesses for them to change their lives and experiences overnight, it is because these consciousnesses that are called receive the unique impulse of taking a great and last step for the Plan.

Christ calls to reveal the true and sacred task of each consciousness.

He calls for each soul to discover the warrior of mercy that exists in their being.

He calls His apostles for them to be at service of the Supreme Lord, the Eternal Father. Therefore, I ask My children not to refuse this call, because it would be the difference between offering life for the evolution of the planet or to spare efforts and miss the opportunity.

I pray every day for the souls that awaken for them to feel confidence and to be secure of taking the expected step.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



If you feel lost from yourself, do not go searching for yourself. Do not want to find that which God took away from you. Seek in God the truth, that which is new, the rebirth of your human matter on all levels.

The impulses of a new time are coming into your life, you already know that those impulses lead you to an absolute definition and not a partial one.

In this time, in this cycle, it is the moment to take more concrete steps that consolidate transformation in the consciousness.

But not only through My words must this information reach you. The certainty that you must be different, now and not later, should spring from within you. The necessity to transform your consciousness must come from yourself.

In the depths of each human being, they already know what steps are to be taken because the truth is hidden in the inner world of each one of you. What happens is that the layers that cover the inner world fall off as the consciousness receives real impulses of transformation and the Universe knows that, when finding the truth, the consciousness will experience it.

The truth gradually reveals itself to the inner eyes of each being; as the being matures and grows enough to experience it, it starts being revealed.

It is each one's growth that dictates the level of awakening and of transformation. These proportions are part of the Universal Laws that govern life beyond this world, that govern evolution and essences, that transcend human comprehension or adherence.

Child, do not wait for your being to have enough inner strength for you to take the steps that you must take, because it is when you walk that Grace makes the strength that you need descend upon you, according to the path that you will tread.

Child, the fact that this path is visible on the horizon must symbolize to you that the time has come to walk upon it and that you have the necessary potential to move forward.

Everything is Law of Correspondence: walk and the paths will soon be opened to you. Seek and you will find. Accept the truth and you will know it. Throw yourself into the unknown of the Plans of God and when everything is fulfilled, you will understand them.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, may this new cycle be the birth of new fruits in the consciousnesses of all, to see these fruits grow and mature over time, and from them, may new seeds emerge.

The fruits that were born in the consciousnesses represent the result of the action of grace in your lives. Until today, you have received much, as impulses, instructions, graces and blessings, so that with perseverance and inner peace, you may be prepared to go through the times that have come. 

This new cycle will be marked by the birth and maturing of these fruits, for which each one must be responsible. This means, children, that you must care for the garden of consciousness with your own hands and prepare, for the new time, the seeds that you will plant in the soil of the Earth.

This cycle will demand more effort and dedication from each one of you for your own maturation. It will be the moment in which the consciousness must be confirmed on this path and make its own personal effort to remain on it.

Up until now, we have been supporting and giving impulses to many of those who committed themselves to Christ, but who had still not matured, within themselves, their own potential to take steps in their evolution and stand on their own feet, in their own inner fortitude.

Therefore, the time has come for disciples to recognize the truth about themselves in every sense: may you face that which must be transformed and sustain yourselves through your own potential for inner maturation. It will be a transition between spiritual adolescence and adult life when the consciousness becomes responsible for itself.

Those that will wake up at the last minute will also be led - by grace - to take their own steps and enter the same cycles of those who, for some time, have walked on the evolutionary path. I speak to you of an inner maturity, in the consciousness, and not in the material bodies, because matter will always need to be trained to express its inner world.

Children, care for this cycle as if it were the last, taking advantage of each day and each instant to find the Truth and express it. May the conscious effort of all to be more and more in the Divine Purpose be permanent. 

After this cycle, in the cycles to come, it will be time to put into practice what you have learned, for the currents that will descend on the planet will no longer wait for you to be ready for them to act upon the planetary consciousness. These currents will sweep away those who are tepid of heart, undecided and outside the Greater Purpose.

May this cycle be marked by the effort of each being. May all assume their posts, and just like a young person leaves their home to take up their own life, may each one take up their own transformation, their own surrender, the building of that which you truly hope to be able to offer to Christ one day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The spiritual value of the essence of the soul

Each child of Mine holds in their interior an essence that was created by God to evolve and to have the experience of living love and redemption.

This inner essence of each soul is the one that holds the knowledge about spiritual life and it is the one that provides the awakening of the consciousness.

Therefore, the awakening to the essential life leads each being to discover the gift of purity and the opportunity to serve.

At this time the essence of each being is very valued because it also holds the experience for the next and future humanity.

Through prayer this sacred condition is created of knowing the most profound of each being and of discovering, on this path, the divine reality that lives in each soul, the one that disposes itself to take a step to this spiritual knowledge.

The essence is like the master key for the walking of all consciousnesses, without it, it would not be possible that the hearts would learn to love and to discover the truth within themselves.

As the Mother of the essences of the world, I lead you towards My Heart for you to always be in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the youth on Earth awaken, transcending old human patterns and recognizing their universal identity.

May they awaken to the love and unity with God, finding a meaning for their own existence.

May the youth on Earth awaken, renouncing the pleasures and superficialities of the world, to experience true rejoicing, which is heavenly. May they awaken to the mission that eons ago, in the Cosmos, they committed themselves to fulfill.

May the precursors of the new world awaken, those who will not measure efforts to make good triumph and who, with their examples, will convert and awaken new spirits.

May those awaken who, in the impetus of their youth, will break barriers and erase borders, recognizing the unity that exists among all the creatures of God.

May the youth on Earth awaken to a higher life, to the love of the Cosmos and to the Plan of the Creator. May they recognize that this time is definitive and may they fearlessly walk to the establishment of peace.

May those awaken, who will imitate the example of Christ and will unite cultures, creeds, races, nations, languages and religions with a single purpose: to establish peace and to manifest a new world.

May those awaken, who will unite the times, who will open the doors of the Earth to new laws and universal rays, who will remove the veils from the human consciousness and dissolve its blindness, making it recognize the true light.

May the children of the New Humanity awaken, those who, in universal history, will be known as the ones who have transcended the old patterns through love, who have defeated darkness with the light of their own essence and who have manifested the Divine Purpose, taking to the universe, to the redeemed Earth, a civilization of new Christs.

May those awaken, who will not fear to take the steps that the Creator expects and to live that which today seems impossible to humanity; those who, living love and unity, will permit that Christ, who was their example, continue His evolution and transcend material, mental and spiritual life, managing to be the Life that dwells in all, in the sublime universes, in the Consciousness of the Father.

May the youth on Earth awaken: the youths of body, mind, heart and spirit.

May all those who hope to represent the New awaken.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children:

The terrorist humanity does not know the power of the Justice of God at this time and it launches itself into the emptiness, overthrowing all the principles of a true humanity.

Panic and fear embrace many hearts because the time of Apocalypse has already begun. Unimaginable things can already be seen in the streets of the world and fear drowns the majority, who is indifferent and does not pray.

The hearts seem to lose the meaning of their existence and fear the death generated by terrorism.

It seems that the flame of faith fades little by little and the souls that do not accept Me are unprotected and without My shelter. The time of chaos has already arrived and many prefer to deny it for not wanting to face their own reality.

The miseries seem to multiply themselves more than the roses and the valley becomes the scenery of constant outrages.

Humanity feels the awakening, but soon deviates itself losing the meaning of the true path of redemption.

All offend God to some degree and when the majority moves away from God, this jeopardizes the life of all.

This difficult and cruel time precipitates upon those who are fallen spiritually and the bombs and attacks explode before their faces.

Nobody turns to God and everybody gets lost in darkness. While this separation of hearts happens for not thinking not even for a second about God, I fight day and night together with My hosts against the plans of My adversary.

Nobody knows the power of the Justice of God; while there is time, repent and ask for forgiveness for those who offend and outrage the Heart of God.

Pray with more consciousness and determination so that the world tests that are approaching do not surprise the majority again.

My Heart feels again the pain of the world and the causes of so much human indifference. I only pray for you and for all My children to be prepared and thus be able to face the final time.

I thank you for following Me!

For peace in times of attacks,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.

Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.

If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now. 

Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.

The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.

Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.

So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.

Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My dear children:

I thank you for the prompt response of all to My maternal call. You already know that, as the Mother of humanity, I long for the best for each of My children, because My ardent wish is that nobody misses the opportunity to meet with God and to know His true Love.

In the next six months of prayer you will be able, if you assume it in your consciousness, to find the path that I will make you know, the path to be in Christ permanently and not to leave it.

Dear children, this cycle of continuous prayer that I am calling you to live is to banish the planetary inertia and everything that leads constantly to the perdition of the souls.

I would like, My children, that your hearts find in this cycle the flame of faith that will help you to live the tests and deal with the challenges for the Plan of God.

My children, in the following six months I will be with you praying daily in each place where you may be, without ceasing any moment to bring you to My Heart for you to feel peace. If the world would respond promptly as you have responded to My call, many planetary and human situations would be avoided by the angels of the Universe.

Dear children, when a heart or more responds to My summoning I can work through it, not only in prayer but also in charity, humility and in Divine Mercy.

Awaken at this time those who are still asleep and tell them that there is a grandiose Celestial Mother who loves them and hopes to have them in Her arms to shed over them all the love of the Universe.

Tell them to have determination and valor to abandon sin, the human indifference and omission.

Tell those who sleep to encourage themselves to listen to Christ in their interior and to allow prayer to heal and to redeem them.

Tell them, My children, that the Divine Mercy is still available for all those who want to look for it and to discover it in the source of the Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call for the world peace!

Who loves you and always follows you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Parents of the Earth,

As Your Mother and Guide from Heaven, I take care of all the details in the same way that I take care of and protect each soul.

Give Me your children, and I will take care of them as I take care of you all the time when you are in prayer with Me.

Entrust your children on Earth to Me so that someday they too may come to an awakening and redemption.

My motherhood follows your children with a tender look, who for you are the living experience of love, compassion, and understanding.

Beloved parents, God has given you a learning, a livingness, and an experience through the birth of your children; an experience that in this life, and at this moment of the planet, oftentimes has caused you to endure, to love, to understand, and especially to forgive.

Each one of you, parents of the Earth, have had to learn how to relinquish, to accept the decisions of your children and of your families.

The prayer of the heart will lead you to understand the decisions of life, and those of your children, just as I understand yours, and accept them in deep motherhood.

Do not expect to fulfill dreams of this world through your children, aspire that they be in My arms of a Mother just as you and your families are, especially when they are far from their loved ones.

All are souls in redemption and transformation, but My sacred motherhood grants you all the Graces. For this reason, today I invite you to place your children in My arms just as you often are, both in the moments of inner happiness and in those of pain.

Know, My beloved parents of the Earth, that you and your children belong to God and that one day you will return to God in spite of what you experience in this world.

I prepare you so that you may deliver your children to the Will of God in the same way that I trustingly delivered Jesus to the Celestial Father.

I encourage you to grow inwardly.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The essence of awakening is found in the development of faith, because it is faith that moves you to respond to the impulses of the heart.

Faith is what makes you transcend the atavisms of the limited material understanding for you to enter in the mysteries of the higher life.

Faith is what makes you cross the thresholds of life in this world, so that – although being in it – you do not belong only to it and, yes, perceive yourselves as part of an infinite and indescribable Creation.

Faith is not born in the mind: it comes from the spirit and expresses itself through the heart. Therefore, if you want that the impulses received are not lost, let faith develop itself freely in your own interior, even if you do not understand quite well the object of your own faith.

Many ask themselves, “To have faith in what?” Have faith in the purpose, faith in the teaching, faith in the presence of the Divine Messengers, faith in what moves you to transformation, faith in the communion with Christ, faith in His return, faith in the possibility that each one has to live the Plans of God, faith in Faith.

Let yourselves be transformed by the impulses of your own faith, for which the laws of matter are not the ones that prevail. Faith that comes from the spirit moves itself based on spiritual Laws. It is therefore that the hearts that have faith can experience what is called miracles that are nothing more than the action of superior Laws in the life of those who open themselves to live them.

Discover, children, the potential of faith itself and, by means of it, its prodigies.

Your Father and Friend, in faith and in prayer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the whole universe mobilizes itself to help humanity somehow, and even the Creator descends to the Earth among men and women by means of His Messengers, do not be indifferent and no longer live your small life as you have always lived.

Beloved child, I know that it costs a lot for your consciousness to awaken to a spiritual reality of life, in which all that you seek to live finds a meaning, but if your heart, your mind and your feelings do not get out, even if it is just a little bit, from the material concerns and from all that involves you in relation to life on Earth, in a short time your spiritual path will lose the meaning.

If you do not seek now to understand how the events in the level of the spirit move and how is more real what happens in the superior dimensions than in the density of matter, in face of the terrible chaos which precipitates itself upon the Earth you run the risk of getting involved in such a way with these events that it will seem to you that it is not worth it at all that you pray and clamor to God. While the Lord expects an absolute transformation from you, you will wait for Him to come and solve everything for you, only for the fact that you emit some prayers every day.

Praying is a primordial action for your life, but it must be followed by serving, by acting, by transcending, by transforming, by being and by appearing.

Child, understand that this final battle has already started in the level of the spirit and that, much as many times you do not realize it and keeps on living as if nothing different were happening, it does not mean that your consciousness is not being participant of this universal event.

The moment has arrived to mature and not only to be moved by the current planetary situation, because what good does it do to God and to His Plan that you cry for the lack of welcoming and fraternity of the others and that you pray some “Hail Maries” for the Middle East if, after your prayers, you show that the codes of non fraternity and lack of love are also inside of you?

No longer cry neither for yourself nor for the current planetary situation, because in truth you are completely unaware the severity of these times. Do whatever is within your reach to transform, even if it is with a dropper, the life in this world.

Be fraternal, be loving, be servant, live holiness, live the unity with God. This is what will allow the Divine Messengers to keep intervening for the world, for those who most need and who are not always the ones you have thought about.

What is necessary now is that humanity generates merits to balance the evil of the world; therefore, forgive, love, reconcile to each other, support with your prayers – and with what you can – the missions We have asked to be carried out.

Focus on the details and on the small things and construct a firm basis so that you have, some day, the possibility of acting in great things. In the meantime, allow to carry out great works Those who can do them, because they have already transcended the small learning of the material life and now they return to the world to help it, I mean the Messengers sent by God.

Do not cease to be simple and humble. This worth more than any great action.

Your Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Peace is a divine gift in the heart of those who have entrusted their lives to the Most High Father.

Peace in spiritual life comes from the giving up of all the results of your works. As much as the heart strives to transcend its own limits on behalf of the fulfilling of the Will of God, it does not become attached to the results, not even within itself, in others or in anything.

In these times, to not wear out the heart nor the willingness to continue forward, you must remain in peace and go through the days of inner conflict and of purification with a certain trust in what is to come, rather than involved with the transition that you or others are experiencing.

God has given you the opportunity to be purified under the gift of His holy Peace, under the protection of His Marian Centers, and during a period in which chaos is still beginning its cycle of expansion.

Happy are those who avail themselves of the blessings given by God, for He expects that, in a coming time, you will no longer be walking on the basic paths of your own transformation, but rather that you are helping those who will have to bear the sudden awakening they will experience and the inner and outer changes that will violently, so to speak, take place on the whole planet.

Be more simple, I will not tire of telling you, because when you discover the gift of simplicity, you will no longer entangle your consciousness in the everyday things of life and will not lose spiritual energy in conflicts which, from now on, will be the common experience of the human consciousness, and which will also grow in intensity.

Everything depends on one who goes through their purification and on those who are around them. If you learn to experience everything in a natural way and without fear, you will be able to help so that the process of each will be less painful.

I do not ask that you be indifferent in the face of the tests that you or your brothers and sisters experience, but that you try to bring the balm of simplicity and of peace to these situations, recognizing in a mature way what is to be transformed and moving toward a cleansing of your own inner mud.

I know that inner and outer reactions will happen that you will not be able to control, and that you will only be clear about them when, in an instant of greater lucidity, you will reflect upon what is happening to you. Do not think there is no solution for what you are living, but rather, little by little, try not to become involved so much with your own processes.

Be more direct and even colder with yourselves. Perceive an error and try to transform it. On recognizing that you fell and only realized this on finding yourself on the ground, stand up and continue to walk, for further ahead you will be able to open the eyes of others, so that so many falls can be avoided.

Serve and sacrifice yourselves with peace and with courage, because selfless service will help you to discover the truth of the greatness of the Plan of God and that, in the world and even around you, there exist greater needs than yours and greater problems than those of your own purification.

Love the times in which you live, with the certainty that the triumph of God in your lives will be generated through those transformations that sometimes are uncomfortable, but will always be worth it.

In the simplicity of My words, I leave you My peace, so that from My Divine Spirit you may receive all that you need for consecrating matter.

Let everything be on behalf of the manifestation of the Will of God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, peace-bringer and simplifier of human hearts


Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace


Dear companions and servers of Christ,

Today I invite you to understand the importance of immediately uniting with the Purpose of God and, as soldiers of His Army of Light, to be ready to surrender your own plans and aspirations so that the One Plan, the Plan of God, may be accomplished, which is for the good and for the salvation of all humanity and the whole planet.

In these times, my dear ones, the whole universe assembles in each instant, through its representatives, so as to guide the beloved humanity in the best way.

It is in this way that impulses of light, redemption and reconciliation descend to the world that many times, hearts would not be worthy to receive, but that through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, together with the true praying soldiers of the Earth, are bringing new possibilities for the beings of this world.

Some time ago, the probability that God held for humanity was about the awakening of a few, that would be the seeds for a new future. Now, thanks to the power of prayer, this probability is increasing. Thus, other brothers and sisters of yours, who would not awake in time, will be receiving the possibility of recognizing their origin and thus, at least partly fulfil their own mission.

At each turn in the spiral of evolution, human beings surprise the universe, and now the task of the Divine Messengers finds the space to expand and reveal to hearts what they came to do in this world, thus awakening their potential to love and forgive the past that tied them to an involutive chain.

I know that many will not understand My words immediately, but hold them in your hearts, because those who do not understand them today will see the coming of their own awakening, and then yes, they will finally understand them.

I tell you all of this at this time so that you can adhere to the changes in the Plans of God, which are permanent, because humanity is unpredictable in the eyes of the Creator. In these times, when no soul must be lost from the true path, the Lord is giving everything for the manifestation of His beloved project of healing and of universal redemption through human beings.

I love you and I ask you once again to only keep My words in your hearts; even though not understanding them, your hearts will receive the impulses that come from them, to one day be able to understand them.

Peace and redemption for all.

Your father and instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
