Embrace your cross fully, carry it with the absolute conviction that someday you will be free.
Carry your cross, not as a punishment, but rather as the victory of being able to walk up to your calvary of redemption.
Carry your cross for all those who do not carry it today, for those who turned their back on the sacrifice that Christ offered to them.
Carry the cross, just as I did for the traitors and for those who abandoned the Lord at the most culminating moment.
If you carry your cross, it is for a reason, it is for a purpose that is still unknown to you.
But trust, just as I trusted in the Celestial Father, Who was with Me from the beginning of everything and did not abandon His Son.
Carry the cross, affirming the time of your redemption, the coming of freedom and the breaking of the chains of yesterday.
Cheer up and carry your cross. Do it for Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May peace prevail in times of spiritual war and of difficulty, moments in which neutrality will be the main tool for countering all adversity.
In neutrality there will be no stimulus for confrontation nor for challenge.
This will make you strong in faith and intelligent in strategies, thus you will learn to follow the operative Commands of the Plan, which will give impulse to the manifestation of light on the Earth.
Meanwhile, companions, seek that neutrality within yourselves, allow the powerful current of Peace to stabilize and balance the spaces.
Walk towards this objective so that, beyond all adversity or battle, the greater strength of Love may triumph, just as I showed you on the Cross.
In this time receive the greater impulse of My Commands so that peace and neutrality may reign within you, attributes which will allow you to live an operative life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I will always wait for you, day and night, until you can finally reach Me in order to live the inner encounter with My Spirit, until the return of your Lord. I will come to you by means of Communion, of prayer, of confession and of the living Love of My Heart.
I want to be present all the time, close to you, so that you continue to realize, in this hour, the moment that your Master and Lord is living for humanity. I want to have you close so that you accompany Me in this cycle, since there is much to be done and to work out for this suffering planet. It is still necessary to expand and carry My Love to the world so that the souls may truly repent and change their lives forever.
Therefore, I bring you the support for your consciousnesses through the Sacred Sacraments. I bring you the opportunity to carry with Me the heavy spiritual cross of humanity because together, We must triumph in love, and for love, live eternally.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
If the Son of God forgave a dying prisoner on the cross, converting him into the first saint in the history of humanity, what is it that you could not forgive to convert all the thieves in the world?
Beyond all evil, deep inside these consciousnesses, there is a place in their inner worlds where they fear abandonment and poverty.
As the Commandment of Moses said: Thou shall not steal. This means that this rule represents, mainly, not to fear the lack of something or somebody, not to be tempted, in lack or in blindness, to steal it.
When your Master forgave the thief on the Cross, He absolved him directly with the very Mercy that was still shedding from the Body of the Lord through His Blood while He was alive.
This act of Mercy, granted to the thief on the Cross, happened from an inner inspiration that the same thief received when he was condemned to death; and the promise of his Master, after the repentance of the dying prisoner, was what determined the entrance of his consciousness into Paradise.
Only an act of consoling and true love could allow the salvation and the redemption of somebody who was condemned to great punishment. In this case, Mercy appeased Justice.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Come, take refuge within the Temple of My Heart and avail yourself of the fullness of the Love the Celestial Father granted Me.
Come, divest yourself from the sufferings, the agonies and everything that distances you from My Presence.
Trust in Me and renew yourself. Renew yourself every day, embracing with gratitude and celebrating with joy the triumph of the Celestial Father in your life.
Come, remain in My Heart. Feel the power and the expansion of My Love.
Keep within yourself the inextinguishable encouragement of being able to be in God and that, in spite of what may happen, you may be able to continue fulfilling the Divine Will.
Come, remain within My Heart, and you will be filled with new attributes that will help you to bear the cross of these times.
Come, remain within My Heart. Receive from your Master all Love and all Grace so that My Victory may be accomplished in you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Rest in My arms so that My sweet maternal gaze may contemplate you, asleep and surrendered to the Love of the Mother of God.
From My Heart and My Soul receive a warm restoration for your spirit, and thus, find peace once more.
Lie in the arms of The Divine Mother and feel how everything will always be well.
Stay in the arms of the Divine Mother as long as you need. I am here for what you may require and need.
Be silent and surrender yourself to Me in prayer, so that you may feel the maternal caress of your Most Holy Mother.
Let me have you feel the power of the Love of God poured out in each word spoken, in each gesture shared, in each plea heard by the Mother of God.
Thus, strengthen your faith in my trust and feel how I lighten your cross, a cross that the world also carries.
Stay in my arms and sustain yourself in Me.
At this moment, feel the consolation of My Heart and the protective shelter of My Soul.
I am here and I Am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
During the dark night, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your consciousness may become invisible in the face of the sieges that will come to test the faith of humanity.
During the night of darkness, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the contrary currents do not strike your spirit, nor defeat it, but rather that you be invincible, just as I was on the Cross.
During the times of great battles, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that nothing contrary to the light may recognize you, nor be able to find you.
During the time of Armageddon, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that all that is revealed, and it will be dreadful, does not reach your heart, but that you may take refuge within My Spirit to pray for those who will be subjected to it.
During the crucial hours of humanity, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the Peace of God may rest in you and you may learn to protect yourself from all that will happen in order to help your fellow being, so that they too may be covered by the Mantle of the Shepherd.
During the definitive hour, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your eyes do not see what will happen in the world, especially in those who never recognized Me as the Son of God and Guardian of Souls.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
For unity to be on the planet, there must be unity in the hearts, between each being and God and among the builders of the new life, the so-called servants and consecrated of this time.
Do not be afraid. The world agonizes and the nations tremble, the trials of the planet have begun, but if in your hearts there is peace and unity, nothing that will happen in the world will shake you or destroy your faith.
I come to help you set your eyes and your hearts on high, on the Divine Purpose and on the Plan of God that is designed through your lives.
I am not asking you to be estranged from or ignorant about what is happening and will happen in the world; I only ask you to keep your hearts in God, because the time and the hour for carrying the cross of the world and the cross of the triumph of Love, inside and outside of you, have already come.
Just like your Lord, Jesus Christ, you will live humiliations and loneliness, you will live agony and sadness, but above all, you will live the unity with the Mother of God, you will live the love and the faithfulness of those who will accompany Her steps until the end.
Grow and put the purpose of your lives in the establishment of a Greater Plan. You are no longer children before the Father. Christ calls you companions; I call you friends, because this is what you must be in this time; faithful before the Greater Will, fearless before the trials and willing to carry, together with Christ, His last cross, which is the cross of the world.
When your Lord carried the Cross on Calvary, He opened the doors to a new time, instituted Grace and Mercy for the world and granted humanity a new opportunity so that it could build within itself a new human, a new life.
A lot of time has passed since that event; a lot you have already learned as beings and as humanity. Now it is time to seal your commitment and open the doors so that your Lord may return to the world, not only to bring Peace, but to teach you how to carry, with Him, the cross of the last days.
Do not run away from this cross anymore. Do not leave Him alone. Be faithful and be companions, as He hopes.
Withdraw your hearts from the suffering and put them in the establishment of love. Let everything be an opportunity to surpass yourselves and to love more, just as your Lord surpassed not only Himself, but also His Father, for the love of all of you.
Place your spirits and hearts within the goal of loving.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.
At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.
At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.
Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.
May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.
May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never lost His joy and hope.
Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never stopped placing Peace and Love in the hearts of His Own. He taught them how to establish a new life and to draw the Kingdom of God into the world, even if persecutions and shadows came upon them. Christ taught them to never lose the hope and the joy that the Kingdom of God, living within themselves, brought them.
Today, child, God announces a cross, a purification, and an absolute surrender to you; He announces a Passion that stretches beyond the hearts of humankind and reaches the consciousnesses of nations, reaches the most profound core of the peoples and religions.
God announces a difficult cycle to you, unknown, because it is different from everything you have experienced and from everything that humanity and the Divine Creation have experienced throughout their evolution; different from the Passion of Christ, which in reality was a preparation and an announcement of what you will experience in these times as beings, and as humanity.
However, child, God also speaks directly to your heart, so that you do not lose hope, do not lose faith, do not lose joy and the spirit of announcing and proclaiming, until the end of your life, that a new time and a new human being are about to come.
Announce to the world that it is enough to open to Love and not resist the transformation; it is enough to live obedience and not to give way to tiredness and loneliness; it is enough to cry out to God and know how to find Him in everybody and in all life situations, because Love triumphs beyond human fears, Love triumphs beyond your pride and vanities, Love triumphs beyond suffering and lack of hope.
Love makes the Cross a fount of Mercy, it makes sacrifice a surpassing of the Love of God, and makes the surrender of the old human the emergence of the new human being and the new life, that will finally express the likeness to the Heart and the Kingdom of God.
Listen with attention to My words and do not let them go by like the wind, because in their simplicity I give you the keys to overcome all evil and to find God again.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
I Am Mary of Calvary and in this time, I accompany the sorrowful passion of the planet.
I Am Mary of Calvary and I Am beside My children in order to be able to guide them on the path of absolute redemption.
I Am Mary of Calvary and I carry in My Heart the pain of the Kingdoms of Nature.
I Am Mary of Calvary and I Am present in the heart of the children of God who suffer.
I Am Mary of Calvary and with My prayers, I relieve the heavy cross of these times.
I Am Mary of Calvary and with My pleas, I uplift the sinners to a state of forgiveness.
I Am Mary of Calvary, the Mother that accompanies the inner and outer purification of each child.
I Am Mary of Calvary, and I place within My arms those who are tired of themselves, as well as those who thirst for the Love of God.
I Am Mary of Calvary, and, with My hands, I gather together those who are lost, carrying them to an encounter with the Light of God.
I Am Mary of Calvary, I Am the Mother of those who reject and who offend God, so that they may have a spiritual opportunity.
I Am Mary of Calvary, and I Am the Mother who is always there so that, with unconditional service, humanity may be saved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am Mary of Calvary and in this time, I accompany the sorrowful passion of the planet.
I Am Mary of Calvary and I Am beside My children in order to be able to guide them on the path of absolute redemption.
I Am Mary of Calvary and I carry in My Heart the pain of the Kingdoms of Nature.
I Am Mary of Calvary and I Am present in the heart of the children of God who suffer.
I Am Mary of Calvary and with My prayers, I relieve the heavy cross of these times.
I Am Mary of Calvary and with My pleas, I uplift the sinners to a state of forgiveness.
I Am Mary of Calvary, the Mother who accompanies the inner and outer purification of each child.
I Am Mary of Calvary, and I place within My arms those who are tired of themselves, as well as those who thirst for the Love of God.
I Am Mary of Calvary, and, with My hands, I gather together those who are lost, carrying them to an encounter with the Light of God.
I Am Mary of Calvary, I Am the Mother of those who reject and who offend God, so that they may have a spiritual opportunity.
I Am Mary of Calvary, and I Am the Mother who is always there so that, with unconditional service, humanity may be saved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Walk and go ahead, nobody will impede the concretion of the Plan of Christ.
Walk and go ahead trusting the Major Designs.
Walk and go ahead carrying in your heart the Love Fire of Christ.
Walk and go ahead having total assurance that the Plan will triumph beyond everything.
Walk and go ahead, follow the Master of Love and all His angelic hosts towards the objective of the realization of the Plan.
Walk and go ahead knowing that, above all, the Divine Will shall be fulfilled.
Walk and go ahead having present in your heart all promises of Christ.
Walk and go ahead carrying on your shoulders the cross of redemption.
Walk and go ahead looking at the infinite, searching and feeling within you the return to the Origin.
Walk and go ahead because a lot will be done with just a few.
Walk and go ahead making the Plan of Love of the Creator triumph in you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come to purify your temple so that My Consciousness may dwell in you.
I wish everything within you to be removed, and in the same way, contemplated by the immensity of My Light.
I do not expect an immediate perfection or an early transformation.
I know your virtues, but I also know your errors.
I come to awaken the gift of My Humility in you, which will make you free of yourself and of the world. Thus, you will be able to participate of My immutable and eternal Presence, to be a part of My Spirit in communion with Me.
I know that everything has a time for happening and to be concretized.
Quieten in My Presence and do not let your heart be disturbed by the possible crises of life.
Accept the reality that you experience, carry the cross that My Father has entrusted to you, and vivify My Consciousness, again and again, through My Body and My Blood.
Do not stop smiling at life; the world needs the true happiness of the apostles of Christ so that, in this way, it may be filled with a relief it has not known until now.
Continue aspiring for transformation. The tests are the great bridges and abysses that, for the rest of your life, you will have to cross.
Dare to say "yes" to me and everything will be resolved.
You know that for your Lord nothing is imposible.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
God contemplates the world in silence and, with an unalterable Love in His Heart, receives the wounds which day after day, minute after minute, are being opened by the indifference of His children and by the outrages they cause to one another due to a lack of love and ignorance. And, even so, from His wounds, Mercy continues to spring.
As His Son, a living part of Himself among humankind, the Creator also lives His spiritual Passion, because in order to heal the evils that are lived on Earth, the Father and Lord of all things offers to Divine Law that which humanity fears the most: pain, sacrifice, and the true Love, which surpasses all those things and defeats these fears in its expression. The Creator lives, within Himself, that which humanity fears the most, in order to teach everyone that there is something higher than this, which is achieved through Love.
The Universal Laws are alive and by themselves act in all levels of Creation. Thus, even the Lord of the Law Himself respects them and lives them, so that they may be fulfilled in His children. So that creatures may continue to receive Mercy, God remedies, with His own Heart, the evils of the world.
To restore the Heart of God, you only need to live with Love what, for most human beings, is painful and difficult. And I am not talking about the death on the cross or the sores or wounds of the heart. I am talking about everything that moves a being to reach the cross and to offer the sores and wounds of their heart out of Love and Mercy.
The same Love that moved Christ to continue with the cross is what moves God to remedy human errors and it is what you are called on to live today, within yourselves and with your fellow beings, transcending the poor and immature love, which often lives within your hearts, into a true Love, the fruit of fraternity and Mercy, the fruit of the effort to understand and to love the neighbor, the fruit of surrender and wisdom, the fruit of faith.
Encourage yourselves, children, to find in your prayers, the Wounds of the Heart of God and offer Him a conscious reparation, through the effort of loving as He loves you.
Encourage yourselves to take great steps through the effort in the small daily things, in which the opportunities for choosing between Love and the human condition present themselves. Always choose Love.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Open your heart in order to deepen into the mystery of Love, so that this mystery may invade you completely, just as it permeated Christ in each step of the Cross.
Open yourself to recognize the unconditional, charitable and kind being within you.
Allow the mystery of Love to teach you to love people and situations that, previously and by other means, you wouldn't be able to.
Approach the Love of Christ with trust and build within yourself a consciousness free from delusory loves, a consciousness that feels and understands the degrees of true Love, that Love that bears all, that Love that is beyond enemies, that Love that overcomes and transcends any obstacle.
Open yourself to such unknown Love that comes from the Universe and moves all events.
Thus, My child, you will not be miserable nor indifferent, and you will manage to demonstrate with your example that it is possible to rely on the Christs of the new time, those who shall perform things similar or equal to those that Our Lord has done.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pick yourself up from the ground as many times as necessary, recognizing your human errors, but not blaming your soul, rather take up a sufficient conviction to be able to forgive everything, as many times as necessary.
For this, take your cross and follow in the footsteps of the Master. In this way, someday, and at a special circumstance, you will realize, My child, that you will have dissolved from your consciousness those obstacles that always stopped you from walking.
Have faith and persist. Persist for the divine future and for the new and renewed humanity.
Transcendence of self is something of too much effort, but persistence and victory will bring their trophies in Heaven.
Identify with Jesus and, in this way, you will be able to find the inner means to transform everything.
Live in Jesus, in spite of uncertainties, and you will achieve degrees of love in likeness to those of the Master.
Continue to serve, aspiring and renewing yourself every day for, in this way, humanity, as spiritual consciousness, will be renewed, until the Lord of the Universe again descends to the planet for a second time to give you His greeting of Peace.
Go ahead! and follow the path of redemption with your entire being based on faith and hope.
I thank you for having prayed with Me today!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To take part in the mysteries of Christ, you will also have to discover the mysteries of His Cross.
The Lord seals the commitment with His companions by offering them to drink from the same Cup of His shed Blood: Chalice of Heavenly Will that transcends the flesh, the condition and all the human life.
To take part in the Glory of Christ, you will have to take part in His Cross, accepting from God the renunciations and sacrifices that He invites you to live in this time, not to make you suffer, but to make you discover the Grace that is hidden in the renunciation made with love and in the sacrifice lived with peace and in reparation of the sins of the world.
Christ came to this world as a living part of the divine Consciousness and, being God Himself, He experienced and lived human condition in a profound way. He was tempted by all evil that surrounded the Earth; He was proved in the fear that dwelt in His human bones, in His intimate human frailty. He endured what human beings fears the most - suffering - and converted the greatest sorrow of His creatures into an act of Love that transformed the history of this universe, as well as of all its creation.
After having lived all this, he left open to the world the path of spiritual calvary, of absolute surrender, of Superior Love. And having lived everything that no creature could bear, now He only calls you to do your part.
Your cross is not as heavy as the Cross of God; your calvary is not as long as the one the Feet of the Lord have passed through; you have no crown of thorns nailed upon your face; you are not insulted and humiliated by humanity, your brothers and sisters; you have the Father who stretches out His hands to you; you have the Son who comes to encounter you and you have the Holy Spirit of God waiting at the door of your inner house to make you reborn as consciousness, as a heart.
He wants to give you a new heart, worthy of being inhabited by Him who created you and all you have to do is follow the first Law, a commandment on top of the commandments, in which all the designs of the Father meet: to love your neighbor as you do to yourself and to love God above all things.
On the way to Love lays your calvary. You have no more obstacles than those you yourself put in your way.
Decide to give more to God, because He, having all things, left everything to you.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My child, find in your heart the essence of these times and your strength.
Understand the tests of the planet not with sorrow, but with Peace. Finally, it is being fulfilled on Earth as was prophesied from the beginning.
May your faith be on the Plans of God and on nothing else. Let His Victory be a deep certainty in your heart, in spite of the apparent defeats that are to come.
Divine Victory does not manifest itself like human victory, and in order to know how to understand the Plans of God and allow yourself to be guided by Him, it is necessary to love Him above all things.
Remember what I tell you today so that you do not regret before the cross. Just as the Son of Man knew everything He would suffer before those events were manifested in His Life, God makes you aware of the tests of this planet through the words of His Divine Messengers.
Place these words in your heart and let them forge that strength in you that you will need not only to endure the times that will come but so that you can make of each test the reason to multiply the Love within your heart.
It is of no use merely to bear the cross, for many were those who died on the cross throughout human evolution. The sense of your surrender must always be Love. There too lies the reason for your existence and the mystery of human Creation.
Love, in spite of all things, and see, in everything, the opportunity to serve and of surrendering for Love of God. Do not lose a single second of the school of this world. May everything be to make worthwhile the Grace that the Creator has given you, of being upon the Earth.
Even though life may be to you a mystery still to be revealed, embrace the circumstances of your life with gratitude and everything will be fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate this world then, in your prayers, and come towards the Celestial Altars to cry out for a world wounded and without love.
Never forget, child, that more than crying out for yourself, for your evolution, you are called upon to cry out for the world. Furthermore, I will tell you: leave your needs at the Feet of God and continue to rise up to the Heart of the Father, to place there those of your fellow beings who are most in need.
Perceive that time passes and the tests of humanity do not cease, but grow each day, because thus dictate the Laws of the Apocalypse and of the human definition.
You are called to be in peace and, with peace in your heart, to be a bridge between the lost world and the Heart of God, so that humanity never loses its connection with the Source.
More than your tasks, even when you work for the Plan of God, more than your transformation, even when it transforms the human consciousness, remember, child, to cry out for the world and to sing and to pray twice, for yourself and for those who do not pray and do not know God.
Just as the Father sent His Son to carry the Cross for you when you were asleep, thus the Love of God awakened you, so that today you may be the intercessor for the souls that are lost, and so that you do not only carry your cross, but that of all of humanity. That cross is carried in the silence of the spirit that lives the sacrifice with gratitude and that, when tired, offers God a little more, crying out for mercy for this world.
Your greatest mission is in the unknown, just as the greatest Work of the Son of God was hidden, because what He brought to the world is until today incomprehensible to humanity.
If Christ, part of the Living God on Earth, was not understood by human beings, do not seek this path yourself, but rather imitate Him and make love triumph through the intercession of His Word, which rises in secret and, in the power of a hidden prayer, brings mercy to this world.
I will pray with you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more