If the final times knock on the doors of the world, open yourself to the New and let your old and outdated self fade away. Open yourself to awaken an unshakeable faith. Open yourself to love without limits, even when you are denied, humiliated, and offended by those you try to love.
Do not let the miseries of this world be stronger and more intense than your capacity to be merciful. How many reasons did your Master and King have to hate men? To not bear them? To decree before His Father the end of humanity? And meanwhile, child, God has revealed a mystery to you: the mystery of living the times of war and chaos in Peace; the mystery of triumphing with humility and renunciation, in a world of selfishness, pride, and vanity; the mystery of serving without receiving back, loving without expectations, and dying to give Life.
Your Lord and King, your Father and Creator, did not come into the world through His Son just to Love you, because His Love is infinite, inexplicably. He came, as a universal and divine sign, to reveal an unfathomable mystery to all of Creation. He came to remove the veils from the human consciousness and reveal the deep Love that lies behind the miseries of humankind.
The Cross was the water that washed away the muck of humanity and revealed the pearls hidden by ignorance, by a lack of self-knowledge, by not knowing who they are, where they came from, or what they came to do in this world.
The Life of Christ and His Cross revealed the purpose of human existence and made known, to all of Creation, the power of this Divine Project and why the Father still persists with His Hope placed upon human beings.
Therefore, take your cross and let it be, for you, the revelation of a great inner mystery. Find the purpose of your existence in the imitation of Christ and prepare yourself for greater steps, because the cross of this world, of this final cycle, the cross that opens the door to the new time still waits for you.
Meditate on what I tell you, and every day find the way to transcend challenges, the scourging of the conscience, executioners of the capital energies of this world, and live Love, live Peace, and prepare your spirit for the new time, when your example will announce to humanity the new purpose of human life.
So far, life on earth has been sustained by the Love achieved by Christ on the Cross, but now God calls you to a greater step, because a definitive change is needed. He calls you to be a multiplier, a renewer of life, a spearhead for the new time. And it is enough to Love without conditions.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Why do you fear feeling alone? Am I not here, I who am your Mother?
I will never abandon you under any circumstance, test or challenge. My maternal Heart will not put you aside.
I am your Mother and as your Mother I love you, I accept you and l experience with you the same deserts I experienced with My beloved Son, once at the foot of the Cross.
As with Jesus, I come to meet you so that, with bravery and the impetus of love, you continue to carry the cross of indifference and inequality knowing that, at the end of it all, the love of the peaceful heart will triumph.
Therefore, My child, arise and have faith, as faith will always unite you to the God of Love.
The Father is greatly merciful, but He, who is great and wise, will let you feel the fear of being far from Him so that you will learn to search for Him tirelessly, as I searched for Him during the Agony, Passion and the Death of My beloved Son.
God will never abandon you. God will test you to know the level your faith and your love for His Plan.
Go forward! And with trust walk towards your destiny, where you will meet Christ with His Arms open to welcome, embrace and understand you.
Do not be disappointed and celebrate each desert that God sends you on a mission to cross, because at the end, all will be fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May your cross not be heavy today, the cross that God has given you to learn how to free yourselves from matter.
May your cross be light today, may it be like the wings of angels that elevate you to a state of constant redemption.
Feel that I am here in the name of My beloved Son to renew all things, reaching the depths of the essence of Life so that all may be redeemed soon.
No longer feel the weight of this cross as a punishment or a defeat, please the Lord by carrying it with valor, courage, and resignation.
Avail yourself of this cross to make every moment a victory of Christ, not only in the surrender, but also in service, in prayer, as well as in each act of love that your heart can offer humanity.
Feel that you can take the steps and that you no longer stop on the path.
Move forward with your cross, just as Christ moved forward until the end for each one of you.
Experience each stage as if it were the last and use each test in order to be able to realize the Plan.
May this sacred cross of life which you carry on your back, today be the symbol of the triumph of love and of infinite charity for this wounded planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the light that St. James the Apostle left imprinted on these paths serve for souls that have long searched for the Path of the Lord.
Walking the Path of St. James is to accept the path of redemption and apostleship that My Son offered all His followers.
To experience the Path of St. James is to offer oneself, as an apostle of the Lord, so as to find the paths of purification, redemption and rehabilitation.
St. James the Apostle walked this path to carry the word of the Good News to souls and to make that moment an opportunity for souls to, at some moment, find the Love of the Lord.
To follow this path is to accept the experience of the personal cross and to learn, through the experiences, to carry it with courage and resolve.
The Path of St. James opened doors for the evangelization of the West and for the redemption of this part of the planet.
St. James the Apostle was spiritually accompanied by the Mother of the Apostles so that he could accomplish the mission that My Son had entrusted to each of His Own.
The Path marked by St. James was later traveled by the feet of the simple Mother, the Mother of Jesus, carrying in Her hands the great symbol of the Grail, and thus awakening the life of ministry in all.
The Path of St. James was later the path of the Most Holy Mary.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you, now and always in love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I bless you so that you see My Peace born in you.
Today I bless you so that you live My trust.
Today I bless you so that you lose your fears and so that on this path you find the Inner Christ.
Today I bless you and thus I renew your strength.
Today I bless you and give you the balm of My maternal love.
Today I bless you and place you at My side so that, very close to me, you hear My voice and feel God.
Today I bless you so that you are with Me and you regain the hope of always wanting to be in God.
Today I bless you for all the planet, I bless you for those who are mistreated, for those who feel hungry, for those who experience the wars and have lost the light in their hearts.
Today I bless you and bring you closer to My Mercy, because in this fount everything is renewed.
Today I bless you for those who are not blessed, for those who suffer, and have closed their hearts to the Love of God.
Today I bless you so that you may be within My arms, because your soul will feel the caress and the love of My hands, just as Jesus felt the refuge of His Mother at the foot of the Cross.
Today I bless you so that you move forward, transcending the abysses, fulfilling the challenges, loving sacrifice for the emergence of a new humanity.
Today I bless you so that you accept your Cross, and thus experience with Me the painful and heavy Cross of the world.
Today I bless you so that you take My hands and rest upon My chest and so listen to the inner melodies of My Heart; there, everything will be healed and nothing bad will happen, because you will be with Me, waiting to experience the new restoring Communion with Christ, our Lord, and He will bless you with all the Love of His Divine Heart, and we will thus be together in unity and in compassion.
So be it.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Son ascended from the Mount of Olives to Heaven and the Universe of the Father received Him in praise, glory and rejoicing.
The Son of God returned to His Celestial Home with the mission accomplished and He promised to return to humanity in the end of times. The Celestial Home was illuminated by the Presence of the Redeemer and a golden Cross was placed on the right side of Our Lord.
From His Son, the Father received the warmest affection, which flooded each divine space, causing it to become more sublime and fraternal among the angels and archangels.
The Son of God was crowned, and at the Feet of His Father, received the blessing of the universe and of all Creation.
At that moment, everything shone and was reflected in the universes. An expansion of Love radiated to every living being and what was previously spiritually dark achieved illumination and redemption, because the beloved Son emanated divine and unfathomable Mercy from His noble Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who walks in silence, helping to free the cross of this world.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who sees souls become lost in superficial things.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who contemplates the suffering caused by the wars and the bombs.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who observes how the nations oppose one another and lose the sense of their existence.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother with Her beloved Son in Her arms, Who through this symbol, delivers the message of spiritual Piety.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who contemplates many of Her children who do not want to change.
Accompany your Mother on this Calvary of the planet, with the aim that everything be freed forever.
Let us pray.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Holy Cross
Dear children,
In these times, God offers you a purification of consciousness so that you may take the steps toward a definite consecration.
In spite of being unknown to everyone, the purification of these times is the impulse of the universe, which is present to take apart the oldest and most resistant structures.
When souls trust, they adhere to this current process of purification and allow themselves to be renewed. The experience becomes milder for the consciousness that has never learned to be purified and to be freed from its own abysses.
On the contrary, if the soul places an inner barrier so that the purification cannot take place, it must unavoidably face the impact of the impulse of the universe, which fosters that purification in these times. The result of this will be a painful experience.
This is why My Son on the Cross taught you how to yield to Greater Will and how to lose your fear of not being able to control everything.
The impulse of purification comes in these times to the human consciousness to place it at another point in its evolution and awakening.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today My sacred spouse Saint Joseph places upon the chest of each one of you a lily of light and chastity, with the goal that you may humbly hold it within your essences as the sacred energy of the Instructor, so that your consciousnesses may transform into the redeeming model that Christ expects from each soul.
Because of this, children, with the strength of faith, your Heavenly Mother pleads with the Eternal Father so that His children of humanity may convert into what the divine Purpose established for this planet and for this humanity.
Saint Joseph, as a human heart, learned to love truth, the truth of being able to see his own difficulties and of transcending them, one by one, under the inner impulse of love.
It is for this reason that, in this hour, Saint Joseph comes into your lives so that you may open to the knowledge of humility, so that you may know Him as the Father of humility that offers Himself to work directly with the human condition.
In this cycle, Saint Joseph comes to the world as a Divine Messenger to remove hearts from ignorance and hypnotism, from all that leads the human being into being miserable in spirit and matter.
Saint Joseph, as a Guardian of hearts and protector of all souls, is eternally willing to help beings come to know and transcend the human condition, which being immature and imperfect, prevents the evolution of consciousnesses and deep awakening.
Dear children, this is how, in this time, Saint Joseph offers Himself to humanity, to teach you how to overcome your difficulties so that souls may trust in the Grace of the Father and His Infinite Mercy.
Saint Joseph, as a server and missionary, tries in this cycle to withdraw consciousnesses from themselves so that they may embrace the cross and the victory of service, and, because of this, His Chaste Heart that is prodigious and humble may always inspire you to do what is correct, true and authentic, without entering into arrogance or human pride.
Just as Saint Joseph entrusts souls to My Immaculate Heart, today I entrust you all to the Chaste Heart so that you may learn to love the Divine Will of not being anything and not wanting anything for yourselves.
Your Heavenly Mother does not come here today to Mount Shasta to see your deepest miseries, but rather your Mother of Love comes to remind you every day of your essential purity.
Attaining this purity, the human condition will no longer take first place in the world, and, at last, the soul will rule planetary life, and the Plan will be fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who is united to the responsible and to the simple,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With both crosses in My hands1, dear children, today I come to testify to the Presence of My Son in the hearts that still do not live this.
These crosses represent the liberation from human and materialistic illusion; for each one, they are the protective shield against all adversity and deception.
I want and I wish this symbol of the redemptive cross of Christ to be honored and venerated in Central America, so that it may be more safeguarded and protected from the temptations of My adversary.
I impose over this place the spiritual symbol of the crosses, so that humanity from this part of the planet may not be driven into making big mistakes, such as other sister nations are experiencing at this time.
I need this luminous cross to be the greatest treasure for each of those who pray, to be the celestial magnet that attracts the principles of redemption and of liberation for a corrupted humanity that is very far from the truth.
I want each one of My lost children with Me, so that in this cycle the majority may have the opportunity of repenting and of forgiving.
You do not know, My children, how My Heart suffers on seeing precious souls far from God.
It is time that we do something for them; it is for this reason that I come to Central America, so that My children will be able to find Me again through My dear and devoted simple hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who is united with this Sacred Mission,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
1.- “On this day, the Most Holy Mary came with a cross in each hand”.
I am the Doorway of Peace.
I am the divine and powerful current that draws the principles of Creation to the world.
I am that most pure ray that comes from God and awakens redemption in hearts.
I come at this time to announce the Coming of My Son.
I come to prepare the paths by which souls will find Christ.
Thus, this cycle is decisive for all; it is the moment to meet the Eternal Father to accomplish His Sacred Will.
It is the time to feel the future and the hope shaped within all beings.
As your Mother, I lead and guide you toward My Work of Peace, which not only embraces nations and continents, but also, throughout the ages, It has taught humanity to live the Plan of the Creator.
I leave everyone the Spirit of My Peace and an absolute trust in the Designs of the One.
I embrace each one of you, so that you may feel My maternal warmth and thus be vivified in the Lord.
May everything become peaceful in this hour, and may those who walk embrace their cross and carry it, for it will not be heavy; it will be the cross of the liberation of the world and they will be in likeness to My Son to the Glory of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and of the Greater Love
Do not fear! Do not fear! The truth is announced to the brave hearts, that they are capable of knowing the end times and, even so, accept to live them with the peace of the heart and in deep surrender to God.
Children, why do I reveal to you the final events? Because it is part of your redemption and of your path of transformation in Christ that you are aware of these times, just as My Son knew the Cross He would carry, not only to Calvary, but until the present day.
The passion of these times will be long for many and will forge the inner strength of those who have yet strengthened themselves to fulfill the Will of God.
Nothing will be like the battle you will live after the one thousand years of peace; however, the transition of times and the expiration of ties will allow you to overcome obstacles that will come from beyond this life and beyond this world.
My soldiers are ready to overcome the temptations of the adversary, but what will cost you more, My children, is to overcome within yourselves that which still aspires to live these temptations. Temptation itself will not be your test, but rather the battle with your most human nuclei, which tends to respond to this temptation.
In the previous cycle, you found yourselves in the first hours of Gethsemane, learning to overcome the temptations, to renounce, to surrender your own lives. Now, you are in the last hours of the agony in the garden, in the moment in which My adversary presents to you the temptations of the world and the Creator presents to you the cross.
The great test of these times will be to renounce the worldly pleasures to find in the cross a hidden joy, a victory that is found hidden in the transcendence of self, of suffering, of pain, of the apparent failure; the victory that is found in the experience of forgiveness, humility, compassion, pity, in the abandonment of self; a victory that begins when you say yes to the higher will and you embrace the cross of these times, which is your own purification and transformation so that, through persistence, you can overcome the darkness of your own bodies and of human consciousness as a whole , so that light can emerge and triumph in every space of your beings.
My children, the Bread has already been broken at the Table of the Lord; you already know the need to surrender your own life, for the love of your brothers and sisters who live in ignorance, and for the triumph of the Creator in each human essence. The first temptations have already been overcome. Many can now stand the solitude of this Gethsemane of current times, and others are learning to find the true fortitude in God, and not in humankind, nor in humanity itself.
Now, the time has come for you to say yes, the last yes, the definitive yes.
Soon the Pharisees will come into their lives, into the planetary consciousness, represented by the currents which will descend through the battle between chaos and Divine Light, and they will definitively place the human consciousness in its passion, in planetary transition, in the moment of carrying the cross and transcending all appearances, to overcome, through faith, the tests that will present themselves.
My beloved soldiers and children so dear, always strengthen yourselves in My gaze, in My presence because I will accompany the Calvary of these times.
It will be My Pity that, united with the forgiveness of your hearts, will open new doors for human evolution; it will renew the principle of Mercy in a new Divine Attribute, which will not only convert the errors of consciousnesses and individuals but of entire civilizations.
This Divine Attribute will generate merits not only for the redemption of the human race but also of all consciousnesses that, in all the Cosmos, open themselves to this supreme transformation and reconciliation with God.
The triumph of the Creator in the human heart, in an entire race, will announcement the greatest miracle of love in all Creation. This triumph will generate a universal redemption.
Finally, the trumpets of the one thousand years of peace will sound, so that the new army can be formed and, under great degrees of love, may prepare itself for the final battle, before the supreme Triumph of God.
Feel within My Words the importance of life on Earth, the importance of life for each of you, and go forward proclaiming the Will and the Plan of God, accepting this Plan with love, beyond the appearances and the challenges through which it will place you.
Always say yes and do not look back. Find the strength to go forward in the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.
I will always accompany you from calvary to the resurrection and in the thousand years of peace.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Not even the heaviest yoke can make you give up this path. All sacrifice, when lived with love, becomes light and simple.
The weight of the Cross of Christ was not in the wood He was carrying. His sacrifice did not lie in the pain of His wounds. He was carrying the sins of the world that had been committed until that moment, and was also forgiving there all those which would be committed throughout time.
Incomprehensible to the human mind was the weight of that cross, just as incomprehensible to many today is the weight that some companions of Christ carry to prepare His return. Because both the Cross of Christ and the cross of these times hold in themselves a burden invisible to human eyes, yet almost palpable to those who carry it. This burden, which exists in the consciousness, is carried to transform that which must be healed in the human consciousness itself.
In the same way that the merits attained on the cross of Christ were only seen after the Resurrection of Jesus, the merits of the burdens carried in these times, for many will only be seen after the return of Christ and the establishment of the new life on Earth.
Those who understand the life of the spirit will not be confused by the appearances of matter and will live the love and unity needed to cross the obstacles that will come. But many others will fall through a lack of understanding and through the inability to live a higher reality and to transcend material happenings, just as occurred with many in the time of Christ.
In a spiritually similar way, the happenings are repeated for the establishment of the Plan of God, because the science that carries them into the manifestation of this Plan is always the same. For this reason, you must observe the life of Christ and reach the essence of the Teaching that He left you, and not only the facts. The facts may change, but the essence of the experience that you must live is the same.
The happenings themselves are leading you to that experience: the same tests, the same temptations, the same burdens. It will be enough now that from you spring the same perseverance, the same unity with God, the same surrender, and the same love of Christ.
The path to Christification is now proclaimed and your feet are already called to step upon this way. It will be up to each one the way you will live the Passion of these times, carrying with love your own cross or being a burden carried by others.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Through the love you radiate to Me, your whole life is elevated and thus you share with Me the Graces and pains of the world, of all those who deny God, and of those who have wrongfully failed.
Ingratitude causes the pain hardest to overcome, because it is full of fear and pride.
Today I tell you that when I was at the foot of the Cross, it was the culminating moment to forgive the world and to take the final step towards absolute love, even while seeing My Son disfigured by the sins of the world.
I know that few dare to accompany the Mother of the World in this spiritual task, which brings no recognition or merit, and do it only for love and for the salvation of all those who are indifferent.
In truth, most souls do not place their attention on the feeling or the pain of the Hierarchy. As it is something invisible to human eyes and minds, only a noble and simple heart could perceive, beyond itself, that the Hierarchy shares a spiritual mystery that many do not understand, a mystery that silently transmutes the world.
For this reason I invite My children to cross the threshold into inner collaboration with the Hierarchy, in this cycle where human indifference will cause the path to be blind to those who believe they are in Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Let us be today at the foot of the Tomb in the internal silence of the holy women, contemplating the corporal and spiritual restoration of Our Lord and, consequently, of all of humanity.
Let us be in vigil and prayer, waiting for the great moment of the Resurrection of Christ in the hearts of the world.
Let us remember and honor My Beloved Son, together with the angels of Christ, so that once more His infinite Mercy and Piety will save the lost ones.
Let us live the mystery of Redemption not only through the Cross, but also through the Tomb and internal union with Jesus.
Open your arms in donation and receive in your hearts the restorative healing of Christ on this Holy Saturday, in which the hosts of the Father gather in adoration and glory to bless the Beloved Son.
In this act of piety and of mercy, those who want to know nothing about Christ will come to know Him in some moment of their lives and will recognize in Him the great universe of love that His meek Heart of Love holds.
I thank you for responding My call!
In adoration at the foot of the tomb,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
Dear children:
Just as Jesus carried the Cross of the world, you are being called to carry your own cross so that one day everything will be redeemed.
My children, the sacrifice that My Son lived for you went beyond the material and spiritual life. In this whole sacred mystery of the Passion of Jesus many Laws acted to generate the redemption of humanity.
Dear children, assuming your internal sacrifice for humanity, I bring you the possibility to help transcend the deviated paths of millions of souls in the world through the power of prayer and of peace.
On this day in which we prepare ourselves to see Jesus as the Great Lamb that is taken to the slaughterhouse, let us offer to the Celestial Father our alliance with His Spirit and with all the Higher Kingdom.
I open the door for you to walk to My Heart with firm steps of definition.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who guides you through the Passion of Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
Dear children:
With a small cross upon the Heart of My Son, I prepare you to accept the sacrifice for the Plan of God and for all the sinful souls.
With My luminous Heart I reveal to you, one by one, the signs of the Passion of My Son for them to serve as an example of love and of overcoming every day.
My children, embracing the power of the Cross of My Son you will come to know the spiritual and internal values that conquered death and that made the Love of God triumph over every mistake and human difficulty.
Christ is the victorious triumph for your hearts, My Son is the perfect Project in which the souls can fulfill the aspirations of God and sanctify themselves because at the end, dear children, your souls are the ones that will continue performing the trajectory towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, contemplate the immensity of Love of My Son for each creature, live His Sacrifice as if it were your own and adopt a religious posture for the world not to lose the spiritual life.
Let us walk together following the footprints of Christ until we meet again in the apex of the Sacred Passion of Our Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
Stay in My arms because then I will help you.
Stay in My arms because then I will console you.
Stay in My arms so that you feel the entire Universe.
Stay in My arms so that you see the Grace of My Heart.
No longer be tired, dear pilgrim, keep seeking the top of the mountain so you see on the horizon the arrival of the Great Shepherd. Go forward, walking between the stones and bones, your feet will be injured on this path so you can learn.
Maybe you will fall to the ground in order to learn to stand up, but remember, My dear pilgrim, a Hand of Light will always come in your path so you can get up firmly and with devotion. So stay in My arms, as Jesus did when He was born.
Stay in My arms so that you recognize you are not alone in this universe.
You know there are many brothers from the universe who love you and from their subtlest Heavens they accompany the journey of your spirit.
You know you will be able to escape the error, this is the school for those who are willing to come to know and transform themselves. If twelve men beside Jesus converted themselves into His followers and apostles of the sacred word, why, dear pilgrim, will you not convert yourself into something so beautiful and waited by My Son?
It is time that day by day you learn to grow and to love the transformation. The universe of this humanity is full of gifts but also full of debts, some of them are priceless. But if your faith leads you to find the highest point of the mountain, never stop aspiring to completely redeem your life.
Dear and beloved pilgrim, you have come to the world to purify the old, that which can no longer dwell in your sacred consciousness.
Dear pilgrim, you have arrived in the world with a veil in the eyes of consciousness so that you would learn to walk in absolute faith, without knowing your past in the stars and in the cosmos.
Now and here, learn to overcome yourself every day, while participating in the true miracles that Heaven has created in your life and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.
I know that you, dear pilgrim, have walked and crossed many deserts or maybe now you are at the doors of a new inner desert. Rejoice because you can be empty of yourself and free from any influence.
Feel worthy of receiving any lesson or any test so you can overcome it inside or outside of yourself. Stay in My arms of Mother, My eyes alight on you, My gaze of light silently accompanies the cross you are bearing.
I know that God loves you as He created you in the beginning. Remember all the times that I contemplated you and how much Divine Love I have expressed to you.
Dear pilgrim, unite to your brothers and sisters and be a part of the heavenly army of light, which will help defeat the opponent in the ultimate hour.
Smile at life and be at peace, do not only look at your own mistakes, look beyond your surroundings, observe the world agonizing day and night. Watch how many lose their lives and do not notice it. Watch how many innocent souls are prisoners of human power and war. Watch, contemplate, learn and pray with Me for this to end soon.
Stay in My arms, little pilgrim, as Jesus did when He expired and when He was taken down from the Cross He stayed in My arms for some time.
Dear pilgrim, give Me everything that grieves your heart and your life, banish the fear created by the mind. Institute in your spirit the divine presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Learn to love what seems impossible to love. Learn just as We, your Celestial Guides, have learned in this world.
God has mercy on all His children, from the most sinful to the most sanctified; all are equal in the Eyes of the Father, because they are loved by the one and greatest love the universe.
Offer your life every day in the Hands of the Father, offer to the Universe the best you can do for the others; in that complete and selfless donation you will be free of many mistakes and fears.
The whole Universe hopes that one day you take a big step towards the trust in God, so that you enter Paradise in consciousness. At least love everything that you experience and do it for those children of Mine who die in the deserts of this world, buried alive and beheaded.
Who will help Me to endure such great sorrow?
Only love will make you humble, simple and true. Everything you do in the name of the Love of God is as if you did it a thousand times, it has invaluable merit.
Dear pilgrim, the souls suffer because they do not do things out of love, or because they do not love their fellow humans with true love. I teach all My children what My Son Jesus taught the whole world: "Love one another", as My Son loved you from the beginning.
Love will you make holy, blessed and pure. The Love of God in the heart of the pilgrim is invincible.
I need My children to love truthfully and not in appearance, so that you assist in the reconstruction of this world.
Walk, dear pilgrim and stay in My arms, today the Infinite Mercy of God has touched your heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who teaches you to love in the school of love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
Contemplate the world where you live and, for an instant, silence the thoughts of your mind and the emotions of your being.
Observe how your inner world recognizes that the life which expresses itself on Earth does not resemble the Thought of God.
See how within you inhabits the archetype for humanity and the expression of the planet as a whole.
Feel how your heart has the yearning of living fraternity and of knowing true love, that One who makes you give your life for your friends and to forgive the enemies, loving them as if they were part of you.
What will you do with this which dwells within you? Will you shut your heart – as most of the human beings do – or will you renounce worldly views to institute new life on the planet, even if it seems crazy in the eyes of the world?
Child, the age of the Armageddon has come to the planet, but most of your brothers are seeking scientific, philosophical and spiritualist concepts which place a pattern of normality in what is happening in the world today. These are the human minds trying to silence the heart.
Those who listen to the voice of God in their own interior know that a final time has begun in the world and that, without the establishment of peace in the human heart, chaos will establish its reign and govern the minds and spirits of those who did not open themselves to the truth.
Those who unite themselves to God and silence their minds, in order to let the wisdom of the essences arise, do not fear to know the truth and do not want to silence the Will of God. They know that, at the end of all this battle, the good will triumph. For this reason, they recognize the urgency of the need for transformation, recognize the imperious inner will of renouncing the old man and its tendencies and to open themselves so that the New dismisses the reign of the outdated human addictions, even though, for the human mind, these retrograde and degenerated energies, when manifested in matter, sometimes are called technologies.
Child, the path to retrocession is known by the human mind as a progress. Those who follow the trends of these so-called “advancements” do not perceive that the path to evolution was left behind when the human consciousness rejected simplicity, fraternity and love and in the industrial age, that marked a spiritual retrocession of humankind, opened itself to competition, slavery, the obsessive usufruct and the almost absolute denial of spiritual life.
In other eras of decadence, as in the end of Atlantis and Lemuria, it was the eagerness for manipulation of the spiritual power that lead man to lose its path of purity and unity. Now, again, false power takes control of the mind and of the aspiration of men who believe they can place themselves above the Creator with their free will.
The degenerated man believes it has the power over life and over the Kingdoms of Nature. That is why, by sending His Son, Who conquered death and perpetuated His Resurrection, the Creator wanted to demonstrate to humanity that only He has the Power and that all that exists under His Power belongs to the force, which is the one that loses itself and vanishes like dust before the fire of the Glory of God.
I tell you, beloved child, that many of your brothers did not learn from the example of Christ and chose an even greater suffering, a learning that would transcend the experience of only one man and would involve in himself all humanity and all the Kingdoms of Nature. The Armageddon is the Passion of the planetary consciousness.
You might be in this Passion in three different ways, as Christ and the crucified thieves next to Him: both the thieves were thinking only about themselves; however, in the end of all, one of them accepted the Will of God and converted himself in time. The other decided to keep his pride and not even with all the suffering did he surrender himself to the forgiveness of God. Or you might be like Christ, being this one who will live the same steps of the Passion of all the beings on the Earth, but not with the spirit of punishment, guilt, anger, frustration or of pain, but only offering to the Father each step with the cross of the world, so that a new redeemed race can appear from your offer of love and of forgiveness.
Child, you must choose, right away, the path which you will follow: if your footprints will be over the footprints of Christ, confirming the victory of God; if you will choose to suffer in the ignorance and remain in your own opinion, to surrender yourself in the last hour; or if you will remain in your boundless pride and even in the presence of God, you will choose the path of the abyss.
The cross will be given to you in every way. Hold it tight and take your steps.
The first steps in the planetary Passion will dictate the destiny of humanity. For this reason, from now on, in your inner Gethsemane, renounce temptations and accept redemption. God will be with you, the angels will support you and you will carry your cross, only contemplating the victory of your Most High Father.
After all, peace will reign.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who comes to open the eyes of humanity
Dear children,
While peace is so needed in the world, today you are in the Kingdom of Peace. May this peace, which is indispensable, radiate like a sun to the whole Earth so at least those in most need of peace may find comfort.
Dear children, thanks for being accomplishing the requests of prayer that My Immaculate Heart clamored to you yesterday. In these times of darkness and lies, I invite you to be My ambassadors of prayer and peace wherever you go, thus My Heart, which is full of Grace and Pity, will hope to pour those gifts in the despairing hearts.
The nonbelievers are now facing their own purification. I ask you, My beloved ones, to live the prayer for the planet and not only for yourselves.
Many of My soldiers will be keepers of the sorrow that many are living. Many of My visionaries will be receptacles to calm the suffering that drowns the world, and thus they will share with Your Heavenly Mother the sorrow of the whole humanity.
I invite you to become deeply conscious about the decisive times that humanity is crossing and to which it does not give the minimum importance before the lack of peace in the world.
My dear children, the promise is very big, for this, the effort will have to be bigger so that the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled in the hearts that must enter in the dwelling of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, remain by My side and vivify this moment, such as My Son lived on the Cross for all of you.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you towards the Supreme Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more