Grow up and be faithful to God in all ways.
Do not let yourself be carried away by the influences of this world or by that which is within yourself, which, not yet having found the path for redemption, permanently influences you to spiritually regress.
When there is confusion within you, stop your steps for an instant and think of God; contemplate the starry sky, the infinite above you, which you can find wherever you are, and remember, child, that a Higher Plane awaits you and that it is no longer time to be entangled in human and petty things, but rather to consolidate your union with the Infinite.
Listen to the Voice of God, which is pronounced for you not only because of a Grace, but because of an urgency that is not only planetary, it is universal.
For you, the days go by the same and you little perceive the change in the times, because your heart has gotten used to everything and even chaos has become normal.
Stop your heart for an instant and look within yourself; ask yourself how far you have advanced in love and in fraternity. Observe where you are and resume the purpose of your existence. You are not on Earth to be a triumph of the world, but rather to be a triumph of God. What you conquer in the world belongs to it, but what you conquer for God is eternal and is multiplied beyond dimensions, as merits for the evolution of all of life.
Therefore, observe yourself, stop your steps and see if within you, you are building a bridge to the Heart of God. Listen to your soul. Is there fullness in it? Or is there the silence of a soul tired of not being heard by its own being?
Fullness, child, is spiritual; it is between you and God. Wherever you are, you can be filled, because it is enough to give attention to what lives in you, waiting to manifest in the life upon this world.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Breathe the Breath of the Spirit of God and allow Him to transform you within, placing inside of you the first thought that God emanated in thinking of you, to create you as a living part of His Heart.
The Creator is so mysterious, His Plan so unknown, and His Love so incomprehensible, that human errors or the distance which hearts are to be found from His Sacred Heart do not matter. God, child, only expects humanity to repent, to surrender at His Feet and cry out for Mercy because in this way His Love will triumph beyond the darkness, and evil will lose its influence over souls.
The Breath of God approaches all hearts to remove them from ignorance and awaken them to a boundless Forgiveness and a Mercy whose source is eternal and abundant.
Only the one who chooses to be in darkness will remain in it, because the Breath of the Spirit of God comes to ignite the flames of the hearts that went out for not having air, for not having life.
Therefore, today believe in the renewal that comes from God, in this Grace that emanates from His Spirit, because He has the power to clean every stain, to place you at the beginning point, to reveal His perfect Love to you, and to give you everything, even if in life you did not generate merit to receive anything.
Mystery among mysteries is the Love that God invites you to receive, to live, to multiply and to share with the world today.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May there be unity among the servants of Christ; may there be peace. May each being, in its inner self, go deeper in the unity with God and reconfirm, everyday, their adherence to the Plan of the Creator.
In these times, children, superficial bonds and partial adherences to the Plan of God will not be enough. It is necessary that all beings pay attention to their inner world and enter into dialogue with the Father, so that He may help them to be strengthened in these times.
It will not be enough to listen to the messages that God sends you through His Messengers, because His enemy is sowing doubts and confusion in the minds and hearts of the servants of Christ and, in order not to succumb to temptations, your inner world must be strengthened.
Children, you will not be free from trials and temptations; on the contrary, in these times, they will intensify, because the time of definition has come for everyone.
Just as the Father allowed His Son to be tested and tempted, not only in Gethsemane, but during His whole life, He will also allow it with you, because the surpassing of Love must start from each inner world.
The Father will always have His Hands on His children, but for that, it is necessary for you to open the way and create a consolidated bond between your own heart and the Heart of God.
I know that in times of expansion of the Divine Work, the external overloads cause you to be overcome at every moment, but, in order that there may be peace and overcoming in love, in order that your spirits may bear these times, you will have to be sustained by a deep bond with God.
You were created to be a direct bridge to the Heart of the Father, but for that, children, you must want to develop your true potential, you must love the purpose of your existence and recognize that, beyond all the external demands of life, the most important thing is to seek God and create a living bond with Him. In this way, you will have wisdom, strength, peace and, above all, love to overcome these times, and be precursors of a New Life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Where there is life, there dwells the Heart of God, waiting to be manifested and expressed within the beings.
Where there is life, there dwells the Heart of God, sometimes silent and humble, hidden, in secret, just observing and waiting for the very distracted gaze of the beings to turn within themselves and find It.
Look, child, within yourself, beyond everything you already know of your own being. Go through the layers of the body, the mind, the consciousness, the subconscious and leave behind everything that the spiritual and human science has taught you so far.
Reach for what is hidden, what is unknown and whose presence was never truly unveiled, except only in The One who had opened the way for the Unity with God. The Father has only perfectly expressed Himself in His Son because the mission of Christ was to reveal to man the true purpose of his existence.
Child, Christ did not come to the world to say: "I am an example for you." He said: "I am the Way, the Truth and The Life."
If He is the Way, place your feet on this path. If He is the Truth, cross the threshold between the illusion and what is real and enter into Christ to find the Truth. If He is the Life, move away from death and find in Him what living truly is.
God has sent His Son to the world to be a Mirror for humanity and so that, before Him, men could discover what the true meaning of life is, what the purpose of existence is, what the Way, the Truth and the Life is on Earth, as well as in Heaven.
Enter this mystery that is within you, but that hides from you. Fulfill the Will and the Work of God in its manifestation upon the Earth, but, above all, seek the fulfillment of the Will and the Divine Work within you.
Enter this Way, find this Truth and live this Life that God thought for His creatures from the beginning.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Restore yourself in the source of prayer that, when sincerely offered, generates merits for the Redemption of souls.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and renew yourself in the certainty that your effort is not in vain and that everything you offer turns into a reparation for the Heart of God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and let your soul offer everything of itself to God and to His Son Who, throughout all of human evolution, offers His Heart in sacrifice and resignation for each being of this Earth.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and remember the souls without hope in the wars, in slums, and in the palaces of this world. Let your voice, already sometimes without strength, be able to reach the depths of these beings as an impulse so that they too do not give up seeking God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and do not tire of pronouncing your praises to the Father. Know that the Heart of God always waits for you, and no matter how small your offering, when it is sincere, its merits infinitely multiply and the Redemption that is born of it is eternal.
Restore yourself, beloved child, in the source of prayer, and until the end of your days, pray so that the Father never distances Himself from you.
If you have no strength or voice to pray, pray in silence. And if your heart is too weak to emit love, pray in the stillness. And if your mind is unable to pronounce a thought, pray in the void. And if your soul is in the desert and feels nothing, simply pray, waiting for God to reach you there. Never close the door to the Heart of the Father.
Persist and be firm, even if it is in the core of your being.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion in himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion within himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Life passes, ephemeral and simple in what is palpable to you, to reveal an Eternity and a sublime Truth. Every expression of life that is not material does not perish and endures, to demonstrate to humankind where their heart must be.
The memories, the learning experiences, the examples, the teachings, the true feelings of Love, all of this remains alive, inside and outside of humankind and also in the Heart of God and in the Sacred Books, as part of the history of humanity, as part of the history of the renewal of the Heart of the Father.
Life passes so quickly in order to reveal a Truth and a mystery that transcends the body and human understanding: there is a reality that exceeds all the wisdom that humanity has already known; there is a Life that transcends everything that today you understand as life.
See, children, how the Eternal knocks on your door so that you may enter into the Time of no time, into Real Time.
Let this moment not be a loss to you, but rather a link with the Truth, because your instructor on Earth leaves the world to raise you to the Universe. Everything he learned in life, he will elevate to a Greater Life, and the sublime learning experiences that he will live in the Universe will be revealed to your heart, as a higher teaching.
Therefore, embrace this moment as a step towards Infinity. Let this new cycle, of your instructor and master, in this and in many lives, elevate you to new cycles, as Work and as beings in evolution.
The one who accompanies this moment with gratitude will take a step towards Infinity and will place, not only their heart, but a part of the human consciousness, closer to God, in His Eternity.
Eternity, children, is not death. Eternity is Life revealed.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pacify your heart, because today is a day of glory rather than of pain, a day of triumphs and of multiplication of the Love of God.
Today the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit receive the fruits of an existence of a giving of self, of surrender, of unconditional love.
Today a part of the Heart of God renews and surpasses itself, because a son of His allowed Him to renew Himself through his constant humility, renunciation, and love.
Today, child, contemplate a more brilliant sky in the Universe, because a light returned to its origin, from where it will continue to give impulses to the human Project, because his surrender is eternal.
He, who having fulfilled his mission, offered a little more for love of his friends and companions, also surrendered his life for them, because the time has come for you to walk by yourselves, supported by your own feet and sustaining others.
Today the Universe rejoices because he, who had renounced his evolution to multiply the Love of God on Earth, returned bringing in the crystals of the center of his chest, the legacy of his experience on this so beloved planet. He did not only bring with himself a learning experience, but a celestial gift to God, because he learned, with all the levels of his consciousness, to love the Father above all things and to obey Him beyond his own will, even renouncing to continue in the world when his disciples and companions were ready to take a new step.
For you, child, a new cycle and a new time have come; a time to mature the Graces you bear within yourself, because a unique legacy was left for humanity over a long period of time, and you are a living part of this legacy of love.
Therefore, today, raise your eyes to the Heights and instead of grief, offer God gratitude. Place your offering at the Feet of the Creator and reconfirm yourself in the adherence to His Plan, because it is now that it starts.
After having received everything and of having sublime teachings placed within you, go and turn what dwells in you into life. The world so needs it.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart in the Heart of God to start a new cycle. Open yourself so that life may manifest for you in a different way.
In these times, child, in which Earth starts to enter into the Real Time of the Universe, you will experience and feel things that are sometimes incomprehensible or inexplicable. Feelings from the past will emerge in your consciousness, at the same time that sensations from the present manifest. In the same way, with intensity, within you will be an aspiration for what you will experience in the future, and suspended in this transition between what you were and what you will be, the only thing you can do is to calm your heart in prayer and place it in the Heart of God.
There is no way of not participating in the tests of the planet. There is no way of not experiencing the consequences of this transition. But, yes, there is a way of experiencing all of this and not losing peace: by placing your heart in the Heart of God and remaining there in prayer.
Let your being become purified and experience what you need to experience within so as to cross this threshold. It will not be so simple to transcend an ancient retrograde human condition, but always remember to place your heart in the Heart of the Father, because in Him there will be relief, there will be a breathing space, there will be peace.
I bless you, today and always, so that immersed in these so accelerated cycles of continuous transformation, your being dives deeply into these waters and opens to the new, but always finds, in the Heart of God, the space where it can breathe, so as to be in peace in the tests of these times.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Heavens open before your eyes, first give thanks to God and raise your deepest reverence to the Father; then, child, let this Heaven not only be before you, but let it enter into you, and you into it, recovering, even if for an instant, your unity with God.
When the Heavens open before your eyes, after giving thanks, then think about all of humanity, about all the Kingdoms of Nature, about each small and secluded space on this planet, and place all the life that dwells upon the Earth in the Heart of God. Cry out to the Father for each heart and feel that He responds to your supplications, pouring out Love and Mercy upon the world.
When the Heavens open before your eyes, give thanks, cry out for the world and then cry out for yourself, so that, as a part of a whole, which is life, you also may have courage and perseverance, enough to fulfill the Will of God and remain in it.
Recognize yourself as a unique piece in the fulfillment of the Plan of the Creator, in the renewal of His Love and of His Grace, and in this certainty, also understand the importance of each being, of each heart, and call for unity among beings; pray not only for the neighbor to learn to love you and accept you as you are; pray, above all, for all to know how to mutually love one another, respect one another, and understand the importance of each being within this Plan. Even the most sinful and lost being is important to God because their conversion is a great victory.
But you, who are also imperfect and are on this path of learning, consent yourself to pray for the neighbor and to open the path so that this Heaven that opens before your eyes may pour its Graces on those most in need, on all the children of God so that no one remains in the world without having received at least one opportunity to return to the Heart of the Father.
With this, child, placing Life everyday, in the Heart of God, you will be fulfilling a part of the Will of the Father for you, because your prayers will be true.
Pray, and when Heaven opens before your eyes, cry out to the Father for His Unity to live again within the beings.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and let your heart rise up to God.
Prayer, as well as silence and true service, done with love, are the languages with which the hearts of humankind communicate with God.
Pray and speak with love in the language of the One Who created you, and as you learn His language of the heart, go deeper into this divine presence within you.
Truly be silent in mind, soul, and heart, letting real silence manifest itself in you and guide you to the first impulse of the Love of God, where from silence He emanated sound and manifested Life, giving love a form and a vibration that later expressed itself in the creation of essences.
Serve with love, feeling in your heart the need of your fellow beings, not mattering if they are the ones who live with you and are at your side every day, or if they are the ones who, in order to find them, you cross the seas and the borders between continents. In that act of true service, find the language of God, which constantly serves all kinds of life; He being present in all things, giving impulse to the evolution of all creatures.
You also speak in the language of God, always aspiring that all your siblings learn about love and develop this love in themselves. Know, child, that the best way for someone to learn something is to have an example before them. For this reason, go today, and speak the language that comes from Heaven: pray, be silent in the depths of your heart, and truly serve, making of your life an act of service.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Unite your Heart to the Heart of God, contemplating each one of His Aspects of His manifestation in life.
Begin by finding, in the smallest of the particles that composes your body, a hidden God, immense and infinite, occult in the apparent human smallness.
Go through your own body, recognizing your cells, your organs, your body itself, as living mirrors of an infinite Creation. If God did not dwell in everything that you are, you would never be able to express perfection, as you express, even in your smallest particles.
Recognize, then, the presence of God outside of you, in the invisible air that touches your face, in the breath that enters imperceptible within you and that gives you life, granting matter the possibility of expressing and living its perfection.
Contemplate, thus, God in the elements. Recognize the presence of God in water, without which life is not possible. Water and air unite in one single element, transformed by its expression and function in life, but one does not exist without the other.
Such are the Aspects of God. God is only One, that expresses in different forms to give life to the possibility of existing and, more than this, of expressing perfection.
Contemplate inside of you the presence of God in the sound of the birds and in the scent of the flowers, in the beauty of the woods, in the love and fraternity among humankind. This is God, nourishing souls with such vital things as air and water are for the body.
The singing of the birds nourishes the spirit, the scent of the flowers strengthens the heart, the beauty that enters through the eyes reaches the soul and gives it joy, gives it life.
Go expanding your consciousness and understand the presence of God.
God is not something invisible and non-material in the Celestial Heights. God is the One that Is and without whom nothing could exist. You are, child, constantly in the presence of your Creator, because He is Life itself.
In gratitude and reverence, live accordingly to the God that dwells in you and let perfection express itself not only in your cells, but in all your consciousness. Just as the cells allow themselves, be inhabited and nourished by God, let your consciousness also experiment, being an expression of God in this world. Thus everything will be fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If you cannot enter the deserts of Earth as the ancient Fathers did to heal their sins and to convert their profound human condition, enter, child, into the desert of your heart.
In these final times, the things of the world are like magnets that constantly draw your consciousness to the deepest abyss of darkness and perdition. But you, as a child of God, conscious of His presence within you, can choose not to follow the tendencies of the Earth and to enter the desert of your heart so that, alone and in solitude, you may find God.
Enter into dialogue with the Father every day and feel His divine proximity to your heart. Do not let the things of the world consume you and have you forget or put into second place that which is the real meaning of your existence.
Do not forget to contemplate, in your heart, the Universe as the Infinite, and to recognize your smallness once again. The heart that recognizes itself as small, and is grateful to God with its simplicity, opens the doors to Heaven, to the divine dimensions, to the higher reality, where truth is revealed.
Let your prayers become ever more profound and sincere. Cross the threshold between being a child and a companion of God to a living part of Him, renewing himself in His Creation, to return to the All with a greater Love.
May the Divine Purpose always be visible to the eyes of your heart so that you never miss opportunities to love, forgive, understand the neighbor and find God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to enter the Heart of God and to be in His dimension of Peace in these times, you will have to fight against yourselves, against the human condition that seems to expand and grow within you, so that, surrendered to Christ, you may be more meek and humble.
When God called Me to His encounter to be part of His Plan of Redemption for the Earth, He began by breaking, inside of Me, that which was most rooted in the humanity of My time. He made Me submissive to the virginal purity of My Holy Wife, Whom I learned to love, to obey and to trust. And He made Me submissive to My little Son, born from the Holy Spirit, a part of God in a little child.
With this, God would not only break a retrograde condition within Me but would also transform laws of a humanity that, in its time, did not know how to recognize the best of the other, but only tried to submit the neighbor and stand out. Especially a man inside of his family, even if there was love in his heart, the false power was bigger.
The Creator taught Me that without meekness, peace is not reached. It is impossible to enter His Kingdom without surrendering to humility; before learning to recognize His Presence in those who, sent by His Heart, come to the world to renew His Love.
Each child of God has been sent to Earth to renew His Love, not only in this world but in all universes. While the consciousness does not open itself to this truth and prefers to remain in the illusion of its superiority and arrogance towards the others, it will believe that it is on the path of Redemption, but, within it, neither Grace nor Mercy of God will find a place.
If you want to communicate with the Father, children, you have the path open for this. You will be able to be eternally in the dimensions of His Kingdom, even being in this life, but for this you will have to surrender yourselves, humiliate yourselves and learn not only to love the neighbor, but also to recognize them as a treasure of God in the world, a part of His Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to return. To return to the Heart of God, return to the pure and simple principle of your existence, return to the essence of what you are, to the essence of Life.
The time has come to return. To return to the Father, renewed by the presence of His Spirit, carrying with you everything you have learned in this world and in all others.
The time has come to return. To return in consciousness to the point you left behind before original sin. Return in consciousness to the Truth, recovering the Wisdom that, as children of God, you hold in your inner world.
The time has come to return. To return to Life and escape from death, in which many have chosen to be.
The time has come to begin to consciously tread the path of return, which does not mean to cease to exist, but rather to exist within the Truth, belonging to the Truth, being one with it.
To return means to go back to Divine Consciousness, to go back to the Consciousness of your Origin, dismissing the power of illusion and of ignorance and making space for Reality to manifest.
The time has come to return, because everything that belongs to illusion will vanish with it.
Pray and truly aspire to be in God, to know and recognize His mysteries, and each day more, let Him express Himself in your hearts.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Love to pray, not only to ask something to God, but above all to repair His Heart.
Love to pray, not only in order to rise to the Higher Universes, but so that, when in Celestial Heights, you may offer reparation to the Heart of the Father.
Love to pray, not only in order to build Sanctity in your inner self, but above all to console the Heart of God.
Love to pray, not only to feel peace in your heart, but to offer peace to the Heart of God.
Love to pray, not only in order to experience Love, but so that your love may be a hope for the Heart of God.
Love to pray, in order to repair, console and bring peace to the Heart of your Father and Lord.
Love to pray, in order to clamor for the souls that, day by day, outrage the Creator with their ignorance.
Live, in a way that you may not also be a reason to hurt the Heart of God.
Remember, at each moment, that the Eyes of the Father lay upon the world and how a simple and true action of love can console His Heart.
Love, child, to pray, and to live in order to offer God a hope; hope to renew yourself in Love, hope to triumph with His Redeeming Project, hope to see His children return to His pure and grand Heart.
May God not be a reality distant from you. Discover a Father who is close and accessible to your inner self; a Father who not only has everything to give you, but who also waits for you in a sincere prayer so that you may repair His Heart.
Contemplate a silent and humble God Who makes Himself small amongst men, within their hearts, and hides His Greatness and Power in the occult of human beings, to give them an opportunity of growing and finding Love for themselves.
Love to know God, love to seek Him and, above all, love to repair His Heart.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart in the Heart of God to listen to My words, and may they be fruitful within you.
I know, child, that every day I talk to you about elevating your consciousness to the Heights and your thoughts to God, but that you only see around you the infinite confused entanglements of human life and inside of you, you only see the constant battle to be on the path of evolution, as it corresponds to you.
I know that everything seems distant and Wisdom and universal Knowledge are a hope for you, but they are not a reality. But today I tell you that, in this cycle, I come so that Higher Life ceases to be a hope for the future and becomes a reality in the present.
I come to teach you to be in this world without being of it, and to understand life from a wider perspective than the horizons that your eyes can see.
I only ask you that you dedicate yourself to meditate on My words for a moment, every day, and that you let them, on their own, enter and transform your consciousness like a great lake that, being empty, is gradually filled, drop by drop.
If I tell you: "Think of God and contemplate the Infinite within you", do it. And in that second, let the Creator be a living Consciousness within you.
In this simple way, each day, experiencing something about what I tell you, you will see how the Universal Life will enter into you and you into it, as parts of each other, and all in God.
I bless you and I thank you for following, day by day, what I place inside of you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Renewal is a spiritual attribute that comes from the Heart of God. Only the Father and Creator of all things can provide the true Renewal for His children, because in this moment He restores, in your spirit, the original Principles which you have diverted from as humanity; and restores in your consciousness the part of purity and of the original essence which you have emerged from, in the Sources of the Celestial Universe.
With simple things of life, in which the human heart is filled, God acts and operates the spiritual miracles that, in so many ways, the consciousnesses seek and do not find.
The human heart is a great mystery. But more mysterious and incomprehensible than this heart is the One who has created and thought it in His Image and Likeness.
The Things of God are reached with the heart, and to awaken the human heart and unite it to the Heart of God you need to do no more than be sincere and true and make efforts to be inisde of the first and only Law, which helps you to return to your celestial Origin, which is the Love.
With simple acts, in which you make effort to come out of yourselves and offer a little of your actions to the Plan of God, this is where your spirits find the perfect opportunities to arrive to the Father.
This Creation, children, is wonderfully simple, however the minds of human beings make them feel complex and difficult and create difficulties to return to God.
God is always with you.
Remember everyday that the true acts, as much as you do not feel it and do not see it, unite yourselves to the Father; live this union in the name of all of humanity.
You are called to be precursors of the New Life, where humanity will be able to express its potential and the true reason it was created; it will be able to be permanently united to God, and this can happen in service, in prayer, in silence, when you share joy and fraternity. This can happen in any moment if you are only sincere and true.
Today I bless you and I thank you with My Heart and My Spirit for trying to build the fraternity and repair the human heart.
By the merits of your persistance, today I am here, and just as in every Collective effort, My Graces flow in your hearts, and through them, to the world.
If you want to serve in order to transform this planet, begin to serve one another, begin by caring for, with love, the Treasures that God has given you, which are the Communities-of-Light which will serve to help and support many souls in the future.
Again I thank you and I leave you My Peace in order for you to multiply it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Collective Effort of Repairing”: a biweekly meeting of collective actitivities in the Community-of-Light Fraternidad, instituted by Saint Joseph.
Where neither the eyes nor the mind can reach, there dwells the Heart of God.
Where only souls, spirits and hearts, elevated in worship can enter, there dwells the Heart of God.
The vision that encompasses Life and contemplates everything. Love that renews Itself, second by second and beyond time. Spirit that animates, sustains and supports everything that was created.
In the most sublime spheres of Existence, where it seems that the multiplication of Life never existed and Unity is an eternal reality, there dwells the Divine Consciousness.
Let yourselves, in this cycle, be elevated and lead to the higher spheres of Existence, so that you will find the Truth about yourselves and you do not allow being involved or deceived by the superficialities of the world.
You exist as divine creatures, manifested in this world by a superior Purpose, and despite of everything seeming to be more dense in this time and the human condition seeming to be deeply immersed in the illusions of the world, the only way to overcome your own difficulties of the final cycles without getting lost, children, is by elevating yourself to God, without ignoring your material condition, it is elevating yourself to the Divine Truth.
That is why, in this time, the Divine Messengers bring, in Their Words, revelations and an inner state that is hid in everything that We say, so that you reach the sublime spheres, so that you cling to the universal Truth and so that the Truth itself makes you free of yourselves and from the things of the world.
I bless you and I hold you in My Heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more