Trees and life - Part I
From the interior of the Earth, the Plant Kingdom absorbs the wisdom and the story of the human evolution, holding this legacy within itself, and it offers it constantly to God through its elevation, its physical and spiritual growth.
The great forests are large receptacles of wisdom, great mirrors, that return everything to the Heart of God that He sends to Earth as divine rays and vibrations, which assist in the evolution of all of life. In this way, life on Earth is always renewed through the emanations of the great trees. The Lord receives the human experiences in the Creator Sources and renews them, sending new rays and impulses to Earth according to what humanity needs to evolve and return to God.
If hearts would only contemplate the forests with gratitude, they would be able to feel and perceive these and other mysteries of the science of life.
Trees are communicators, mirrors of God, that receive everything that He sends to Earth and they also communicate in the development of life to God.
Contemplate the Kingdoms with reverence and, in silence, search for the mystery that is kept within in them. Thus, child, perhaps one day the mystery about yourself will be revealed to you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Little soul of God,
With love, embrace the sacrifices and the renouncements that the Creator sends to your life. They are equivalent to the immense grace that you live everyday, with the Presence of God, calling you by the name to respond to His call.
Set your heart to surrender every day, and no longer think about the limitations of your body, about the miseries of your mind or about the uneasiness of your heart. Think, child, about the sacrifice of Christ, everyday, so that more each day you may go deeper into the surrender of the Lord, in the price He paid for your redemption and, thus, you may know that everything you live, surrender or renounce, cannot be compared to the sacrifice of He Who lived and died for you.
Have the limitations of your body be an offering of humility for the arrogance of humanity.
Have the miseries of your mind be an offering and a crying out for Mercy to descend to the world and fill the destructive thoughts of men.
Have the uneasiness of your heart be an offering so that the peace and trust in God may fill the inner world of beings and give them back peace.
You were called to be part of the Heart of Christ in this world, in a living, conscious and unconditional way.
The Lord put His eyes on you, not because you are perfect, but because He knows that your soul thirsts for His Presence. Because He is an inexhaustible Fount, He came not only to satiate you but to make you a new fount, so that other souls may drink of the Mercy that breaks out from His Divine Heart.
Between your miseries and the Mercy of Christ, let the Mercy of the Lord win and focus your heart on His call, rather than on your difficulties in fulfilling it.
Just as you are, Christ called you. He only expects you to say "yes" every day.
While humanity sleeps the sleep of ignorance, give thanks to the Father Who healed your blindness. Open up your heart to be a living miracle of the Lord, in this world and in all others. Because today I tell you, My child, that your redemption in this world is only a symbol of a greater redemption, even though it is unknown to your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With your heart, remain looking at nature and simply contemplate the Divine Presence in all that is life.
Let the Wisdom which was emanated and transmitted by God, understood by the indigenous peoples, and that is held in the elements of nature, also be able to reveal itself to your heart. This is the time for the human heart to know the Truth of God expressed through all the lines of true knowledge, coming from the Heart of the Father.
Nature is a source of Truth, guardian of the Wisdom of God and of the Sublime Laws that govern the life and evolution of beings.
Be silent before the expressions of nature and let them speak to your heart and teach you a way of understanding and experiencing the mysteries of the Universe and the secrets of life on Earth.
Nature fully lives a union with God and the love of the Creator; thus, it is capable of not only expressing beauty, but holds in itself the Truth of God, His Laws, and the record of the story of life, which reveals to beings the path of return to the Heart of the Father.
Thus, stand before nature, child, and let it teach you to also be a mirror of Creation so that you may learn to be in union with God and to discover, within yourself, the Divine Presence.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everything in the life of those who surrender to God can become a service even if their minds do not know it.
Let the Father make of your being His instrument in the world, so that your prayer may be liberating, that your renunciation is repairing, that your surrender is healing, that your love to God is the motor that makes the Divine Mercy an unending source for Earth and for all of life.
The human heart is full of mysteries and one of them is that almost all the Laws and Divine Rays can manifest themselves in your lives, even if there is no knowledge about Them. In this way, children, your actions are pure and sincere, your intentions are turned only to the Divine Purpose.
Today be a little more conscious of this higher reality and pray, allowing the doors of liberation to open in this world and so the ties and oppression that suffocate the souls and the Kingdoms of Nature will be dissolved.
Renounce with joy and let that action be like a balm for the Heart of the Father because when you renounce your human will to fulfill the Will of God, you are repairing the Heart of the Father of all the wounds that human indifference and self-will cause Him.
Serve and surrender your heart to the Greater Law so, child, your actions will attract the Sublime Laws of Heaven which will make the Heavenly Source pour graces and Mercy upon those who do not deserve it but that, in spite of their mistakes and sins, are profoundly loved by God and were created with the Divine Purpose from which they deviated.
May your life be as a light in the world, lighting up the path of those who have lost themselves and giving peace back to them.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walk toward the Heart of God every day and seek to place your eyes, your heart and your aspirations always on the Most High.
Seek, child, your reference in the Love of Christ, in His Life, His word, in how He spiritually builds His Work. Because you are in a culminating moment of human evolution, in which many incomprehensible events will happen. Even, inside of you, will emerge feelings, thoughts and actions that you will not understand, but you must balance them with a simple prayer, service and union with God.
The old human is being purged within you and it is not only formed by the human experiences that you know and live. There is much more within you and in the human consciousness that you are completely unaware of.
Before these unknown and incomprehensible situations, only a greater Love will balance them, the Love of God.
For this reason, listen to what I tell you and do not stop praying sincerely, strengthening, everyday, the link of unity with the Heart of the Father because this will be your sustenance and the sustenance of the planet in the cycle that will come.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be grateful for everything, because gratitude, child, is this superior energy that is born from the Heart of God, it mirrors itself in His angels and archangels, and descends to the Earth to permeate men and teach them how to return to God.
Gratitude is a sublime vibration that transforms and transmutes the human condition, lifting it to unknown realities, so that, thus, it may live revelations not only about itself and about life, but also about the whole Creation.
Gratitude is the recognition of the Love of God; it is this divine energy that is constantly born within those who recognize the Grace of the Creator Father.
Enter, child, into the sublime laws that rule the evolution of this Universe and of all Universes because God, being only One, manifested Life in the dimensions and the first emanation that He sent you was gratitude: gratitude for existence, for life, for creatures.
Find that sublime emanation every day, being grateful for all things, and elevate yourself to the Origin, into the Heart of the Father, letting Him awaken within you that which is perfect and which hides in you because it only manifests through gratitude.
Be grateful for all things and raise this world to the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Gladden your hearts in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and permeates the depths of the Earth like the sap that nourishes the trees and gives them life.
The Peace of God is the sublime force that comes from Heaven and nourishes the consciousness of the planet, creating smaller fountains in the depth of the Earth, in sacred places called Centers of Love.
Commune with the Gifts of God that enter the planet and are available for those who open in gratitude to receive them.
Communing and living the Gifts of God is more simple than what you might imagine. It is enough for your hearts to be available for transformation and sometimes distracted from themselves so that, in an act of service to the fellow being, to the Plan, to life, your beings may be permeated by the Graces that come from the Father.
I gather you in the spirit of service not only for you to repair something or for service itself. I gather you in service so that, by forgetting yourselves, you may let the Love and Joy that come from the Father transform you, renew you and make you worthy of being called children of God, companions of Christ.
When you serve in a sacred place, however simple your service may be, the Love that comes from God and finds its dwelling place can also permeate your hearts and, beyond them, reach all human consciousness.
Today, children, I give you the key to healing, to transformation and to fraternal life. Serve in joy, knowing that, in these moments, God is observing you.
No longer look at Heaven to ask for healing, transformation or graces, because everything has been given to you in the form of opportunities to serve and to discover that superior life is within you and manifests when you distract yourselves from what you think you are and you open to become what you are, in truth.
Within you dwells the sacred, the divine. And if you do not see it, you must seek it, but not only within yourselves, but in service, in union with your brothers and sisters.
I have congregated you here because I want to lead you to a new school of love, even if you think and feel that nothing you do is new. Renew yourselves in this request of Mine of being together serving, building and maintaining this, which is your house and the house of God.
Let the joy, that children feel, arise in your hearts and in a little while you will see that everything you were crying out to God for has already manifested in you without you perceiving it.
My grace is in your lives. I just call you to find it.
Today, I bless you, I thank you for responding to My call for unity and I ask you not to lower your arms because you will see the fruits of your own effort be born.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate, in the center of the Universe, in the heart of Creation, the Creator Father in His silence. Source of all sources, Light that generated all the Lights, silence from where all sounds are born. The Heart of the Father observes the Earth, waiting for the awakening of humanity, which in majority lives indifferent to God.
The Heart of the Father silences with Love, a Love that you do not know in this world but that you are called to live.
In order to find the Love of God you need to seek It beyond your human lives; you need to stop and look within for the bridge to the Heart of Life, which is God.
Know that His silence has more meaning than all words because, even if they were uttered altogether, they would not express what the Father is.
Know that the silence of God expresses something unique for each being. It is not enough that God speaks to your brothers; He aspires to utter His silence to each heart so that they feel Him, live Him and know the existence of God and His Love through their own experience with Him.
To live God transforms you, heals you and renews you in the true sense of your existence. Therefore, children, rather than seeking philosophies and sciences, above all, seek God. In the humility of prayer and in the truth of inner silence, you will find Him. And thus, Face to face, you will fulfil with His Will and you will receive from Him the Love that you must express on Earth.
Who inspires you to seek God,
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I speak to the heart of the old human so that they may yield and become new, renewed in God by His deep Love.
I speak to the lapsed heart of a lost humanity, so that, knowing itself to have strayed, it may seek the path of return to the Heart of God and enter the path of its redemption.
I speak to the miserable, to the sinners, and to the indifferent, so that they may know that by recognizing their miseries, sins, and indifference, they may change and create reason for Mercy to descend upon the world and permeate not only their being, but all life.
I speak to those who consider themselves small and to those who consider themselves great, so that each one, yielding up their vanities, know that it is not by wanting to be small or great that they will reach God; it is by being nothing, disposing with greatness and smallness to the Father, knowing that everything only gains meaning in God.
I speak to the world by a higher Will, making My voice the echo of the Sovereign Voice of the Creator because He sends His Messengers to warn and guide humanity. Therefore, listen to the Messengers of God, as the Voice of God Himself speaks to you. In gratitude, revere the grace the Father grants you.
Know that if you are hearing these words, they are for each one of you; it is God Himself who called you by name to listen to His Voice.
I speak to you, My child, because this is the Divine Will. It is enough now that you follow these words, so that you understand what the Creator expects of your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Renew yourself every day in the fount of peace and of prayer that comes from God. Do not let your being miss the change of cycles due to being distracted and imprisoned by previous cycles. Life in this time has a dynamic and firm rhythm and to accompany it, it is necessary to be in prayer and in peace.
Prayer will make you vigilant so that you may act with wisdom when necessary.
Prayer will bring peace when the events of the world erase hope from the hearts of many beings who did not know God.
Prayer will renew your strength and your commitment to the Father when fear and indifference emerge from your human bones.
Prayer will bring you to God and will guide your path of return to the Heart of the Father, even when He seems far from you.
Prayer protects. Prayer shelters. Prayer unifies. Prayer transforms.
Pray, child, and never forget to pray.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The more you dedicate yourself to God, the more united you will be to His Heart and the more you will perceive His Purpose and His Will for this world.
What humanity calls intuition becomes sublimated, deepened and transformed into union with the Divine Will. The one who is fully united to God does not intuit anymore; he knows, because his union with the Father makes him a participant in the Plan and thWill ofe Creator.
Unite yourself, more each day, to God, child, because there will come a time in which your life and life in this world will be carried forward by this deep union, because neither outside nor inside of you, will you find an answer to what will happen in the world if your heart is not united to the Source and from it receive the instructions and indications for life.
The union with God begins in prayer but is built in the consciousness. What I am telling you does not take only one daily moment to reach this. You need to love and want to be united to God above all things, knowing that this is an urgency in your life and in life on Earth.
Day to day, in your actions, in your thoughts, in your relationship with your fellow beings and with life, manifests the fruits of your prayer and brings the union with God to your consciousness. In this way, some day, you will experience what I say.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the heart willing to be in God, close your eyes, child, and learn to thank the Father for life; thank, because the Creator chose you among so many beings in His Creation, to be on Earth learning to love as He loves.
Learn to thank God because, throughout your life, He has led you by your hand, that you might err enough to be humble and to grow, but he removed you from the errors at the right point of your salvation so that you would not lose your way.
Learn to thank God because patiently He observes you entangled in small things of the human life and distracted from the superior Purpose, for which you came to the world. With eyes of compassion, the Creator follows your steps and waits, because He knows that at some moment you lost sight and you will turn to the highest, and finally find the Heart of the Father.
Learn to thank God because He created a perfect project and placed this hidden perfection inside of you. The Lord is so perfect that, in order for you to open this door inside of you and find this divine treasure, you must be simple, humble and, above all, thank God for life and for the constant gifts He hands you.
Learn, My child, to thank the Father every day, even if you do not have a reason for this. Be thankful and already you will see how many reasons your heart has to thank the Father.
Place your heart in Truth and in the Infinite, in the Love of God for you, and today just give thanks, because, among so many beings in the world, you listen to God in the echo of His Messengers who teach you to love and awaken to what it really is to be a human being.
Thank the Father and give thanks to the Heavens. Offer your heart as a shelter for gratitude and so you will take sure steps of love, because by thanking everything, you will find the possibility of love in all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Gladden your hearts and glorify God, Who never forsakes His children and never ceases to pour out His graces over those who, with faith, serve Him, and in trust, respond to His call.
Today I come to the world for each one of you, servants of God, who every day, with effort, try to go deeper into your own surrender and transformation.
I come for those who feel alone, inwardly forsaken sometimes, because they feel they never reach the place where God needs them to be. I come to tell you that, indeed, you are on the correct path and must not fear not reciprocating with God, because what the Father needs from you is your perseverance and not perfection.
I come so that you never stop learning to love, because the simple effort of living love is already enough for you to cross the threshold between the old and the new man.
Remember, children, that you are in a time of transition, in which you are stepping out of what you were but have not yet achieved what you should be. You are the tip of the spear of a new life, which perhaps will be fully lived by others.
Today I simply ask you for your constant effort to love and to live these times in unity with your brothers and sisters, and each time you feel disunity knocking at your door, know how to say "no" so that you may remain in love and in unity.
I want to help you take a new step toward the Heart of God and for this reason, I am here.
Receive My presence as a response of the Heart of God Who, placing His Grace within your spirits, simply tells you: "Persevere! And try to love every day."
Love His Plan, love His Purpose and love His Will for each one of your brothers and sisters. Love the existence of each human being, of each Kingdom of Nature, because all beings that live on Earth are here because, being fully loved by the Father, they have received, from Him, an opportunity to imitate His Love.
With these words, I bless you and I thank you for trying every day to take a step toward the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After the daily Message, Saint Joseph added:
I also come today to make a request: the Group Effort of Saint Joseph, at the Marian Center of Figueira.*
Just as this practice of unity with My Chaste Heart has brought results at the Marian Center of Aurora, it will also do so here, in which is My home.
So that hearts may be strengthened in unity with one another, and so that this very unity may make you strong in the face of the situation of chaos that the world is experiencing, I ask you to carry out this Group Effort, in which I will always be present.
As from now, on the days in which you pray to receive Me, you will experience a moment of service and of community among you, to then commune with God.
I ask you for this because the Communities of Light must become a bridge of salvation and of healing for the human consciousness and this only happens when beings learn to be united, and thus, learn to be fraternal and create a connection of love with one another, and thus, with God.
During this first period the Group Effort will be weekly, and when My channels are not here, it must be done bi-monthly.
You will see, children, how in a short time, unity will dissolve the conflicts, and being closer to each other, you will be closer to God.
I bless you and I thank you for fulfilling this request of Mine for unity and fraternity among the servants of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*The Marian Center of Figueira is located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
In the Celestial Universe, in the most intimate of Divine Thought, there is a sublime archetype of higher life, where creatures live love and respect, in spite of differences, and they walk towards the goal of unity with God, having as their greatest aspiration that their fellow being may come to unite with God.
In this higher life, peace dwells in the hearts of humanity, for there is no need for competition, vanity or arrogance among them. There is no need for control, power or malice among them. The peace that comes from the aspiration that all achieve love is born in the Heart of the Father and is manifested in the hearts of beings.
The Father has this archetype of life held within Himself and, every now and then, He puts it in His Hands and offers it to humanity, because this is the Will of God for humanity.
The Lord does not offer His purpose to evolved beings, those wise in love and grace; He offers it to those who have erred the most, who have sinned the most and who have distanced themselves from His Heart the most. Beings who, gathered together on the Earth, every day receive an opportunity to be redeemed and to live this perfect archetype that God has for them.
For this reason, children, today I come to show you this divine aspiration so that you may love it and unite to it, also aspiring, deeply, to express the Will and Love of God.
Place this goal before your hearts and every day ask the Father for the grace of being able to live and express this divine archetype for humanity. Ask God to awaken within you this unique and perfect potential to love, which dwells in your hearts and makes you in His likeness. And believe that, through a daily effort to love, it is possible to transcend the current human condition and to embrace the divine archetype of life on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Feel in your hearts the anguish of the Heart of God, not because of the purification of the nations, but rather for the indifference of humankind toward a time of transition, a moment in which hearts should be awakened, conscious and willing to Love.
Many believe that they are not indifferent to the situation of the planet because they feel they are doing their minimum part, but in these definitive times, children, to be indifferent is to experience and feel life as always, as if the transition and the definition of Earth were something for the future, for others, for those who today are small children and who, in their adulthood, will experience the transition of the planet.
To be indifferent in this time is to not want to see that the purification of the planet has already begun on Earth and in the human consciousness that is gradually being absorbed by the chaos without noticing it.
To be indifferent is to give oneself permission to not fulfill and not live that which one already knows corresponds to them.
To be indifferent in this time is to allow one’s own consciousness to step out of the Law of the Hierarchy, the Law of Love and Unity and the Law of Obedience, thinking that transgressing them will not do any harm.
To be indifferent in this time is to not watch oneself closely, so as to not let one's own consciousness enter into human impulsiveness and fall into the same tests as always, as if this were something natural.
To be indifferent at this time is to receive the words and divine instructions every day and not listen to them attentively, to not meditate upon them and not know that in times of emergency God Himself instructs you with details and precision so that you do not become lost on the path.
To be indifferent at this time, children, is to not want to see that this battle is not human or social but rather spiritual and definitive, a battle that began in the Universe and that, at this moment, comes to define the destiny of the Divine Creation.
Listen to My words and eliminate your own indifference from your hearts.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate Creation and allow the divine science to reveal itself within you.
Life is made with the Breath of the Spirit of God and manifested through the vibration of His Word, but also a broad science developed from the Creator. Universal and divine Rays, Mirrors of light, Sources of energy, sound and color all helped in the creation of the Universes, the dimensions, and consciousnesses.
Everything in life manifests perfection and, just as the Creator sent His children out for evolution into the vast Cosmos, He also created the path of return to His Heart, to the Source of Unity, to the principle of Love.
The Mirrors of the Cosmos are this path of return to the Heart of God; through them, the Father manifested, animated, and nurtured Life. His Sources are eternal and are fed by the very existence of God. Sources that manifest sources, from which essences and souls emerge. These are the Mirrors of the Cosmos and, just as the Father carries within Himself the Mirrors that manifest life, HIs children, like Him in essence and in love, also carry in themselves the inner mirrors which create through love and build, within the invisible, the Plan of the Creator.
Be aware of the mirrors that pulse in your hearts and feel yourselves a part of a divine and universal science. Just as the Mirrors of the Cosmos create in light, and manifest life and perfection, you too, children, should create through prayer and loving actions. Manifest a new life and, with the mirrors of your hearts, attract the new patterns of behavior for humanity. Manifest love, peace, and grace. Be worthy children of God and, through the mirrors of your hearts, recreate and renew this life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Father revealed the Cross to His Son for the first time, Christ closed His eyes and let His Heart go beyond suffering, fear and pain; He lifted His gaze to the Universe, to His Origin, to the stars that floated in Heaven. Christ dove into the deep meaning of the Cross and contemplated the Heart of God living a revelation and a renewal of Love.
Christ contemplated the Universe and saw the doors that would open, one by one, from the Kingdom of the Father toward the hearts of men, creating a bond of unity among the dimensions.
Christ contemplated the errors made in the past during all the evolution of creatures that had been born from the Heart of God and that, throughout their development, deviated from the path.
Christ contemplated how the blood, that would spring out from His Wounds, would be poured out beyond the earth and reach the depths of the human condition, healing even the roots of unknown evils, unconscious to men.
Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and found His Divine Mother accompanying each one of His steps on Earth, as in the Infinite, renewing His human and inner strength and helping Him to renew Himself in Love and surrender.
Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and knew that he would endure it, throughout the centuries, imprinted in the spiritual wound that He would carry in His Heart until the day of His return to the world.
Christ recognized Himself as part of God and, placing His Eyes upon the Divine Essence of the Creator that dwelled within His Chest, He knew that it would be God Himself Who would live this offering of Love for His creatures.
Today, son, God offers a cross to the planet, as well as to each creature. Look at the situation of the nations and the chaos on Earth and find this cross there, but go beyond it and know that, far beyond suffering, surrender, inner confusion, there is Love that will arise from your heart if, like the Son of God, you overcome these appearances and speak your “yes” to the Heart of the Father: “yes” to the sacrifice lived for love, “yes” to forgiveness that overcomes all errors, “yes” to hope that transcends chaos and makes apparent defeats, a divine victory.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At these times, you will not find an answer to your questionings neither in science nor in the sacred books, nor in religions. Everything that man has manifested up until today, even if it was inspired by God in other times, will not manifest the answer and the understanding for what humanity will experience in this world and that, as a consequence, will be experienced by the whole Universe.
Just as nobody was able to explain the actions of the Son of Man, from His predication up until His Cross, in these times, child, nobody will know how to explain what you will live as humanity.
It is in the Heart of God that you will find the answer and the refuge. It is in the Heart of God that you will find encouragement and breath. It is in the Heart of God that you will live in peace, which will be incomprehensible for the majority of men. And you will transform, into love, what for many will be "divine injustice."
Those who never addressed God, and who only worshiped and proclaimed the things of the world, will late cry out, demanding Heaven for an opportunity that has always been given to them. Those who limited Divine Wisdom to the human mind will search in books, written by the hands of men, and will not know how to explain, understand or accept what they will live, and they will shout: "My God! My God!", when seeing manifested what they always denied existed.
Those who were humble of heart and only certain of their own ignorance, will not fear to cross the Portals that will open upon the world and they will marvel at the Sublime Existence that will manifest on Earth, feeling within themselves the relief and aid that they so waited for. Their heart, united to the Heart of the Father, will know how to recognize the presence of the Son of God in His return to the world, and everything that they had to live and surrender in order to be in that moment, will seem very little. Their humility will grant them the grace to recognize the greatness of Christ.,
Now clean and purify your heart, My child. Do not spend time in vanities and indifferences, but know that the greatest treasure you can have is an empty heart, available for God, and united to Him. Build this unity within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Listen to the Heart of God, which beats in the silence of every human heart. In prayer, unite your spirit with the Spirit of the Father, and grow in virtue, in gratitude, and in love, because the world needs it.
The moment has come in which the planet has also entered into its agony, just like you, child, deep within yourself, can feel the agony that precedes a great surrender and the triumph and the renewal of the Love of God.
Listen inside of you to the Heart of God, because in this cycle that is beginning, only He will be able to guide you in your actions, thoughts, and feelings; only with your spirit united with His will you be able to discern in order to take sure steps and without fear.
Listen to the voice of God within you, unmistakable, impassive, transmitting stillness to your soul and strength to your heart.
The agony of the planet is beginning, and just as you were and are tested in the temptations of the world to persevere in your surrender to God, so also the nations and their people will be tested, and one by one, will be confirmed in their surrender to and union with the Father, so that they may be the cradle of a New Life.
You should pray and unite your heart with the heart of God, doing the greatest and grandest service, keeping the door of the human consciousness open to the Heart of the Father, so that humankind may not lose the link with their Creator.
Do not fear nor be sad, rather just maintain your heart in God. You know the Cross of the Lord and know that, after sacrifice, humiliation, and surrender comes the renewal of Love. Therefore, concentrate your heart on making your offer real, and may every second of your life in this world be for the renewal of the Love of God, be a brick that you place on Earth to build the New Life.
For this, you have my blessing.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Above chaos and beyond all human and universal duality lies the Heart of God.
Your Father, child, calls you to transform the laws of the Earth, which are fruit of the human degeneration; He calls you to transform what is the natural condition of humanity for many. Do not believe that the current human condition is non-transformable. Believe in the mystery of the Heart of God, which is beyond everything humanity knows and expresses.
Look at the Firstborn Son of your Creator Father: He must not ever be an exception for you. He is the spike of a spear of which you make part; a spear which breaks the structures of the old mankind and establishes a new life, a life that expresses the true essence of the human creation. Christ is the spike of the spear and His Father and Lord is the hand that supports and directs it, in order that its goal be exact and his path, right.
Feel your heart as part of this Plan, part of this divine spear in the Hands of God, which must be strong and needs to break the structures of an old being. Feel that, above all, this spear trespasses and crosses your own heart, your soul and your spirit and, transforming all that you are, makes you part of the establishment of the New.
Persevere, my child, and do not fear.
Let everything be broken and be transformed within you. Offer your heart to God as the first transformed part of this human consciousness. May your redemption be the first symbol of the triumph of God in this world.
Do you fear, but be firm. Let God send this spear to its target and, with a Love that is beyond all human understanding, transform this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more