XXIV - The Only Purpose: Live Love

A soul that aspired to one day be able to live unity with all beings and with God sought within each religion points that could unite each one of them, in love and respect. And one day, in prayer, the soul questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, You are the same God for all true religions. You are the same One Who inspires hearts and souls along the path of return to Your Spirit of Love. Tell me, then, what is there in each religion that unites us, that makes us all Your Children?"

And with love, the Lord responded: "What makes you My Children, little soul, are not the religions, but life itself. The fact that you exist in the vast Creation makes each being a child of God loved and favored, created for a purpose and with a mission.

Religions are impulses that I have given to humanity time and again so that souls would remember the path toward their evolution, but it has not only through religions that I have sent these impulses to the world; I also done so through nature, silence, service and, oftentimes, through suffering, because some of My children have chosen this path to awaken and perceive that they were not understanding life in the correct way, and that they were missing the true meaning of their existence.

Through religions, I have sent impulses to the world and as human beings grew and evolved mentally, emotionally and in soul, these impulses were able to become more expansive, more clear, more direct.

Through Krishna, I led them to an awakening of a simple degree of love, a love for life, for the elements, for energies. I led you to a broader perception of existence, and I began to create a path of return to My Heart. However, each being understood religion in a different way and manifested it according to their possibilities, which oftentimes were not pure like My impulses are.

Through Buddha, I taught you unity with the All, the compassionate love and peace. I taught My children to live in communion with the universe and to step out of the constant rounds of errors and their consequences. You were then ready to understand that it is you yourselves who are responsible for your lives, and through your choices, you attract to yourselves the rays and the impulses that elevate you or correct you, according to that which you choose to experience.

But not all of humanity evolved, not all opened to love.

The human mind developed, and with the mind, its wickedness developed rather than its love. Instead of My Children living in communion with life, they wished to possess it and manipulate it. For this reason, they made ways of getting what they wanted.

Through the Patriarchs, I again gave impulses to beings, correcting their paths; impulses that were also experienced according to their understanding.

Until I sent My Son to the world, not only with a teaching, but with a Grace. Different from all previous religions, it was not through knowledge or a constant effort to elevate yourselves that you would reach Me, but rather through a grace and the Mercy that a surrendered heart can receive.

The Love of Christ did not come for a few; it came for all. It did not come for the East or for the West; it came for all life, for all the beings that, in spite of their sins, knew how to say yes.

In previous times, humanity reached divine dimensions through a constant effort for elevation. Through Christ, the Kingdom was revealed to you within your own hearts, and throughout human evolution, My impulses continue to be renewed.

I begin to gather within My Children all the knowledge and all the degrees of love because the time has come for a synthesis of life on Earth, the time of the narrow and only doorway through which all beings will reach Me. And this doorway, beloved soul, is the love within your hearts.

This is why I Am the God of Life, because I love all and I have taught all how to love. This is the path for reaching Me. Therefore, come, in spite of differences. Come, in spite of knowledge. Come, in spite of the impulses that you have received, because all of them have had one purpose; that of leading you into loving."

May this dialogue, children, teach you how to understand the cycles of life and their true meanings, and to know that in spite of all the complexity of human existence, for everything there is one purpose, which is the living of love.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



XIII - Seek God, Come to Know His Mysteries and Experience Them

A soul that aspired to know eternity and Paradise, and each day sought merits so as to come to deserve a place in Heaven, questioned the Lord about which path is deserving to be by His side, saying: "Lord, life on Earth, in spite of being sacred, is too little for me. My soul ardently aspires to be with You in the Paradise of Your eternity. Tell me, then, beloved God, what do I do to remain by Your side in the Infinite?"

And with profound love and wisdom, the Lord responded: "Little soul, what is Paradise to you? In your heart, how do you think that life is in My Kingdom? I created you so as to dwell within you; thus, I want to make you understand that you do not have to desire to be in Heaven to be by My side, but rather discover Me within you. Happy and blessed is the soul that knows how to find unity with Me within their own essence, the one that does not seek outside of themselves, but rather within, in the depths of their own inner world.

Many are the souls that say they want to be with Me but how many souls silently stop to seek Me within their own essence?

Many are the souls that say they prefer My Kingdom to the world; but how many set aside, even if for an instant, the things of the world to seek My Kingdom within their own hearts and know themselves to be the Kingdom?

Many are the souls instructed in My Knowledge, those that know of My Words and say they love them; but how many souls are there that, after having been instructed about something, do not stop in the knowledge but rather seek an experience about what they have learned?

Little soul, My Kingdom is within you, just as I Am also within you, and the path to find Me is simply to truly seek Me, with sincerity and love. When you simply stop in order to find Me within you, you will see that My mysteries were not hidden in the stars. My Paradise is not only in Heaven; it lies within you."

May this dialogue, children, inspire you to seek God within yourselves, and not only come to know His mysteries, but also experience them, each day.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
