I do not look at your mistakes, but rather the potential and the capacity of the talents that I once gave to you.
So feel encouraged to discover, to feel and to perceive what each Gift that I gave to you can awaken upon the Earth.
Be the depository of My Graces, beyond your imperfections.
Understand, My child, that of you I need to make a new life so that you may be a new instrument.
Surrender to Me, again and again. Make yourself small and insignificant in everything.
Let My Truth pierce your heart so that your consciousness may learn to love without limits or obstacles.
Walk decidedly towards Me because, through Me, you will find the sure door to humility and to inner divestment.
Remember that you are part of a Project and that, through this Project, your life will be completely transformed.
Trust in Me and surrender to Me all that you are, you will thus be reborn every day.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
A repented heart is a heart that is approaching the truth because it puts in evidence all that it lived and experienced beyond the wrongdoings and rightdoings.
A truly repented heart is a heart that opens itself to conversion and, in this way, the Pardon of God is granted to it.
This repented heart can again journey the path of trust and renewal. It is a heart that learns to lose its most unknown fears because it faces and works them in a conscious way, to transform every experience of life, of suffering and of pain.
A truly repented heart listens once again to what it once resisted and conflicted because repentance itself leads to the fall of structures of the consciousness to give place to the task and mission of the inner world, which must bring to the Plan of God the talents that led it to fulfill the purpose of its incarnation.
A repented heart is able to establish peace inside of itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the face of the movements and events of the end of times, My Heart pacifies and neutralizes all forms so that souls may become aware and perceive what is wrong.
This is the time of the greatest challenges and of infinite tests; and there will be only one way to overcome everything, and it is through the love of the heart.
If there were enough love in the heart, and above all, in the consciousness, nothing that will happen would change the development and the awakening of the consciousness because everything would be a possibility for increasing the degrees of love and of drawing to the planet the opportunities that hundreds of souls lost through their various errors.
In this sense, the opportunity to serve and to attend to others will be expanded; sometimes it will only be necessary to listen to be able to open the inner spaces so that healing may descend.
These are times in which everything will be evaluated and nobody will be able to isolate themselves or omit this evaluation because it will be within them. This evaluation will define the next path and the next school and will not depend on the responsibility of anyone, because it will be a moment between the soul and God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Believe, My child, in the saving and redemptive power of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, since that Source is capable, not only of purifying and liberating you, but also of relieving and healing you.
Believe in the prodigies of the very powerful Source of Mercy, since It can renew you and encourage you to reach the way of rehabilitation.
Believe in the wonders that My Mercy can do, not only in your life, but also in each place and situation that presents itself.
Affirming the power of the Mercy of My Heart in your life, you will be able to rediscover the path to the fundamental principle of your essential and spiritual origin, and thus, you will be taking back the sense of having come to Earth.
The mistakes and faults do not matter; what matters is to have constancy, working every day to transcend them, so that the grace may descend.
Encourage yourself to surrender to My Divine Mercy. It is time to feel that everything can be done and everything will be achieved in peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Through My Presence, God brings you His Infinite Compassion, which, approaching the Earth, will try to rescue the souls of humanity from the abysses.
Divine Compassion is capable of forgiving what is most difficult, just as it is also capable of helping maintain an absolute balance during the times of rivalries.
It is for this reason that Divine Compassion leads to the awakening of pure neutrality.
In this time, Divine Compassion will try to place souls on the path that they once lost, for different reasons.
Divine Compassion will create an inner space, within the state of eternal light, where the soul will be placed in order to find relief for its errors and purifications.
Divine Compassion brings us hope and renewal, indispensable attributes for the healing of all humankind.
May Divine Compassion guard and protect everyone so that, being in it, all may drink from the Fount of God’s Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
The time has come for you to see, within yourself, the reality of your true being and do not fear to purify it, because freeing yourself from the chains of the past, you may be able to take firm and secure steps towards the concretization of the Plan of God on the surface.
With neutrality, love, and harmony, let your story written in the Universe emerge from within you and show itself so that your consciousness and your life can make a synthesis, and everything, absolutely everything, is forgiven.
Pour your hope and your faith into My Heart, because thus I, as your Mother, will teach you to be different, from the moment in which you confirm within yourself that you no longer accept to carry so many mistakes commited.
Trust in the infinite power of the Mercy of My Son, because it will be His Divine Mercy that will guide you toward the path of redemption and of rehabilitation.
I understand that it is not easy to see the inner reality as it is, but encourage yourself to surpass the barriers of suffering so that the powerful energy of grace may act in everything, and thus, again, you overcome in the Love of Christ.
As of now, decide to change your destiny so that the Hand of God may lead you to His House.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Believe in the power of love and of renunciation that God has given you.
Believe in the realization of His Projects in your life and in planetary life and, from that point on, continuously express the absolute faith of your heart; a faith that will allow you to defeat the duality within you, to then defeat it in humanity.
Let the belief in the realization of the Plan within your life be kept alive; thus, you will allow the currents of the Universe that foster the concretization of the Plan to also come to your aid, just like those currents which come to meet you today.
All errors made exist to learn about love and compassion. They are the most immediate and painful method that humanity chose for being able to realize their mistakes. But the Father, who is full in Wisdom, offers His infinite Mercy so that His children may abandon this vicious chain of errors and thus achieve freedom of spirit and of soul.
Trust that it is possible to change the cycle you are in, and, through the Universe, receive all the help you need.
Because the ardent desire of God is that His smallest children may surpass Him in love so that, once again, evil may be defeated and Creation recreated.
Follow the path to the Heart of My Son because there, everything will be healed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
For these times of definitions, in which everything will be permitted, an extraordinary Grace will be granted for the liberation of all past mistakes that a soul or a group of souls have generated throughout times.
That Grace of liberation refers to everything that binds or imprisons the consciousnesses with habits and past customs that prevent souls from taking a leap in evolution.
Through the Sacred Centers, united to the Marian Centers, this liberation can be fulfilled, as well as through the union of a group of serving souls who support the liberation of a suffering consciousness.
Therefore, it is important to know that if this spiritual and inner liberation occurs, this will allow the doors of healing and rehabilitation to open for the soul that has been self-imprisoned for a long time.
The fusion of the Sacred Centers with the Marian Centers generates a very potent vortex of liberation, which acts each time that a group of consciousnesses cry out for that liberation.
The effects of this request or appeal reach very profound levels of the essence that needs to be liberated.
In this cycle of rescue, the Spiritual Hierarchy will grant to the imprisoned souls the extraordinary Grace of liberation in order for them to achieve redemption and intimate union with God and thus, again be free in spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Transmuters are souls consecrated to be victims of the Love of Christ in order to transform, sublimate and liberate the contrary and dense currents that hinder spiritual ascent and the evolution of consciousness.
Transmuters are absolutely at the service of Christ, and, in silence, without recognition or comments, they relieve the pain of the world.
Transmuters are directly chosen by the Hierarchy because this is a task, a need of the Plan, and part of the Divine Will.
Nobody can declare themselves as a transmuter, since that state of consciousness depends on the alignment with the Hierarchy.
In most cases, purifiers exist, which are consciousnesses that, in a permanent and slow way, are purifying themselves, cleaning the spiritual register of their debts and errors through the impulse of a Higher Law that comes to their assistance, such as Mercy.
The Law of Mercy places those who are miserable of spirit within the energy of Grace but, for this to be possible, they must purify themselves.
Transmuters do not have a specific hour or time for this task. This mission of liberating and sublimating, through transmutation, is something the spirit learns throughout time and it has nothing to do with anything personal.
In these times, the Lord will call more transmuters to His service due to the need of the planet and the chaos of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Heart is like the flame of a blue fire that re-ignites in spirits the Flame of the Original Purpose, and those who have the grace of receiving this impulse are led to experience the purification and the consecration of their lives.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that offers Itself for the intervention and the healing of the errors committed by all beings throughout the ages.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because the Light of My Flame penetrates the depths of the spirit so that creatures may learn to live the Law of Love.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that, in an offering to God, gains the action of forgiveness and of Divine Mercy in the heart of beings.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because, through My Heart, souls will be able to reach the path to live the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira – “The Call”
This song invokes the flame of awakening for each person of the Earth because, having this consciousness of awakening, the human being will be able to abandon the atavistic forms that tie them to the past and to continuous errors.
This is why the Voice of the Hierarchy resounds more than a trumpet. Its Voice circles sidereal spaces so that, beyond the unreal alternate time, all humanities may hear the call of the great invitation.
Hearing this call, the soul is molded and formed as an instrument capable of receiving the luminous impulses that will allow it to transcend matter and the planetary psychism.
The call of the Hierarchy appeals to the awakening of consciousness because behind this important awakening lies the impulse that the spirit needs, to begin to become part of the inner commands of the Hierarchy.
This call invites human beings to have compassion towards their own planet and for its humanity.
It is a call for becoming conscious in order to be able to modify the tragic destiny of an Earth warped and colonized by error.
In this context, and even with these events, the song reveals the emergence of the New Christs who, amidst struggle, dissociation and traps, will overcome in the name of Higher Love that can and does transcend everything.
Thus, the Hierarchy, which is one operative Consciousness, awakens the spirits, present on the surface of the Earth, so that in their inner worlds they may hear the call of the Higher Light.
From sidereal space, the emergence of this group of consciousnesses will be seen, that will immediately respond to the Voice of the Hierarchy and that, beyond everything, will fulfill the requests of Divinity, in order to root out ignorance and dissolve the pain that leads souls to perdition.
This song reveals that everything is thought of and planned for, and it is the time of the great awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Walk barefoot, thinking that you will succeed and that you will be able to free yourself from the past, aspiring all the time to be able to achieve within yourself the manifestation of the Sacred Kingdom of God.
Walk barefoot, imitating me with determination and great courage, with the hope of seeing the Sacred Will of God carried out on all planes and in all consciousnesses adhered to the Plan of the Creator.
Walk barefoot, trusting in the future of something better, even though humanity and the planet are intensely purified, affirming within yourself the victory of Love and the concretization of the Divine Design.
Walk barefoot, stripped of your errors and the lack of successes, free of the chains that might have kept your feet imprisoned.
Maintain the vision on the Purpose, opening all the time the door of your heart so that the Light of the Kingdom of God can be established.
Walk barefoot, trusting in the unknown, in that which is to come and in that which renews, freeing yourself from planetary captivity and the condition that ties human beings to the past.
Discover, within yourself, the eternal present and in this way, unite with the Greater Universe, allowing that, at each new step, you may carry out that which the Universe awaits to be realized.
Keep your faith in the Highest, for from the Highest will come the help for each new challenge.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I come to purify your temple so that My Consciousness may dwell in you.
I wish everything within you to be removed, and in the same way, contemplated by the immensity of My Light.
I do not expect an immediate perfection or an early transformation.
I know your virtues, but I also know your errors.
I come to awaken the gift of My Humility in you, which will make you free of yourself and of the world. Thus, you will be able to participate of My immutable and eternal Presence, to be a part of My Spirit in communion with Me.
I know that everything has a time for happening and to be concretized.
Quieten in My Presence and do not let your heart be disturbed by the possible crises of life.
Accept the reality that you experience, carry the cross that My Father has entrusted to you, and vivify My Consciousness, again and again, through My Body and My Blood.
Do not stop smiling at life; the world needs the true happiness of the apostles of Christ so that, in this way, it may be filled with a relief it has not known until now.
Continue aspiring for transformation. The tests are the great bridges and abysses that, for the rest of your life, you will have to cross.
Dare to say "yes" to me and everything will be resolved.
You know that for your Lord nothing is imposible.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
It gladdens me to know and feel that there are still souls that are confirming in My path of redemption and, even if they go through challenges, they still feel this profound union with the life of the spirit.
It gladdens me to know that there are souls that are confirming to Me, every day, and work tirelessly to demonstrate their true love for the Consciousness of the Son of God.
It is time to gather up all of this self-giving and spontaneous strength that will make the planet become worthy of Grace and move away from the Law of Justice, which will correct the mistakes made throughout time.
It is time to appreciate everything that the Universe is presenting to your inner evolution and its great process of redemption.
Be encouraged to go through this challenge within yourselves because I will always show you the sign so that you may find it and experience peace within it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Faith of Jesus was not based on spiritual arguments or justifications.
The Faith of Jesus came from a true conviction that knowledge arose and was born of the Love granted by God to each inner core; that made His Faith simple, humble, and true as knowledge.
This Faith was given impulse by an absolute trust in the Celestial Father, this strengthened it in and of itself. It was not a Faith that would appropriate anything, not even spiritual or non-material.
Jesus fed His Faith through the Love that His own Heart had for the Divine Will. It was that Love what strengthened His Faith and granted everybody the revelation of the divine and cosmic mystery.
Through His Faith, Jesus brought the realization of the divine mandate, which allowed a change in the course of events and straightened the inner deviation of consciousnesses.
The Love and the Faith in Jesus were inseparable, one could not prevail without the other; since those inner virtues, in perfect equilibrium and harmony, were what granted the miracles.
The Faith of Jesus had nothing rational or even scientific about it. Although it was based on the lines of knowledge of the Supreme Law, His Faith was completely filled by Love, which made of Him a Being full of wisdom and understanding.
This Faith that lived in Jesus is the same Faith that Christ tried to awaken and place in the depths of the hearts of humankind.
Because, in essence, the Faith of Jesus demonstrates to surface beings that they are capable of moving beyond themselves, in order to live and to experience the reason for their existence, their purpose, and their goal, captured in the inviolable mystery of the Divine Will.
If souls imitated the Faith of Jesus, the tests that the Universe grants them would not be problems or obstacles.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not be self-willed, it is to have a heart available to love any consciousness, in any situation; it is to say "yes" when one is called upon to give more of oneself than one could.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not be afraid of recognizing mistakes and of trying and amend them with transparency so as to not make them again.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to believe that beyond oneself there is Something higher and divine that governs us, that we have a purpose to fulfill, and an unknown Will to embrace and love with all our strength.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not fear falling and getting up as many times as necessary to affirm our union with the Eternal Father.
I thank you for imitating the Faith of Jesus!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Within the essence of compassion lies the key to inner transcendence.
Through compassion, the consciousness is able to understand everything beyond appearances.
One of the reasons why human beings suffer is because of the lack of compassion for themselves, as well as for others.
Compassion teaches us how to awaken the virtue of understanding and balances conflicts, dissolving them in the divine power it possesses.
Compassion leads the soul to accept the mistakes of others and to positively enjoy the most significant and determining life experiences.
In compassion lies the balm for deep wounds because compassion dissolves divisions and strengthens inner unions.
In compassion one manages to transcend their own will and the constant habit of control and ownership because a truly compassionate being wants nothing for themself.
The being is elevated in the compassion of the heart so as to be able to embrace all difficulties and transmute them through the love that compassion itself expresses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in Divine Compassion,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I want to announce, as requested by My Son, that your Heavenly Mother will close this miraculous Pilgrimage that has happened during these last two months in Europe.
Europe, as a whole, was liberated again of many errors, not only from the past, but also from the future.
This Pilgrimage has launched new seeds that many hearts of different nations knew how to sow, and cultivate within themselves.
The impulse given through the Pilgrimage attracted important liberations and redemptions to the European nations, that were happening cyclically, as the Pilgrimage was developed.
Although, during these last two months, My pilgrim servants went through difficult and culminating moments, I would like to tell you, children, that the enemy and his powers were defeated many times and they were returned to their deepest abysses, where My Son, for the second time, will go to judge them and redeem them.
Today I take the time to transmit this message, and these informations, so that more each day, the Work as a whole, may know how far a simple pilgrimage can go, or even a humanitarian mission.
Everything that is done for love has a transcendental effect and can cover great plans of consciousness.
Even though the Pilgrimage for Peace has not ended in Spain, it does not mean that My children from this country do not receive the spiritual help they need.
In Spain there are valuable and precious servant souls, in which the Mother of God can found the basis of Her trust, because I know that they will always comprehend Me.
Now that so many nations and peoples of Europe have been spiritually helped, I want to tell you, My children, that the Iberian Peninsula is already prepared to go meet other European peoples and nations, in order to carry My message of peace and of redemption.
The next July 21st, which is a special day for Heaven, for its universal and cosmic conjuncture, the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of Humanity and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, will appear in the Community-of-Light Flor de Lys, to close the Pilgrimage for Peace, together with Her dear children, giving testimony once again of the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
There, I will wait for you to share, along with all of your fellow beings of the world, this important moment of synthesis.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
There are certain tests that, although they cause occasional pain or discomfort, help to place consciousnesses in a different point of their evolution and awakening.
These tests lead souls to be able to define themselves and thus find meaning for the purpose of their existence upon this planet.
These experiences that lead consciousnesses into maturing to some degree make them define themselves, and also awaken them with the intention that, through the tests, hearts learn to choose the paths they will tread in order to someday reach full holiness.
Souls experience tests daily, but what each soul must perceive is the meaning that each test holds, in spite of it being intense or painful.
Behind each test lies the possibility of detaching from self and of no longer accepting this human condition that used to lead you to make mistakes.
Every test can be overcome with love, knowing that each circumstance of life is presented to elevate the consciousness even further, stepping out of daily routine and entering into the true reality of these times.
Tests cause us to deeply change.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Times of Forgiveness and of Mercy
With the Grace of God in My Immaculate Heart, I come to reveal to you the mystery of Forgiveness and of Divine Mercy, for which no error is eternal, no condemnation is definitive and unalterable, if souls open themselves from the heart, repentant, to come to know the power and grace of Forgiveness and Mercy.
Today, My children, I come to invite you to heal in your hearts, the wounds that have been opened by the marks left in the past, by the mistakes made against humanity and against God Himself. In His infinite Grace, the God of Love and Forgiveness is always willing to forgive and pour out Mercy upon His children.
With the same simplicity in which you pray from the heart and cry out for peace, My children, the Creator opens His Arms to radiate over you and to erase all stains from your spirits and hearts.
To know God is to know the power of His Forgiveness and the greatness of His Mercy, and to fear to distance oneself from it, not by an eternal punishment, but by the infinite need that the heart feels for the Love of God, when it truly knows it.
No error is unforgivable when the heart is disposed to forgiveness, when in humility it surrenders at the Feet of God to tell Him: "Lord, here I am, placing at Your Feet my mistakes and my existence. Redeem my spirit, wash my heart and consecrate me to You so that I may be a witness of Your Grace in this, and in all times that will come."
Cry out for the Mercy that flows incessantly from the Heart of God, and do not let this river of eternal Love pass through your lives without drinking from its Graces.
The only eternal condemnation, My children, is the one imposed by the human heart itself, which, out of its ignorance, pride and indifference, prefers to be tied to its sicknesses and sufferings than to launch itself surrendered at the Feet of God and to recognize that it had been lost, and that it needs to find itself again.
The Creator of all things, who has launched the seeds of life in the vast Universe of His Creation, aspires to collect the fruits of the growth of His children; fruits that have grown overcoming challenges and that will become strong, not for their beauty, but for what they keep inside.
Mistakes make you grow in humility and understanding, they make you recognize that by yourselves you will not be able to reach a true purpose, and that you will become prisoners of your own illusions when you do not surrender to the Love of God and His eternal and unfathomable Truth.
My children, lose the fear of being loved by an unknown and immense Love.
The Love of God cannot be compared at all to the love of humans, not because human beings cannot love like God, but simply because they have not yet opened themselves to love like God.
This love begins when you allow yourself to be loved, transformed and healed by His Presence. And it is after you have been blessed that you will be able to multiply what you have received.
Listen with love to what I tell you and open your hearts to a new time and a new cycle, for the time has come to receive Forgiveness and Mercy, while these Sources still spill forth on the Earth.
I love you, bless you and thank you for listening to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Stay in peace and may your heart be calm, because there will never be anything between you and I that may be shattered or broken.
Unity and love among souls and My Heart are unchangeable because if souls trust in the Mother of God, they trust in the Divine Will.
All the errors committed are a part of a great learning to know how to one day step aside from the path of constant pain and enter into the path of Eternal Love.
Therefore, stay in peace.
Child, peace cannot be dissipated nor changed. Peace leads you to retreat and to have hope in these difficult times of humanity.
Liberate yourself from the past and look, with the eyes of hope, at everything good that happens in life.
God and the Universe know the weakness of humans, but they also know the virtues that one day will be fortresses that will defeat the old human, so that the new being may be born.
So then, be encouraged to keep trusting in the infinite Purpose and offer each moment of service as an opportunity to love, more and more.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more