Monday, February 20 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

First you must live forgiveness in your heart so that later purity may awaken and may take you to the one and only truth. Humanity must forgive in order to be reborn in the Hands of God. For this reason, dear children, I announce to you Grace as a path to Redemption, Rehabilitation and Mercy.

Each soul is on the eve of being able to renounce itself and to raise itself towards My Immaculate Heart so that I may be able to guide it towards the Kingdom of the Creator. Prayer will be the foundation that will construct the great pillars of the temple so that God may enter, and it may be Him who builds His Dwelling of Love.

The Lord has sent Me, as the Messenger of Peace, so that humanity may awaken in this end of times to the act of forgive- ness and reparation of all the faults committed against Him.

I announce to you the Grace of Mercy so that My children may accept it and may be able to renew life under the impulse of the Love of God. In order to forgive, one must follow the path of self-detachment. This path will be constructed by the gift of forgiveness. The inner illnesses will disappear because they will be touched by the power of prayer.

Dear children, I conduct you towards truth. The truth of the heart will help you through prayer so that each soul may see what it still must elevate and surrender to God the Father. My children must not sadden themselves for the consequences of their faults, but rather, they must, from now on, rejoice the heart because the divine hope will take them towards the forgiveness of all that has been committed.

So that nothing may repeat itself in life, prayer and courage are necessary in order to transcend that which one still has not been able to overcome. Remember the foundations of faith so that it may be the star that leads you towards a state of con- stant prayer.

Dear children, I give you My Peace and I hand you My Universal forgiveness for the reparation of all souls and of the world. Let us pray in trust for a greater redemption for all humanity. Wait for Grace so that later forgiveness may arrive in the heart.

Redemption for all the souls through the prayer of the heart.

Thank you to all the praying beings for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity