Convert your being into an instrument of God for the establishment of His Plan and the triumph of His Heart on the planet.
May the power of your faith, united to the Will of the Father, make you persevere as a server of the Divine Work, which has repercussions not only in this world, but in the whole universe.
With all the influence of chaos and evil upon the consciousnesses, and with the intense processes of purification within each being, the servers of the Plan must strive every day to remember that they are in this world for a Greater Purpose.
It is the love for this Purpose, child, that draws consciousnesses out of the nets of the illusion of chaos. It is the love for this Purpose that makes hearts overcome obstacles and stand firm on the path of union with God.
Each time your vision is blurred, remember the Sun of Truth that dispels this illusion. Remember the Purpose, remember the Plan, and realize even how small your own life is before it.
What gives meaning to the existence of creatures is their evolving and uniting more and more each day to the Creator; their multiplying His Love and filling with truth and light the life that is manifested in the different dimensions.
Life on Earth has true meaning only when beings are willing to persevere in the Light, to live transformation and redemption; when they are willing to consciously convert each particle of their consciousness that knows neither union with God nor His Love.
Life on Earth gains meaning only when the soul awakens and guides the dense bodies of the being, when the will to live love overcomes the forces of matter, and beings stop thinking of themselves to become pure love and divine truth.
Life on earth only gains meaning when the veils that cover the essences of beings fall, and they discover what they truly are and acknowledge their likeness with God.
Child, give meaning to your existence, give meaning to your experience on Earth; give the Father a reason for Him to continue multiplying the essences and souls in the eternal hope of renewing His Creation, and for some of these essences to discover the perfection that dwells within their beings.
Always remember the Plan of God; love the Purpose and the Will of the Father. Seek the Truth in all things; seek the essence of all beings.
Cut the nets of illusion with your heart and be free! Be free from yourself.
He who leads you to freedom,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more