Friday, November 4 of 2016

Weekly Messages

Children, proclaim peace in a world that does not know it. Be the precursors of a new time, of a new age, marked by the spirit of unity. Cross every day, with the consciousness, the threshold between the old and the new humankind, transcending in yourselves what still attaches you to the patterns of behavior that degenerate the planetary consciousness.

With each word that I delivered to you throughout the years I have instructed you, I have brought a key that will help you to take this step. However, you need to be constant, persistent and take care of those things that you already know you must transform.

I ask you to be more attentive and committed than ever because – at the same time that purification is accelerating – the Universe and the planetary life will charge, from those who are awaken, to fulfill their mission, the commitment they have made before God to help His Plan to be fulfilled.

Children, when a soul is not conscious of its purification and it is not working to transform what emerges from its being, it loses itself more and more in the abyss of its imperfections, and surrenders itself each day to the darkness of its miseries and to the unhealed bonds with the evil. That is why humanity needs a reference in these times, as the Sacred Family was in earlier times.

The holiness that some live inside the cloisters, in many parts of the world, is not enough for these times. It is necessary to complement the balance that the contemplative life generates with a holiness lived in the world, in the ordinary life, before the eyes of humankind, as an accessible example to everyone.

For this reason, we send you to serve and not only to pray at your homes. For this reason, we send you to proclaim peace and to be peacemakers in your families, among your friends, in your day-to-day, at each instant. For this reason, we permanently invite you to the transformation of the consciousness. For this reason, we reveal you with depth the universal mysteries because the Creator is giving you all the available tools for you to achieve the perfect expression of the unity with Him and for you to be a bridge for those who are in the world and do not know Him, do not find Him.

Each day, children, this world adheres more to wars and less to peace. That is why I ask you to heal within you what generates the wars and the conflicts, what leads you to be combative with one another, so that you will be peacemakers, precursors of a world that lives peace and unity with God.

Everything is possible when you work from the heart, because the human potential is very unknown to all. The love of your hearts is similar to the Love of God and, with a single drop of this true love, you could change the world because love transforms and heals all things.

Today I encourage you to persist.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph