When the triumph of God in humanity is great, also great will be the battles that will come for souls to be tested and also be tested by the evil so that they may persevere in the good and in Divine Light.
Seek the path of trust and unity; follow the path of prayer and wisdom.
That battle will still be long and arduous, as the path of the desert and the climb to Calvary. Find your fortitude in the eternal Cross of Christ, in which Love overcame all evils, harassments, and conflicts that sought to destroy the Power of God, with all their strength.
Fix your gaze on the Cross of Christ and your heart on the immutable hope of His Return to the world. He will avail Himself of the strength of His companions to allow His Plan to triumph. Allow the power of the Cross to renew your human strengths and transform them into unity with Christ.
I do not speak to you of impossible things, but of spiritual mysteries that exist to be experienced and thus, you sustain humanity in this world, walking towards the sublimation of the past and the emergence of a new life.
The Christian life must give way to Christic life, in which hearts do not only adore the example of Christ but imitate Him and live Him in this time, renewing His Gospel with the testimony of their own experience.
To one day find, come to know, and live the Universal Gospel that Christ writes with His evolution in the cosmos, in order to follow Him beyond this world, you must first experience the Gospel written with His Acts on this Earth, in His passage through it.
Christ will no longer return as Jesus, but in the splendor of the Son of God, and He will not seek from humankind the same that He sought in Galilee. He will look for the new and will lead you towards the new. He will awaken the Truth and will open human eyes so that you may see the time of non-time.
Christ will no longer come to transform rough fishermen into disciples of His Word because they have already grown and understood that beyond His Words, behind them, there exists a horizon on which evolution continues on its course, and nothing stops but is transformed in every second. Those fishermen recognized that Their Master and Lord also transformed himself, without ceasing to be the same Son of God, Part of His Part and Bearer of His Spirit. He evolved, like the universe, to make room for those who would come after Him.
To be a Christ of the New Time is not to covet a holiness that does not belong to you, but rather, make the Steps of Jesus with the Cross worth it, imitating His example, following His path, and living that which He taught you, so that evolution may continue on its course.
Christ is no longer just Jesus. He is the Solar Angel of God, His Resplendent Son, Who will come in glory, to collect the fruits of the seeds He planted on arid lands, where fertility was hidden in the purity and simplicity of humble hearts. In His companions, He will search for those who have followed in His Footsteps and whose seeds of life, watered with the Blood of the Cross, caused their inner Christs, the Christs of the New Time, to be born within humankind.
For this reason, fix upon this goal, this plan, and this aspiration of fulfilling the Divine Will. Love the Presence of Christ until you merge with Him and become One with Him, as He is with the Father, so that unity may again be etched in the infinite cosmos.
Do not fear the trials that will come to test you, as the Father allowed them to test His Son so that He could become the greatest testimony of Universal Love. Renew this Love and this testimony, overcoming the tests that come for your growth, and never stop fulfilling this Plan, children. Never think that God has abandoned you, but feel His Gaze and His Hope upon humanity, constantly calling it to surpass Him in love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more