Friday, January 6 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Look, child, at your deepest wounds and do not try to escape from that which is within you. 

Human superficialities, distraction, mundane life are all a result of the escape of the hearts of men and women of this world who cannot look inside and face their own inner reality with the maturity of spirit. Thus, do not run away from your inner abysses, from the wounds that are open within your hearts as a consequence of the tests and definitions of this time.

Make of each learning experience an opportunity for becoming stronger and for inner maturity.

Make of each open wound within your chest a doorway that allows you to enter your inner universe and allows you to know yourself more profoundly, allows you to know about your human condition and, beyond that, of your condition as a being created in the image and likeness of God.

Spiritual wounds are a part of the way. Wounds are doorways that conduct you to a deeper union with God, if you know how to enter this mystery and do not ignore that which you live internally, through the superficiality of the world.

Dive into the ocean of the human consciousness and into the mystery of the paths of God. Beings from this Earth are capable of renewing themselves in the most unexplainable situations. They are capable of making love and mercy emerge in the darkest swamps of the consciousness. There lies the mystery of the Love of God.

The Creator deposited within human beings His very own capacity for loving so that, by going inside of themselves and finding the divine essence, His Creatures would be able to love like He does and more: to love in a way that is completely new and unexplainable to all of Creation.

You are called to live all of this now, immersed in your own inner world, looking clearly at your own debilities and there finding a hidden fortress, penetrating your spiritual wounds and finding healing, love and mercy within them.

There is not a path that has already been described, a guide to find this mystery. There is an arrow that points to the depths of your consciousness and, there, experience itself will show you the way.

Go forward, because you have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.