Friday, December 15 of 2017

Weekly Messages

The Art of Being Humble to Reach God and His Mysteries

To be humble, children, in spite of it being a simple thing, is not something easy for the human condition.

Humanity has learned, throughout its evolution on Earth, to always desire something: knowledge, material goods and gifts that magnify the personal consciousness and affirm the self.

Until now, a human being, in spite of the examples already set, has not yet learned to love the essence of life on Earth.

I do not say that they do not know it, because indeed, they know it, and they know that the Will of God was expressed in His Son and that His example was like a boat that rowed against the current of the human condition and showed them that the efforts of humanity were going in the opposite way of its true evolution.

In spite of knowing the essence of the purpose of its existence, humanity does not love that purpose more than itself, and this is where all the roots of the resistances and difficulties for truly manifesting this purpose reside.

To love the Will of God more than oneself is to throw oneself into an abyss where personal control does not exist, where one’s own ideas and desires are always an option, but not a truth.

I Am not telling you that to be humble is to be indifferent, is to not think, to not have an opinion, to not participate in life with one’s own discernment.

Humility is to know that there is always a truth that transcends the human capacities of thinking, knowing and discerning.

There is always a truth beyond what beings can know, and the path is the constant search, the eternal attempt to find the right path, but always willing to be corrected and illuminated in order to step away from ignorance and mistakes.

Humility is the consciousness that, no matter how well you act, think and feel, there will always be something more, a reality that transcends your possibilities, and that, by yourselves, you will always have degrees of ignorance that must be replaced as you allow yourselves to be corrected, opening to learn and recognize that each being receives a part of the Divine Knowledge and, all together, you can learn and allow yourselves to be complemented.

There is nobody on Earth who has absolute wisdom.

The great mystery of God is that His Legacy was divided amongst all His children and, from the most miserable to the most saintly, all have a piece to complete the framework of fullness.

Recognize your own ignorance and let your beings enter into a new cycle of greater humility because, by being willing to learn, you may teach the world in silence, and one’s own example will be of more value than a thousand sermons and words pronounced without life.

Vanity does not hide nor is it silent, no matter how much your mouths are closed, and the lies only circulate in your thoughts.

Everything is visible.

Simply be pure in what you do, think and feel.

Seek the consciousness that you know nothing, and you will be able to be truly ready, not only to listen to the Words that come from God, but also to live them. And you will no longer keep them in your books or in your minds, but you will write them with your own lives in the history of human redemption.

I love you and I call you to a new and real cycle of emptiness of yourselves and of absolute surrender.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph