Friday, August 11 of 2023

Weekly Messages

The spiritual cycle of the consistent

This is the time and the hour of the consistent, of those who will see the fruits of their sacrifice and of their inner dedication, fruits that will manifest in unconditional service, in inner fortitude, in the ever closer presence of the Hierarchy, in the deep silence of their heart.

The fruits of the actions of the consistent are not recognitions or rests, they are moments of true spiritual deepening, they are experiences of the inner life in which beings no longer live only by studying knowledge and instruction, but can touch them, live them and experience them in their lives.

The fruits of the lives of the consistent are manifested in their interior, in the fortitude that emerges from their hearts, in the multiplication of the Gifts that the Spirit of God has deposited in their spirits, in unconditional surrender, in true humility, in the transparency of their intentions, in the sincerity of their actions.

This is the time and the hour of the consistent ones, of those who remained firm, year after year, sustaining the impulses of the Hierarchy, even though they often did not understand them, those who immersed themselves in instruction and spread it, even though it was an impulse for times to come, in which consciousnesses could finally live what they have received.

This is not only the time of awakening, but the time of surrender, the time of submerging in the Grace of the Heart of God and allowing this Grace to transform you and place you at the exact point of your transformation.

Many will be called to awaken and take steps that seem greater than those that their consciousness is capable of experiencing and assimilating, but this happens because the commitments of souls can no longer wait for another cycle to be fulfilled.

And to those who have already awakened, a new door will be opened, the door of the last opportunity so that they no longer see the impulses passing before them without being able to grasp them and live them to the fullest.

It is time to enter this door and leave behind the miseries and resistances of always, the difficulties that have always held your feet to each cycle in which you should take a step and walk.

It is time to break the old chains, children, because Grace has already touched your hearts and strengthened them, it has already given you the tools you need to break the bonds with the old humanity and enter the door of union with God, of the opportunity to heal the incurable and transform what seems untransformable.

This is the time and the hour to be consistent and not to leave it for later, because the Real Time of the universe touches the planet, and a reality that has been hidden from the eyes of the men and women of the world will now come to light.

To be in the right place and fulfill your mission, you must allow your souls to be filled in the Divine Will and be true children of Grace, consistent with that which you have received for so long.

You have My blessing for this. 

Your father and friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph