Wednesday, February 20 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear daughter, dear son:

Stay in My peace, within My Immaculate Heart, and I will make your anguishes, your sorrows Mine, and I will convert them into light that may give clarity to your ideas, peace to your feelings and protection to your actions.

Come, come up to My Kingdom through prayer and rest there with Me. You must fear nothing because you already know that united we are one with God and in God all is perfect, loving and luminous.

Open to new possibilities so that new consciousnesses can arrive, that may bring more prayer to this world and to all regions of the planet, to all cities, to all families, to all beings.

Open your heart so that the new may displace the old, that which you already know that is not good for your life. Open your mind so that new thoughts may replace those which maintain you in the illusion of “wanting” and “having”.

Open your consciousness for a new feeling based on the balance with the Law that may be the protection of all your walking.

Let your soul, united to Me and to My Son, command your life and take you through the new and safe trails where the gifts that the Holy Spirit wants to give you may flourish.

Give your life to the Creator, and the Spirit of God will permeate you and will make of your being a server full of God.

Enter completely in this new time with trust and completely unite to the plans of God. He seeks in you a companion for His Son, Christ Jesus, and a kind child for the Queen of Heavens and of Earth.

Take refuge in the Heart of the Messengers of God when you need it and once you have found peace there, stand up, take your sword of faith together with the shield of love, stand up like a Warrior of Mercy and follow My Son with joy and gratitude to wherever He takes you.

I am the Mother of all Servers of Peace.

I am the Mother of all Soldiers of Love.

I am the Mother of all Warriors of Mercy.

I am the Mother of all new Apostles of Christ.

I am the Mother of all Christs of the New Time.

I am the Universal Mother, the Mother of all.
