Tuesday, November 8 of 2016

Daily Messages

The Liberator of Love

Dear children of Costa Rica and Central America,

Your Heavenly Mother comes today to this meeting with you with the mission of proclaiming peace, in you yourselves and among your Central American peoples, so that finally a stop may be established in the conflict, and peace may be sown in the nations of this place on the planet.

With a merciful gaze, the Liberator of Love hopes that Her children of Central America may, through forgiveness, dissolve the wounds generated by the different guerrillas in the last forty years of history.

The Lady Liberator of Love comes to Central America to stop the unforgettable punishment and suffering that My children have experienced.

It is only through a just cause of love that the Lady Liberator of Love wants to bring to an end a sorrowful past that has remained engraved in the hearts that had to go through these events.

Now, with a gaze of hope, you will see on the horizon the awaited help from Heaven, which finds you open of heart to carry out this mission of reconciliation and of peace together with your Heavenly Mother.

I need, dear children, you to banish from your memories all those events that you have lived as peoples and as nations.

I come in the name of My Son to heal the pain through the infinite love of My Heart.

For this reason, on this day, free of all that you have lived and united with Me, let us profess our filiation with the Celestial Father. With His Mercy, and with charity and love, open the doors so that your civilian enemies may receive the opportunity for spiritual and inner liberty.

As Lady Liberator of Love, I wish you to learn to live a state of consciousness and of love that you have never experienced; this is why, with all the simplicity of the Heart, I teach you, My dear children of Central America, to bring events to an end, and to be reborn in spirit under the Grace and the Reconciliation of God.

I wish, My dear children, that with My visit to Central America and to Mexico, you may take a definite step and leave behind a history of struggles and of power that only sickens the good heart.

My children, I know that for you it will take a great effort to detach from the past of your peoples. Do not fear! I am the Liberator of Love, I am She, the same women of Nazareth that surrendered Her Beloved Son for you, to generate your salvation and your freedom from an age-old prison of human error.

Dear children, this act of forgiveness that I ask you to live today will lead you into finding mercy, and those same opponents of yours will also be deserving of an inexplicable Grace, because My Son has asked Me to call those who are the worst and those who are most imperfect, because in them resides His redemptive Project for the end of times.

All this is possible simply through love and through peace, something that I hope you will undertake, because living those attributes will help your nations very much, so that they may be liberated from the captivity in which human beings have placed them.

Remember that I am the Lady Liberator of Love and that I just wish what is best for your lives and for your peoples. I just wish you to live holy peace.

I thank you for responding to My call. 

In the name of Love, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace