Monday, March 25 of 2013

Weekly Messages

 My children:

Today I come as the Morning Star that prepares the day which will be consecrated by the Sun.

The life in Heavens, in the Universe, My dears, is eternal consecration to the Heart of God. And I am the one who, as Mother, comes to prepare you for this constant consecration of life.

A soul who aspires to consecrate itself to the Lord is one that recognizes itself as it is, imperfect, and in this way places all its imperfection at the feet of God, so that He may render sacred that which is so simple and small.

Today I invite you to live, each one, the consecration of spirit, of soul and of life. And this happens, My children, when you do not fear to see the imperfection that there is in your hearts, when you do not fear to perceive yourselves as little children before the infinite Greatness of God. And this way, surrendered in body and soul at His feet, you take the risk of living His Will.

My Heart rejoices today as it observes from the Heavens that many hearts are willing to offer their lives to the Lord. And I tell you, My dears, that it will not be easy to discover the life of joy within the life of sacrifice. It will be a true learning of the heart to discover the eternal Love of Our Father before the sufferings that the world will offer to you in this time.

For this I come as Mother and intercessor for your hearts. I come at request of the Lord to teach you to live His Will starting from the heart, always making to grow the joy of the soul.

Today I bless you, and I thank you for confirming the eternal union to My Heart and to the Holiest Heart of My Son.

Always count on My presence, on My aid and on My words engraved in your hearts, in your spirits and in the books of your lives. Because when I am no longer able to be here among all of you, you will discover that My Word is eternal and you will always find the keys in My Messages to transcend the events of life, and to live in eternal renovation.

I bless and love you.

Thank you for answering to My Call, to the life of consecration.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.