Pray with your heart and with your spirit; in this way, My Verb will unite with yours and My Presence will be perceptible to your small being.
Pray for the nations, for the peoples, for the world, and go with your purest intention, traveling this planet; in this way, you will learn to fly like the Luminous Bird that rescues those most in need.
Pray for your brothers and sisters, for your friends and for your enemies, with the same love and with the same fervor, because the difference between souls is in your eyes rather than in the Eyes of God.
Unite with the Divine Gaze and contemplate the unique essence of each creature that lives on Earth.
Pray with love for the Kingdoms, just as you would pray for those that are at your side and greatly suffer, because the Kingdoms are also at your side and many times, suffer even more than your brothers and sisters.
Pray directing your aspirations to the Universe, to Infinity, so that the One who reigns in this universe is able to receive your aspirations and concretize His Greater Will in you.
Pray for what you know has need of your prayers, but also pray for situations unknown to you, because your eyes have limits and and so does your knowledge; but there is the One who has no limits, who sees everything, and can guide your prayers to where they are needed.
Pray for the oceans and for everything that lives in them.
Pray for the air and for everything that breathes it.
Pray for what is visible to you and for what is invisible also.
Pray for what you know is living and for what you do not know, but also has life.
Let your prayer expand and your verb cross the walls of your small house. Let your prayer be infinite and powerful, strong enough to travel through the whole world. You will achieve this if you take your small verb and offer it to the very great Divine Verb.
Unite your voice to the great Voice of the Universe.
Unite your heart with the Universal Heart and in this way, you will find yourself within everything, within the all.
I come to lead you to this state of consciousness, because the time has come for being one with the One who is in everything, and for discovering this Universal and Divine King in all things.
If you listen to My Words with your heart and, while you pray, you remember each one of them, you will then discover that great and silent mystery in which your small consciousness is immersed.
Seek to be simple, My child, so that in the simplicity, you come to know the One who is Purity itself, who is Love itself and Truth itself.
Place your hands on Mine and walk at My side; I come today to lead you through the Celestial Universe.
I thank you for walking with Me on this universal journey.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more