Those of My children who work with Me for the Plan of Rescue of souls do not feel hungry nor cold, because they are fed by prayer and gathered under My Mantle.
Those souls that said yes to the Redeemer do not feel afraid nor sad, because they are strengthened in the love of the Sacred Hearts and experience the happiness of eternal service.
Those consciousnesses who said yes to the eternal life offered by God the Almighty Father have no doubts in their spirits, because the Spirit of God lives within them and liberates them from all evil
Those pilgrims who follow me in this eternal pilgrimage for souls do not feel tired, because they rest in the bed of My maternal Love that covers them with peace and gratitude for their efforts.
Those servers who, every day, unconditionally give Me their hands to work for the weakest and most distressed are nourished in My Immaculate Heart, which permanently guards them.
To those who collaborate so that others can materialize the Work of God on this Earth, I keep them from all evil.
And you, beloved son, beloved daughter, from where do you want to receive My Graces, those that I bring to you from Heaven?
Remember that there will always be a place for your heart together with Mine, there will always be a place waiting for you in this universal Work, which tries to bring all creatures back to the House of the Father, where everything is peace, harmony, love and salvation.
My dearly beloveds, today I want to give you a special Grace that I brought from the Heart of God. It will be planted in the heart of those who say yes from their hearts to the task that the Sacred Hearts carry out in the world. This Grace will give you true life on Earth as in Heaven; it will bring definitive peace to your lives, it will give you the definitive impulse so that the pain may disappear from your consciousness and the new dawn, full of light and hope, can live forever in your hearts.
My children, believe that everything is possible, because the freedom that the Love of God brings to His creatures is knocking at the door to your hearts. Open the door and it will enter.
I love you and bless you always.
Thank you for being with Me today!
Mary, Mother and Universal Queen
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more