Tuesday, April 2 of 2013

Daily Messages

Praised be the children who come to Me! Because theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Praised be the little souls of the children who pray with Me! Because through them My Heart will liberate and give light to fallen souls.

Praised be the children who come to Me! Because in them I will deposit My New Gifts, those which will give fruit in the Promised Earth through their little hearts.

Dear children and My brothers and sisters:

Today I call you to become like children so that it may awaken in you the humility and the simplicity of loving the God of Love above all things.

Dears, it is time to throw the nets of love and of redemption so that more followers and non-followers of Mine may be able to awaken to the life of Spirit. My Sacred Heart, full of Graces and of Mercy will work through your essences. For this, it is necessary to keep the inner house in order, the temple of the heart of each one of you so that My reconciling Spirit may visit and guide you, step by step.

Dear companions, today I give you My paternal Hug of love so that you may find in Me the relief that you need and thus you may reach the Grace of the conversion that your beloved Father waits for so much from you.

Come to Me and do not get tired to come, open the door of the heart and allow to emanate from you the Source of Love so that it may be radiated to those who most need peace.

We are in times of imminent Graces, inexplicable for humanity, for this the inexhaustible source of My Heart will be able to unite itself to you by means of the prayer that renovates all things. I Am returning to give life to your spirits and to renovate in life your hearts. Just open the way so that the Shepherd may be able to guide you in Love and in Redemption.

Blessed be the meek of heart because they will be like children in the New Promised Earth, the Earth blessed by God Father.

Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.