I want that My Heart be the shining sun in your hearts.
I want to satiate My thirst for good souls through your surrender to My Heart.
I want to be the star that guides you during the night.
I want to be the victory of the redeeming love in your lives.
Every day I aspire that you save for Me a special place in your lives so that the Shepherd may guide His sheep.
I want that you feed your spirit with good feelings and actions.
I want to make you distant from the temptations that the world offers, a world that promises illusions to My Children and that misleads them until it makes their hearts get distance from My Heart.
For this, as I have said to the Apostles, “wake up and pray with Me!” Today again I say it to My New Disciples. Who prays, vigils, but who vigils and prays with the heart will protect themself from the arts and from the mirages that are used by the cunning of the enemy.
But if you do not only vigil for yourselves, for your thoughts and attitudes, but also for those who still do not manage to vigil themselves, you will be serving in love all those who, for lack of consciousness, get distracted and fall into the traps of the enemy.
If you vigil, pray and serve you will be awakening in your beings the three aspects of My Lord that are named as the Holiest Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Father, as a gift, you will find in the permanent vigil, in attention to all that moves itself in the surroundings. The Son you will find in prayer, in the state of elevation of the word and of the sacred word which is what represents the prayer of the heart. And the Holy Spirit you will find through the service to your neighbors because the Holy Spirit of God manifests itself in the word for that which it has to express; in the thought for that which it has to discern and meditate, and in the action for that which it must do through the gift of science and of intelligence.
In this way you will find the true approximation to the Holy Trinity because even in the good works, in the warm and loving prayers, as in the vigil of walking towards the Divine Purpose, Father God presents Himself to all men and women through the hearts of His Beloved Children.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving the Holiest Trinity in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more