Friday, April 11 of 2014

Weekly Messages

It has been two thousand years since, during the week prior to My Passion, I found Myself still in Galilee, healing and performing miracles of life to those who afterwards gave me to the Cross.

Before this, the Lord had entrusted me to experiment with the flavor of bitterness and with the dry thirst of the condition of this humanity.  This was the moment before My Passion when My human cells surrendered to the Will of the Divinity.

My Spirit recognized from the first moment of life the task that it would realize out of love of others; in this way in the constant offer to the Lord, He gave Me to drink from the cup of His Will, so that in honor of His Name I could accomplish His Request of redeeming and saving humanity.  Before the cruelty of the enemy, the Lord inspired Me to radiate the spirit of serenity and peace.

If you My child, see and perceive that all around you seems to be empty and without divine life, remember the commitment that you made with Me for this time.  My Grace will be poured over the simple of heart; but My Requests, that sometimes are bitter, also must be accomplished in those that walk by My side.

This is the reality of the server of Christ, to pour up to the last drop of their water out of love of others, even though they may find rivalries or barbarities in their fellow humans.  This will be the moment to be merciful, to love and to forgive the mistakes that the others commit without perceiving it.

A true merciful being risks themselves to the point of being condemned to the death of their ego, in this way the paths of those who follow Christ will be straightened out.

In this preparatory week of the experience of My Passion, I invite you to be merciful even in the smallest details, because in this way you will be able to accomplish My Will.  When I was condemned, I was silent.  When I was whipped and injured I was silent.  When I was nailed to the Cross, I surrendered.

Sometimes God shows His Will and His Wish in a way that we may not understand, but in all the Lord wants to say something to you; it is time to trust and to love His Great Universal Will.

The Spirit of God will always nourish you and relieve you of everything because whoever serves God will lack nothing in this life or in the next life in Heaven.

Under the Glory of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus, the King of the Divine Love