Wednesday, October 4 of 2017

Monthly Messages

And after the three days of darkness, the Sun will rise again; the Sun that represents the Son of God, of the Only One and Invincible God.

But fear not, I will always be with you until the end of time and I still keep this promise, current and alive, for each one of you.

I come to teach you to go through the end of time and to transcend the cycle of the darkness of the planet.

My Eyes do not fail to see the grave situation in which many souls in the world live and how many more still dive into the great abysses of the Earth.

But I still send to this world the Archangels of God so that, in their eternal silence, they may bring to the Earth the Gifts that vivify some souls and that allow My Works to be done in this humanity.

I do not stop sowing My Bases in the hearts that are consistent with Me.

I do not stop establishing My Projects in all those who follow Me.

I am here, together with you, reaching out My Hand to take you to God and to let you know that, in these times, humanity will have to purify from very unknown things.

But I tell you again, do not be afraid. My Merciful Heart is here to strengthen your spirits and to make each new learning a victory that I place at the Feet of My Lord, the Creator.

Feel the refuge of the Angels of Heaven.

Feel the protection of the Mother of God.

Feel the embrace of Your Master and strengthen yourselves until you can attain what I need in each one of you.

I will come as this Sun to dissipate the darkness.

I will come as this great shield to defeat evil.

And I will not let anybody lose the opportunity to know Me, at least in this last time, when the planet greatly suffers the consequence of its errors.

Day by day, I see what happens in the world.

Day by day, I feel, in My Heart, the thirst that many souls have. Souls that do not even draw near Me nor seek Me.

Because I, Am not only a Master, but I Am the Expression of the Manifested Love of God, in this and in other Universes.

I am this Flow of Light that can save you, that can guide you and help you in the path and purpose that each spirit came to fulfill on this planet.

Today I do not come here, to Santa Fe, to point out your errors, your uncertainties or your imperfections.

Day by day I come to seek something more from you. Something that you still do not know in yourselves and that is there, alive, to be at the service of God and His Plan.

I pray for you and for your brothers and sisters so that you can accompany Me till the end. Because I still have a lot to do here, on this planet, and with all souls of this world.

Seek, in these times of darkness, the joy of serving.

Seek, in these times of darkness, the light that you have not been yet and reflect what God has given you since the beginning of your divine and spiritual conception.

Because there, I will be able to place My Hands on you. I will be able to transform what has not been transformed yet. I will be able to make each one of you into what My Father expects so much.

Today, not only do I reflect to you My concern for how the world and its humanity are, but I also reflect hope to you, through My Eyes and My Heart, the hope I have lived, experienced and expressed during My Passion until after the Cross and, even more, until after My Ascension.

I come to fulfill the Promise I have made more than two thousand years ago.

I come to call you to accompany Me, in this hour, to bear the end of time and all that must happen in the next cycles that will come.

I am the Solar Sun that comes to bring new codes to all those who need them.

In My Patience, I come to build new things, which are still not ready in you but will be ready someday, when you perceive that all, no matter how small it is, is part of the service to God.

Banish from your paths the distress. Remove from your paths the stones that make you stumble and stand up as many times as necessary, until you meet Me again, once and again, and you strongly take My Hand to keep walking until you reach the goal.

If the world does not repent, few will be saved. That is why we are on pilgrimage all over the places of the world, in order to bring the relief the planet needs, to make of this moment, a moment of opportunities and of changes in all souls.

Today I come with the sunset of the Sun, so that you seek, beyond the horizon, what exists in this Universe and is real; what makes souls take steps on the path of surrender and union with Me.

Receive the solar rays of My Heart and transfigure your lives completely, so that I can count on more soldiers, those who will not lose peace in this spiritual battle, because I will give it to them as many times as necessary.

I am here to take you to what is Greater, to show this world that the Universe continues forward and that there still is much to learn.

May this Marathon be the school for you to learn to go through the times, to know how to overcome barriers and obstacles that may present on the paths, until My Plan is finally fulfilled and it can be alive in you.

It will not take long before I return to the world, but still humanity will have to learn what it needs in order to recognize, in itself, the great Graces that it has received during these last times.

I leave the Priestly Communion to you, the union with My Christic Spirit, so that the codes can be replaced and, thus, the Gifts may manifest in the life of all beings that aspire to find Me step by step, moment by moment.

Offer this Marathon for the awakening of humanity, for those who still sleep and drift away from the Love of God.

I leave the Power of My Grace to you, the tireless Strength of My Spirit, the perpetual Love of My Heart, until you can be sheltered in God and feel the Power of His Presence.

I bless you for this new stage, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.