Saturday, March 13 of 2021


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Do not let the light of your heart go out.

I have come here to help you and to accompany you. I have come here for each of My children, on this special day, when consecration is the premise for each of your consciousnesses, because the final moment is approaching, and you are living it.

Decide, My child, to enter this Calvary, which Our Lord calls upon you to live and to experience.

In this pause between the battles, decide to carry the cross that He is giving you so that this Lent may be a victory, so it be a triumph for God.

You know that love will always triumph, love will never perish.

Evil does not know love, that is why evil aggresses and attacks. Its fury is unknown, but its debility is great.

As long as you love and live in faith, everything will be transformed, no matter how difficult it may seem. 

Now, the cross that you must carry, in this Calvary to which you are entering, is the cross of humanity, the spiritual cross that very few dare to carry upon their backs, that very few risk to feel and support, just as My Son did.

Do you not think that it is possible for you to carry that cross?

This is the path of the New Christs. This is the path of the soldiers, of the Children of Mary.

Not only will prayer, day by day, sustain you, purify you and elevate you, but so will your true surrender and sacrifice to Our Lord, in order to compensate the great debt that the world and humanity have.

God does not pour out suffering upon His children. God pours out His Mercy and His Graces, but still, few can recognize, appreciate and value them.

Therefore, My sons and My daughters, be resigned and humble to be able to perceive the vast universe of God, to be able to contemplate everything that He wants to give you.

As time goes by, the greater the definition becomes. This is the time to live it and experience it.

This is the Cross of the Apocalypse.

Wearing part of My Celestial Mantle is not only a blessing and a Grace, it is a commitment, it is a responsibility, it is living fidelity to God through My Immaculate Heart.

I have prepared you throughout these years for this moment, and today I receive with love the aspirations of many of My children who want to consecrate themselves.

This material time and the events of the world prevent My children from reuniting.

Evil has carried out an unknown project upon you; it has paralyzed all of humanity because humanity is very ignorant and unconscious. But faith can renew all things. Prayer can transmute all things. Sacrifice repairs and mends the mistakes of the entire world.

My Son hopes that there be hearts that offer themselves as victims of His Love, that there be hearts that can live what Christ expects so much; that they not only receive from My beloved Son His Mercy, but also His pain, His thorns and His spiritual wounds.

This is the Meeting of the Children of Mary that closes a cycle, as it is the seventh.

In truth, My children, God did not expect humanity to reach this point and this situation, but it did, and so it is.

That is why I invite you to rise from the ashes, I invite you to rise from tribulation, from the desert; to leave sin, lies, pride, arrogance and vanity. I invite you to live obedience, fidelity, commitment, responsibility, loyalty and, above all, love, Christic Love.

My Son will base Himself upon these sacred attributes to make your lives and hearts apostles of Christ.

Your mission is in the conviction to live in Christ and for Christ, and not to live a life of material or spiritual illusion.

Children, this is the time to assume the heavy wood of the cross of humanity so that the world forever be liberated from the state it has reached, from the place where it has remained for centuries.

I can only pray for you and encourage you to go forward, to not back down and go through this turbulent time of instability and challenges; an unknown time, which no humanity has ever before lived or went through.

You are a race in transition, a project that has been left unfinished and that must be finalized. A human project that must be realized, just as it once began in the holy peoples of Israel. You are their offspring, you are its new tribes.

Christ needs to gestate His Project of Return in truthful hearts. While this does not happen, He will not arrive.

I pray to the Eternal Father for that moment to come, because, as a Mother, I suffer for a world in chaos, in suffering, in agony and in pain.

All the angelic hosts that accompany Me help the planet in all that is possible. My Mantle envelopes all nations, but still, humanity does not want to disassociate itself from evil.

Be that Light of Christ that the world needs at this time. Be that Sacrament realized and concretized by the Mercy of My Son, giving testimony to His Word and living in the Eucharist.

The signs of the Return of Christ will be very visible to all. But I ask you, beloved children, I ask the whole world, not to pretend that the prophecies are fulfilled, do not do it, do not do it anymore. May your lives be a promise and not a calvary.

May your consciousnesses unite to the Project of God and His Will in these times when the battle is very hard and difficult; but always see My Son, that Man of Nazareth who shed His Blood for you, down to the last drop.

The sacred soil of the planet witnessed this event and you cannot lose it or stop valuing it.

Now learn, My children, to support your own passion, your own agonies and uncertainties, so that the purification of the world and the liberation of souls may triumph.

On March 13, 2021, a spiritual door opens for all the Children of Mary to go through. It is the door of the mature sacrifice, of a matured cross that you are invited to spiritually carry with My Son.

I ask you not to justify yourselves or to be sorry. I invite you to carry out this work silently, united, from heart to heart, to the great Heart of Christ, the Universal King.

Your Hands will not be able to meet many needs, not only those around you but those throughout the world. The soldiers are reducing in the ranks of the Commands of Christ. Will anyone else perish?

It is not the time to step back, My children; allow the Spirit of the spiritual Government of Christ to guide you and protect you; give you impulse to find, day by day, the path of transcendence and the redemption of all your human aspects, because whoever truly serves and surrenders, will lack nothing.

The call of Christ at this time is straightforward and clear.

Decide to be that last flock and that last tribe of Israel that is surviving the end times, because in the midst of darkness will shine the Star that will bring the great consciousness of Christ to the world, and He will put an end to everything that humanity lives today, but first the planet will cleanse itself.

May everyone have the opportunity to straighten their paths and to not forget the Commandments, which we have told you so many times.

When you can take it no longer, My children, I invite you to rest in My arms, I will embrace you with My Mantle and sing you a song so that you can sleep, just as I would put the Child Jesus to sleep.

My Heart is ready to accompany you. Is your heart ready?

May this consecration and renewal of vows deepen in each one of My children. It is necessary to pray more so that peace may not be lost and, especially, so that souls may have discernment in their decisions, because nobody will any longer be able to say that God is punishing them.

The consequences are generated by your actions, by your choices, be aware of this and you will not suffer. May the star of the commitment of the Children of Mary shine upon the chest of each being, and help will come.

Today, be anointed by the luminous sign of the cross.

Today, be blessed by the Celestial Mother.

I thank you all for having reached this moment and this time.

Follow in the steps of the Mother of God, but may your steps be barefoot, divested of yourselves, and surrendered in trust to the Creator.

I bless you with the Light of My Son, and on this day I renew the vows of your consecration.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.