Thursday, October 12 of 2017

Vigils of Prayer

In the same way as on a cold afternoon, on February 11, 1858, in the Massabielle Grotto, in Lourdes, today I come to meet with you, dear children, to plead, together with you, to the Celestial Father for all that I still must do here, in Argentina, together with My Son and Saint Joseph.

I hope hearts feel that a Divine Purpose is being gestated through this pilgrimage, during which all the hearts of this Earth again receive a new opportunity, which comes directly from My Immaculate Heart.

I want you, dear children, to feel the importance of continuing to accompany your Heavenly Mother on this path of redemption, which, together with My beloved Son and His Divine Presences, We have been building on the surface of this humanity.

Thus, today I come as the Lady of Lourdes, and at the foot of this small fount of Christ, I baptize you again by the strength of the Holy Spirit, for all that water, as a chaste element, can provide for humanity.

May this water, which is today at My feet, be the symbol for the immediate healing of spiritual life that many souls need for these times.

Just as I told Bernadette to dig and find the Fount of Life, today, through this water, dear children, I ask you to participate in your purification, your healing and redemption, through this element, which, from the origins of the Earth, has given itself to humanity to be a part of its evolution, and mainly, of its healing: of its spiritual healing, its mental healing, and its bodily healing.

See then, My beloved children, how important the symbol of water is in these times. How much it suffers in the world, the great waste of humanity and the permanent contamination, which even spiritually compromises it, so that it may continue to carry out its task with humanity.

God first created water. Have you ever asked yourselves why the Holy Lord, the Almighty, created water before humankind?

I come to show you, through this example, the spirit of self-giving, of humility, chastity and surrender, by means of the Kingdoms and the elements of this Nature, which God expressed for all His children.

Today, on this day of vigil of prayer, let your spirits be spiritually washed by the gifting of this water, so that your spirits are able to merge with Christ and Christ, My beloved Son, is able to be present in your hearts and for more time, in this humanity.

I am happy for being able to be here, in this place and at this very moment, together with My children, so that, through My Presence, you can feel the Celestial Kingdom, which comes to meet with you to strengthen your hearts and souls; so that you may continue to be, in this end time, instruments renewed in Christ, for the concretization of His Redemptive Work, in this time and with this current humanity.

Each time you feel the need, dear children, for purifying your hearts and minds, approach the rivers, the oceans or this small waterfall, to find through it the symbol of reconciliation, of healing, and of union with God.

The water element is in permanent self-giving for the world, and is not deemed by this humanity to have the value it has deserved, since the beginning of Creation. For this reason, My Son, throughout the times and the generations, baptizes with His Spirit, by means of the Sacrament of Baptism and with the gift of the water element, so the forces contrary to evolution present in souls can be dispelled and expelled, and spirits be renewed through this Sacrament, which your Lord has instituted for the permanent renewal of this humanity and future humanity.

I am here today also as the Mother of all the Kingdoms, so that, through them, you may feel the love they silently radiate, and the very deep and intimate healing that your souls can find, by simply drawing close to them.

This will also help, dear children, at least a part of the more aware of humanity, to consider the Kingdoms with the importance they have for Our Lord, and above all, for their presence in the future humanity.

You, as human beings of this surface, could not live on this planet without the Kingdoms of Nature. They also transmute the contrary current and all the action that the humankind of these times generates, transgressing the Kingdoms, as well as each element of Nature. But if your hearts, in simplicity and love, contemplate the Kingdoms with the gratitude they need, many things can be repaired. Great expanses of the Kingdoms of this Nature can be healed and relieved, when humankind contemplates them with love and simplicity.

Simply with this act, great devas and elementals can be led into new spheres of evolution, for the purpose of having an opportunity, still on this planet.

See, dear children, how water, in its permanent self-giving, holds all this information of each of the Kingdoms. Because I remind you once again that water was present first, since the beginning of this planet.

How much it can contribute to the world through its Laws of Healing and of Grace!

Water is also the principal element of communion with Christ, together with wine and bread.

The Rays of My Grace cause sparks of light to emerge, coming from the water element, present in other Universes.

See, dear children, how important water is in this humanity, which without it, could never be physically alive.

Water, lovingly created by God for this humanity and this planet, is not only a physical element; it is an alchemical element, a spiritual science that comes from the Source of Creation.

See also, dear children, how the counterpart of water at a spiritual and inner level, can be found on the planes of consciousness where God the Creator is present.

Is the water of this world correctly esteemed? You and I know that it is not. It is time to consider water with the spirit and gratitude it deserves, because in a future time, the water of life will be lacking. But the souls that are aware in the world will be able to help safeguard this element, so the water of the world not only be salty.

If you radiate love to the water element, you will help its great devas, present in various parts of the world, such as in the great oceans.

The nations of the world could never live without water. And we all know that; but they could never live without its spiritual counterpart, which is what heals, restores and redeems consciousnesses.

I invite you to continue to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, so they can survive in these times, under the conditions of this humanity, which each day are more serious and outrage the elements God created for humankind as a great offering of love.

I wish to make a last revelation for the Planetary Consciousness. Water, on this physical plane, is the Presence of God, the Living God, who can be close to His children and not only feed them, but also nurture them with His Divine Spirit through the element of water.

Now, before Creation, dear children, recognize the importance of this sacred element, which, if missing in the future, as it already is missing in some regions of the world, will generate a great social inequality, a war for water.

Preserve what God has given you in this incarnation, through the self-giving of this element, so it may be esteemed in the world, contemplated, loved and respected, just as you should do daily.

Each time water is wasted, a debt is generated in the Universe by humanity itself. If you cannot drink of this element, because it may not be pure, gift it to the elements of Nature, to the gardens, the animals, so that they too can be in God, as you are in God through the water element.

Today I want to bring this message to Argentina and to South America, because here there are great reservoirs of water that will serve future humanity. From the south of Ushuaia to the north of South America, God has left a great physical and spiritual treasure here for humanity.

Continue to pray so that the water element can preserve its chastity and purity in the world. Because remember, dear children, that the rest of the Kingdoms of Nature also depend on it for being able to live in this end time.

In the Grotto of Massabielle I left the fount of water open, so that all souls of the world could heal their bodies, close their inner wounds.

Today, through the water from this fount blessed by Christ, My beloved Son, I come to bless it with a special gesture of love, so that souls may avail themselves of it and also be able to heal in this part of the world.

May this water serve to baptize consciousnesses, to heal the wounds of injured bodies. 

To again sanctify this element with the effusion of the Spirit of God, we will pray to Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, so that through this element, He may grant healing for souls, redemption for hearts, freedom for those still not redeemed. 

Let us pray to God, dear children, with all the strength of our hearts, as you have done this afternoon, pleasing My Immaculate Heart and allowing Me to pour out My Graces in the most distant places of this world, where souls also saw themselves benefited, as in Argentina.

May this fervent prayer born of your hearts never end, never be over, be inexhaustible and perpetual, so that I can establish a point of Light and of Grace here for the world, which must expand, through your collaboration, to all of this nation.

Let us pray to Jesus, in the humility of the heart and in the devotion of the soul.

I will first pray to God and then we will pray together, dear children, so that the strength and the power of this element, in its constant and permanent self-giving, may reach the souls most in need of liberation, healing and redemption.

Accompany Me at this moment, from the heart, in the plea I will now make.

O Most High God!
Who made Yourself small and alike, 
in the eyes of all Your children,
I ask, with the strength of My Soul,
 with the Love of My Heart and the devotion of My Spirit, 
that You sanctify and consecrate, in the name of Your Celestial Mother,
this blessed and pure element,
so it may serve, help and free those most in need of You,
so that Your Celestial Kingdom may finally be established
in all hearts.


Now let us pray to Jesus:


Blood and Water
that flowed out from the Heart of Jesus
as a Fountain of Mercy for us, 
I trust in You.


And now, dear children, place your left hand on your chest and your right hand stretched out to Me and in communion with the water element, as a symbol of the purification of the Earth and of humanity.

Now from My own Hands receive the Grace that I will offer you, so that healing, the most profound healing may be established in your consciousnesses.

Receive this Grace as a sphere of Light, which the Immaculate Conception brings today from Heaven for Her children.

Now place your right hand over your heart and let us give thanks to God for this Grace received.

I would like the song of your voices to rise to Heaven, so that I may carry this offering of your hearts for the Kingdoms of Nature, for Argentina and for the emergence of the new humanity.

I want you to again sing “Flower of Peace”.

I thank you for responding to this important call. And tomorrow I will return here to bless each of you, Argentina and the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, October 24 of 2017

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come for the souls of the world and not for the beasts that dwell on the Earth. They will not stop Me from doing what I must do in the name of the Father.

I come here for the hearts that listen to Me.

I come here for the hearts that cry out to Me.

I come here for all My children, regardless of their beliefs or their religion, for I am the Mother of Love, I am the Mother of the Sacred Victory of Christ, and who is here with Me is with God.

Everything may be trembling around you, but if My Heart is present here, dear children, it is a sign that God is here among you and that the triumph of His Kingdom is near.

The defeat of the beasts is close, because when My Son places His Feet on this planet, many things will come to an end. He promised this during the last meeting in the city of Mendoza. His promise is active and current.

You, dear children, must continue to pray with Me every day, irrespective of what is happening in your nation or in all your people, so that the promise of Christ can be concretized and many more hearts not only here in Chile, but also in the world, may be able to receive the Grace of God, as you receive it today.

I invite you, dear children, to work conscientiously and with perseverance, because I did not finish My work in Peñablanca, nor was it broadly understood. I came as the Mother of this nation, in those past times, to try and avoid many things in the Southern Cone.

Thus, as Mother of Kindness and of Mercy, I had the permission to choose the most wretched souls so that here they could understand My great testimony of love for the world, and above all, for this country that is still in My celestial plans.

For this reason, warriors of peace, ancient peoples of the sacred mountains, I invite you to work united with Me, I invite you to open the doors of your hearts so that finally, the doors of your homes can open to souls. And in the same way, dear children, you be able to go through the doors of your homes to have an encounter with those most in need of prayer, those that are most wretched, those that suffer, those that still do not know God nor the Love of the Redeemer.

With the awareness you have acquired in your lives, however small it may be, I invite you, dear children, to accompany Me, to help Me to engrave the flag of Chile on My Heart. And further, dear children, I want My celestial Mantle to be that redeemed flag so that more stars of My crown may shine.

What I need, dear children, is that you help Me save this people, that new groups of prayer be generated here that will join Christian ecumenism, and not fear to say, dear children, that you believe in the Mother of the Redeemer.

I come with My Hands full of Graces so that on this night, they may be poured out. I come on this night, full of the Love of God, so that your deepest wounds be healed, so that the past of this country be erased and it be possible to open new doors to great opportunities and changes in this nation.

I come to seek the love you hold, within you, under more than seven keys. But remember that I am the Master of all the keys of the universe and have no impediment for being able to reach your hearts.

If I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, your Lady of Carmen, the Patroness of this country and all Chileans, what I need, dear children, is for you to dare to cause My Immaculate Heart to triumph; that you not fear to proclaim My blessings, My joy, My kindness and My love for each of you.

On this night of preparation and reflection, I invite you to take a step in this spiritual walk, to open the doors to all those that must come, to all those who have lost their faith in God and are submerged in the materialism of these times.

This country holds a great spiritual treasure that is still unknown to it, that exists from north to south and in the greatest heights of these mountains of the Andes.

Dear children, value these natural treasures that God gave you. Look to your mountains, not as if they were ordinary mountains. Look to the mountains, seeking the sign of the elevation of your consciousnesses. The time has come for you to climb the mountain to its peak to find Christ, Who waits for you with His Heart open, full of Mercy and with His Arms open, to meet with you again, to say to you, dear children, as He always says: "My companions, enter into My Heart and you will find peace."

I need this people to transform into the spiritual model which God thought of since the beginning. Your roots, those of the original peoples, hold a great treasure, an important legacy that comes from the Incas and which cannot be erased from your memories.

Remember your origins, dear children, above all things, love what this sacred people left sown here and everything it achieved through its experiences and its culture.

In this simple way, I invite you to recover the values, to recover the spiritual dignity this people once lived.

This will greatly help you change your way of thinking, to see all things differently and rise above all the events of these times.

Because, dear children, in this end time and encouraged by My Immaculate Heart, I need you to dare to live your own truth, the truth that My Son preaches not only in the Gospel, but also through the Sacraments, prayer, service, instruction, and most importantly, through the love He needs you to experience so that your hearts can be healed and redeemed.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night, I came to speak to you about a higher Love.

I came to awaken you, My children, through My Sacred Verb, which is the echo of the Voice of God in this world.

Just as I am His Servant, and I never tire of serving the Lord, I ask, children, that you unite with Me in this universal service; that you come here for more than wanting to see Me, to pray for peace, to cry out for this nation as well as the whole world; because I need soldiers of peace, children, from north to south, in the East and in the West, to consecrate this world to a spiritual life, fraternal, real, a life that follows the Laws that are in Heaven and which also hide inside the Earth, as well as in the human heart.

The true potential, children, your real likeness with God, that love which is in the depths of your hearts and which is a principle of Divine Love, that, children, is what you should awaken on this day.

I do not come to bring you a new religion, a new belief or a new faith. I come to renew the faith of this people, to have it become real in the Lord, our God, so that in this way, My children, you no longer just think of yourselves, but become soldiers of an army that does not come from this world and does not act through the establishment of their own will, but rather through the Will of God.

Today, children, as your Celestial Universal Mother, I open My arms to the eyes of your hearts and only ask that you be under My Mantle, under My protection. And for this, I need you to pray, that you fulfill the Commandments given to you by God through Moses. And more than that, children, that you fulfill and live the only Commandment left to you by My Son, when His voice resounded on this Earth.

Today, My children, I come to ignite the mirrors of your hearts and make your beings redeemed and rescuable again, so that you may accomplish the Will of God, not only on this Earth, but also beyond it, in what you call eternity, where time does not exist and service is constant.

Thus, I prepare you on this Earth so that you may eternally serve God. There is no greater wholeness, My children, than finding a service, a meaning for your own life, a real sense which will lead you to justice, Mercy, inner peacefulness, and as a result, to the transformation of your lives, so that little by little, you transform this world.

Today, children, My Verb does not bring you a utopia; it brings you a Grace that unfolds in the heart that says 'yes' to Me. Thus, stretch out your hands to Me and receive the Graces I bring you. Cry out for My Mercy, which is the same that comes from the Blood and the Water of My Son; I am only a bearer of this Grace, I am the bearer of Peace and I bring it as mediator and intercessor into your lives.

On this evening, I call on you to experience humility, so that you recognize that many times you are lost and do not find help because you do not seek Me, because you do not seek God.

Today, children, I open a new door for you, a door to redemption, and I invite you to go through so as to renew your lives in My Peace, in My Presence, because if you pray with Me, I will be with you every day.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to this nation, in this time, to carry out an inexplicable and unknown plan which may appear to be impossible. A Plan that is only just beginning on this day, and which will develop over time. Thus, you must pray together with your Celestial Mother so that this plan be fulfilled, stage by stage.

Dear children, I come to prepare you for something greater, I come to prepare you so that you acquire a new awareness, so that you come out of yourselves, and encouraged by My Heart, take the steps toward Christ through an unconditional life of service, which is what this people, in perfect unity and fraternity, must work for in these times, so that in this way, My children, you never lack My Grace, the Grace which I want to pour out with so much love upon all of Chile and all My children who live there.

On this evening, this is My Message, this is My declaration. I also call on you, dear children, to gather other souls that do not know I am here, through this communication, through you, so that through your hearts, you transmit My call to the souls of this nation.

For this meeting, today I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.

In the Grace of God, which is infinite, perpetual and invincible, I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take My Peace to Chile, so that peace may be in your hearts and in the whole world.

I thank you.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
