Thursday, October 13 of 2016


Today I open My arms in the form of a cross so that you may see the greatness of My Immaculate Heart, which is infinite and sublime to human eyes, which has no limits and that encompasses many Universes beyond this planet and this humanity.

This is the sublime power of My Immaculate Heart that I offer every day to My dear children of the world, for those who live in My Heart will always find the peace and the mission they have come to accomplish before God.

Today I come to Sao Jose do Rio Preto to give you My Immaculate Heart as the emblem and the trophy for the end of the times, in the face of this planetary transition that becomes more critical each day, not only in the human consciousness, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Mother Earth is at the time of her great birth and humanity will be mobilized.

She will deeply feel the birth of the new humanity, after everything is purified.

Today I open the doors of the Kingdom of God so that your hearts may be uplifted and be placed by Me on the Sacred Altar of the Creator Father as the greatest offering for the redemption of your lives, the conversion of your hearts, and for the moment of peace that today you come to experience with Me and in Me.

Today I am with all the nations of the world. Not only with you, dear children, but also with My beloved Portugal, opening the Kingdom of devotion of My Heart so that souls feel able to experience the prayer of these times, so that peace may be established in all of humanity.

Just as I am with you, dear children, I am with each child of this planet that at this culminating moment, unites with My Heart, with My Light, with My Truth, with the Healing that I bring for all.

There is no human pain that I cannot heal when your hearts surrender to My Heart.

I am transforming you little by little, into that perfect model that My Son hopes to see at the service of the Father, of the whole Universe, and especially of this humanity.

Today in the silence of My Spirit, I observe all My children of the world, all the pilgrims that visited My sanctuaries to honor Me and glorify Me as the Mother of their lives, as the Patroness of each nation, as the Governor of the consciousnesses of this world, as the Guiding Star of Peace.

Today I have also come to consecrate you to the Spirit of God with the hope, dear children, that you find peace and reconciliation again with the Eternal Father, for all the souls of the world that separate themselves from the Father and close their hearts because they are experiencing pain and suffering.

I Am the Immaculate Mother that alleviates the spiritual suffering in humanity. For this reason, dear children, if you join with Me in prayer, I will always be able to give you My Graces and guide your paths, so that My adversary will not be able to draw closer to humanity.

You know, My little ones, that we are in a time of great battles; the triumph of the Light is vital and the participation of your lives is important so that this Work of My Peace may be able to be built and rebuilt in the world, through all the servers that follow their Heavenly Mother in this last call for humanity.

Today, I repeat for you a message that I have already given, because you must hear it with the Heart. It must be the seed of the new time so that it may blossom and give its fruits in honor of the Creator, Who is very forgotten by the consciousness of humanity.

On this 13th of October, dear children, I want to take you to the gardens of My Kingdom of Lys-Fatima; may you see again the door that opens before your consciousnesses and in this way, may you be able to enter in simplicity and love so that the original purity might awaken again, the purity that will support the planet and many souls of this world that deny Christ and that deny God all of the time.

It is through your purity that you will achieve perseverance, the spiritual triumph for your lives, the concretization of the personal mission for each being.

It is the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima that opens its doors to you so that your hearts may vivify My Immaculate Spirit and in this perfect communion, we may all be in the Celestial Father, Who in this hour and at this moment, through His faithful servant, hears the voice of your hearts, the entreaties that you have lifted up to the Kingdom of God, for this project of humanity, for this Plan of God that He offers the world for the redemption of consciousnesses and the conversion of hearts.

As I have done in other times, dear children, just as I did in Fatima, I come to ask you for the prayer for peace and for the ending of human war, so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph not only in your lives, but in all the nations of the world, especially in those nations that still do not accept Me.

I Am that great Consciousness that incarnated in humanity as the Mother of Jesus to demonstrate to all that God, in His Humility and in His infinite Love, manifested in Me through the Holy Spirit.

Today again, dear children, I pour out the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In spite of you not understanding them, feel them in your heart so that they may awaken and offer the world a sacred and last chance of again looking toward God and of never forgetting His Universe, His profound Kingdom of Love and His Cosmic Consciousness.

I Am the Queen of all the angels, that today brings Her choirs so that they may sing together with you the Hymn of My Peace, through the prayer of the heart and the faith of your consciousnesses.

From this place I want a sanctuary of many prayers.

From this city I want a column of Light for the world, constituted through your hearts, your prayers, and the service to the Kingdoms and to humanity.

Thus, I invite you, dear children, to pray for your peers, for all those whom you do not know, and that on this day do not have the Grace of being able to receive Me as you are.

I want you to consecrate yourselves to the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

I want this city to be consecrated to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph so that the Father of Love, My holy husband, is able to guide you on the path of simplicity, of goodness, and of charity, for all those who suffer the end of the times.

I unite you with My Universe of Love and I give you everything I have and a little more, so that you dare to be with Me unconditionally.

While I am with you, I am with all My children, in each part of this planet, who need relief from their great suffering.

 I Am the Immaculate Mother that brings you Peace, the joy of living in God, and of returning to His Kingdom in the consciousness of prayer, of service, and of brotherhood, for all those who do not experience it.

And today I want those whom I will consecrate to come here, so that I may bless them in the name of humanity.

While I am here, contemplate My Immaculate Heart, which offers Itself as a testimony of love for the world, as a reparation for all the lives of the Earth, mainly those that do not experience peace and are desperate in their suffering and pain.

I Am the Immaculate Mother that alleviates the deep suffering of consciousnesses.

I Am the Source of all Graces.

I Am the inner reparation of the human heart.

Today I ask you to be at the foot of My altar for all those who are not, that do not pray to God, that do not love God nor wait for Him, just as the prayer of the holy angel says.

Together we will say this prayer, dear children, uniting with the Sanctuary of Fatima, in Portugal, and opening the fountain of love of our hearts so that this fountain may be poured out over the world and souls may achieve salvation.

Just like the three little shepherds, pray, be like children, feel the purity of your hearts returning in this moment. Forgive, ask for forgiveness. Be reconciled. Forget the past and live the eternal present, which is the eternal Grace of God, which through the Holy Mother of the Father, returns to you to fill you under the Spirit of the Light and  Love of God.

My God, I believe in You... (x3)

Let us do the instrumental of the Children of Mary.

My beloved children, I Am the same as that Light which shines in the abysses of the Earth to rescue fallen stars. I seek them, one by one, on the paths of perdition, of darkness, on the paths of the lack of love.

I descend as Light to the world, bringing the Heart of My Holy Son, so that He may vivify the consciousnesses of the Earth.

It is this Light of My Immaculate Heart that every day, through your prayers and entreaties, descends to humanity to concretize its salvation and redemption.

May all the nations of the world, may all the Children of Mary that today are consecrating themselves, trust in this perpetual Light, in this faithful testimony of love that ignites like a flame in your hearts, because in the end, dear children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Sing this Hymn with love so that the Holy Spirit also blesses you.

Today I withdraw from the city with great joy, seeing the seeds of light, the cells of God in human consciousnesses, sprout in My children.

Let My Light be in this blue mantle so that it may heal your bodies, your spirits and consciousnesses.

Let My Light be in this blue mantle so that the peace-bringers of the Universal King may be born.

So may it be.

Always remember My Immaculate Heart. It is the shelter for your suffering. It is the refuge for your lives.

I thank you for responding and concretizing My call, and for helping Me to come to Central America.

Be one brotherhood, one single heart, one single consciousness of light in all the nations of the world.

I love you and bless you.

By the authority that God has given Me, I dissolve your sins and I renew your faith in the greater hope of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, October 25 of 2016


Dear children, I do not want you to lose your peace, because peace is valuable in these times.

While I listen to the crying of My children in the Republic of Venezuela, I invite you to renew the Spirit of Charity in the name of the love of My Son and for the establishment of peace in that country.

With eyes of mercy, I invite you to look at the events with maturity and awareness, in cooperation and fraternity, so that souls may have their suffering relieved.

Open the boundaries of your hearts so that the people of God may enter into you and finally feel themselves to be loved and consoled by all.

Through this mystery that I reveal to you today, I am letting you know, dear children, of the potential of your hearts, which is so unknown to humanity, as it is separated from God and His Infinite Love.

With hands of charity, I invite you, dear children, to serve all those unknown to you, especially My children of Venezuela, who in this final cycle are in need of your help and charity, just as other peoples also will need help and charity in this time of purification and transition.

But I do not come to bring you fear; rather, I come to bring you awareness of the need to maintain the equilibrium in humanity.

In your identity, let no country exist, no national tongue, religion, or society.

I invite you to be one in the spirit of peace, because in this way, you will be able to perceive, dear children, where the call of God is so as to pour out charity and goodness for those who most need it.

You, who are a people loved by Me, and have your avocation to the Lady of Aparecida, I invite you in the same way as the Lady of Guadalupe, to unite your consciousnesses in a single humanity, in a profound act of love and of mercy for all those who suffer from the chaos.

To you who are a people loved by Me, and who also face your tests as a society and as a people, I invite you to surpass all the limits, to set aside all criticism in your life, all value judgments, any word that may destroy your fellow being.

I invite you, dear children, to stop blaming others and to have mercy, just as I do for all of humanity. I invite you to feel like My Heart feels, because My Heart was human and now it is a Glorified Heart.

If My Heart is glorified, dear children, your lives can be glorified in God, just like on this day that you offered Me your prayers and songs so that the spirit and the source of peace may be established in those who most need it.

In this new stage, dear children, in which the Sacred Hearts are in pilgrimage through Central America and Mexico, closing uncertain doors and opening opportunities for the souls that most need them, I invite you, dear children of Brazil, to move forward with this mission for Venezuela; unite as a single consciousness of love, because in these times, you must create strong ties of love and of brotherhood, attributes that are completely unknown to My adversary, because where love is, dear children, there is no evil.

I thank you, My children, because you have expanded your consciousness and especially your hearts, in the collaboration and in the cooperation with the Work and the Plans of your Heavenly Mother.

You cannot imagine, dear children, what infinite gratitude My Heart feels because your spirits take a step toward the awareness of Truth.

United with My Immaculate Heart, little by little, through prayer and silence, we establish the Kingdom of God on Earth; a Divine Kingdom that awaits all of you and that is forgotten by the majority of humankind.

I invite you, dear children, to step out of yourselves, just as you try to do every day.

I invite you to continue to make the effort, because your Most Holy Mother will help you and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will give you the support you so need.

I know that many of your lives are being purified and unimaginable things are emerging from within you.

Do not focus your attention on the imperfection of life, but rather on the perfection you gain through prayer, because in this way, your lives will be illumined and will be sanctified, as long as you believe that all of this is possible.

If Saint Joseph, My faithful husband, was a simple man of Nazareth, your lives being simple, could they not already be great?

Continue to pray with faith and from the heart so that your Mother, untier of knots, can continue to free humanity from sin and to guide the consciousness of the planet toward its true filiation with God, with the Source of Love and of Unity.

In this testimony that I bring you today, dear children,  the words of My Son and of Saint Joseph are kept.

With love and mercy, I calm your hearts of all spiritual, mental, or emotional illnesses. I bring the Light of My Kingdom, so that your lives may be vivified in Christ, and by giving that "yes" to the Universe, you keep faith in yourselves and in all your beloved families.

Today I unite the bonds of love with your peers, with your loved ones, with all those who deny Me again and again.

I establish the true and only religion, which is the religion of love and of peace that the Sacred Hearts lived on Earth.

Live our model of life and you will always be in peace. Imitate that which you can imitate and do not be disturbed, dear children, because My Maternal Heart will teach you to experience a simple charity and a humble fraternity with each one of your brothers and sisters.

Today I open My arms over this place and I bring My hands close to each one of you.

Holding in My hands the Holy Rosary of Light, I pray for the redemption of all lives on Earth, and also for the peacemakers, so that they may remain firm during the moment of their purification and do not distance themselves from Me for any reason; because in the transformation, dear children, in the purification of your lives and your consciousnesses, there is self-liberation and the ascension of your spirits to the Kingdom of God.

Believe it is possible, dear children, to take those steps. Today you give Me your supplications, and I give you My Graces, in that infinite communion of your hearts with Mine, making the Plan of God triumph on Earth.

Today I am accompanied by a great angel from Heaven, by the Angel of Peace, who was known to the shepherds in Fatima.

See on the breast of this sacred angel the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity.

See now in your hearts the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity and the Three Persons of God in one, and hold this sacred knowledge for the transition you will experience, of dying to yourselves and of being born to eternal life, just as the angels do all the time, for the sacred service to God in the fulfilling of His Divine and Holy Will.

As I told you in the message transmitted to My daughter Lucía de Jesus, today I do not come to see your imperfections, dear children; I want that Flame of the Most Holy Trinity in you to be deeply ignited in your essences; that is why I invite you to place your left hand over your heart and to feel that Grace that completely fills you.

In the same way, I place My hand on My Immaculate Heart, and with My right hand I offer you My Rose of Light so that you may achieve the original purity that is held on this planet, in its most divine sacred receptacles.

Seek that essential purity above all things, never mind if you fall, dear children, begin every day clinging to the Hand of Our Lord Jesus.

He will pick you up, just as He picked up Mary Magdalene from the ground; because He saw in her eyes, not the sins, but her true love for having surrendered to the King.

Dear children, with this flame that strengthens you and unites you with God, in the sacred presence of the Angel of Peace, I invite you again to pray for the Angel of Venezuela, united to all the angels of the nations in this proposal of attracting the Kingdom of God from the Universe, the peace and the love that many need at this moment.

And now, in My Celestial Omnipresence, I am at the border between Brazil and Venezuela, praying for My children who are escaping from danger and observing how they cross the roads, looking for an opportunity and a hope of light.

I wish that the whole of Brazil would give this humanitarian assistance. For that I give you the thirty days of November, because I want to see you with Me, together with the prayer groups serving for peace, giving food to those who need it, and mainly, transmitting the Mercy of the Heart of Jesus so that those spirits that suffer can become calm.

If you as a nation take that step, dear children, many more nations will also take it.

When you face your purification and planetary transition, you will not be fearful because of the events; because if you believe in the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity that each one of your hearts receives today, you will lose nothing, but rather, dear children, you will gain Heaven with all your works of service and of love.

And in this way, together we will dispel evil, and I will place My Scepter of Light over the nations of the Americas, so that they may constitute the Sacred Work of God, in the sacred fulfilling of His Will.

I will teach you a prayer so that you may unite with the Most Holy Trinity; a very simple prayer that the Archangel Gabriel taught Me when Jesus was born, in the manger in Bethlehem, when the Star of Bethlehem shone all over the local Universe, bringing the attributes of Redemption and of Love to the world.

Let us repeat, phrase by phrase, praying with your Heavenly Mother for the Americas:

Flame of My Heart that illumines all things,
unite me with the Most Holy Trinity
so that the Plan of Peace may be established. (x3)

Now dear children, let us pray together with the Angel of Portugal so that original purity may emerge in the souls of Venezuela and of all the Americas.

Flame of My Heart that illumines all things,
unite me with the Most Holy Trinity
so that the Plan of Peace may be established. (x3)

Next: "Prayer of the Angel of Peace" (x5)

In this communion with the Angel of Peace, I am establishing reconciliation in your hearts and in each one of your families, so that upon leaving this place, every day you can remember this divine and sublime moment with the Most Holy Trinity when you face the trials and challenges of the end of times.

Before reacting, dear children, first think about peace and remember this sacred moment with Me. In this way, you will break the chain of evil.

Today the Angel of Peace has come to consecrate the Children of Mary; forty children who unite with Me in this moment to renew their vows to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Holy Trinity.

Come up here so that I may give you the Gifts of God, and bless you as My little ones, My little children.

May these children that are at My feet today be a spark of Jesus, for all of the children of Venezuela and of the whole world that suffer the consequences of the surface humankind.

May these children, like the shepherds of Fatima, represent the new humanity, the great sowing of love and of goodness, for all of humanity and the planet.

And you, My adult children, also be children in this moment; but do not remember your sufferings from the past, but rather the joy of having been born on this planet, to be reborn and reborn in the Heart of God.

Let this Source of Love that unites us today through the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity, strengthen you in this new mission of living the call of God with Me, of responding to My petitions and to all My solicitations, as long as it is possible for you.

At least I ask the very smallest who are at My feet today to pray a Hail Mary every day, for the children of Venezuela and for the children who suffer illnesses and who are orphans, who have nobody to console them and love them.

If you recited a Hail Mary to My Immaculate Heart, I will be able to be with your younger brothers and sisters, and they also will be consecrated, receiving the Grace of Redemption and of Liberation.

In the same way that I requested it of the shepherds of Fatima, today I ask you, dear children, to remember your original purity so that war may end and peace be established.

Placing My hands over you, while the Angel of Peace pours out the water of the spiritual and divine life over your consciousnesses, we will repeat:

Our Father...

And also under the blessing of the Angel of Mexico, which appears at the feet of the Virgin of Guadalupe, I prepare all the children of Central America and of Mexico so that they once again may receive My motherhood and My love, and accomplish their sacred mission in this end of time.

With gladness, devotion, and rejoicing, together with the Angel of Peace, and the angels of all the nations of the Americas, I bless you and I consecrate you as eternally My children:

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, for Venezuela and for the Americas, sing the Hymn of the Children of Mary.

Today I withdraw from here with gratitude for all that you have done, for the state of Sao Paulo and for what you are to do so that Love and Unity may triumph, in the name of Christ, your Lord.

I thank you.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
