Marathon of Divine Mercy
Appearance of Christ Jesus during the 58th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

May the light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be in this place and in the most needed places in the world. Amen.

And after you have accepted My call, now I will be able to return to Egypt, after having lived there as a child; but now the King will return, to break the people free from their slavery, to bring Peace to that place and to the Middle East.

And although the events are still unfolding in the world and in this humanity, I will take with Me the souls that are most in need and I will return to the hearts that are seeking Me the most, regardless of their belief or religion, because what grants life in this world is love; it’s love that keeps you alive, it’s love that allows you to breathe and dream for a better time, with hope.

The captivity will finish someday, not only in Egypt, but also in the world. That is why I must return to the places where I once was, as a child, young or adult, in the East, or in the Far East.

The spiritual importance ​​must be recovered so that the world does not lose peace. That is why I am returning to these places, as sacrifice and also as Grace, to bring to the hearts, again, the meeting with God from the inner planes and so that it can be mirrored on the surface, in the society. That will make everything more just and balanced, that will appease the suffering and the agonies, because it’s through the merits that your Master and Lord reached, in the Passion, that these Graces are possible in this world, and in your humanity.

I cannot stop saying that sometimes My Heart is sad for those who don’t understand, but the enjoyment of those who live Me and those who believe in Me and give Me their confidence makes Me happy, as you have done yesterday and today, in a simple way.

The Kingdom of God is the greatest treasure of simplicity for this world and for souls. If they are simple they will always live the Kingdom of God and He will always be close to your lives and above all things, He will be in your hearts.

I want this enjoyment and jubilance that lives within Me, time and again, to reach the whole world and not only South America. Now it’s time to live the apostolate and make it part of you in each stage of life.

Thus My Mercy will reach those who are suffering the most, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, which in those parts of the world also experience their silent suffering because they cannot speak, like humans of the Earth.

I know that there is also suffering around you, sometimes in your families, in your cities, in your jobs, in your most beloved ones; but I ask you, for Mercy, to take one more step towards Me, and we will carry this treasure of love to the places that are most needed and that for thousands of years have received nothing, neither from the Universe nor from the Heavens.

I come to recover, through Egypt, the last human values because evolution continues and also the awakening.

The time has come, companions, to recover what you once lived with Me in the Holy Land and beyond it. This is not a theory nor is it an illusion, it’s time to live the Plan in a truthful way, it’s time to keep the Plan alive for as many hearts of the world as possible, for those who are looking for Me and do not find Me because they do not know the way.

Yes, you found the way out, but the world has not found it yet. That’s why I must return and return to the Core, from where everything is created, like the conflict, the war and the persecution.

Because this time, not only the Lady of Light will tread with Her feet upon the serpent, but also Her Master and Lord will step, with His feet, on its allies and defeat them so that they may repent some day. And there will no longer be a weapon against a weapon, religion against religion, because even though the most serious moment has not passed yet, even the impetus and the strength of My powerful Heart will be able to transform all things, when you only say "yes, Lord, here I am. "

In order to have permission to keep working, I will have the permission to continue transforming and unifying souls with God so that His heavenly Kingdom may descend to Earth and His Will be fulfilled because at the end of everything, His Sacred and Eternal Heart will triumph.

The fallen ones will be forgiven, the murderers will be redeemed, the persecutors will be loved and the evil will be dissolved, because evil doesn’t know the Love that comes from the Source. Evil is the incomprehension of the human consciousness for not accepting God's Will, as it was the Will of God to bring His Son to Earth to teach you the School of Love and Redemption.

I gather again, in this time, with those who stayed with Me at that time, whether in the consecrated life or in the spirit’s life; in the life of service, or in selfless life; in the missionary life or in the prayerful life.

May that commitment be revived by those who awaken.

May this commitment be reconfirmed by those who have already awakened so that the Will of the Creator can continue to be fulfilled in these critical times.

My Heart will embrace the Middle East and all those who are in that place, regardless of their condition or their condemnation. Because truly I say, companions, My Mercy is very great and still unknown. My Mercy is so great, that My Blood was spilled on the Cross, drop by drop, pain by pain, and anguish by anguish, to dissolve the evil of humanity and its eternal damnation.

It is the time to make My Love known to the world. And make the other peoples and races aware that I love them, as I love you.

Let them announce that I am returning to the world for the second time and that the heavenly Kingdom will be reapproaching to Earth with the angels and archangels, to put an end to the destruction of mankind and to dissolve the darkness by the intervention of the powerful Father, Saint Michael Archangel, Saint Rafael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel.

The heralds of the Word of God will return to Earth, as it was in the beginning to the people of the Middle East.

And from there, a new history will be written and the suffering will be erased, bringing from Heaven the Books of God, opened, to introduce to the world His new Purpose in the New Humanity.

Blessed are those who live the prophecies and are rejoiced in them, because the Lord, the Almighty, will show His Power to the humble.

With this Light that I bring, I spread Peace towards the Earth, renewing this cycle and this moment for all; giving the chance for those who are confused, to be able to return to My way before the Portal closes.

May the hearts be raised to My heavenly Church and that in communion with the life of each being, everything be renewed.

The God’s Universe descends to Earth and in this simple place, the souls will always find God. Although My Presence is not accepted, I will always be here to embrace you with the Light of Emmanuel.

I come to bless you with the Word of Life. I come to anoint you with the breath of the Spirit. I come to baptize you with the Water that gushed from My Side on the Cross, as part of the Source of Divine Mercy, so that you may be sanctified by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today there are no borders or separations between nations and peoples. The love that I could see here is what I need to renew times and above all things, humanity. It’s the love of those who congregate within My heavenly Church to receive communion from the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity, together with the angels of our Father-Mother Creator, Emmanuel.

Today, the Elohim, called resplendent beings of the Mental Universe, God’s angels, testify with Their fist that My mission in Egypt will be accomplished by the receptivity and the prayer of the souls who will collaborate to make this possible, and thus, My great Mirror of Mercy be lit in the Middle East.

Rejoice your hearts because you are following the right path. There will be no other place that represents Me on Earth, but just this one. Because I say to you again, companions, I come out of My Church to call the flocks that most need Me and that My representatives haven’t been worthy to welcome them with chastity.

May the love of the simple ones promote Peace on Earth.

May the service of the humble people restore the Kingdoms of Nature.

May the prayer of those who are congregated in community and in light, to transform the times in order that the Scepter of the Son of God may descend to Earth, put an end to human wickedness.

And now I will elevate to Heaven this offering that you have placed at My Feet, because truly I say that everything belongs to God, our Father, who is in heaven and today listens attentively to the Voice of His Son and His companions, in order to a grain of His heavenly Kingdom is being sown in this humanity, so that mankind may be recreated through love and good among men.

May everything be sanctified and may everything be elevated under the Ray of Transubstantiation. And that at the foot of the God’s Altar the offering of each human heart be placed, in this afternoon.

In the silence, companions, you can make your offering in front of My heavenly Church. I listen to you in the silence of prayer.

Celestial Father, who leads us all,

accept our offer of surrender to You.

Guide us through the path of love,

so that Your Will may be done.

Amen. (x3)

The offer has been accepted.

Those who will be baptized today, will be enlightened and when it happens, they will be converted.

Those who will be anointed today, will receive the Grace that they expect so much, but they must pray for it.

Father, you have become small so that the world will understand you and thus, you could get inside of the essence of Your children in order that they will vivify You and exalt Your Name, forever.

At the table of these new apostles of Mine, today I declare to you again, through this sacred formula that You have dictated to the humble Heart of Your Beloved Son.

Let the inner worlds listen to what your King and Lord of the Universe declares today: I ask all of you to take and eat of It, because this is My Body, which was given to men for the forgiveness and the surrender of sins.

My Lord and My Jesus, may the souls of the Earth hear the Voice of their Master and Lord, the Living Christ, who says to them: Take and drink all of Him, because this is My Blood, which was poured by men for the forgiveness of sins.

I ask you, for the times to come and the events that will come, do this in memory of Me in order for the Peace and Mercy of God to be present on the planet.

My Lord and My God, this is He who has given life for all and who has resurrected to return to the world, in spirit and divinity, in order to transfigure the Earth into a redeemed humanity.

Our Father, who art in heaven... 

And as I said to My apostles, My Peace I leave you and I give you My Peace; because your Master and Lord will always look at the faith of the members of His heavenly Church so that everything be repaired and humanity be cured of their spiritual sickness.

May this Peace be taken to Egypt and to the places that were entrusted by your Master and Lord and by His most sweet Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that Their Hearts of Service and Humility, of Love and of Hope, may reach the whole world. Amen.

Now give peace.

May the Earth repopulate with hope and may the hope renew the hearts that aspire to reach the Mercy of God.

With the voices of your hearts today I want to expand, through a song, the rain of love for the whole planet, giving the blessing to the world, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me in the simplicity of the heart and of life.


Dear children, I do not want you to lose your peace, because peace is valuable in these times.

While I listen to the crying of My children in the Republic of Venezuela, I invite you to renew the Spirit of Charity in the name of the love of My Son and for the establishment of peace in that country.

With eyes of mercy, I invite you to look at the events with maturity and awareness, in cooperation and fraternity, so that souls may have their suffering relieved.

Open the boundaries of your hearts so that the people of God may enter into you and finally feel themselves to be loved and consoled by all.

Through this mystery that I reveal to you today, I am letting you know, dear children, of the potential of your hearts, which is so unknown to humanity, as it is separated from God and His Infinite Love.

With hands of charity, I invite you, dear children, to serve all those unknown to you, especially My children of Venezuela, who in this final cycle are in need of your help and charity, just as other peoples also will need help and charity in this time of purification and transition.

But I do not come to bring you fear; rather, I come to bring you awareness of the need to maintain the equilibrium in humanity.

In your identity, let no country exist, no national tongue, religion, or society.

I invite you to be one in the spirit of peace, because in this way, you will be able to perceive, dear children, where the call of God is so as to pour out charity and goodness for those who most need it.

You, who are a people loved by Me, and have your avocation to the Lady of Aparecida, I invite you in the same way as the Lady of Guadalupe, to unite your consciousnesses in a single humanity, in a profound act of love and of mercy for all those who suffer from the chaos.

To you who are a people loved by Me, and who also face your tests as a society and as a people, I invite you to surpass all the limits, to set aside all criticism in your life, all value judgments, any word that may destroy your fellow being.

I invite you, dear children, to stop blaming others and to have mercy, just as I do for all of humanity. I invite you to feel like My Heart feels, because My Heart was human and now it is a Glorified Heart.

If My Heart is glorified, dear children, your lives can be glorified in God, just like on this day that you offered Me your prayers and songs so that the spirit and the source of peace may be established in those who most need it.

In this new stage, dear children, in which the Sacred Hearts are in pilgrimage through Central America and Mexico, closing uncertain doors and opening opportunities for the souls that most need them, I invite you, dear children of Brazil, to move forward with this mission for Venezuela; unite as a single consciousness of love, because in these times, you must create strong ties of love and of brotherhood, attributes that are completely unknown to My adversary, because where love is, dear children, there is no evil.

I thank you, My children, because you have expanded your consciousness and especially your hearts, in the collaboration and in the cooperation with the Work and the Plans of your Heavenly Mother.

You cannot imagine, dear children, what infinite gratitude My Heart feels because your spirits take a step toward the awareness of Truth.

United with My Immaculate Heart, little by little, through prayer and silence, we establish the Kingdom of God on Earth; a Divine Kingdom that awaits all of you and that is forgotten by the majority of humankind.

I invite you, dear children, to step out of yourselves, just as you try to do every day.

I invite you to continue to make the effort, because your Most Holy Mother will help you and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will give you the support you so need.

I know that many of your lives are being purified and unimaginable things are emerging from within you.

Do not focus your attention on the imperfection of life, but rather on the perfection you gain through prayer, because in this way, your lives will be illumined and will be sanctified, as long as you believe that all of this is possible.

If Saint Joseph, My faithful husband, was a simple man of Nazareth, your lives being simple, could they not already be great?

Continue to pray with faith and from the heart so that your Mother, untier of knots, can continue to free humanity from sin and to guide the consciousness of the planet toward its true filiation with God, with the Source of Love and of Unity.

In this testimony that I bring you today, dear children,  the words of My Son and of Saint Joseph are kept.

With love and mercy, I calm your hearts of all spiritual, mental, or emotional illnesses. I bring the Light of My Kingdom, so that your lives may be vivified in Christ, and by giving that "yes" to the Universe, you keep faith in yourselves and in all your beloved families.

Today I unite the bonds of love with your peers, with your loved ones, with all those who deny Me again and again.

I establish the true and only religion, which is the religion of love and of peace that the Sacred Hearts lived on Earth.

Live our model of life and you will always be in peace. Imitate that which you can imitate and do not be disturbed, dear children, because My Maternal Heart will teach you to experience a simple charity and a humble fraternity with each one of your brothers and sisters.

Today I open My arms over this place and I bring My hands close to each one of you.

Holding in My hands the Holy Rosary of Light, I pray for the redemption of all lives on Earth, and also for the peacemakers, so that they may remain firm during the moment of their purification and do not distance themselves from Me for any reason; because in the transformation, dear children, in the purification of your lives and your consciousnesses, there is self-liberation and the ascension of your spirits to the Kingdom of God.

Believe it is possible, dear children, to take those steps. Today you give Me your supplications, and I give you My Graces, in that infinite communion of your hearts with Mine, making the Plan of God triumph on Earth.

Today I am accompanied by a great angel from Heaven, by the Angel of Peace, who was known to the shepherds in Fatima.

See on the breast of this sacred angel the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity.

See now in your hearts the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity and the Three Persons of God in one, and hold this sacred knowledge for the transition you will experience, of dying to yourselves and of being born to eternal life, just as the angels do all the time, for the sacred service to God in the fulfilling of His Divine and Holy Will.

As I told you in the message transmitted to My daughter Lucía de Jesus, today I do not come to see your imperfections, dear children; I want that Flame of the Most Holy Trinity in you to be deeply ignited in your essences; that is why I invite you to place your left hand over your heart and to feel that Grace that completely fills you.

In the same way, I place My hand on My Immaculate Heart, and with My right hand I offer you My Rose of Light so that you may achieve the original purity that is held on this planet, in its most divine sacred receptacles.

Seek that essential purity above all things, never mind if you fall, dear children, begin every day clinging to the Hand of Our Lord Jesus.

He will pick you up, just as He picked up Mary Magdalene from the ground; because He saw in her eyes, not the sins, but her true love for having surrendered to the King.

Dear children, with this flame that strengthens you and unites you with God, in the sacred presence of the Angel of Peace, I invite you again to pray for the Angel of Venezuela, united to all the angels of the nations in this proposal of attracting the Kingdom of God from the Universe, the peace and the love that many need at this moment.

And now, in My Celestial Omnipresence, I am at the border between Brazil and Venezuela, praying for My children who are escaping from danger and observing how they cross the roads, looking for an opportunity and a hope of light.

I wish that the whole of Brazil would give this humanitarian assistance. For that I give you the thirty days of November, because I want to see you with Me, together with the prayer groups serving for peace, giving food to those who need it, and mainly, transmitting the Mercy of the Heart of Jesus so that those spirits that suffer can become calm.

If you as a nation take that step, dear children, many more nations will also take it.

When you face your purification and planetary transition, you will not be fearful because of the events; because if you believe in the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity that each one of your hearts receives today, you will lose nothing, but rather, dear children, you will gain Heaven with all your works of service and of love.

And in this way, together we will dispel evil, and I will place My Scepter of Light over the nations of the Americas, so that they may constitute the Sacred Work of God, in the sacred fulfilling of His Will.

I will teach you a prayer so that you may unite with the Most Holy Trinity; a very simple prayer that the Archangel Gabriel taught Me when Jesus was born, in the manger in Bethlehem, when the Star of Bethlehem shone all over the local Universe, bringing the attributes of Redemption and of Love to the world.

Let us repeat, phrase by phrase, praying with your Heavenly Mother for the Americas:

Flame of My Heart that illumines all things,
unite me with the Most Holy Trinity
so that the Plan of Peace may be established. (x3)

Now dear children, let us pray together with the Angel of Portugal so that original purity may emerge in the souls of Venezuela and of all the Americas.

Flame of My Heart that illumines all things,
unite me with the Most Holy Trinity
so that the Plan of Peace may be established. (x3)

Next: "Prayer of the Angel of Peace" (x5)

In this communion with the Angel of Peace, I am establishing reconciliation in your hearts and in each one of your families, so that upon leaving this place, every day you can remember this divine and sublime moment with the Most Holy Trinity when you face the trials and challenges of the end of times.

Before reacting, dear children, first think about peace and remember this sacred moment with Me. In this way, you will break the chain of evil.

Today the Angel of Peace has come to consecrate the Children of Mary; forty children who unite with Me in this moment to renew their vows to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Holy Trinity.

Come up here so that I may give you the Gifts of God, and bless you as My little ones, My little children.

May these children that are at My feet today be a spark of Jesus, for all of the children of Venezuela and of the whole world that suffer the consequences of the surface humankind.

May these children, like the shepherds of Fatima, represent the new humanity, the great sowing of love and of goodness, for all of humanity and the planet.

And you, My adult children, also be children in this moment; but do not remember your sufferings from the past, but rather the joy of having been born on this planet, to be reborn and reborn in the Heart of God.

Let this Source of Love that unites us today through the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity, strengthen you in this new mission of living the call of God with Me, of responding to My petitions and to all My solicitations, as long as it is possible for you.

At least I ask the very smallest who are at My feet today to pray a Hail Mary every day, for the children of Venezuela and for the children who suffer illnesses and who are orphans, who have nobody to console them and love them.

If you recited a Hail Mary to My Immaculate Heart, I will be able to be with your younger brothers and sisters, and they also will be consecrated, receiving the Grace of Redemption and of Liberation.

In the same way that I requested it of the shepherds of Fatima, today I ask you, dear children, to remember your original purity so that war may end and peace be established.

Placing My hands over you, while the Angel of Peace pours out the water of the spiritual and divine life over your consciousnesses, we will repeat:

Our Father...

And also under the blessing of the Angel of Mexico, which appears at the feet of the Virgin of Guadalupe, I prepare all the children of Central America and of Mexico so that they once again may receive My motherhood and My love, and accomplish their sacred mission in this end of time.

With gladness, devotion, and rejoicing, together with the Angel of Peace, and the angels of all the nations of the Americas, I bless you and I consecrate you as eternally My children:

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, for Venezuela and for the Americas, sing the Hymn of the Children of Mary.

Today I withdraw from here with gratitude for all that you have done, for the state of Sao Paulo and for what you are to do so that Love and Unity may triumph, in the name of Christ, your Lord.

I thank you.


Venerate and adore the Crucified Lord:

For the martyrdoms endured,
for the pain transmuted,
for the victorious Mercy achieved, Christ Redeemer, free us from the ties.
Amen. (x3)

Today I came here, showing My Side to the world, from where what is most unfathomable emerged for all and from where it continues to emerge for all of humanity, up to the last days of the Earth.

See the Lord in seclusion, preparing for His moment to be able to rise in more hearts that are dead and do not live Me.

See the Lord together with His Choirs, penetrating the abysses of the Earth through the remembrance of His Crucifixion, for the salvation of humanity and the liberation from all its sins.

See, at the foot of the Sepulcher, the Guardian Angels in adoration, so that the Son of God may soon return to humanity.

I invite you all to venerate My Cross as a victory, as the realization of the Work of the Most High in those who know how to distinguish the wonders of the Messiah, of their Lord.

At My right, the Archangel Metatron, today dispelling the abysses of the world and the darkness that embraces sleeping hearts.

His violet Flame renews all things.

His Light illumines what is dark, in union with the Favorite Son, your Lord Jesus Christ.

Let this flame, companions, pour into your consciousnesses and souls.

I call those who have consecrated themselves to Metatron for this planetary task of liberation.

See the Aspects of God Resplendently manifested and as Light over the world.

In this time of human cruelty and of profound indifference, remove from your hearts any lack of union with yourselves, or with your peers.

Let this Fire of Metatron descend into your spirits so that it may purify them and uplift them to My Kingdom

See the burning spear of Metatron in His sacred hand, which decrees the powers of Heaven and unifies them with all souls.

See that Solar and violet Fire that descends upon the world, in this time of conflict and lack of Peace.

See the wonders that the Holy Father Metatron carried out through My Cross against the demons of the world and the infernal beasts that cause lost hearts to succumb.

He is the transformer of corrupt matter.

He is the fire that sublimates the frictions among hearts.

He is the Unifier of thought between consciousnesses and the Patriarch of the chosen.

He is the carrier of the universal message of the Triune Flame, the incandescent fire of the liberating fire of all forms.

Today see My Cross as a great victory rather than as a failure, as many believe in the immensity of their ignorance.

See the Son of God in the Sepulcher being exalted, renewed, and transfigured by the angels of Light and the legions of the Creator Parents who lived this Mystery together with Me during My Death, and even when I descended into the hells to banish the ambitious, the persecutors, and the unfaithful to the Law.

So many I withdrew from the abyss during My days of burial!

While My Father held Me in His arms and while the holy women prayed in adoration outside the Sepulcher, I did not cease to work for the world not even for a minute, awaiting My Resurrection in the silence.

Let us repeat:

Archangel Metatron,
Patriarch and Spokesperson for the Divine Fire,
may matter transcend in liberation.
Amen. (x3)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus now says that we have to do it with a little more inner faith.

 Archangel Metatron... (x6)

And thus, companions, you may be able to free the evil spirits that corrode souls and the sleeping hearts that still do not accept God in the true testimony of the resurrection of His Son and of His second return to the world, at the most crucial time for humanity.

When you feel a lack of faith, implore and decree, through that prayer, to the Archangel Metatron, the Father that transforms through His Divine Fire and that uplifts souls through liberation.

In this way you will see, dear companions, how the Work of the Creator Parents is unique and Omniscient, how all those sublime Consciousnesses interceded during My Passion for the salvation of sinners and all mortals.

What was the great mystery that the Sepulcher revealed during the three days in a profound silence? It was the liberation that the Beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ, brought about, together with Metatron and Michael, in all the hells of the Earth for a cycle of two thousand years.

And although evil is still present in hearts and on the surface of the planet, you must believe, companions, that your captivity will end and that your freedom will be close, for the next world.

Do not expect to quickly see results, but rather, sacrifice your lives so that the New Earth may be born in the victory and the triumph of My Sacred Heart.

How many angels from Heaven visit your dwelling places today and the dwelling places of your siblings that are not here today, but that are present in My Most Sacred Heart!

Take your cross with courage and valor, and work every day for your redemption, just as I have lovingly taught you through peace, compassion, and mercy.

Do not be indifferent about your peers any longer.

Break and crack your structures so that the true spirit of the inner Christ may be born when I am no longer here among you, addressing My Words to the world.

Be consistent with the Universe, and live your cross, perfectly happy to be able to serve God till the end of your days.

At least, companions, do it for Me and do not fail Me.

This Work, that today I gather together in you and among you, was chosen by Me with much love after My Passion, My Resurrection, My Apparition throughout time, and the revelation of My Sacred icons of the Aspect of My Mercy and of My Glory until current times.

At this present time, the Work continues in union with your Most Holy Mother Mary.

If you, companions, do not support this Plan, who will fulfill it?

We come from Heaven with Metatron to bring you Grace and Pity.

You, roll up your vestments and work on the paths that I build so that the Work may be accomplished, just as it has been foreseen in the Heart of God.

If the Work is not accomplished in each part of the world that we lovingly visit, how will the other part of humanity be saved and wake up?

I could send millions of angels for awakening hearts without your help, but how, companions, will you be Christs in collaboration with the Plan of My Father?

Do not forget all that you are receiving.

You must bear witness and judgment on the last day of the Earth, and in this way, you will know that I have spoken the truth and that I will still separate the straw from the wheat.

Remain firm, in prayer and in vigil with Me, because in the end you will see your glory in Paradise.


Our Father in Aramaic.

And now I have purified your errors so that, renewed by My Spirit, you may carry the cross of redemption and of peace, that will bring about the opportunity for many hearts of the Earth in the constitution that I am carrying out and in the effusion that I build through this Order, with My Sacred Spirit.

In the Presence of the Most Beloved Archangel Metatron, let us intone His sacred name, so that His legions may help and go to the most needy hearts, in this time of the Passion of the Lord in the heights of the spiritual Calvary of the whole planet.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of our Lord Jesus Christ, we stand up.

Whoever has a cross, of the pilgrims present here, the Lord requests that you place that cross on your breast so that He may bless it as well, in the Presence of Metatron, while we sing and invoke His name.

We are going to sing a melodic Kodoish and when the Lord says, Our Lord, we will begin to sing.




May this memory never be erased in your lives, and you should know that you can count on a divine intercession that comes to aid humanity in this period, the same as the rest of the Creator Parents.

Let the confirmation of your cross be the absolute surrender to the Creator for this sacred task.

In the name of the Heavens, give peace to the world, I bless you, your siblings, families, those in need, and all the sacred objects that represent the presence of faith in hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Divine Hierarchy of Angels and Archangels... (x3)

This is the oil of simplicity for those who experience the monastic consecration to My Heart.

Today I will make the sign of the cross over everybody so that the Father, in His Mercy, in spite of what may happen in the end of times, will remember you and help you.

Song: "Christ of the Calvary".

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Song: "Hear Me, Redeemer"

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
