Raise your arms towards Me.
If you truly accept receiving the gifts of My Peace in your lives, then receive, children of Mine, in your arms, My Grace and the Mercy of My Immaculate Heart.
Place the first Grace onto the ground of this Earth as a symbol of being here to serve and always give the best of yourselves to your neighbor, to those who will come after you and who have not had the opportunity to be with Me.
Raise your hands again and receive a second Grace. This Grace, My children, you will deposit in your hearts.
Today I come as your Mother and Queen of Peace, but I also distribute Graces because you are learning to trust in My Immaculate Heart. Children of Mine, this Grace that I delivered today will be incomprehensible to many, for they will only see the fruits of what I have deposited within your hearts in some time, when your souls shine and when the New Earth shines upon the ground of Argentina, as well as in the whole world, wherever there is a prayerful being who sincerely prays.
Every day, My children, I try to reveal to you a new mystery of My Kingdom so that, little by little, you enter a higher comprehension and withdraw your consciousness from the superficialities of this world.
I know that for many it is not easy to comprehend what I say when I tell you things about Heaven, because they seem so distant from your hearts, but I have come to draw you closer, My children, to My Kingdom, which tonight I bring to the world.
When I tell you about the Celestial Kingdom, I am trying to draw your hearts closer to sublime realities, so you do not fear to cross the portals when they open before your eyes. When the time comes, My children, for many to abandon this world, may you recognize the Kingdom which I have described to you, may you feel before you the pillars of faith and love of My Celestial Church, may you feel the beating of the Heart of Christ that radiates on the altar of this Church, and do not fear entering It when the time comes.
I tell you this because My Heart of a Mother has a Holy Hope to convert your lives, and that one day you may be worthy of eating at the Table of My Son, of the Celestial Communion. I have the Holy Hope, My beloved ones, to one day gather your spirits in a single fraternity. May you recognize the civilizations of the Cosmos, may you recognize Creation as a single Creation, spirits that walk together towards the Father.
That is why I come to the world and take care of every detail of your lives. I am with your families, trying to heal each heart and reconcile souls with God, so they do not lose the opportunity they have received in this world.
This is why, My children, I come to instruct you even about the simplest things, I come to teach you to pray, but I also show you the mysteries of Heaven, because I must contemplate the evolution in each consciousness and try to elevate the smallest of My children to this Kingdom.
Today I come to sow in your hearts the trust in My Immaculate Heart; I come to reignite your essences, so that, by the Grace of My Light and by My living Presence within you, you may illuminate the abysses that still exist on this land.
Children of Mine, I would like to remain in this world beside each creature; I would like to live with you the tests of the recent times; I would like to extend My Hand to you so that you can cross the portals when the time comes. But I will not be able to be with you in all moments of your lives; yes, I will observe and will always accompany you with My Heart, but I deposit My Light in your essences so that you may be the awakened spirits who guide others when I am not able to be that close to humanity.
I come to create, in this time, a union with each human heart that responds to My call, because, in this way, My children, you will be the echo of My Voice that guides those who are lost.
This Grace that I delivered to you today, if you have faith that you have received it, will fertilize the principles of a new life in your essences, and each new day, you will awaken a new gift of the Spirit of God so that you can enter My Kingdom, even if your feet are on this earth.
May your consciousness, My children, not be limited to this world, not be limited to this human life and not be attached to it, so that you may be free to cross dimensions and reach My Arms.
If you open up to discover the celestial truths, the weight that you carry from the situations of the world will become small, or at least, will not make you suffer as much as you suffer today. I know that some of My children still cannot comprehend the Will of God and do not accept the purification they are experiencing due to not comprehending justice.
Today I tell you, My children, that the human consciousness has decided to learn through suffering. This is not the Will of God; it is a choice of humankind. The Creator is eager to pour out His Divine Mercy upon all those who cry out for it, upon all nations that might open themselves. And in order for those who are asleep to receive the Divine Mercy, they need intercessors, and these, My children, must be each one of you who listens to Me. Cry out for mercy not only for your lives, but for the whole world, above all, for those who ignore God.
Today I have something on My altar that I wish to place, not only in My Immaculate Heart, but in the heart of each prayerful being of this world.
Each little piece of paper represents a life, a story, a family, a cry from My children of Venezuela. I know that many intentions did not get into the basket, but I know them, My children, even before you think of writing to Me. I know the needs of your hearts, I know your misunderstandings, your pains, your doubts.
Not only Venezuela will be purified; everything that lives, that pulses, every consciousness that exists on Earth, in each Kingdom, will live their purification; the consciousness of the Planet, as the spirit that supports you is also being purified. Thus, children, I only ask you to not lose faith and to live each event in your lives as an opportunity to affirm yourselves in God and to live love, because, many times, you will suffer due to the ignorance of others. Even though you have chosen to learn through love and not pain, most human beings did not make this choice. This is why you, in sacrifice and surrender, just as My Son did, will suffer for the learning of others.
I bring you a divine basket, not only for you to place the intentions for Venezuela, but the intention for each heart that hears Me today. Tell Me, My children, what you need the most, in the silence of your hearts and I will listen and elevate your supplications to the Father.
Cry out for His Mercy and let yourself be permeated by It.
Pray with Me:
Tonight, I have also come to consecrate you, to renew your confirmation and adherence to My Plan of Love, to renew your commitments to Me. My divine Heart rejoices each time a soul accepts to respond to My call, each time a soul is willing to consecrate itself as a child of Mary.
I know that for many, My children, this consecration does not have importance, but this symbol is not only external, it is a commitment you make with Me, of being by My side, of responding to My requests and following the Will of God under any circumstances.
May the children of Mary who will consecrate today come here.
I call you to My Feet just as I called the shepherds from Fatima. I bring you close to My Heart, as I used to bring My Son, and today I want you to come with the purity of a child.
I have been waiting for the confirmation of some of these souls for a long time. You know, My children, that many have been with Me since the beginning, that many even accompanied My Son and, have returned in this time to prepare His Return, to be forgiven by His Mercy, to be redeemed by His Grace, to be filled with His Love and converted by His Spirit, becoming similar to Him.
Today I gather you on My Altar, not only to bless and consecrate you, but also to thank you for responding to My Call, and I thank you in advance for overcoming the tests that will come and for never giving up on being My children.
I thank you in advance for imitating the steps of My Son Jesus, for making an effort day by day, for keeping your own faith and making it grow in the heart.
I thank you in advance for overcoming the tests that will come, for clinging to the Kingdom of God when the kingdom of this world begins to crumble.
I thank you in advance for entering into My Heart, because I know that you will try to do so when you feel lost and helpless.
Know, My beloved ones, that many tests will come, and that you will have to cross some deserts in order to forge the stronghold of the spirit.
I would like to give everyone the gift of speaking in tongues so My arrival to the World would become simpler, but with everything that is happening on Earth today, I need to awaken other gifts, like the gift of Love, Compassion and Mercy, because Love, My children, has no language; it is, in itself, the universal language.
I place you under My Mantle and consecrate your spirits and your lives so you may eternally proclaim My Peace.
I consecrate and bless these images. I deposit new Graces upon My Pilgrim Image that represents My walk through every home of this nation; I hope that Its pilgrimage never ends, but rather that it be multiplied, reaching new homes, converting and healing new lives.
I consecrate these flowers, so they may be principles of healing for the heart which has faith; be a symbol of Grace for those who believe in Me; be a symbol of hope for those who follow My steps. May these flowers be taken to those who need them the most.
May the Children of Mary who have already been consecrated come here, may all the Children of Mary of the world unite to My Heart and feel present in this place.
Tonight, children of Mine, I will ignite this Planet as a great celestial essence.
May this army of Mine bring Peace and Divine Mercy to the world. May your hearts have no cultures, no nation, no religion except for the celestial one; may your hearts be as a single heart that beats within Mine, that beats within the Heart of God.
Through your souls, may the principle of Unity return to the human heart; through your examples, may respect, compassion, brotherhood and fraternity be alive among creatures.
For this I consecrate, bless and lead you towards redemption, I forgive you and give you the Divine Mercy.
Sing, My children, and announce to the world the Grace that it is to be a child of Mary.
Thank you.
Song: Hymn of the Children of Mary
May the children of this world, consecrated to My Heart, represent the Principles of the New Life. Always carry My Love and My Peace within your hearts throughout the times that will come, and do not forget to pray for the children.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you, today and always, and in every second of your lives, because you are precious before My Heart.
The great mystery of the praying heart is peace.
Peace, children of Mine, is the greatest treasure that I can leave you for these times and for the times to come. Peace is fruit of the certainty of the triumph of God on Earth. Peace is fruit of the awareness that a higher life awaits you, that your existence does not begin and end in this world.
In times of planetary chaos and confusion, I will ask you not to lose peace, because peace in your hearts is what disarms the plans of the enemy. Peace, My children, is what will allow you to comprehend the tests that will come, comprehend your own purification, the purification of others and of the planet, and not remain in appearances. Peace will allow you to see the events of the world with mature eyes.
I know that, for many, it is impossible to keep the peace of their own hearts when chaos emerges from within and also manifests in the life on the surface of the Earth. However, My children, when you enter My Peace, you enter into other Laws, that are not from this world. In consciousness, you enter Universal Laws, and it is the action of these Laws that brings you peace, regardless of what happens around you.
Peace in your hearts will be the living witness of My Presence among you, and it is this immutable and invincible peace that will demonstrate to the world that a part of My Immaculate Heart is within your hearts, leading your consciousness to overcome the obstacles, to transcend the trials and to manifest a new life.
Children, the Peace of the Creator has lived in My Immaculate Heart since I was on Earth, and not even in the calvary of My Son did I lose this Peace. It was this Divine Peace that led Me to comprehend the sacrifice of Christ and to sustain the men and women of Jerusalem by My side, so that they would not lose faith. They contemplated My Peace and My Silence, so mysterious, and understood that the sacrifice of Christ did not end on the Cross, that what Jesus was experiencing was not just the martyrdom that it appeared to be.
I wish, with what I am telling you, to teach you to live through the times that will come and to understand the calvary of the world, beyond appearances. I wish you to remain with your heart in My Heart, just as I remained in God, contemplating the sacrifice of My Son, and those who accompany you will find in you a fortress and the source of faith and hope, a door to understand the events of the world, transcending the physical facts and entering into the true reason why the planet experiences these things.
Today, children, while nature helps Me to transmute chaos and evil, I ask you to remain in peace; remember that My Marian Centers must be power plants of transmutation and liberation for the world, and you are My workers, the ones who, through prayer and peace, open the doors so that My Light may descend to the world and so that darkness may give way to Peace and the Victory of God.
Be aware of this moment as an unique learning experience and, receive in your essences, the Peace that I want to deliver; feel how this Peace brings you a greater understanding, and how you can feel this rain and this wind not only as an ordinary rain, but as the liberation of nature through Higher Laws.
Come closer to Me.
Feel My Mantle upon your hearts and do not fear. I am here not only to protect you, but to give you a lesson - the mystery of Peace.
Today I offer you the Rose of My Heart so that it may multiply and enter your essences as a symbol, a symbol of peace.
Today, My children, I told you that My Heart will triumph because your spirits are willing to respond to My call, they are willing to grow and mature in consciousness, they are willing to comprehend new laws, divine principles that until today, you have ignored.
On this day I come to mark, for your lives, the end of an old cycle and the beginning of another; however, you must be willing not only in spirit and heart, but also in mind, feeling and even in your cells, to answer this call. Because if you tell me yes so that I can act in each level of your beings, My Presence will dissolve the fear that hides in your cells, in your bones, and will strengthen you so that you can be living witnesses of My Presence, and take to the world the peace that it is losing.
Today, I multiply the roses of My Heart and give them to you, because this way, My children, I will be able to be present among human hearts even when My voice no longer echoes on Earth, when the visionaries can no longer repeat My Words. It will be this rose within your essences that will speak to you and guide your paths so that you may never be separated from Me. Let this rose reveal to you a science, a divine science, which is the science of Peace. Let this mystery reveal itself, and within you, you will find an unknown state, a state of union with God, His Creation, His Purpose, with the Truth. This, My children, is the Peace of My Kingdom.
As simple as it may seem, the mystery of peace, when revealed, is what will sustain you. Thus, My beloveds, value My Words and this moment. Open yourselves as you should, so that you may experience an instance of union with your Celestial Mother, because each moment with Me is unique, and each of My Words comes to deliver to you a key that will help you bring the divine archetype to Earth and manifest the new humanity.
Now, I ask My children who will consecrate themselves today to come a little closer and stand.
This is the Rose of Truth - with this truth, children, be faithful to My Heart.
This is the Rose of Purity - with this rose, you will never be separated from Me.
This is the Rose of Hope, a hope that does not come from this world. The hope that I bring to you, through this rose, is the hope of finding Me in this life and beyond.
This is the Rose of Joy, so that through it, My children, you may discover true joy, which is the joy of serving God and loving your neighbor.
This is the Rose of Reconciliation, because through it, I reunite with My children who accompanied Me in the past and who now renew their commitment with Me.
This is the Rose of Faith, so that you may learn to believe in Me.
This is the Rose of Peace, to dispel the worries of this world, the conflicts of this life and lead you to My Kingdom.
This is the Rose of Goodness, so that you may learn from Me to care for one another as I care for each one of you.
This is the Rose of Fortitude, so that you may be firm, overcome the past, and before this portal to My Kingdom, you may find a new life together with me.
You may kneel.
With this rose that I have given you, you will pray with Me for the salvation of souls and for them to live the attributes that I have deposited in your hearts through these flowers which, by the touch of My Hands, have become sacred.
Let us pray three Hail Marys, offering to the Father our full gratitude for rediscovering His Kingdom.
Prayer: Hail Mary in Spanish
These three roses are for three of My children who, through three different paths, are trying to find Me again. May these roses, children, bring you clarity of spirit.
With a smile on My Face I thank you for having come to My encounter. Do not forget, My children, to proclaim today and always, the Peace that I have deposited in your hearts.
And I will ask you to sing a song that prepared My arrival here, because in this simple way, the angels opened the doors for Me so I could come to meet you. Celebrate the Peace of Medjugorje, celebrate the Peace of the Kingdom of Aurora, the Peace that I bring to each Marian Center, because it is the same Peace that you must live in your hearts.
I thank you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more