Saturday, June 25 of 2016


The great mystery of the praying heart is peace.

Peace, children of Mine, is the greatest treasure that I can leave you for these times and for the times to come. Peace is fruit of the certainty of the triumph of God on Earth. Peace is fruit of the awareness that a higher life awaits you, that your existence does not begin and end in this world. 

In times of planetary chaos and confusion, I will ask you not to lose peace, because peace in your hearts is what disarms the plans of the enemy. Peace, My children, is what will allow you to comprehend the tests that will come, comprehend your own purification, the purification of others and of the planet, and not remain in appearances. Peace will allow you to see the events of the world with mature eyes.

I know that, for many, it is impossible to keep the peace of their own hearts when chaos emerges from within and also manifests in the life on the surface of the Earth. However, My children, when you enter My Peace, you enter into other Laws, that are not from this world. In consciousness, you enter Universal Laws, and it is the action of these Laws that brings you peace, regardless of what happens around you.

Peace in your hearts will be the living witness of My Presence among you, and it is this immutable and invincible peace that will demonstrate to the world that a part of My Immaculate Heart is within your hearts, leading your consciousness to overcome the obstacles, to transcend the trials and to manifest a new life.

Children, the Peace of the Creator has lived in My Immaculate Heart since I was on Earth, and not even in the calvary of My Son did I lose this Peace. It was this Divine Peace that led Me to comprehend the sacrifice of Christ and to sustain the men and women of Jerusalem by My side, so that they would not lose faith. They contemplated My Peace and My Silence, so mysterious, and understood that the sacrifice of Christ did not end on the Cross, that what Jesus was experiencing was not just the martyrdom that it appeared to be.

I wish, with what I am telling you, to teach you to live through the times that will come and to understand the calvary of the world, beyond appearances. I wish you to remain with your heart in My Heart, just as I remained in God, contemplating the sacrifice of My Son, and those who accompany you will find in you a fortress and the source of faith and hope, a door to understand the events of the world, transcending the physical facts and entering into the true reason why the planet experiences these things.

Today, children, while nature helps Me to transmute chaos and evil, I ask you to remain in peace; remember that My Marian Centers must be power plants of transmutation and liberation for the world, and you are My workers, the ones who, through prayer and peace, open the doors so that My Light may descend to the world and so that darkness may give way to Peace and the Victory of God.

Be aware of this moment as an unique learning experience and, receive in your essences, the Peace that I want to deliver; feel how this Peace brings you a greater understanding, and how you can feel this rain and this wind not only as an ordinary rain, but as the liberation of nature through Higher Laws.

Come closer to Me.

Feel My Mantle upon your hearts and do not fear. I am here not only to protect you, but to give you a lesson - the mystery of Peace.

Today I offer you the Rose of My Heart so that it may multiply and enter your essences as a symbol, a symbol of peace.

Today, My children, I told you that My Heart will triumph because your spirits are willing to respond to My call, they are willing to grow and mature in consciousness, they are willing to comprehend new laws, divine principles that until today, you have ignored.

On this day I come to mark, for your lives, the end of an old cycle and the beginning of another; however, you must be willing not only in spirit and heart, but also in mind, feeling and even in your cells, to answer this call. Because if you tell me yes so that I can act in each level of your beings, My Presence will dissolve the fear that hides in your cells, in your bones, and will strengthen you so that you can be living witnesses of My Presence, and take to the world the peace that it is losing.

Today, I multiply the roses of My Heart and give them to you, because this way, My children, I will be able to be present among human hearts even when My voice no longer echoes on Earth, when the visionaries can no longer repeat My Words. It will be this rose within your essences that will speak to you and guide your paths so that you may never be separated from Me. Let this rose reveal to you a science, a divine science, which is the science of Peace. Let this mystery reveal itself, and within you, you will find an unknown state, a state of union with God, His Creation, His Purpose, with the Truth. This, My children, is the Peace of My Kingdom. 

As simple as it may seem, the mystery of peace, when revealed, is what will sustain you. Thus, My beloveds, value My Words and this moment. Open yourselves as you should, so that you may experience an instance of union with your Celestial Mother, because each moment with Me is unique, and each of My Words comes to deliver to you a key that will help you bring the divine archetype to Earth and manifest the new humanity.

Now, I ask My children who will consecrate themselves today to come a little closer and stand. 

This is the Rose of Truth - with this truth, children, be faithful to My Heart.

This is the Rose of Purity - with this rose, you will never be separated from Me.

This is the Rose of Hope, a hope that does not come from this world. The hope that I bring to you, through this rose, is the hope of finding Me in this life and beyond.

This is the Rose of Joy, so that through it, My children, you may discover true joy, which is the joy of serving God and loving your neighbor. 

This is the Rose of Reconciliation, because through it, I reunite with My children who accompanied Me in the past and who now renew their commitment with Me.

This is the Rose of Faith, so that you may learn to believe in Me. 

This is the Rose of Peace, to dispel the worries of this world, the conflicts of this life and lead you to My Kingdom. 

This is the Rose of Goodness, so that you may learn from Me to care for one another as I care for each one of you.

This is the Rose of Fortitude, so that you may be firm, overcome the past, and before this portal to My Kingdom, you may find a new life together with me.

You may kneel.

With this rose that I have given you, you will pray with Me for the salvation of souls and for them to live the attributes that I have deposited in your hearts through these flowers which, by the touch of My Hands, have become sacred.

Let us pray three Hail Marys, offering to the Father our full gratitude for rediscovering His Kingdom.


Prayer: Hail Mary in Spanish


These three roses are for three of My children who, through three different paths, are trying to find Me again. May these roses, children, bring you clarity of spirit.

With a smile on My Face I thank you for having come to My encounter. Do not forget, My children, to proclaim today and always, the Peace that I have deposited in your hearts.

And I will ask you to sing a song that prepared My arrival here, because in this simple way, the angels opened the doors for Me so I could come to meet you. Celebrate the Peace of Medjugorje, celebrate the Peace of the Kingdom of Aurora, the Peace that I bring to each Marian Center, because it is the same Peace that you must live in your hearts.

I thank you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.