Wednesday, May 13 of 2015


On this night of Graces, I want to give My blessing to the world, mainly to the hearts that are empty, so they may all receive the Peace of God.

From the heart of Fatima and with joy, I gather you all in the Sacred Cenacle, in the Presence of My beloved Son Jesus and the faithful and most chaste Presence of Saint Joseph, for as the Sacred Family of the universe, We radiate Our Stars of Light, which Our Consciousnesses conceived of and opened the doors to the world, directly toward the path of redemption.

On this evening, My Immaculate Heart gladly and joyfully celebrates the lit candles, the souls that wake up to the path of conversion and of peace. And although you know, My children, that the whole world suffers and endures, today the Queen of Heaven brings a unique opportunity for all, opening the doors of the heart to you so that your lives definitely find the soul, sacred precinct of God, where your King wishes to rest at the moment of His great Return to the world.

Today, the angels of Lys assemble and deliver peace to the most distant places of the planet, especially to all those souls that do not follow My religion and do not know My divine Face. But the Mother of the World, the Lady of the Stars of the universe, the Queen crowned by the Crown of God, in the presence of all the Angels and Archangels, together with Her Son, celebrates the mass of redemption, the re-encounter with the spirit of love in all lost souls.

Thus, on this night of Graces, not only the Sanctuary of Lys is lit up, but all the hearts that devotedly awaken their inner mirrors to radiate the codes of love and of peace to the world. 

Today, in truth, dear children, I feel united with each of you. In this way, your sins are liberated, and all the stains of suffering are alleviated.

I am present here, among you, My children, as the Queen of Peace, as the Queen of Love and of Mercy, as the One who had been among you in Nazareth, gestating the Son of God in Her Womb, and bringing the opportunity of change for the whole world.

I am that Woman clothed in the Sun, announced in the Apocalypse of John, who brings the moon under Her feet, announcing hope to this world that suffers, and opening the door for you for the Return of My Son, the firstborn Son of God, your Jesus, King Jesus.

Thus, open your hearts and let your faults be forgiven, through the Communion that all My children, far and wide in the world, on communing with My beloved Son, received His Most Sacred Redeemer Body, in a perfect and divine union with His mystical and divine Spirit. The Graces and Mercies of God descend to this world through the hearts of the Guardian Angels.

Thus, on this evening, I also invite you, beloved children, to dispel all problems from your minds, the Grace of your conversion is close.

The Archangel Michael, together with the Archangel Saint Gabriel, unite at this moment to radiate the power of My Immaculate Heart to the world. Happy are those who feel My maternal Presence, in spite of not seeing Me; for God still wishes, beloved children, that I use certain instruments throughout this humanity so My Word may be announced to the world, which is the Message of Christ, your Savior, which will always bring you peace and hope in these difficult times.

But today, in My universal and maternal reign, My sacred hands sustain the scepter of Peace to bring the world the true Justice of God, and in this way, all hearts can be harmonized with the Law of the Creator.

Feel the Rays of My Immaculate Heart, so that one day, beloved children, you are able to understand the Laws of the Creator; those that are greatly assaulted by ungrateful hearts that do not want to listen to My Son, neither in Confession nor in Communion.

But you, beloved children, more aware of the spiritual and higher life, will be able to raise to Heaven all the hearts of the world as a sacred offering, which before this end time, must wake up to the call of the Mother of God.

Today I am among you, strengthening the cenacle of the heart; reminding you that you must continue to pray every day, especially in this time of tribulation, which begins to take place within people, and which expresses on the outside of this material life.

I want you to leave here alert and prepared, and that all the hearts united with Me at this moment, in the Sacred Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys, may be able to live a good life, of reconciliation and peace, experiencing repentance, strengthening their faith in Christ, renewing the Sacraments and living a life of fraternity, so that at least, My children, a part of this race is able to concretize the advent of a New Humanity.

Some hearts already live this New Humanity in the depths of their souls, waiting for the great promise of the Promised Land that will come to aid all from the Celestial Universe, through the New Jerusalem, which will be formed by the disciples of My Son, those latter-day saints, who will proclaim the last word before the great door in this humanity is opened.

Thus, today, My children, I not only contemplate your needs, the lack of love in your hearts and the strengthening of faith in your lives; I come to bring you a Message of hope, but also a Message of warning: the hour has come for praying with the heart every day and of not wasting time on superficial things.

Feed your spirits and minds with the sacred Word of My beloved Son. Study the Gospel. Visit the Bible every day. Read the Messages and practice them, so that your lives may be an example of charity and service, through the tasks of love and the spirit of redemption.

Today, before you is the New Aurora, that which always shines in the inner firmament of the hearts that invoke it, in the Sacred Presence of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel, which unites you with My Divine Heart so you may experience the opportunity for redemption.

Liberate your faults and debts and find again the path to the Kingdom of God.

For this reason, today I am here, in Goiânia, so that the State of Goiás, together with Mato Grosso, may establish new groups of prayer to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly for the Animal Kingdom, which is greatly punished by all. That debt must be balanced.

For this reason, today I leave you all with the responsibility of responding to this call of My Immaculate Heart, and that you wake up to an awareness of Genesis, in which God, from the beginning, since Adam and Eve, provided all the necessary things to live without any need to assault the Animal Kingdom or any Kingdom created by your God.

I not only come for you, a sleeping humanity, announcing Myself from the Sacred Kingdom of Fatima, waking up your essences, which must be united with God all the time; I also come for the Younger Kingdoms, which co-exist with you all the time, which are injured and assaulted by the violent hands of humankind, without the least respect for the Law of Creation.

You, who live here and know about the massacres of the Animal Kingdom, I invite you, dear children, to seek a natural life, avail yourselves of that which God gave you from the beginning; feed your stomachs with healthy, divine and sublime things; leave the Kingdoms in peace, let them evolve. They need you all the time and so that the Law does not fall upon this very deaf and blind humanity.

I come to warn you, dear children, about a door, an opportunity: open your eyes to the call of your Mother from Heaven.

There is no time to lose. Do not be involved any more in modernity, do not be instruments of My adversary. Use your higher intelligence, wake up your sleeping cells so that God is able to work through your hearts and lives.

Humanity owes much to the universe; but as I come from you and you come from My Heart, I am part of this humanity since the beginning. I bring you the Truth and Justice so that you may recognize them and live with simplicity.

Beloved children, today all the universe assembles so that, from the Kingdom of Lys, souls leave renewed in hope and faith. And when you, beloved children, stop doing some things in your lives, attitudes that lead you to perdition, you will be able to understand My Message and will truly believe that everything I tell you today is part of the Will of God. In this way, you will change your lives, united every day with the Holy Rosary, elevating your spirits in perfect Communion with My resurrected Son.

So, open your eyes and stop sleeping. Come out of this sleep, this torpor. Wake up, in the same way the apostles woke up in Gethsemane, when they had to accompany the agony of My Son.

But today, I bring you a little of the Mercy of God, because I interceded for all of you so I could tell you all these things.

When humanity changes, and at least a small part of this humanity lives the last Message from Heaven, I will be able to say, My children, that you will already be prepared to receive Christ. And even though that is about to happen, My Immaculate Heart, your Solar Eagle, will continue to fly over this humanity through the sacred pilgrimages, so hearts may wake up to the Call of God and stop offending Him all the time.

Dear children, what happened in Fatima was very important; but what happens here today, in this place, is radiated to the whole world, to the world of the soul, the essential world of all hearts.

This is My testimony for all. This is My Message of warning for the whole world: change, change soon. Do not live a superfluous life. Repent in time, confess, commune with My Son and you will be saved by My Most Sacred Heart. In this way, I will be able to count on many warriors of peace who will fight, with the rosary in their hands, in the culminating time of the tribulation, in which they will be united in prayer and in spirit, in union with My Immaculate Heart, waiting for the Return of the Christ to the world, when all of humanity, from East to West, will wake up and recognize the Universal King.

On this day, My children, in which your hearts withdraw into My maternal Spirit, I am present here, filling you with My Peace and with My Love; I am present in Fatima with all My children, in all the homes that are united with Me at this moment, in all the orders consecrated to God, and I am also in Kibeho, working in the heart of Rwanda for all of Africa.

Thus, beloved children, as you know My different Aspects of Light, with which I have appeared to different hearts, to bring a Message of peace and of hope throughout the centuries; today I wish, beloved children, as your Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, that you hold in memory My Message of Peace, My Message of instruction, which comes from the Will of God and His Supreme Power. My Message is strong and intense, with the hope that your cells wake up to the call to redemption and conversion of hearts and of families.

On this evening, beloved children, place your aspirations in My hands. In the silence of the heart and the word, tell Me inwardly what it is that you need, I hear you through the silence.

And now that I have received your pleas, place your left hand over your heart and inwardly proclaim your consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

I am the Lady of the Divine Verb, and I am with all those who are consistent with God, in humility and simplicity, in reverence and love.

Today, I consecrate all these sacred images so they may be the icon of your hope, of the Mercy of God, through your Lady, the Celestial Lady.

On this evening, new children will be consecrated and I hope, will walk by My side, carrying the flag of peace. In spite of the shaking of the ground, My Heart will support those who are faithful to My maternal Spirit. I will not leave you alone, you will not walk alone, My omnipresent and universal Spirit will always fill you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let those children who will be consecrated come here. In the presence of Our Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, we will listen to "Our Lady of Kibeho."


As your Lady of the Divine Verb, the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, as the Queen of Peace and Mother of all humanity, united in the heart, I consecrate you, dear children, under the omnipotence of My Son Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children of the United States, My hope of reaching your nation is latent in My Heart. Through your steps, My task will be concretized, and once again, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you!


Song: "Our Lady of Kibeho"


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we will all stand to sing the Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima, today, May 13.

We remain standing, quiet and in silence, and after this song, we will prepare for a break, still remaining in the Presence of Mary, to celebrate Communion together. Let us begin.

Song: "Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima"

Brothers and sisters present and those who are gathered together in the Marian Centers, we will begin this ceremony of Communion after this meeting with Our Lady, responding to Her request to commune with the Body and the Blood of Christ.


Afterwards, the Sacrament of Communion is celebrated with various priests of the Order.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother, for all that you give us!


Monday, May 25 of 2015


The world is very noisy for listening to God.

I Am the Lady of Silence. You will recognize God through My Heart. In My Silence are found the answers to the deep aspirations of your lives, those that can never be materialized due to the great noise of this humanity.

I Am the Lady of Harmony, the One Who cultivates the seeds of Christ so that My Son may sprout in your hearts and find His dwelling and His space, so that in the end He may act and work in your lives.

Dear children, I Am the Lady of Healing and of Silence, that which humanity has not discovered yet, since it does not know in depth all of My faces.

I bring to you the attributes of God, although you do not know them in depth. Today My Heart reveals them to you.

Silence, Harmony and Healing are necessary for humanity. In this way the world will balance itself. But I know that very few will answer to this call.

You cannot be in silence in these times, but if you keep seeking the path of prayer, of the prayer of the heart and of the spirit, I assure you that you will find the silence that you are not able to live.

God wishes to pour His Graces over humanity all the time, but it is necessary for humanity to find silence in order to be able to hear God and to perceive that which it is not doing well.

As in other times, dear children, by means of My Silence I come to prevent many things. You can experience this School, the School of the inner silence, so that you may perceive, children of Mine, how important it is to manifest silence in this humanity. In this way many things will be resolved in time and fewer souls will get lost within these great human uproars.

If you do not seek silence, dear children, who will seek it? Who will be willing to live silence in order to find God?

Our Sacred Family used to live in the Silence of God. It knew the Laws and used to apply the Rays in order to manifest the Will of Adonai.

It is time for you to awaken to the inner silence. The noise of the world is quite suffocating and the souls cannot listen to the Kingdom of God; they cannot listen to the angels singing and even less to all of the celestial choirs.

So that these things may descend to the material world from the spiritual Kingdom, silence must exist in the material level. In this way, your doubts will be dispersed and the great concerns of your lives will be dissolved by the action of the inner silence. Once you enter into profound contemplation you will be able to easily perceive, children of Mine, that which is fine inside of you and all that must be corrected in time.

The world is very noisy and it gets lost in superficial things. It prefers to listen to the modernities than to feel its own inner heart.

In this world that is so noisy, that does not live the inner silence, many hearts are afflicted all the time because they do not pray and even less live the silence that God needs in this time.

Those that will have the grace of receiving Christ will have to be in a state of profound silence because My Son will arrive by means of silence, which does not mean muteness.

The profound Silence of Jesus will be expressed from the spiritual level. It will be a Law that will descend to this planet, the sacred Law of Spiritual Silence. For this, your hearts must be prepared and the School of prayer is your first step to be able to live It.

Although you must pray with your lips, you must also seek the inner silence. The recited prayer will bring you to the inner silence and in this way you will understand many things, children of Mine. Especially those things that you have not yet been able to solve will receive Light and Wisdom and soon will be solved.

If you have the goal of silence, I assure you that you will help the entire humanity. The noise is so great and so suffocating that the souls cannot even think of seeking silence. Silence is an experience of life; it is an attitude and an inner state that you need to construct in these difficult times. In this way, Your Mother of Silence will be close to you so that through the inner silence I may be able to say many things to you; that your souls may understand the mysteries of God and may receive the wisdom that is so necessary for these times

Use the verb only as necessary. May your lips be solely dedicated to prayer and to help to fulfill the Plans of God as God commands it. In this way you will not waste energy and you will be within the state of My Silence.

I will assist you, children of Mine, so that you may see clearly how the world does not find the inner silence and then misses the opportunity of experiencing Healing and, mainly, Harmony.

Very few are those who live this inner silence and that can reflect to the world the true Spirit of God so that It may fill all of the hearts of the Earth, especially those that are distant from God.

You will find the key of silence in the adoration of the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of My Son. In Him the total silence is reflected so that you may receive it and thus find clarity in all things.

The world does not find silence because it is not willing to seek it. How will the Laws act upon the world if the world is not in silence?

Ask for help from your guardian angels so that this silence may manifest itself. The more you live in silence and in attunement, the greater number of catastrophes will be avoided, and suffering will be alleviated, and it will not be necessary for the hearts to suffer as a result of a great human noise that never ends and that never ceases.

For this the hearts must pray a lot, so that they may attain at least the first state of silence and may rise from the surface of the Earth. Then they will enter into another vibration and harmony. In this way your spirits will be filled by My Peace. And in the end of times it will be this Peace that I will give to you that which will act upon all of the things that are so noisy that will neither find quietude nor harmony.

I come to announce to you My Universal Silence. I know that you would like to know other things about Me, but I come to reveal to you the true necessity.

You are crossing the times of darkness and many take refuge in the modernities in order to be able to isolate themselves from their disturbances and fears. Nonetheless panic increases due to the lack of prayer and silence.

As in Kibeho, I come to announce the sacred word of God, giving you the opportunity to deeply reflect in time, offering you My warning so that you may change promptly. The more there are seekers of the Universal Silence, the less the planet will suffer, or at least a small part of the continents of the Earth will be safeguarded.

See the lack of silence in the oceans. God created them in order to express silence to this world. Humanity has been in charge of tormenting them.

See the lack of silence in Nature. God created the trees so that they would express the spiritual Silence and the constant search for elevation towards the Heights. Humanity keeps tormenting them.

Who will pay these debts if the hearts do not truly pray, and even less, seek the inner silence? How will the scales be balanced? How will humanity be able to ask for Graces to Heaven if it does not even change the minimum? If you keep killing animals, how will it be possible for humanity be saved?

You must change in your memory all of the human codes and transform your lives through prayer.

My Son has not come to the world by chance. He came to give to you the Sacraments so that you would be able to redeem your lives and spirits and leave this normality that has been created by the adversary. How will the birds be able to sing the Word of God? How will they be able to express the harmony of the Universe?

How will the whales be able to sing in the oceans, if they are hunted by humans, who degenerate the Kingdoms of Evolution? How will the world be able to receive Mercy, if those who ask for it are so few? How will the suffering of the hearts cease and how will the diseases of the body and of the soul be prevented, if you continue to walk backwards, violating all of the laws; forgetting God, and seeking the modern god through technologies?

Do not be prey for My adversary. Be good sheep of Christ. I Am the Shepherd of your souls, Who comes to prepare the flocks for Redemption so that they may seek the path of rehabilitation and may turn away from from perdition.

Who will close the abysses? Who will assist Me in building the new humanity?

I do not tire of praying for you and, prostrated by the Thrones of God, I ask for Mercy for this world.

May you leave from here really changed and in this way you will deserve the Grace of God. The Grace of God has allowed Me to say all these things so that you may grow in your consciousness and so that your souls stop being immature and may make the decision for the path of the Plan of God.

I Am the Lady of the Divine Word Who draws the souls near to the Kingdom of God.

I Am the Director of the new armies, the one Who ignites the Mirrors of prayer. If the Mirrors were not ignited through the prayers of all of the souls, how would the world survive? Where would your feet be now? In which part of the Cosmos or in which lost places?

Do you understand the Mercy of God now? Be merciful and patient. Purify yourselves like God wishes and consecrate your lives to My Heart. I give you the Grace of consecrating you so that you may follow My steps.

My message has been delivered and I hope that you may be able to review it so that it may remain in your hearts as an exit door to the hope of God.

Now, may all of the children whom I will consecrate come here. I have them all on My lap as the Mother of humanity.

Under the authority that God has given Me, in the name of the Grace and of the Mercy of Jesus, I consecrate you to My Immaculate Heart and I hope to see you in the future, steadfast to the path of consecration and of prayer. Because in this way the Mirrors of prayer will fill the Promised Land.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Go in peace, dear children. I thank you.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
