Monday, March 24 of 2014

Vigils of Prayer

Tonight, it is my wish to consecrate these sacred images, especially that which will be the pilgrim for many hearts, and that represents My Glorious Aspect in Fatima.

Tonight, I will place My Hands upon it, so that the codes of Fatima may be in the hearts that invoke, through it and by means of the power of prayer, My precious intercession.

Through it, I will radiate the universe of Fatima, the codes of Light that I left imprinted long ago, in Europe. To all those who unite with this sacred image of Fatima, and allow it to visit each home, I promise to pour out Graces upon their families.

All are my dear children, I do not have preference for one over another. My maternal task calls upon all consciousnesses for a higher mission.

My Maternal Consciousness works with the spirit of each one of you, and through My perpetual prayer, through the Holy Rosary and each new prayer that I utter for the world, I elevate each one of My children to the Kingdom of God, so that each one may fulfill the mission they have come to accomplish.

All are children of Mary without distinction, all are precious faces before the Throne of the Father, pure souls that were born of the Higher Source. Seek the unity that exists among your hearts, do not allow the enemy to deceive you.

I come to open your eyes and teach you the path of Christification. I need the apostles of Christ to prepare the fertile soil and sow the new seeds in their hearts; because the Shepherd is coming to the world and will seek your inner fruits, the talents He left with you long ago.

A true fraternal being is one who loves without separations, lives what they proclaim, is an example of charity and humility for all.

Dear children, once again I invite you to the holiness of the heart. I have precious promises for your souls; it is My wish that My rays of Grace may be among all of you. For this reason, on this sacred night, I bless this pilgrim image, which will open the doors to new hearts, and all will find peace, the peace that is lacking within many.

I need you to be firm and brave, so that you may be one heart and one soul.

I come to announce My mission to all My children; however, know, My little ones, that those who say ‘yes’ to Me commit themselves to Me for a time. For this reason, think about what you decide. You have the great inner freedom to choose. God has made you free and pure, you are as pure as the great prairies of these lands, your essences are as pure as crystalline water.

I want you to be flowers in the Kingdom of the Creator, and that many may cease to be thorns in the Heart of God. He needs to pour out His Mercy upon everyone. Be honest and charitable. Unite to this evolutionary proposal. Unite to My Marian call. I need you, as you also need My Heart.

I open the doors to those who have them closed. The moment has come, dear children, to offer yourselves to God with your hearts and souls. There are many paths of service on Earth, God loves you all equally. God taught both My Son and My Immaculate Heart to love you all.

At this time, We want to proclaim to all the greatness of the Kingdom of the Father. May your hearts open to the Great Call. Everything is where it is supposed to be.

Dear children, meditate upon what I am telling you. I need you to love more from the heart, until this love becomes a holy madness, overflows from your souls and pours out upon your brothers and sisters; thus, the Plan will be fulfilled.

Now, I will bless the image for you, for all groups of prayer that will receive it with love and also for the homes that will open to receive My sacred image.

I Am for everyone. My Love belongs to everyone, because I love you profoundly.

May My hope illuminate you and may the doors to redemption open before you.

Accept My Hand, I will sustain you firmly. A Good Mother will not let you fall. I will bring  you, among the angels and archangels, toward the true Kingdom of Peace; an infinite promise for your hearts, after this world.

Thank you, dear children, for sharing this moment with Heaven.

And before you bid farewell to Me until tomorrow, when I will liberate many consciousnesses, I invite you, before you leave this room, to touch this image to receive the codes of Fatima and carry in your hearts My Most Holy Presence, which promises to heal you every day when you open yourselves to the Higher Source with absolute trust and faith, because everything will always be well.

God protects the servants who serve Him and loves all creatures, above all things.

The Universe calls you to serve, the Universe pours itself out upon your consciousness.

My Immaculate Heart offers itself to you, to help you.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Wednesday, March 12 of 2014

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Day and night I come to the world to call you for a greater task.

I need to shape the new apostles of Christ, through prayer and the Love of God. So that this may happen, dear children, your hearts must be open to respond to My call.

Know that this is the last time that I am among you, at the end of a time that is preparing for something new, before the return of My Son Jesus.

Thus, open your arms and take My Words into your hearts. They are the last Words that will move over the face of the Earth, preparing hearts and dwelling places for the Final Judgment that all of the Earth will experience.

For this reason, dear children, enter into this spring of Mercy which Jesus represents, give yourself over completely to His Most Sacred Heart. In this way, My beloveds, you will feel trust and wholeness, you will lose your fear and will become free of sin.

God wants to forgive you, dear children. Listen to this very important call to  reconciliation.

The Universes and the Greater Heavens come to aid you; open your eyes to the Greater Light that comes from the Father.

See My Sacred Heart coming from Heaven; because in this very important era, I have need of servers ready to respond to My call. In this way, you will be free of your worries and doubts; because I come here, in this era, to console you, to reconcile your hearts with the Highest.

Dear children, God has allowed Me to transmit these Words to you because it is necessary to prepare, in this time, for the great changes that will come into your lives and the entire world. Thus, you are in time, dear children, for warming your hearts in My Maternal Fire.

I want to pour out My Grace and eternal devotion upon you.

I only have need of simple hearts that want to open to the new and know the higher, that which many do not know in this time, which is the mystery of God that wishes to reveal itself to all. But it is necessary, dear children, that there be a sincere response on your part.

I Am your Most Holy Mother Mary, Who has come throughout the centuries to restore and redeem humanity. I have been preparing humanity for centuries for the Advent of My Son, which is near in this time.

Thus, observe your lives, observe your actions and examples, imitate Christ in this time, in what you can give truly and in a heartfelt way.

Dear children, you do not know how great and full is My Grace for you, My eternal Love for each of My children, I know humanity in depth, inwardly and outwardly. I know your intentions and pleas.

But now, I need you willing to serve a little more; you are in the great time of giving your all, of giving yourselves into the Arms of the Eternal Father and of truly feeling yourselves to be loved, for who is in God will lack nothing.

Dear children, see the example of the Sacred Family, which, in humility and simplicity, lived the mystery of God.

I invite you to be humble and simple, dear children; this will allow you to take the steps on the path of conversion and redemption.

First, dear children, look to your brothers and sisters, to their needs, so that you are able to help them. This is a faithful example of charity. I invite you to serve, in heart and soul, in striving and in permanent sacrifice.

Dear children, I want to tell you that God has chosen you, as an important nation, to fulfill a Promise of His, in the New Humanity.

Thus, the seeds are being planted in your hearts.

For this reason, I need your hearts, dear children, to be fertile in prayer and that through prayer, you open to finding the path of brotherhood and of peace.

As your Mother from Heaven, I only ask you for simple things, so simple that few fulfill them. Thus, I invite you, day and night, to live in the universe of prayer so you are able to perceive the end of times, which all of you are going through in this period.

Open your eyes and feel the beating of My Heart, feel My Maternal Love and My protection in your lives; I need you always.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Each time you are in My Presence, in your essences I place a luminous part of My Heart, a molecule of My Divine Consciousness.

But on this night I ask, My children, that the Grace I give to your lives not be held by you just for yourselves. Go through the world, announce My return to Earth, My Word, which once again resounds so as to wake up the hearts of the world.

With this light that I turn on in your hearts, illumine the path of those who today live in the darkness. Do not fear being an example for those of My children who today do not have a reference point; because I see the world from the Heavens and many of My children are lost in this time through ignorance, because they do not know God and because they have not felt My Maternal Love, which today you can feel.

My children, at this time I ask that you travel the world, expanding to all hearts this Light that I bring you today.

The Lord has asked Me to come to the Earth to wake up even more missionary hearts, because this world has need of charity, has need of fraternal service among brothers, because unity among beings, My children, is being lost on this Earth. Do not allow this essential attribute, which is the unity I radiate to you from My Kingdom, be lost in the world, and through service, fraternal charity, cultivate unity, brotherhood and fraternity among beings in your hearts and the heart of others, because in this time, the world is lacking in these attributes.

My children, I do not invite you to carry out social actions, I invite you to share the deep giving of your hearts with love and truth; for one who is ready to serve and gives all of themselves to others will discover a wondrous Grace which up until today is unknown to the majority of the hearts of the world.

Today, I urge you to follow the steps of Saint Joseph, to aid humanity through prayer, charity, the giving of your lives, so that many more are able to wake up to service, selfless and real service.

My children, your souls thirst to give of themselves, but it is necessary that you not fear doing so, but rather that you risk experiencing a Love unknown to you and which wakes up in the heart that serves.

When you open to carry the Presence of God, through charity, the Lord can use your hearts as a bridge for the lost humanity. But I need you to say 'yes', that you be ready to open that door, because humanity has need of awake hearts, hearts which in all the actions in life, radiate love and charity, that are always ready to provide for the need of the other at any moment and at any time; for it is in this way, My children, that little by little, My Kingdom enters the Earth,  that hearts and souls are converted, and the Divine Presence can be among beings.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

All of you, dear children, are potential children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and some time ago, My Immaculate Heart requested the consecration of two daughters of Argentina who, from the first moment of their lives when they met Me and woke to My call, trusted My Immaculate Heart and recognized the Presence of the Mother of God in this time, in this region and also in this country, which I have so lovingly visited and will continue to visit as many times as you allow Me to.

Remember, dear children, to warm your hearts in My Eternal Fire of devotion. It is necessary that it beat in your hearts, in devotion and service, opening ways for those who need it, redeeming lives and healing hearts.

For this reason, on this night of Mercy and Pity, I call these daughters to consecrate them, and a son who has also responded to My call.

Thus see, dear children, how My maternal task is universal, embraces peoples, souls and nations. My Mercy for you is infinite.

I want to pour out My Light and My blessing upon you.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart will always be open to welcome you. I accept all kinds of consecration, because in My merciful and pious eyes, and for the Celestial Father, all souls are the same.

I thank you for responding to My call on this night.

I joyfully await the meeting with you tomorrow, when My Celestial and Universal Rays will deeply descend upon the planet.

I love you and bless you.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón del Jesús:

We want to share a little story about the Apparition, so you can also understand how it was that Mary came here, to Santa Fé.

Today Mary came as the Queen of Peace, a young, beautiful woman with a white veil on Her head, a pink tunic and a light blue mantle wrapped around Her; She had a golden sash, announcing a symbol for us: the birth of something new for humanity; She was barefoot, Her smile was crystalline and pure, and in Her hands She held a rosary that She moved each time She spoke with us.

She came surrounded by angels, who opened the doors for Her so She could reach this place and share Her Motherliness and Her Love with us.

Today, Mary gave a very specific Message for each of us, which you were able to hear through Sister Lucía and Friar Elías; because we repeated everything the Mother was saying to us, not forgetting any detail of what She indicated at that moment.

Today, we understood and felt that our Mother has need of a hotter fire from the Argentines that comes from the heart, a devotion that allows the concretization of those Plans God has foreseen for this nation.

Today, She told us She uses us as Her instruments so you may consciously wake up and together, according to our Mother, we may be able to help you concretize that Plan which God has foreseen, which is a Plan through prayer, charity, service, through being attentive to the needs of others and seeing the needs in each place we go.

In reality, our Mother expects new apostles to emerge here, who are able to be born through their heart, and are able to feel this situation, this Message of Mary's as something real.

Today, symbolically, our Mother Mary was mobilizing our hearts, our inner selves, quite a bit, because She has need of us so that her Son can come here. She comes to prepare this place, this planet, for the coming of Christ, but She needs us to believe that Christ will come back first in our hearts, that we are able to feel Him, call Him.

Today, our Mother showed us Her infinite Grace and Mercy, like a spring, like a river of Light, which reached here, this place, and which, at a certain point, stopped, because we need to open the doors so Grace can descend, and we will manage to do this, according to our Mother Mary, when we are fraternally united in our hearts.

The Mother needs to see us united as a group, as consciousnesses and as souls, so She may accomplish what She plans to do in this nation through you, and that in some way you also be mediators so other consciousnesses, other brothers and sisters, are able to receive the Grace they need.

Today, we were given a very profound Message, and a last call, as She said. We must keep in mind that this is a unique opportunity for everybody and as is said here in Argentina and in Uruguay, the train, the last train is coming through and we need to climb aboard that train so as to not lose that spiritual impulse Mary brings us from Heaven.

She waits for a sincere response from each of you.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
