I give you My Peace and I deliver to you the Peace of God.

The time of your resistance shall end so that the true self and the true consciousness may finally emerge.  Keep praying with the heart, invoking the Celestial Father and asking Him for your redemption.  Thus, once the soul humiliates itself and recognizes that it is the smallest of all, you will be able to take the steps.

Children, I give you to know the essence of humility of your Celestial Mother.  For this, the hour has come: imitate Me! Just as the apostles did in the past.  Do not try to force yourselves into humility because it is not born from conflicts or from the constant struggles.  Humility springs like a font, which gives all to drink from its pure and fresh water.

Dear children, may the dedication and the effort of seeking the holy humility never end.  Pray with the heart, and openly ask My Son to transfigure you.  If in this way many souls were truly humble, facing these critical times you are living today, much greater will be the possibilities for the Divine Mercy to widely pour itself over those who condemn entire lives and entire peoples.

Become bearers and searchers of this humility, My children.  Your first step will be to recognize yourself as the smallest of all, but also as the one who is ready and available to serve, without distinctions nor rewards.

The science of the Divine Humility has, as its foundations, faith and perseverance in the moments of transcending the obstacles, falls and even the deceptions of the being.  Humility is gestated by means of the truth and the detachment from one's own principles and ideas, those which feed My adversary.

The school of humility is the first path for the new apostles of My Son, and is Jesus Christ who shall always remind you that the holy humility has the self-renunciation, the forgetfulness of your own preferences and needs, as its primordial foundation.

While gazing into your hearts, your Celestial Mother invites you all to meditate on this message.  To some, humility seems to not be the school for all, but the learning of a few.

In truth I tell you, My children, that if there is no permanent work with the holy humility in this world, and specially in this humanity, you will not be able to recover the innocence that you have already lost.

For this, children, be brave and fulfill that role that corresponds to you.  The Project of God needs the imperfect ones, so that they may be soon converted into an essence of humility to the world.  Thus, My Beloved Son shall find a place to rest His tired Heart, exhausted from working for this humanity.

The primordial key to live humility is peace, for without peace one cannot be humble.  Your Celestial Mother wants to see you well trained, so that when the great moment of facing the redemption of My adversary arrives, none of My beloved children may keep within themselves something that parts them from God, just as humanity has been doing for the past two thousand years.

If humble hearts existed in this humanity, then it would become rescuable, and a greater time of peace would come to all.

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who wants to see you humble and joyful,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Stay in My arms today, child of Mine, because My mantle of light will make you invisible to the eyes of My adversary.  Stay between My hands, because My Maternal Love will make you stronger than the sorrow of the world.

Do not let the great door of purification be opened because God, Who is in the Heavens, has already counted the seconds and the minutes where each child of Mine will have to face the last battle.

Stay with Me and pray by My side.

Although the storm is greater than the very fortresses that I have constructed with My Love, the ground will not tremble because the foundations that I build are unmovable.  Stay today between My arms and do not fear anything; the cycle of surrender and of humiliation shall be lived by each child of Mine, because in order for the next time of peace to be born, all of My children will have to live their purification.

Let today, child of Mine, Your Heavenly Mother wash your body and your impurities with the divine water of My Grace; lie down and surrender yourself into My arms so that I may purify you and convert you in the model that God has asked of Me; in the model of the great redemption.

Rest today, child, between My arms and do not look that much the constant falls;  I come to raise you from the ground, and bring you to the eternal lap of the Heart of My Son.  His Mercy is as great as His Justice; for this come with confidence towards Me and do not give up before the great time.

For My children I fulfill the Works of God, for this I protect you like a lioness protects her cubs, nothing will be able to frighten you.

Open space, child of Mine, so that the impurities of the old will be banished.  In the same way that My Heart prays and implores for each one of you, My hands of a Mother undo in time the knots of egoism and of foolishness that live in each of you.  Prayer is the source of every solution, it will always rekindle the heart that is dim and without inner light.

The red dragon draws its armies closer before facing the Lady Dressed of the Sun.  In turn, the stars of My Crown are launched to the Earth in order to demarcate the spaces where the dragon will neither be able to step nor find anyone of you.

When the Lady Dressed of the Sun has thrown Her last star of salvation to the Earth, the great door will open, the great cycle will be untied and it will not have an end.

The armies of light will have to be already formed so that, through the divine word of prayer the islands of salvation, which were marked by the stars, will be manifested.

And the great sign will arrive, thus all shall be more fused than united since the dragon will not enter this space of the consciousness because it will ignore it.  This time, child of Mine, has not yet arrived, but it will not take long for this to happen.

The seals of the Apocalypses are being opened and the angels will wait for the answer of the creatures of God. The purification is the preamble of a time that is different for all; a time that humanity ignores.

May your purification be, in this immediate time, the preparation and the liberation of all of the debts, because unity and prayer will be the instruments that will defeat My adversary.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Read the messages everyday.

Who trains you in the armies of the celestial light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May in times of Apocalypse, you only live in the faith of the heart.

For this, children, may your souls confirm to the Celestial Father the absolute feeling of trust and love, that each one of you has for the Creator.

Today I pour over your spirits the Creative power of the Love of God, something that humanity forgets to search and to practice with the heart.

In these times, the Living Love of God will be what will help you to bear the cycle of internal changes, which will come for all without exception.

My children, seek the Love of God through the Love that Christ tirelessly offers you every day.  For this, My hands touch your hearts today to ignite them in the Light of the Love of the Creator, in the love that trusts, in the patient love, in the renewing love.

Take in your hands the rosary and pray with love, because that will liberate you from all evil and you will not fall in the ambush of the enemy’s trap.

With your hearts in faith you will bear every test and disturbance and when the time to face your purification comes, the power of your prayers will have made you meek and peacemakers in the Heart of Christ.

Allow, My beloved children, your debts to be alleviated and forgiven.

Always trust in the Mercy of God and do not waste time in the superficial problems.

Despite the serious situations that humanity lives, I bring you the definitive opportunity of being able to reach the inner sanctification.

Everything indicates that something must happen in these times.  The Universal laws that spring from the Heart of your Celestial Father are combining so that the harmony that is lacking in this world may be able to manifest.

Only through determination you will open the right door so that the whole of humanity do not miss the opportunity of receiving the Mercy of My Son.

I always shelter you with My Love.

Your Mother prays for you, so that someday you may be what you came to be: worthy in the Lord and in His Unfathomable Love.

Pray for those that, influenced all the time by the modernities, are imprisoned in the technologies and lose the inner thread of light that unites them with the Love of God.

Be what My Son expects: be apostles of love and of redemption.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who calls you to love with the heart and with the soul,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

If your hearts study in the school of humility, one day they will be pure and, living the purity of the heart, you will transform your faults and you will be able to live in the Mercy of God.

For this, My children, work ardently in this time to achieve the purity of heart.

My rays are poured over you so that, touched by My Light, you may always live in the Redeeming Love of My Son.

Through your steps taken on the path of transformation, your Celestial Mother finds the open path to liberate the souls from the constant perdition.

Open the arms and receive the Light of My Immaculate Heart in the center of your souls.

You are in time to change attitudes and customes that are part of the old humanity.

With your transformation and immediate redemption, you will say “yes” and give the true testimony to the Celestial Father, who will be pleased to see His small creatures willing to redeem themselves.

Your Master of Love offers you the opportunity to correct your ways and follow Him despite the consequences.  You, My children, by living in His absolute trust, will acquire a spirit of faith that will be unbreakable in the moment of the great planetary battle that humanity will live.

The current time indicates the time of conversion to give way to the definitive consecration of your hearts and lives.

Children of Mine, go through the cycle of your purification, renouncing everything that bothers you and opening the eyes to the horizon of mercy which comes to redeem all evils.

My path is opened in your paths, for this, do not miss the hour of your redemption.

I Am your Mother and I hold you in My arms so that you may always feel Peace.

The world still does not understand the gravity of the times.  I, in the name of My Son, bring to your consciousnesses that the time to change and heal the past has come.

I thank you for answering to My urgent call!

Who heals you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As it is urgent that you live redemption and peace, it is also urgent that many places in the world, such as this one(1), live their cycle of purification so that, through the Grace of God, the souls may rediscover the path of the heart of My Son, the one they have lost because of superficial things.

Throughout time, I bring you from the universe, the consciousness of the Higher Life.  Thus, your Celestial Mother helps you to direct your little lives towards the Lord.

Time indicates a change, not only in consciousness, but also in the attitude of each child of God.  The world can no longer live the same life and be the same way as if nothing happened around.

For this, children, work all the time for your purification, thus you will confirm to the Celestial Father that this project created by the Most Pure Source of Love may live its time of transformation.

In prayer is found the impulse to transcend inner obstacles and deceits that the enemy spreads.  But now I am stepping on the head of the serpent to prevent it from injecting its harmful poison in the hearts that in this cycle decided to help Me to fulfill My plans of Peace.

Through your permanent donation, the doors of Grace will open for all and the most unprotected ones shall receive their fair share.

Live through the Light of My Son and dissipate from your inner beings any darkness or test that may want to make you succumb.  The victory that My Son reached through you is not finished yet.  The indicated hour is pointing to the moment of redemption of the souls and of the liberation of the hells that live upon your world.

The celestial universe opens the doors to guide you and indicates you the path of truth and constant inner transformation.  My Heart will always bless you and, even though the soldiers may fall by themselves, My hands will elevate them towards the Mercy of God.

Do not forget that you, My dears, participate in an infinite purpose that God leads through the Sacred Hearts.  For this greater reason, collaborate all the time with building between you, a spirit of peace and without rivalries.

Do not let enter through the small door, any influence of evil.  My rays protect your daily steps of consecration and service.  Some day you will comprehend all I have said to you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses and redeems you in the name of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


(1)  The Virgin Mary refers to the place where the mesage was being transmitted at.


Dear Children,

May peace exists for ever in your hearts and may it be the peace of My Immaculate Heart that which may encourage you to live all the time the inner transformation that will be the mirror of a great external transformation.

For this, children, with gaze of kindness and maternal love, I am introducing you in this last stage of the redeeming path, which My Son offers you for this time.  By living the cycle of your purification, you will find inside yourselves all of which must already die so that on the day of tomorrow, My dears, you may participate in the Kingdom of God.

With your purification and service, the world will transform itself and it will no longer be necessary that the souls suffer the price for their own decisions.

In the spirit of permanent prayer you will find the master key which will allow you to transcend the end of the times and the inner time in each being.

Risk yourselves to surrender to your Celestial Mother that which attaches you the most to this material life.  Entrust to God your families because, due to your untiringly service, the Plan of the Most High is being repositioned in a higher celestial sphere.

Be for this cycle that which you have never been.  Be apostles of My Son, those who do not separate themselves from the purpose and neither deviate from the path of the inner evangelization that Christ is performing through their lives.  While the world faces the result of its decisions, your Celestial Mother comes to help you to redirect the inner dwelling of millions of hearts towards the true universal principle: towards Christ.

Unite yourselves more and more to My Immaculate Heart and do not allow, children of Mine, that the misleading ideas of the enemy enter your minds and dwellings.  So that this may not happen, affirm in your lives that you will live this time to answer to the designs of My Son Jesus.  In this way you will be true soldiers with whom My Son will count on to carry forward the purpose of guiding this outraged humanity towards the supreme school of rehabilitation.

Open the doors of the heart in order that the words of the Celestial Messengers may arrive deeper and deeper and thus, the Kingdom of God may be established in each interior.

Entrust to My care your dear ones, share the mercy that you receive every day and together, with Me, let us rebuild this decaying humanity.

Despite the consequences, through your faithfulness, you will make My Immaculate Heart triumph.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who summons you to the praying army of light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

May in times of battle, only exist peace, and may the peace of the heart manage to absolutely reestablish the love of God in the poor hearts that have lost it. For this, children, in this time, Your Celestial Mother comes from Heaven in order to prepare you to live the great spiritual battle that the Woman Dressed of Sun will hold against the enemy.

Live the peace of heart in this hour, and may your lives, passing through the cycle of purification, only find a favorite refuge in the Heart of My Son.  But, while the King who will banish evil does not arrive to call you to live the last supper of this cycle, your Celestial Mother is already running to the desert and protecting Her children from the sharp claws of evil.

My dears, the time of definition has already arrived.  Do not turn your faces away from the great inner change that is approaching, which needs you to be purified before My Son returns to your encounter.  

For this, beloved, do not waste even one minute in superficial things, only seek to gestate within yourselves a greater strength, which is not built with arrogance or self-pride.  Be more and more humble and you will be safe from the claws that beguile all the time the most naïve and impure of heart.

I wish, in this cycle, that your purification passes quickly, thus you will be up to know how to answer to the Divine Will that calls you all the time.

Your Celestial Mother is already in the desert protecting Her children from all adversity and deceit, because the time of mirages has come to all.  Destroy with the love and the power of the internal prayer, all the parallel reality that seeks to divert you from the only objective: Christ.

Reverent and humble, manifest the possibility that peace accomplishes prodigies and salvations in those who would not deserve it due to their own cruelty towards the Kingdom of God.

With your meekness you will know how to recognize false from true and nothing will drive your attention from the true Christic path that you came to traverse.

Through your renunciation the world will recover its purity.  Be attentive to the signs that your Celestial Mother will send you through the messages, because this is the last opportunity for all. 

My Glory and Love supports you.

I thank you for answering to My Call.

Who gathers you in the Heart of the Master,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine, that in your time of purification may only exist the reason to serve God and His Universal Plan, above yourselves.

Today I invite you, little of Mine, to see the sprouts from the seeds of Christic light that with so much love and effort were placed into the tabernacle of your hearts.

Do not fail to look upon the greatness and the transformation that My Son has realized in you.  With spirit of faith and determination live the cycle of your purification, offering to the Eternal Father all of your sorrows and discomforts, for those souls that are here on the Earth and that not even deign to look at God neither remember Him as something primordial for this time.

For this I say to you, children of Mine, have compassion for those hearts, that subjected to luxury and modernity, lose the path that leads to believe in God.  God the Father entrusts you certain tests in order that, by delivering them to His Heart of living Love, the world may be relieved again.

To those hearts who do not hear the Celestial Mother, it will only be left to live and suffer the result of their own choices in life.

Children, the path is one and only, there are not two anymore, it is with Christ or it is without His Higher Will.  May you be bearers of Grace for this cycle, may you represent the new redeeming apostolate of My Son and give testimony of His next and second coming to the world.

With your little spirits in the highest of Heaven, may you receive today, children, the consolation and the peace to live your purification as an offer of constant sacrifice and reparation.  Do not get tired before the expected time, Heaven waits for your maturity and redemption in order that the Kingdom of God may at least be established in the souls transformed by Christ.

In peace you will find the inner strength in order to face the end of a time destroyed and deteriorated by the consciousness of humanity.

You, My dears, by becoming apostles of My Son and professing your constant faith, will achieve the Grace of always having Me by your side, even in the moments of greatest tribulation.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

With maternal love today I pour the comforting warmth of My Immaculate Heart so that, renewed by the most pure principle of My Divine Conception, all your lives may someday reach the reflection of My consecration.

But the hour of your surrender has already arrived.  Go without delay and prostrate yourselves at the feet of the Cross. My Son, that continues to be martyred, will give you the power of His inner fortress, so that in the end of times you may risk living the sacred apostolate of love.

Without love, the redemption of humanity will not be possible.  Reevaluate in your consciousnesses the path you have chosen to live, near My Heart or far from It and distant from the accomplishment of My requests.

With the bravery and the inner strength that the prayer of the heart gives you, encourage yourselves to remove from your lives the gratification by means of good living or comfort.  It is comfort and the sophisticated life that has brought the whole world to move away from the source of love and charity.

For this, children, serve without delay, God will not abandon you.  The hour of your purification has come, do not fear being that which you have never been; be bearers of My Immaculate Spirit and in this way you will help Me to accomplish the sacred designs of the Creator.

While the world is convinced of that which it lives and that which material life offers to the poor sinful souls, I call you to seek inner happiness in sacrifice and in the absolute surrender to My Beloved Son Jesus.

If anyone answered to My humble requests, it would be the evident proof to God that this original project is worth for all Creation.

Do not deceive yourselves with your illusions, set your eyes in the Passion of the Lord and you will be safe from false offers, from living your own realization distant from the Will of the Most High.

You were born to love.  You live to forgive.  You work to serve permanently.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

It is time of consolation!

Your Celestial Mother shelters you in Her most pure and immaculate womb so that your souls may be the living testimony of an immediate redemption.

With My arms extended and My hands pouring Infinite Graces for all, today I say to you: live in the time of My consolation!  The difficult path to traverse has not arrived yet;  the world has just begun to face the first time of its inner purification.

But I, who Am Your Most Holy Co-Redeemer Mother, with My Beloved Son, take you through the path of hope and constant inner renovation.

It is no longer time, My beloveds, of lowering the arms and giving up the path that with Love and Mercy My Son has offered you.  Persist! Simply persist! Not long and suffering will be over, when Your Celestial Master will descend again to the world of chaos to release it for the second time.

With gaze of kindness and love I shelter all of you inside My virginal womb, the one that was pure refuge for the sublime incarnation of the Son of God.

Blessed are those children of Mine who are brave and persevere in the faith of the heart.  To all My children the hour of liberation and peace will come.

While you purify yourselves, do not stop visiting the font of the Heart of Jesus and drinking from this renewing and redeeming Source.

My dears, humanity faces the result of a centennial decadence, for this do not depreciate My words of light, the ones that are the Divine Word pronounced for the whole world.

I leave you the duty of working everyday with the consolation of My Immaculate Heart, which is essence of Love and Mercy in your Celestial Mother and will be for all the lost souls.

Face without fear your own deserts; remember that I Am the Bird that Watches, the Spirit of Universal Love that will never stop walking by your side.  When you simply allow Me, I will redeem you under the holy name of My Son.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who strengthens you always,

Your Comforting Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Seek, above every difficulty and problem, the path of serenity.  It is the one that will lead you to find the inner peace that is so urgent for these times.

If there is no serenity within you, how will the Kingdom of Peace, in little time, exist in the world?

In your prayer is found the shield against every damage or evil.  In your pleas there may emerge a path of conversion and of utmost hope.   Therefore, with courage and without fear live, through the path of serenity, the end of these times that are coming.  This attribute is part of one of the petals of My White Rose.

Today I reveal to you the importance of always seeking serenity so that all of you, beloved children, may be prepared to live the great moment of your purification.

With the inner church rebuilt, I am giving to you, for this time, the secure keys that will assist you in the critical moments that your humanity is living.

Beloved children, serenity is a door to the path of redemption and of divestment of self.  In serenity, many things can be understood, and many disturbances can be dissolved by the action of loving serenity.

Children, do not waste time in your difficulties, the planet is dimming without being able to see the Light of the Creator.   Restore your lives and your difficulties in the presence of serenity; thus you will know peace and you will make it part of your lives.  And each time you may be distancing yourselves from the path of serenity, you will know how to return through the same pathway.

One of the reasons for the lack of peace in the world is the absence of inner serenity.   There will be no other formula, My children, but to seek the sacred attributes and to practice them, because the time for theory has passed; the time has come to practice My messages with total consciousness.

Whoever unites to My Immaculate Heart will not get lost, I will always bring you to Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unites you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

By means of these maternal words, again by the action and the glory of the Grace of God, today I present Myself before your souls—donated to My Heart from the beginning and willing to serve Me to the end.

Today My Heart reveals to you that in this time without peace, I gather you again around the sacred table of Our Lord Jesus so that you may eat of His Body and drink of His Blood again.

My only goal, beloved children, is making you remember the Kingdom of God, that which in these moments is much forsaken and substituted by the trends of this world, those that erase the fire of the heart of many souls.

For the sake of the things that deviate the souls and all of humanity, sedated by the wiles of the enemy, from the Plan of God, your Mother of Peace and of Grace returns to reestablish the Kingdom of God, the supreme life and mercy in all that seems irreparable and impure.  Because now My celestial eyes see and shelter the offers of all of Her children who are the inner impulse to be able to materialize, together with the Angels of Heaven, the moment of the great planetary change.

I shall pray for you until the ultimate days, when some, who will already be blissful, will see coming amid the clouds My Beloved and Glorified Son.  The faults of the humanity of today and their future consequences can be placated by the light of the Mercy of My Son.

I come so that daily you may read My messages and that you may make them part of your lives and daily rhythms.  I desire that the true consciousness may awake in all of My children.

I thank you for accompanying Me in this new cycle!

Who loves you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace of God


As Mother of Humanity I keep walking and crossing the deserts of this world in search of the souls that are losing themselves, and of the souls that are clamoring for relief and for redemption.

The crying of the innocent touches My Heart because I see spring from the good maimed Christians an act of love and of forgiveness for the others.  But the cruel world does not perceive this, and the universe observes with attention all of the events.

Your Beloved Jesus saves without delay the essences of the beings that are exterminated and elevates them to the Heights, so that they may receive the Grace of living eternally in the Heart of God.

But still, children, Christ weeps inconsolably and His Sacred Heart, which is full of Piety and of Mercy, is depreciated and denied by the cruel hearts.  Woe to them if they do not reflect about their actions and take the decision to change in time!  Because the Justice of God is already in action, but My Immaculate Heart intercedes so that at least the Kingdom of My Peace, of the Peace of the Creator, may be established.

While brothers hurt brothers, the hope of those subjugated is compromised at the moment of a distressing death, but My Immaculate Spirit works prodigies of love, and removes from the face of the Earth the souls that are condemned to the purgatory of this world.

There shall be no greater solace than the love that you may be able to give to Christ.  He now needs your donation and sacrifice so that God may at least see that humanity is salvable.

Children of Mine, I will still traverse the corners of this world to save those who could be the outcome of a grave planetary disaster.  The Lord has given Me permission to pour My ultimate Graces, but if in truth there is no great repentance from the heart, and a greater penance on the part of the souls, the whole world will have to learn to restore, with its own efforts and heavy work, all that which was ignorantly destroyed.

For this, today I want you to know that My Heart will be the refuge of the innocent, of the unprotected and of those who are murdered by the hands of the enemy.

As long as God may permit, I will come to this world that belongs to Me, and in which I desire to awake for My Son the apostles of the new time.

I leave for each one of you the profound aspiration of always seeking the Kingdom of God, despite all that happens in this humanity.  In your inner union with Me you will all permit the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, which have been completely yours from the beginning.

Today I will remind you about an inspired prayer of a soul united to Christ, indispensable for these times1:

O marvelous Lord

Thank You Lord,
       for my perfect arms,
       when there are so many maimed.

For my perfect eyes,
       when there are so many without light.

For my voice that sings when so many are mute.

For my hands that work,
       when so many beg.

O marvelous Lord!

I thank You
       for having a home where to return to
       when there are so many people
       that do not have where to go.

For smiling when there are when so many who cry.

For being able to love
       when there are so many that hate.

For being able to dream
       when there are so many that toss and turn in nightmares.

For living when there are so many that die before birth
       and, above all,
       for having so little to ask and so much to thank for.


       Thank you, children of the Christ of Good, for having answered to My important call!

Who reunites you, blesses you, and loves you,

Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


1Author of the prayer: Michel Quoist. Catholic priest of century XX


At midday of the 27th of February of 2015, after finishing a reserved prayer work in the prayer room of the Monastery of the Divine Hope and in the presence of some brothers and sisters of the Grace Mercy Order, the Virgin Mary appeared to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, naming Herself as Rose of Peace.

Our Lady appeared wearing a white tunic, with a blue belt and a sky-blue mantle, barefoot.  The part of the mantle falling over the right shoulder of the Virgin was tied up to the left shoulder; it represented a clothing of oriental origin.

Her left hand rested over Her Heart, which manifested Itself simply radiating white rays to various directions.  Her right hand, extended towards us as a sign of donation, with its palm facing up and its fingers holding a crystal rosary, which was blood-colored in the decade small beads and white in large beads.

The rosary had the Cross of the New Humanity in its extremity, but at this time, we saw, in the center of it, a silver-colored bust of Christ.  In this moment, a white rose was manifested on Her right hand, and She said:

“I Am Mary, the Rose of Peace...”

Moments later, Our Lady shows the following vision:

Three angels of light appeared somewhere in the local universe; they had golden hair that reached their shoulders.  They were wearing loose and white tunics, and with both hands they were holding a white zigzagging ray.  These angels aimed the rays towards a single direction, towards the planet.

Later, Our Most Holy Mother shows that the angels were forming a circle and below them, in the center, the image of a small-sized planet appeared.  The angels signalized with their rays the whole sphere of the planet, on which it was possible to clearly see the image of some continents, of Africa, for example.

The angels showed that they were solely obeying a major request of God, manifesting some face expressions that reflected concern and even astonishment for what they were seeing on the planet: their eyes were looking backwards, as if they did not want to see what was about to happen and it was as if they hid their faces from all that they saw of humanity.

But before the angels threw the three rays over the Earth, I saw that a circular column of light, greater than the diameter of the planet manifested, surprisingly descending from the celestial universe over the small planet Earth.  Minutes later, I saw in the highest extremity of that column of light the presence of Our Lady, as Mary, Rose of Peace.

In this moment, Our Mother was in the center of that column of light that descended over our planet and the angels stopped, obeying the intercession of the Virgin Mary.  Then, I saw that the strength and the power of this column of light were emanated from the Immaculate Heart of Mary over the whole planet, the continents and humanity.

After that, the Divine Mother said:

“Son, the world is very difficult; for this reason I will deliver to you again the last thing that may help you: My Rose of Peace, which is My Immaculate Heart.

For this, I will be closer to you again, everyday during a whole year beginning on the 1st of March of 2015, in the second cycle of the daily messages of Mary, Rose of Peace.

I want to renew and help you because I deeply wish My Words to be listened by all, since those will be My last messages of emergency to humanity.  I will come from Heaven everyday at noon, in that moment a spiritual and divine help will be concentrated for the whole world.

You, son of Mine, will wait for Me everyday praying the Rosary of the Tears poured by Jesus because this rosary that I hold in My hands today is prayed by Myself to relieve the constant weep of My Beloved Son”.

After that, Our Lady poured over us a scent of roses that was emanated by the white rose that She was holding on Her right hand.  A deep yet unknown peace was installed inside of us for a long time and we got into a state of silence that Mary left imprinted after leaving the prayer room.


Dear children,

While true Peace is ending in the world, I come to you encounter, once again, to offer you My lap of lovingly light, where you, always, and before any circumstances, will be able to rest.

In this way I open My arms and extend My hands, calling you to live the path of constant reconciliation with the Eternal Father.

My dears, while My words of light are expanded in the whole world, and My Graces reach the hearts that are the most unprotected, I ask that you do not tire of reinforcing the perpetual alliance with Christ, because in this way you will permit that your paths be the favorite paths of My Beloved Son, Jesus.

Today I come to this place, to the little piece of the paradise of salvation and of rescue, that which was built by the hands of the simple ones, those that welcomed the innocent souls.  Today I come again to the New Earth to provide relief and serenity to all that seems impossible to remedy and to heal.

In the same way as My Heart will reignite your souls and this place, also the Blessed Heart of Your Mother will illuminate the darkest abysses where many souls are imprisoned everyday.

Since the beginning I have wished to have you with Me in Heaven, to be able to establish the Kingdom of God by means of the redeeming presence of Christ.  But you still must learn to love and to forgive; many of you must appreciate and thank for all that with so much effort and love, has been given to each one.

Recognize, children, that the world is already in difficult times.  For this, today I ask you to appreciate the sacred places that God has given you by means of the serving souls.  Thus, all will continue to be deserving of the Mercy of God, of that Great Source of Graces that very few receive.

The islands of salvation in which many of you live today are unique in the world: as in the Marian Centers of the world, they are sheltered by the law of My Immaculate Heart.

Today I invite you to joy in order to, thus, give comfort to those who do not have it.   Today I invite you to reverence and to healing in order to, thus, give relief and inner courage to those who have lost them.  Today I invite you to the Love of the Father, so that this powerful affluent may be extended to those who are empty and without God.

Dear children, we are already finalizing a cycle in this planet, and we are about to begin another.  I invite you to strengthen your trust in the Creator.  In this way you will be assisting so that a great part of the world may be worthy of receiving the Compassion of God.

I am here among you pouring the Divine Laws so that you may be renovated by My Spirit and thus you may proclaim the Love of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit to all those who suffer.

Today will be born an inner child in those who may be willing to incarnate the Love of Christ.  It is this Love that will transcend the end of the times, and that will bring all to reaching the final goal: the return to the Heart of Christ.

I thank the most little ones for having sung to Me.  The voice of the innocent brings the world closer to the Mercy of God.

I thank you on this day for having answered to My Call!

Who blesses and embraces you strongly with Maternal love,

Mary, Lady of Guadalupe



Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, because it will be through the mysteries that were lived by the Sacred Family that, in prayer will be revealed the path of redemption and peace.

Today, My little and beloved children, I present Myself to you again as the Lady and Mother who bears the outrages and the sorrows of the world.  I present Myself as the Mother who together with you carries the cross of annihilation and martyrdom.  Help your Celestial Mother so that at least by your sacrifices, requests and supplications, My Infinite Grace may intercede for all.

When humanity faces, from cycle to cycle, hard and difficult tests, My Immaculate Heart prepares itself in the name of Christ to pray for you and to help you lovingly to correct your deviant paths.

In this time, My children, the world is heading towards a spiritual and planetary disaster.  For this My Heart assumed the seven principal sorrows of the world with the aim of relieving the innocents and of reverting, by means of your prayer, the sufferings that never end.

I need at this moment that your missionary consciousness be available, that which may be able to renounce and donate itself completely, in the hope of collaborating and of reverting in time, the consequences of a humanity in the path of total decadence.

Many of the events that are happening today are part of Armageddon, of an Apocalypse that awakens and develops rapidly because of the unjust actions of humanity.  If at least the law were respected and the Divine Life of each soul were loved, many sorrowful experiences that your world now faces would be able to be removed from the reality of humanity and to be converted in peace through the immediate prayer of all.

But what is to come has not yet arrived; repentance and penance is something that humanity has never practiced with the heart.  But it will not be necessary to live your own flagellation; it is enough with all the injustice that My children face today.  True repentance will spring from your hearts as an act of restorative love and inner balance in the face of the human atrocities that are happening today.

If humanity does not urgently change its attitude, I tell you that the Angels of Divine Justice of God will approach the world in order to put in order all that is apocalyptic and unjust.

I pray for you from My Maternal Kingdom and I hope, beloved children, that you rest upon My arms in order that I may relieve you from this fatigue and tiredness that never ends.

Remember that love conquers all evil.  I have taught you to love life, to love others and to love your work.  Now it is time to reflect the love in this world, like a flower that opens up to the rays of the sun.

Generate the Source of Love, live in the Heart of My Son and help in order that My seven sorrows may be converted into redemption and love for all.  Follow in My footsteps!  Because I only wish to take you to Jesus, to the arms of the Great Redeeming Love.

May the souls hear My Call!

May the hearts be bearers of the Mercy of God!  I will always wait for you in prayer.

I thank you for relieving My seven sorrows.

Thank you, My children, for answering to My call today!

Who helps you, Who redeems you and Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of the Sorrows


As a fleeting ray from the universe, My Maternal Consciousness descends and approaches to this world so that the asleep humanity may awake again to the call of the Most High God.

I come to your lives so that you may remember Me as your dear Mother, as the Kind and Prodigious Woman of God, the one who has done miracles and spiritual conversions in your lives.

But each time that I descend from Heaven towards your world, My Victorious Heart cannot fail to see the ignorance and the indifference of many of My children, those who have passed through My paths, and now turn their backs to Me and do not listen to Me.  It is this indifference that the enemy spreads like poison in the hearts of people, it is this indifference and cruelty of many of My children that leads to the perdition of the souls.

For this, in order for the Wise Justice to be avoided, I come from the cosmos to beg you to do something for this destroyed humanity.  Know that not only the souls suffer, but also My blessed Kingdoms of Nature, the ones that day by day are outraged without love and mercy, until the last drop of life is removed from them; this provokes the wrath of God and promotes irreversible consequences on all those who destroy the Creation Project.

For this, My children, open the eyes to wisdom and feel in your heart the prayer that I ask you more and more to do, this will help to avoid misfortunes for the most unfair ones.

Above all, seek the Mercy of God, so that you and the world may be forgiven for the constant sins of foolishness and vanity.  Through My Blessed Purity I give you the cosmic power of My Grace, a state that repairs you and leads you through the path of redemption.

While My Son sees every day the horrors and unfair actions that are committed against the Heart of the Celestial Father in this sick world, I place you in this apocalyptic time as if you did not participate in it.  But it is the power of prayer and of the daily consecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart of Mother that will permit to reverse your faults and the faults of many.

I want all to know that through My call you will find the exit and even if the enemy hits you strongly, he will never be able to overthrow the love I have placed in your hearts.  Be wise and thus you will not get confused, avoiding to follow another path, another spiritual movement that is not the one of My Beloved Son.

Glorify God and ask for healing and mercy.  The world continues without comprehending that it must change before the bad actions be released by the Justice of God.

In this time I encourage you to love.  I call you to be humble and transparent, thus you will help Me to balance the planetary axis, the Ecuador of this world, before it gets unbalanced due to density and to human wickedness.

But still, in this material world there are hearts like yours, determined to follow Me until the days of the holy death.  In this way your devotion and faith will always make My Immaculate Heart triumph.

I bless, on this day, the group of Brasilia for having heard and answered to My Call!

My Son thanks you for having sheltered My Missionaries.

Who protects you before everything,

Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Mother of the Sun and of the Cosmos


I come to the world as the rain that blesses the planet. I bring, from the Kingdom of God, the key for every being, that will open the door to learn how to love and to forgive. 

In My Heart the promise of saving My children is fulfilled and, in My arms of Light, I put each one of the creatures of God.

Dear children, in this cycle that begins, I come to thank you for the Vigil of Prayer carried out yesterday. My Heart rejoiced when all of you made yourselves available to serve, aware that I would not descend to the world, even though My Spirit was among you and My inner joy filled the hearts that opened to hear My Message.

Therefore, My children, today I am here and I will be among you all the time you allow Me. Remember, little children, that you are already walking and learning how to take the first steps as the good hearts that you are.

Today, My request for prayer not only extends throughout the whole world, but also to all Christians who are being unjustly mutilated and disappearing in the East.

I ask you to pray wholeheartedly and offer the Most High a plea for Mercy so that the families of the East, who are being disintegrated and separated, may receive the spiritual help they need.

I supplicate to all praying beings in America and the world that, through the strength and infinite power of prayer, you may help change the cruel destiny that other consciousnesses will live due to the injustice and evil of the hearts closed to God.

As the protector of the essences of the world, I come on this day of joy and also of sorrow, asking you for an immediate collaboration for the gravest faults that humanity commits day by day.

The enemy has imposed on humankind separation and the lack of brotherhood and peace. Therefore, under the spirit of Love and before the Justice of God is poured over the world, I come to awaken you and call you to constantly work for peace. This will allow all souls of the East who suffer, to receive a little of the Mercy of Christ.

The world is on the verge of spiritual collapse and the nets of evil are increasingly trapping the attention of My children. With a spirit of prayer and wisdom, today I will descend to Aurora to ask you for a greater awakening, so that at least a part of the most conscious humanity may banish the ideas to destroy the Purpose of God.

The more the souls of the world know about My summoning and pray wholeheartedly, the less will be the supreme action of Justice. Direct your petitions to God for the priests, for the bishops and for the religious of the Church of Christ, many of whom are allowing themselves to be convinced by the things of the world and not by the true search for the Love of God.

Entire nations promise to modify the laws of the Earth, as Uruguay has done it, and this attracts unjust consequences for many poor hearts. Sin has become a mode and tendency, and the lack of reconciliation and penance is generating alliances with the ideas of the enemy.

Only through those who are willing to defend and protect the call, can the Will of God be able to be fulfilled and the pride of the ungrateful humankind cease to act.

While My maternal Grace fills you, internally embrace the Graces that I pour out, because these are already the last ones that will awaken the new apostles of Christ.

I am grateful for the sincere response of all the children of God!

Who blesses, loves and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Peace

Attentive to the emergencies of Heaven!


The Apostolate of Mary

My Immaculate Spirit comes from the Light of the Heart of God; from there I arose in divine and chaste essence and I arrived on Earth to fulfill a great mission, the one of being Mother of the Son of God and then of being the Mother of Humanity.

I learned in purity through holy love; from this divine love the gifts of the spirit were born, those that helped concretize the mission of the Plan of the Creator. Before the eyes of the spiritual and angelical universe I was conceived and God gestated in His Divine Thought the projection of maternal love, that untransferable love that would be able to overcome fear and the Cross.

At the age of twelve, I was already working through the living example of the Sacred Family of Anne and Joachim. The old people of Israel was conceived as the principal essence of life, it was the people that would receive the coming of the Messiah.

The angels of the Lord guided all the Purpose; in their prayers the mystery of the Faith of God expanded and in their silent works immediate service expressed itself to the whole world.

At that time, the Eternal Father accompanied the advent of Christ.  For this reason, My holy womb was the purest receptacle to receive the Spirit of God.

When the Archangel Gabriel descended from the universe to meet Me, it was the first time that the most profound light of Adonai began to expand again throughout the whole Earth. Gabriel, the Archangel was the one who announced the word of salvation and redemption to the world. The Angel of the Lord brought with him the superior worlds and, in His presence before Mary, changed the laws of humanity, turning it into a redeemable race.

When Gabriel, the Archangel proclaimed My Eternal Grace, My Consciousness was at that moment the column of light that was the repository for the new consecration for all women. Mary was that one who renewed in virginity the maternal essence in all female beings and fertilized in Her womb the infinite Mercy of God.

For this, My Grace has no end; happy is that soul and that heart that proclaims My blessed name.

After the Resurrection of Jesus began the spiritual expansion of Mary’s task. My Immaculate Heart says to you that, when Christ ascended, the Mother of God, in Her Grace, took over the Work as Co-redeemer together with Her son; and since then were born the springs of Universal Mercy through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

At that time Christ entrusted Me to the entire humanity, in order that, through Maternal Grace and Divine Love, all of the generations after Israel could recognize me as the Virgin, as the Mother of God, as the Intercessor of humanity.

Fulfilling the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel, Jesus, from the Upper Heavens, entrusted Me to guide humanity. This is why, forty years after the Ascension of Christ, My Spirit and My Body became glorified during the Assumption and later became merged with the Highest during the Universal Coronation.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit poured out the power of the gifts of the Holy Trinity, so that now the Mother of God would conquer the serpent of evil; that serpent that, since the time of the Adams and Eves, diverted the project of the Father.

For this reason, God honored His Humble Servant and crowned Her with twelve stars, in order that, from the twelve universes and from the twelve celestial choirs, She would guide the redemptive purpose of Christ for all of humanity.

Also, the Creator gave to the Mother of the World the power of His Seven Swords, in order that, through Love, Healing, Faith, Reconciliation, Forgiveness, Transmutation and Liberation, She could, by means of His Holy Grace, save humanity until the return of His Son.

Thus, God asked the Most Holy Mother to go to the world again, to reveal the secrets that would allow Redemption and Mercy and to appear in all places and times of the world to announce to humanity the warning to change.

On behalf of the Supreme Will, everything was fulfilled and, throughout the centuries and years, the Mother of God has come to the world to call all of Her children. Now the Lady Clothed with the Sun comes with Her Seven Swords, which are invincible, in order to guide the flocks of Christ toward the saving portal.

And now My Spirit is here, among you, My dear children.

Have you understood after seven continuous years why I am still here?

Have you recognized My main message and call?

In every place of the world that I have appeared, I have left a warning and a primary request. Here, in South America, after Medjugorje, I come to complete My task of the end of time and warn Uruguay and the sister nations, that they must follow the steps of God and not of humanity.

For this reason, I come in this last time in order to consecrate hearts and soldiers, those who are willing to go with Me even to hells and save all those who get lost second by second. I come to reveal to you the power of My Conception and to demonstrate to all of humanity from here what was in truth the profound wish and the Infinite Will of God for this race.

In order for these mysteries to be known by all, I come as the New Aurora, that which brings, upon Her lap, the birth of the New Humanity.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception, the one that reveals to you the Power, the Mercy and the Liberation, conceived by the Holy Father, the Firstborn Son and the Holy Spirit. Happy are those who attentively listened on this night to My message and kept My last words of salvation for this end of the year.

For this reason, those who are still not willing to follow Me, let them follow Me! I will only take you to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ will bring you into the arms of Emmanuel.

May the Celestial Universes open!

May the Holy Spirit of God descend in Glory!

Let us celebrate, with joy and fullness, the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, so that the Church of Christ may not miss the call of My Voice. Times call for the unification of creeds, of peoples and of all hearts on the Earth, this will soon liberate you from all evil.

Who blesses you under the Supreme Light,

Your Holy Mother Mary, Lady of the Seven Swords and of the Southern Cone


I Am That Solar Star that comes from the vast and infinite universe.  I Am the Light of Love that approaches the planet to help it.

I Am That Lady dressed of the Sun, the one who illuminates the darkness and the one who takes Her children away from all evil.

I Am the ray of the love of God manifested, after Christ.

I Am the one who has gestated Mercy in Her womb and the one who announced to Israel the liberation of its slavery.

I Am the Source Conceived of all Graces.  For this I am the one who summons the souls of Christ to work for the redeeming and saving Plan, which My Son has announced.

Behind all of the invisible, I Am the one who unties the knots of consciousness, because I Am the one who is reopening the doors to the redemption of humanity.

I Am the Doctor of the impossible causes, I Am the one who holds the key to solve all issues.

I Am the Ambassador of the Peace.

I Am the Queen Crowned by the Holy Spirit, because I have been the Mother of all the Apostles.

Now I Am the one who announces to you the new time.  I Am the one who shows you the steps towards the Lord.

Dear children, as the Mother of the World and of the Universe, I bring you the announcement of the great time of forgiveness.  Seek to forgive your own selves every day.  That forgiveness may be an act of reparation and of peace so that the anger kept by many hearts may be dissolved.

Open the doors to the Mercy of God and close the doors to evil, this is My message for you.  Be builders of the New and Sacred Humanity.  Be guardians of all of the minor kingdoms and allow that the Grace that flows from My Holy Spirit may be able to relieve all of Creation.  Convert yourselves into living mirrors of prayer and in this way avoid chaos in the minds of the people.

My children, I have come here to Punta del Este to warn it and to convert it by means of the gift of the Love of God, a love that many souls have lost by insisting on material life.  I come to teach you the path to the immaterial life, the life of the union with God and with the whole universe.  I need that many awaken from the dream of material life and that they embrace with love the gift of service to their neighbors.  In this way Uruguay will be worthy to keep receiving My Graces for a longer time.

For this, My children, seek to be humble and simple.  Through these gifts you will be able to help Me to reconstruct that which has already collapsed in the life of many souls.  I invite you to consecrate yourself as a star of My Crown.  Just as John the Apostle wrote,  I will throw to the Earth the rays of salvation and of peace and all of My children will have time to ask God for forgiveness and to unify themselves with Christ, Your Lord.

While I am waiting for more brave hearts to consecrate themselves to My call as workers of the new time and for the formation of prayer groups in Maldonado and in all of Uruguay, the Lord has conceded to Me to avoid many things.

For this, I invite you to search for My Maternal Grace and to unite yourself to it in order that the purity and innocence that many have lost may be able to be reborn as a star at dusk.

Dear children, the time has come for you to decide and to seek for the Supreme.  The Eternal Father waits to see the new redeemed stars shine over the world.

I thank you for having answered once again to My call!

Who blesses you, loves you and protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Sun

The one that has been announced in the Apocalypse


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
