The New Earth will be rebuilt among a few, and from them will be born the relief for all that was created. Thus, in this cycle the efforts will be great and the steps that must be taken will be ever larger than the possibilities of everyone.
The time has come to take that leap toward a greater trust in God. The Father and His beloved Son will never forsake Their disciples, for in this way, you will be able to take the steps that will cause the human consciousness to ascend on many planes.
Atavism must be defeated, and for this, concentration and patience will be the keys that will allow a solid fortress to be built in each soldier, which will make of them, at each stage, a fulfilled server in the Hands of God.
Abysses must be crossed, hells of the consciousness must be closed. But above all that, there will be the guiding hand of Those Who in the beginning guided the stars. We are at the point where the scales are shown so that each one may define themselves and place their weight on one of the plates.
Grace will make great conversions out of impossible things. But the disciple of Christ must not lower their arms before it is time. Everything will be allowed, and from the choices of their peers, many will learn to love what they have never managed to love.
Valor, courage, patience, and above all, love in the consciousness will help in going through this planetary time of instability.
May those who still persist know that We are with them. The Celestial Father sends Us from the most High of the universe to cause those who accept the final rescue to rise. Forward!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who contemplates you and gives you impulse,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children,
The end of these times, and the purification of souls, requires that the servers of Christ assume missions and tasks that have not been foreseen. For this, My children, the Lord prepares you all through sacrifice and inner surrender so that you may take the steps and thus, the Plan may be fulfilled.
Whoever opposes to realize that Divine Will will suffer much, and that which was already resistant will resist more, until the glorious blow of the sword of Christ breaks the structures. Therefore, at this time, My children, I invite you to seek the essence of inner humility so that you, who will have to face your own transformations in these difficult times, manage to find inner resources to do so.
Therefore, My children, the time has come to place yourselves on the step that corresponds to each one and not try to move forward by skipping the rules of the Law of the Hierarchy. Obedience will protect you from yourselves, and when you do not fulfill it, everything becomes more fragile.
Encourage yourselves to say yes to the arrival of Divine Justice and you will soon be able to transform yourselves into that which My Son has been expecting for so long. Be simple and you will see born the humility that will be the shield against all adversity. Do not forget to follow My steps.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who educates you spiritually,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Praise Jesus for being present in your lives in Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
Praise God for allowing Our Hearts and You to be present in these critical times.
Praise life and the learning that each one receives, because it is the best that the Universe and Divine Mercy can give you.
Praise each moment that will be experienced, because behind it there will be a key, and a learning to live.
Praise everything, from the very smallest to the very largest, from the insignificant to what is grand in the Universe. Because all forms part of the Creation and all is alike each other.
Let us praise, and in this praise, let us be thankful for all that is given to us, because in the gratitude that your hearts can express there will never be a lack of what is truly necessary.
Let us give thanks to God for all those who do not do so and forget what is fundamental, which is to be grateful in each stage of life.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Mirror of the heart has the capacity to radiate that which is most subtle and pure that exists within each being. That is, all that comes from the Creative Source.
The Mirror of the heart, in essence, can potentiate and, at the same time, attract currents of healing and love from the Universe. Because the Mirror of the heart can be in the void and, in this state, maintain the necessary neutrality to be able to face each new stage.
The Mirror of the heart is humble, and in this humility, it can receive the Gifts and Rays that will allow it to fulfill its task upon this planet. Because in the Mirror of the heart a void is kept, which allows it to be filled with new principles of redemption and transfiguration.
The Mirror of the heart corresponds to the area of the region of our chest where the most important treasure of life inhabits: the heart. There, the Mirror of the heart spiritually develops provided that the consciousness, the incarnated soul, reflects the requirements and the necessary patterns in its life to carry out the task of love for the planet and for humanity.
The Mirror of the heart is invincible and, at the same time, opens to the changes that the consciousness needs in order to live.
I thank you for activating the Mirror of your hearts.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
At each new step you take, the Divine and universal Hierarchy can move forward with Its Work of the salvation of humanity and rescue of the planet. For this reason, when eyes are opened to the Plans that God shows the world, the different phases of the work can be done in souls and thus attract to the planet, especially to humanity, the opportunity for spiritual ascension.
The elevation of each molecule, of each cell, as well as of each consciousness of this planet, greatly helps the Work of the Divine Hierarchy to reach other fields of consciousness that are still in need of a certain type of impulse to be able to evolve and grow.
In this sense, dear children, at each step you take, souls of the world are able to receive certain opportunities that were previously unforeseen. This is possible because of something that is fundamental, that which we call adherence to the Divine Work, adherence to Celestial Principles that descend in these times to concretize the redemptive Work of Christ in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I bring the Light of My Heart so that souls may light their paths.
I bring the Light of My Heart so that My children may find the pathway toward love.
I bring the Light of My Heart to pour it out upon the planet and all of its consciousness.
I bring the Light of My Heart so that souls abandon their abysses.
I bring the Light of My Heart so that humanity may receive the Grace of being redeemed.
I bring the Light of My Heart to make this planet a sacred place, as it was in the beginning.
With this Light that I bring, My Heart can dispel evil.
With the Light I bring within My Heart, I can touch each soul that needs it and free it from its errors.
With the Light I bring within My Heart, I grant inner freedom and the opportunity of uniting more and more each day with the Creator Father.
With the Light I bring within My Heart, I lift up consciousnesses toward new spheres.
May this Light that emanates like a spring from My Heart accomplish the Work of God in souls and in all creatures that must wake up to their redemption.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come to offer to the world the healing of its heart, the liberation of its prisons, the redemption of consciousness.
As its Mother, I come to offer to the world the true freedom of life and the awakening to more profound Laws that will make of each being a disciple of Christ.
I come to offer to the world the path of true light, the perfect alliance with the Love of the Father, and the favorite union with My Beloved Son.
I come to offer to humanity the way out from its captivity, the meaning of living on this planet, the opportunity to internally grow following the examples and the teachings of Christ.
I come to offer to souls everything that they still have not been able to achieve in their spiritual journey, the possibility of being in perpetual communion with the Divine and Supreme Source.
I come to offer to humanity the patterns it has never incarnated, the values of a christic life, the pathway to be able to meet with the Redeemer.
I offer all of this to souls once and again; few have been able to swim in these mysteries and to penetrate the ocean of the Mercy of God.
I come to make of your consciousnesses new and renewed beings at the service of the Plan of God.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I bring a message of peace to the world, in order that souls of the Earth not forget God.
Because of this, from time to time I come to help humanity grow in consciousness and to awaken the Mercy of God in creatures.
Through My children I accomplish My work, and I give a sacred mission to each soul so that throughout their life they may manifest, fulfill, and accomplish it through daily effort and dedication.
In this way, I form new instruments so that My Son and His Father may count on the souls that are conscious of service to the greater Purpose.
Each stage of the Divine Plan that is fulfilled on this planet with the help of everyone permits the doors to Grace to be kept open.
Through the service that each instrument of God carries out, I help souls so that they may know how to purify, transcend, and redeem themselves through the tests and the confirmations that the Universe sends them.
Thus, each step that is taken for the concretion of that Divine Plan in humanity will benefit not only the planet, but also the souls that at some moment on the path will awaken from the dream of this world. Each soul of the Earth is in charge of a part of the Plan of God.
Thus, it is time for humanity to be aware of this.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you in the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today the pain of the planet and of Mother Earth, of Pachamama, is relieved by the essence and spirit of the youths of the world, who give to the Creator the offering of being in communion with all that was Created.
It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother liberates from the prisons of the Earth all the manifested Kingdoms and the great devas of Nature find again the path through which they have come to serve.
Each mineral, as well as each flower, each animal and also each elemental, feel in its consciousness the relief offered by the youth, who, with love, unite with all Creation.
Part of the unpayable debt of humanity, which has dominated and destroyed the lower Kingdoms, is alleviated, and, through the energy of Grace, impossible things reach the light and redemption.
All this is possible because the Father sees the sincere heart of His younger children, who try to reintegrate to this planet the culture of the sacred and the reverence for all that is Created.
Today the Mother of God unites with each young soul that recites with fervor and loves their union with Nature. In this way, the offering of that young soul, beyond embracing the essence of the Kingdoms, helps the sphere of the Earth, and the planet feels loved.
May this communion continue on for a much longer time; may surface humankind awaken to the truth of being in deep contact with what it still does not know: with the matrix essence of the Kingdoms of Nature.
I thank My younger children for continuing to fulfill the call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the light of the Mirrors of the Primordial Source, I illumine the planet, and especially those focal points where fire purifies consciousnesses.
The time and the hour have come to face reality and not of wanting to hide it. Humanity is living its Judgment and this may weigh with many.
But in this difficult moment for these regions of the planet may faith prevail, because in faith it is possible to regenerate all things and thus renew them.
Because of this, with a spirit of service and of selfless love, dear children, prepare your consciousnesses for greater tasks, of which your Father God will avail Himself, because He will make of each service an opportunity to redeem consciousnesses.
Live this cycle as the beginning of an Armageddon that is unknown to this humanity, which faces it for the first time.
We said in a previous cycle that incredible things would be seen; that moment has now come when Divine Justice will put in its correct place all that is perverted and disordered.
This is why I ask you that there be no thought of complaint; let the Law express itself from the Universe, and do not stop it, do not try to modify it.
Each area of the planet will be purified; the world and its surface race must not go on as they are, as if nothing were happening.
So that everything may be renewed, and a more responsible and reverent humanity may arise, prayer will be necessary, so that the foundations of the awakening and of harmony may come into being first in the heart and then in the consciousness.
It is time to face the reality that was and is generated from a place of injustice and of human indifference.
Seek the Love of God that, full of Mercy, still waits to be poured out over all the souls that seek it wholeheartedly.
Thus, the principle of the mirrors of the Primordial Source will be refracted in these consistent and loving souls.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses and prays for you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The ship of Light sails decisively through South America and is carried out to sea by the great currents of the universe.
It is crewed by new disciples that respond to the Great Captain, Who directs it with the movement of His Consciousness.
It will never shipwreck, its resistance and form are millenarian, for it has been built by the hands of the Great Laborers.
The ship goes toward new ports, after having visited other ports throughout the world.
Now it is going toward new destinations because the crew has been called to give of itself through new and great services.
For this reason, the ship sails rapidly, and the currents of the universe move it along, more quickly than expected.
It is guided by a greater impulse that makes it strong and invincible so that the Purpose may be accomplished.
Who will see it go by along the coasts of the great oceans?
It is characterized by the potent Light it emanates because its great sails reflect the Light of the Hierarchy.
Wherever it goes, a purpose is fulfilled, and in each port that it visits, it invites new crew members to come aboard.
What will the initiates find within this mysterious ship?
In essence, something that many have been forgotten: love and brotherhood. This is what makes the ship travel among the spaces of this humanity.
There is no other mystery to reveal. The ship travels in search of the self-summoned so they awaken to their sacred mission.
While the world and humanity are shaken, the ship of Light will go to meet those who awaken so that people of other nations also fulfill the call.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the field of instruction, certain divine principles are poured out that help souls to take their steps towards God to be able to enter into His Kingdom and to be in communion with Him.
In this sense, true instruction is free of personal benefits, as from any accomplishment, and it is full of humility, and above all, of love for whoever receives it.
When the spiritual instruction is genuine, the foundations cause the simple virtues in souls to blossom, and consciousnesses may live it and follow their long path of transformation.
That is why the real and wise instructors are very few in the world of today, and God avails Himself of them to give impulse to and to fulfill His Universal Work in the greatest number of souls possible; thus the Divine Plan makes itself more visible to all.
Instruction is the light for hearts, and it is the boat that leads to a good harbor for whoever follows and lives the teaching, because behind all instruction, whatever it is, love is present, and in love everything becomes or turns into something achievable.
I thank you for opening your hearts to instruction.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Renounce your imperfections and virtues for all those who do not do so.
Renounce the great aspirations and the failures for all those who do not do so.
Renounce all the tests and the challenges for all those who do not do so.
Renounce all the expectations and discouragement for all those who do not do so.
Because renouncing everything that the world offers you, you can achieve being in the Mercy of God.
Do not fear finding what has not yet died within you or what you still have not purified.
Be brave and you will receive the necessary inner strength for taking the steps toward My Son. He has great compassion for the miserable and also justice for them.
Rise, rise and only rise for all those who do not do so; and draw the Grace of God to the Earth.
It is time to find yourself, but it is also time to mirror the Mercy of God above all things.
Forward! And you will triumph in Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who encourages you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
In these times of definition, souls will be able to choose consciously which path to follow in the present cycle.
Therefore, your Heavenly Mother comes to the world to instruct and teach souls for them to follow the only correct path, where they cannot be mistaken: the path of love and of peace.
If these two attributes are not present daily in the life of the souls on Earth, these will mean they are not connected to the true Purpose – the one that brings discernment and wisdom – but that in this cycle, temptation and mistake will make false a true spiritual life.
Therefore put your hearts and minds in the universe of My messages, dear children, help the souls that day by day submerge in this spiritual illusion, believing they are doing the right thing.
I need that at this time your lives may be a representation of the instruction of the Hierarchy and that through examples of love and brotherhood you may not allow to My adversary show himself so similar to that which really exists in Heaven.
Thus I invite you to be guardians of those solitary hearts that in many cases need a divine intercession and help to be able to be spiritually guided.
In this cycle, decide to be, together with your Mother, guardians of the most solitary souls of the world. May your inner love emerge towards all of them.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses and elevates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Strength of Love in the Voice
Dear singers of My Heart,
Today, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the timbre of your voices will again resound, this time as a single group consciousness, which month by month offers itself to the Most High, so that the powers of Redemption and of divine Mercy, which are celestial principles, may descend.
On this day and in a new meeting of music, I ardently wish, beloved children, that you may dedicate this work with the inner strength of love through your voices, so that in this way, each musical piece that will be offered may have a potent planetary repercussion.
It is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother finally returns to this Marian Center to give you, on the inner planes and through this meeting, the impulse for the elevation of consciousness.
On this day of the meeting, dear children, I want you to understand that this work with music is not only to generate spiritual healing and the upliftment of humanity, but it is also dedicated to the salvation of souls and of the essential matrix of the Kingdoms of Nature.
Remember, children, that this work of today with music and in this critical time is to be gradually building the spiritual basis of the new humanity through musical impulses and the songs that attract important energies of restoration, of healing, and of Grace for the planet.
During the meetings of music, the hypnotized and sleeping consciousness of humanity is greatly assisted, with the goal that in a next cycle, after the culminating stage of the transition of the Earth, all human consciousnesses that wasted the opportunity of awakening may have, in another cycle, a true coming together with their inner and spiritual purpose.
Thus, with each meeting of music, a new state of consciousness is being built for the coming humanity.
Each effort made, as well as each musical work offered by the different choirs, unites and builds that state of consciousness which the Hierarchy avails Itself of for the benefit of all of the planet.
With this declaration, My children, I am once again inviting all the choirs, as well as each soul, that want to offer their voice and their song to God to do so, because they must know that they will be lovingly collaborating in the building of a new humanity.
I hope that after these spiritual impulses that are generated by music, new souls may offer themselves and that new hearts apply to become part of the team of production of the program of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity.
For this, your Heavenly Mother will give thanks for the selfless collaboration of editors, choir conductors, set designers, cameramen, etc., that are able to offer their support in this work that is already planetary.
With all the Love of My Heart, I give thanks for the mission that all are fulfilling.
Who loves you and accompanies you with the strength of the Love of the Heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Each time I descend from Heaven, it is to bring you something that, day by day, will strengthen your hearts.
In the same way, each time I rise to Heaven, it is to take something from your hearts with Me, a warm offering of prayer and of love.
In this way, an inner communion is established, capable of helping in many issues on the planet that are in need of redress and, at the same time, of liberation.
In your offering, there is the possibility of renewing the planet; in your giving of self, there can be incalculable opportunities for all.
Dear children, with great joy give your souls and lives into the Hands of God, because the Father will always place you on the correct path and in the right place, within the spiritual development of His Plan of Love.
I would like the attribute of the giving of self, which on this day must be expressed with inner strength, be able to make this humanity, every day, a more fraternal and charitable civilization with all that surrounds consciousnesses.
Dear children, the key of the giving of self was what allowed My beloved Son to carry on with the Work of planetary redemption.
Think, then, about what I am telling you today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In inner and maternal union,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
May peace reign in times of hostility, and may unity build the bridges between consciousnesses and God, so that all prodigies and Graces may descend on souls.
Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that the whole planet may be purified in a greater harmony, and may become liberated from the chains that humankind of the surface has imposed on it by means of the degradation and of the mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature.
Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that every being on the surface of the Earth may recognize and accept the time of their redemption, so that each essence may commune again with the Celestial Father.
Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that all may recognize themselves as worthy children of God; may souls serve the Plan of God out of love, and in the giving of self and surrender may all hearts be able to take the step towards a definitive union with Creation.
May peace reign in the times of hostility, so that all may be rebuilt!
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who supports you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The divine codes held within the Holy Grail or in the Sacred Chalice would help to revert many situations in humanity, however, what the moment of the last supper meant to the universe is not yet held within the consciousness of humanity.
That event, which was sublime, gave the planet the opportunity of reconnecting with the Father and of remembering it as the moment of the redemption of humanity through His beloved Son.
In these times, inner contact with the Holy Grail could lead irreversible situations into another state of consciousness and place human life in the moment of taking a leap in its evolution.
The Holy Grail is now a divine instrument that God uses so that His children can reconnect their essences with the Source.
For this, the practice of thinking and meditating upon the Last Supper will help those who pray to enter into another state of consciousness and generate in their own spirits the communion with the Creator and with His whole Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to divine life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
To be able to liberate you from the bonds of the human condition, there must exist in your hearts an adherence capable of transcending all the limits of terrestrial consciousness.
For this, dear children, the first step is to have faith and hope that this liberation will take place and will make of each moment an opportunity to evolve.
In this time, the souls present in the world will face their purification without even knowing it, but that heart that has as a premise a life of continuous prayer, will find the keys it needs to make of each experience, as well as of each test, an opportunity for transcending the abysses of consciousness.
The Universe will present each being with the moment of taking its definitive step toward the unknown and of being able to become disentangled from the bonds of the Earth.
For that moment you must be prepared in prayer, because in this way your hearts will be able to count on the help of the angels to walk firmly towards the final goal, which is to come together with My Son after all the experience of this school.
The Father, by means of His redeemed children, will write a new history that will later be told on the New Earth and in the new humanity as the events that have allowed the whole of this race to have an opportunity of living inner redemption.
I leave your paths clean, so that you can walk firmly in the transformation of consciousness as a continuous offering to the Creator.
I thank you for transcending yourselves a little more every day.
Who gives you the impulse to upliftment,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
To go through the end of times for many of My children means to know, within themselves, all that must be transformed with love.
To apply faith in material life will help this transformation to be lighter for all your brothers and sisters.
It is thus that to go through the end of times means knowing the aspects of consciousness within yourselves, and making contact with them, working arduously so that they may be liberated and healed.
In this cycle, transformation will help to put things in their place, so that, in time to come, the spirit may reach total freedom of expression.
For this reason, with courage and inner strength, transcend yourselves so that the true Purpose may emerge from every heart.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more