My little beloved ones,

Today, from Heaven I bring Graces for all My children, Graces that God the Father has allowed to be poured out over spirits that thirst and that aspire to find a place of refuge and of renewal in My Heart.

For this reason, today, in a simple way, I ask in prayer that all My children present here and in your homes, again open your hearts to the Mother of Heaven Who comes to help you and bring you the Good News of the Return of the Redeemer.

My beloveds, who have been far from God without perceiving this, immersed in the modernity of the world and spiritually asleep, I come today to offer you My arms of the co-redemptive Mother, who wants to give you Her Heart so that the Love of God may be a fact in your lives.

I have come here to rescue My children from the dream in which you are immersed, a dream that does not allow you to see the Light of God in your inner worlds.

For those who want to come out of the lethargy in which they find themselves, I have a Grace for your lives and that of your families. A Grace that will turn you into a server of the Plan of God for this humanity; the Grace of becoming a Marian soldier, a soul that will pray together with Me and together with their brothers and sisters for the redemption of this Earth and all of your race, so that the act of Divine Justice that is written for this humanity may be alleviated.

Dear children, My tears express My pain in seeing how My dear children become lost every day, without even perceiving it, in ignorance and suffering, and little by little, evil takes ownership of your lives.

But while I am with you, you must fear nothing; you only need to be united with Me in trust, for I will place My maternal Mantle of love and protection over you.

I want you to understand, dear children, that this planet is becoming shipwrecked in the sea of illusion and that it needs a great awakening that will dissolve that illusion and give back to the hearts of My children that sacred union with the Creator Father, that union which you have lost.

Who among you will respond to the call of My Heart?

Who among you will open the door of your being to Me, so that I may love and protect you, interact with you and change you into a soldier of My Marian army?

Who among you will allow Me to take you by the hand to the blessed Heart of Christ, the Redeemer and Savior, Who is coming?

Who among you will dare to begin a new life, full of spiritual challenges and a great hope, one in which God can change everything?

Who among you will want to arduously work so that those who are coming behind will be able to live in a New Humanity, where true fellowship, love for God and all His Creation, may be the premise for the evolution for this race?

Who, My children, who will give a 'yes' full of trust to Me so that My liberating power may touch your soul and give you a new life?

Come close to My Heart, dear son, dear daughter, for here is your little Mother of Heaven Who comes to remind you that you are a child of God in service to His Plan of Peace and of Love.

I thank you for responding to My call of a Mother and for being here today with Me!

I love you and bless you always,

Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Peace

Monthly Messages

My very dear and beloved children,

Today I am here, as I have been in the last seven years, to bring peace to the world and to leave in your hearts the unfathomable footprint of My Love.

During all this time, the Father has allowed Me to free you, redeem you, rehabilitate you, heal you, give you Graces and protect you within My Heart. He has allowed Me to renew you in faith, heal your families and give you a path of hope on which to place your feet and thus be able to help this humanity loved by Me and by My Son.

After so many blessings, I, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, comes to humbly ask you to keep those treasures in your heart, and that you not allow anything to make you lose them. In the depths of your souls, keep this precious jewel of the spirit that the Almighty God has allowed Me to give you.

My children, I come to implore that you not give up, that you resort to these treasures Heaven has given you so as to be able to face the times that will come, a new cycle that needs to find you more mature and full of the Love of My Son. He will prepare you in this time so that with your lives, you build a path in this world upon which He will return and definitely free this humanity from pain and oppression. Be assured that when you walk at His side, you will remember when the Queen of the Angels told you that, united in faith and in God, you would achieve this.

I have been observing this group of souls that, through the impulse they have received from the Divine Messengers, has been able to strengthen its faith and move through the threshold of pain. With eyes of a merciful Mother, I have contemplated those who still have not dared to give Me their hearts; but I lovingly wait for that blessed day, in which you fully trust in what I say to you and in what I offer you: the sure bridge toward the Glorified Heart of Christ. Where else would you want to be?

Today, in the total splendor of Aurora, I come to thank all who have built this end time altar so that I may place teraphim of healing and redemption for the whole planet. Because when I no longer come each month to be with you, because you will already be experiencing a new cycle, My Graces will remain here, where all will be able to come to drink.

My beloved children, I leave you My healing Peace and eternal gratitude for having responded to My call.

Who covers you with My Mantle of Peace,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Beloved children:

From the Heart of God comes out a ray of light that arrives through My Immaculate Heart to all of the children of this Earth.

From the Mind of God arises a channel of light where Perfect Unity enters through My Immaculate Purity into the minds of all the creatures.

Through My rays of Love, the ones that the Father pours over My Universal Consciousness, descends over all of the children of the Most High this love reached on the Cross by the Firstborn, a love that we live in the celestial universe.

For this My beloveds is why today I descend over this city, to bring to the souls of all the pilgrims this primordial essence of Divine Love, the one that will strengthen your spirits for the times that will come.

It was written that the woman dressed of sun would come to you bringing the good news of the return of the Redeemer to your lives, first to your heart and soon in Glory, soul, body and Divinity.

And for this I am here, My beloved children, to accomplish the promises that Heaven, through Its messengers, has made to humanity.

And when they cannot suffer anymore, when dismay has exhausted the souls, the love of My Son will cover them with hope and with peace.  When He returns, He will wash all the faults of this world and all will be like a field of wheat that is at the point of being harvested, filled with light from the sun, ripe, ready to receive the blessings of God.

I come to plow the earth, to plant the seeds with My hands of Co-redeemer Mother.  I come to give pure water to the earth so that it may embrace the seed that I have deposited in your hearts and it is converted into a golden ear of corn and raised to the Heights, seeking always the light of the sun.

And when the day of the Great Harvest comes, when the ears are brought to the feet of the Creator, My Son will carry with His strong arms these ears of light that are all of your beings and He will offer them to the Father as a gift of love.

For this I am here, My dears, so that your souls may be among these ears that My Son will carry with so much joy to the feet of God.

Permit Me, My dears, that with My pure hands I may caress your hearts and spirits and in this way, your beings may be converted into golden raised ears of corn, the ones that wait for the blessed day in which the Divine Farmer will come to collect them and bring them to your true destiny, the Heart of God.

Today, in this city, I will leave the earth plowed and blessed, so that many seeds may rest in it and the rain of prayer makes them germinate hoping they may grow, be lifted and wait for the Redeemer.

Dear children of Sorocaba:

My love for all of you is infinite, Permit Me that I may give it to you so that it may help you to be always looking at the Heights.

I love you and I bless you.

Thank you for trusting in My cares, the ones I offer to you with all My Maternal Love.

Mary, your Mother and Farmer of souls

Monthly Messages

My children,

When the Father contemplates the love in the heart of His children His Plans multiply themselves within His Consciousness, reflecting the infinite love that He has for His Creatures.

In this time, My beloved children, each instant that passes in your time, in each human inner movement, the Divinity observes the steps that each heart takes towards evolution.

Each time that a sincere plea is made with the heart, it is elevated towards the Celestial Doors, a treacherous event is reversed, and the beings, the peoples, and the nations change their destinies. 

I have arrived to this corner of the world in order to bring My Peace so that these nations may remember that Universal Consciousness that guided them in the beginning.  Today My Love of Mother and of Instructor calls you so that in this cycle My Consciousness of guardian of souls and of your evolution may come closer to you and orient you for this time that is to come.

It will be necessary that through you, other consciousnesses may be able to discover this Grace that the Creator has for these peoples.  By means of My presence amongst you, your God the Father wants that a great bridge of light be built between your hearts and His Powerful Heart.  An inner and, at the same time, universal space, that will express itself within each one of you and in all that exists.

Since the origin of this planet, there have been held in this region of the world, great energetic and spiritual resources that, sustained by the Hierarchies that conduct and shelter the Kingdoms of Nature, had been patiently waiting to be activated.  They have been here in inactivity and from now on they must be available for all of humanity.

The Creator has not only built here an Earthly Paradise, full of beauty, but He locked in it a spiritual treasure based on power, strength and harmony that the Supreme Consciousness of Nature, as Mother of all that sustains the children of God, was able to express in a planet designed to live a great spiritual project.

There must be born here, in this time, a new spirit, a spark of light that begins to ignite heart by heart, where the superior aspects of each being begin to awaken and to find this path towards the Creator, a path that has not been traversed by many souls.  You will traverse this path holding My hand, a steady hand that will conduct you in this new phase.

And when you have felt in your heart and in your consciousness this new vibration of love, not yet experienced by the majority of you, other revelations will come.  Through Me you will get to know the Universal Love – this which Christ lives in the universe.  You will get to know what represents the Redemption and you will live in your beings this Redeeming Love that My Son brings for all of the human beings in this time.

I shall announce through your souls, the advent of a new spiritual stage for this Nation that, by means of the experience of a few, will live in a coming future a new expression that will form the foundations of the new civilization. 

And then part of the Plan of God will be fulfilled in this world.  As it was in the beginning of all, this human race will be a full manifestation of the cosmic consciousness of this planet that, by means of the true, loving and harmonious integration of the human being with the Kingdoms, will praise the Creator and will express gratitude for His Creation.

And so the Cross of the New Humanity will be the emblem that will reign from the north to the south and from the east to the west.  Its consciousness of silver will shine and it will manifest the unity between all that is created by God.  In this future humanity will be happy, with a spiritual and evolutionary happiness, which will lead it to unite itself to the Universe in Fraternity.

People from Norway and from the sister countries, My children:

Your Supreme Universal Mother is here to protect you and to shelter you from all evil.  Only permit Me to enter into your heart.  Be blessed, always defend peace between all of the peoples and wait for the coming of the Great Universal Redeemer who will bring with Him other Laws and who expects to find you prepared to live them.

Remain in the peace of God, that today gathers up your prayers so that with them may be able to be drawn a new future for humanity. 

Thank you for being with Me.

Your Supreme Universal Mother, Mother of the Vikings, people of God


My beloveds,

In this time of conflict and chaos in which evil wants to carry the souls towards uncertain and infernal places, the unity among the apostles of My Son will be the key to sustain this end of times.

We have journeyed through long paths, we have traversed mountains and valleys, pathways of light that together you and I have marked on this Earth and in the heart of many souls that have turned themselves to God, and that today wait anxiously for the return of the Savior.

We still have many paths to traverse together, building this Marian map upon the face of this planet so that one day the peoples, the races, the religions and all of the nations, when looking towards the Heights to receive the Divine Mercy and Justice, will be only one movement of a new order for all the creatures.

Today I come to My children to relieve them from the weight of the path so that they may know that in the face of the tests that are to come I will be more than ever with all of you.

In spite of what seems to be happening in this world and at times among My soldiers, we are building within the consciousnesses a fortress that you still do not know. 

When you encourage one another to carry on walking in the faith that My Son teaches you, when you understand and forgive the faults of your brothers and sisters of path, when you elevate each other in spite of the tiredness and the inner loneliness, you are forming in your consciousnesses great towers that watch over your spirit so that the enemy may not be able to approach.

Do not forget that when you definitively surrender yourselves to the Will of the Divine, evil will no longer pursue you internally, because in your dwellings shall live the One and Only and True King, Christ, the Great Shepherd.

On this day My little ones, fear will be converted into an unknown love, into a greater strength that will give you an impulse directly towards God.  On this day, dear children, there will no longer exist doubts, inner sorrow, the absolute peace will reign in your lives and you will be blessed in life, as loyal examples of the Love of God upon the Earth.

My little beloveds who today are kneeling before Me as My children, know that these brief moments in which I Am able to caress your souls are precious moments for Me because in this time these instants are unique in the universe.  In these moments of union of your hearts with Mine in which I Am able to approach Myself to cover you with My mantle of light, My Heart of Mother overflows with love and joy.

Perceive, My beloved ones, how My Immaculate Heart fills you with light, with this light that God has permitted Me to bring to the world.  Feel, little ones, how My Love of Mother, the love of your little Mother enters each one of you.

I will always take care of you, I will caress you with My holy hands as I have done with Jesus so that you may never be discouraged. 

Know, dear children, that the path that remains will be intense and difficult for some, but if all raise their swords and their voices to pledge fidelity to the Redeemer, the Light of God will descend upon you and it will cover you with divine protection.   

Always bear in mind that His Beloved and Little Children are the ones who He chose to accompany His Firstborn Son, the Savior.

I Am with you, within your hearts.  I Am your Mother, the Queen of the Heaven and of the Earth.

Thank you for being today with Me.

I love you,

Mary, your Mother

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

My beloved pilgrims,

You are here today to prepare your hearts for the birth of the Redeemer in your consciousnesses. You will enter, unintentionally into the school of the Will of God, that Will which unites all things in the love to the Supreme, that which teaches essences to return to the House of the Father.

My little beloved ones, when Christ is definitely reborn in your lives and resides in the inner temple that for so long you have prepared for Him, nothing within yourselves will prevent the Superior Law of God from being fulfilled in this world.

If each one of My little children surrenders their resistances and their life to the perfect Will of the Creator, My Son, the Christ King, will reside in your dwelling and the miracles of Heaven will descend through your beings; My Son will work in this world and through you will change the destiny of this race.

My precious souls, the universe awaits for your destinies, those destinies thought of by the Creator for you, to begin to be a reality in your lives and that through you, they become a reality in this world. When the Will of the Creator embraces a consciousness, when children trustingly give of themselves to Their Father, a Light that will never go out begins to awaken to embrace salvation.

My son, My daughter, God patiently waits for you so that, as once occurred with Jesus, He may be able to work through you in this universal cycle in which humanity will enter. It will be Christ the Redeemer that will unite with the consciousnesses that accept Him, and thus the Divinity will work through those apostles that, one day, will be the Christs of the New Time.

Dear son, dear daughter, open your consciousnesses, open your hearts, open your arms, open your hands and let go of the reins of your lives. Let them walk by means of My Mantle of Light toward the Heart of Christ, the Redeemer, so that He may instruct you and help you prepare His Abode, that He will eternally dwell within you.

My beloved children, let fear be left behind, because I, Your Universal Mother, after My Son is born in you, will lead you in My arms and will present you before the Throne of My Father so that He may seal within your essences your destinies.

Praise be Christ in your lives.

I thank you for accepting My maternal words and for accepting to be with Me today.

Mary, Queen of Peace


Beloved children,

Today I want to talk to you about how you must learn to donate yourselves to your brothers and sisters in this time.

Each time that one of My soldiers forgets about themselves, about their own needs, aspirations and urgencies and runs to the help of another of My children, a celestial door is opened, so that through each is poured that attribute or Grace that this soul needs.

If, besides, this action is done for someone unknown many doors are opened because the Kingdom of the Heavens understands that one of the main values that Jesus taught is being activated in the heart of humanity and the Celestial Kingdom is being prepared for a great task.

In each action of the day by day you can be mediators between Heaven and Earth, simply by putting others first.

For this today I come to ask you to enter into the higher school of total donation of oneself so that you may find in the abnegated service a path of transcendence for yourselves and a glorious channel of Piety, Mercy and Grace for each one of your brothers and sisters.

If each one of you performed this task, even if it were with only one brother or sister each day, no matter how insignificant that service could be, to the Eyes of God the Father it has a great importance because it shows that His Creatures are learning from the message that His Son left for humanity.

If the donation of oneself were installed in the consciousness of all of My soldiers as prayer has been installed, great changes would be carried out in humanity as more Graces would descend from Heaven and more souls would be rescued.

The school of higher donation is open and I Am inviting all of My children to enter into it and to learn that without donation will not occur deep changes in the consciousness of humanity.

Only through these changes will be able to be formed the new race, the race that today you are seeds of and that I Am taking care of so that they may sprout and give fruit.

Meditate on My words, My children, meditate with the heart.

I love you and I bless you today and always.

Lie in My Arms and reflect.

Mary, Mother of donation, of service and of charity



Beloved Children blessed by the Holy Spirit,

Today I come to this sacred place to pour the Blessings that God the Father has had for this place since a long time.  

In loving unction, today I touch each one of your heads and I place upon them the seal of God, a seal that you must take care of, that you must protect and that you must carry from now on as a part of humanity that has said Yes to the Plan of God for this time.  

This Plan will bring once again the Redeemer to this world.  He will come in the search for His Companions, those who carry the seal of God in their foreheads. Those who will accompany Him in this Second Coming of His and who with their spirit of abnegation and mercy will help those who have not been able to take the step towards the Eternal Father. 

My beloved Children, also children of the Holy Trinity,

Today I want to reveal to you a mystery that has been kept in your heart since the origin of this race and that, from being kept in a place which humanity has not accessed for so long, you have not been able to approach.

Uniting Myself today to the loving instruction left by the Most Beloved and Most Chaste Saint Joseph I want to reveal to you that in the depths of your inner worlds is kept a treasure not discovered yet, a treasure that We, as the Sacred Family, lived from the beginning of our lives.    

This treasure is the seed that the Creator sowed in each creature of the universe, the seed of the Obedience of the Heart.

This seed guards a secret that will be revealed to all of those who may encourage themselves to say Yes to the Will of God and who may choose for their lives the real freedom.  That which will free you from yourselves and from the laws of matter to enter into other laws, unknown to human beings who fight permanently for their independence failing thus to accept the true freedom, that of being a Son of God and of resting in His Heart.

This seal that My Maternal Love activates today will help to all of those who may want to give the great Yes and may be encouraged to cross the threshold of the last door of your heart, there where the Heart of Gods lives.  

Today the Holy Spirit is among you, today in this place reigns the Peace of the Holy Trinity and the Light of My Son, Christ Jesus.

I wait for you on the day of tomorrow to celebrate together with the Kingdom of Heaven the Blessed Graces upon this place and upon this Nation.

Stay in My Peace and in the Light of the Spirit of God.

I love you and I bless you always,

Mary, Mother and Messenger of the Holy Spirit


My beloved children, blessed creatures in service of the Creator,

I come today to definitely cut the ties that some of you have with this world, this world of sorrows and spiritual defeats.

From today on, for some of your souls, the presence of God will be total and you will not recognize anything or anyone else. From today on the path of sacrifice and of surrender will be the only path in your lives.

There will no longer be personal pain and suffering for any of those who today will enter in this path, only the suffering of the world, that which you will transmute in Glory to God until the last day of your lives.

It will be in this surrender to God that you will find comfort and relief, knowing that through this small surrender of your lives, day by day, in each corner of the this world a Son of God relieves the fear, the desperation and the pain of humanity.

The prayer of the heart will be your faithful companion; the presence of the Passion of the crucified Son of God will be your breath and prayer, and the company of all of My children who pray will be your spiritual shield.

To you, son, and you daughter, who have chosen from the depths of your consciousness to surrender your being to the universe as an assisting channel to the Great Transmuting Channel of the Glorified Body of Christ, I say to you:

Here I Am, I Am your Co-redeeming Mother, the One who will cover you with Her mantle each day. The One who will pick you up in Her lap at each moment of suffering and of surrender.

Here I Am, I Am your Celestial Mother, the One who will place petals of roses over your bodies so that they may emanate perfume, the One who will always have a lake of light in which to wash your wounds.

Here I Am, My beloved son, My beloved daughter, to give you to drink from the chalice that guards the blessed and sacred blood of My Son, blood that will purify you once, and one more time, so that you may stand up again and continue to surrender yourself more each day.

The world begins its great purification and in loving fraternity we will all help so that this phase may be for humanity that which marks the beginning of the new race, a race renewed in love, spirit and peace so that there may no longer be in the world the sacrifice of a few in the name of all.

Beloved children of the entire world that enter into this path:

Today I consecrate you to the full life of surrender, renunciation, sacrifice and faith that My Son lived upon the Earth. And, as it was more than two thousand years ago, I will accompany you until the end as I accompanied Him.

In Glory to God, be Blessed.

Who loves you always,

Mary, your Mother of Nazareth.  


I Am Mary, I Am the essence of Peace, that Peace that emanates from the Heart of God.

I Am Mary, Mother and Guardian of this Peace in the heart of men and women of this world.

I Am Mary, Faithful Servant and constructer of Piety in the inner worlds of humanity.

I Am Mary, loving and pure Mother who weaves in the universe the mantle of light to afterwards cover My children with protection and love.

I Am Mary, the Eternal Faithful Mother who collects flowers in the sky to place them in the hearts of the children who suffer for the lack of peace in the world, for the lack of reconciliation with God and for the lack of fraternity among siblings.

During this day in which the world prays and fasts for peace among humanity, My maternal presence is with all of My children.

Today I have talked about peace to the nations through My spokesman, My beloved son, the Pope Francis, and the universe expects that these words and the pleas of thousands of hearts that have accompanied these pleas that have arrived to Heaven, also get to the heart of the ones responsible for the nations who must understand that Peace is vital in the world in order to be able to go ahead.

I want, on this day of vigil and loving and powerful prayer, to thank each child who has offered his or her prayer and fasting for peace in the world and to tell them that from now on there will be many days with vigils and fasting for this humanity that clamors for the Light and the Forgiveness of God.

More each day, beloved children, we must be united, you and I, your Celestial Mother, and pray to God for the people, for the nations, for the religions so that the light of the Holy Spirit may descend and bring wisdom to face the events that will come.

Today we have seen from the Heavens brothers and sisters united in a single purpose: peace. And in the universe a light of great hope has been ignited. Let us advance in this pathway of peace and fraternity so that when the Redeemer, who is returning, places His Presence among you, He may find the hearts ignited with the flame of reconciliation and love.

Be blessed, pray united for a Greater Purpose, the one that appeals to seeing human beings in fraternity.

Peace for the hearts.

Light for the consciousnesses.

Love for all on the Earth.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


My beloved children,

Today, as the Mother of Sacred Humility, I come to all My children to bring this presence of renunciation, detachment and surrender that I learned as Mary of Nazareth.

Each soul that enters into the true Christic path, that which is marked by My Son, Christ Jesus, begins to live this school of Sacred Humility; a totally new experience, unknown to humanity.

Much has been said and written on this Earth about Humility, but very few have been able to really experience it; it is so transforming that those who decide to receive it, in general, are not conscious that they are living it, and they think that they will never deserve to live it.

It is as soft as a spring breeze, as harmonious as the flowers that grow in the gardens of Heaven, and so powerful, yes, so powerful, that it dissolves any expression of property, self-realization, pride or self-love.

It is so majestic, as a queen without a kingdom, as a sword of love that softly cuts ties with matter, and so transparent, like a thread of light that strings the souls together in a perfect fabric, that unites them to eternal service to the Creator.

Beloved son, beloved daughter,

What about you, do you want to receive Sacred Humility in your life, the one that I lived and shared with Jesus and Joseph?

Do you want to know definitively what it means to be a humble consciousness?

Then, open your hearts, surrender your will to the Supreme, and eternally obey His Holy Will; in this way, never again will your small will be yours. Learn that My Beloved and Sacred Humility is found in the little actions of life, in anonymity, in patience and in simplicity.

In these times of so many transformations, some consciousnesses will be called by the Father to live the ways of Sacred Humility as apostles of Christ; the new apostles that will unite with Him in body, soul and spirit, to serve Him eternally.

Today, I leave you this reflection because some of you, who are present before Me on this day, will be disciples of the Sacred Humility of God.

Pray, be blessed, surrender your will to the Will of the Most High, and love your destinies.

Thank you for being today with Me.

Mary, Mother of Sacred Humility



Those of My children who work with Me for the Plan of Rescue of souls do not feel hungry nor cold, because they are fed by prayer and gathered under My Mantle.

Those souls that said yes to the Redeemer do not feel afraid nor sad, because they are strengthened in the love of the Sacred Hearts and experience the happiness of eternal service.

Those consciousnesses who said yes to the eternal life offered by God the Almighty Father have no doubts in their spirits, because the Spirit of God lives within them and liberates them from all evil

Those pilgrims who follow me in this eternal pilgrimage for souls do not feel tired, because they rest in the bed of My maternal Love that covers them with peace and gratitude for their efforts.

Those servers who, every day, unconditionally give Me their hands to work for the weakest and most distressed are nourished in My Immaculate Heart, which permanently guards them.

To those who collaborate so that others can materialize the Work of God on this Earth, I keep them from all evil.

And you, beloved son, beloved daughter, from where do you want to receive My Graces, those that I bring to you from Heaven?

Remember that there will always be a place for your heart together with Mine, there will always be a place waiting for you in this universal Work, which tries to bring all creatures back to the House of the Father, where everything is peace, harmony, love and salvation.

My dearly beloveds, today I want to give you a special Grace that I brought from the Heart of God. It will be planted in the heart of those who say yes from their hearts to the task that the Sacred Hearts carry out in the world. This Grace will give you true life on Earth as in Heaven; it will bring definitive peace to your lives, it will give you the definitive impulse so that the pain may disappear from your consciousness and the new dawn, full of light and hope, can live forever in your hearts.

My children, believe that everything is possible, because the freedom that the Love of God brings to His creatures is knocking at the door to your hearts. Open the door and it will enter.

I love you and bless you always.

Thank you for being with Me today!

Mary, Mother and Universal Queen

Weekly Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to Mother Shimani de Montserrat

My dear ones,

When Heaven seems to darken within us, because tests do not allow our lives to be in peace, only My Maternal Love will cover you with Light and with Love.

When your mind has no rest and your thoughts seem to be ever more confused and disassociated, only My maternal Love, which heals all things, will bring Peace and Light to your consciousnesses.

When you no longer have the will to overcome inertia, a lack of control of the emotions, and simply want to sink into despair, only My maternal Love will be able to free you from the hands of the enemy.

But for Me to be able to reach where you are, you must pray with intensity, so that My saving Light can rescue you.  

Do not blame others for what happens to you, for in this time, all of you have Me, who is willing to share your afflictions and to intercede for you before God.

Why do you not seek Me, children? Why do you not call Me? Why do you not pray with Me so that the light of Mercy and of Pity may come to your aid?

Wake up, beloved children, wake up from the illusion that makes you believe that there is no possibility for a solution for that which governs you, because it is not true.

Nothing is impossible for God, who with pain, observes how many of His children turn their backs on Him, deny Him, and do not recognize the possibility He has given them of presenting them to the Divine Messengers, the Messengers of Love, to lead them again to His House, to His Heart.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are today with all of humanity, day after day, so that each creature of this world may be freed from the claws of the enemy, that takes advantage of weaknesses to use them as instruments that bring unhappiness to their lives and the lives of those around them.

Do not be deceived anymore and run into My arms. Pray, pray, pray, asking for help; truly pray with your heart and My arms will open to receive you onto My lap of Celestial Mother.

Feel My Love for humanity, for those that are fallen, for those that are lost, blind and deaf. It is a strong love, patient, unconditional, that is always there, selfless and willing to offer itself with all the purity of My Immaculate Heart.

Why do you not come to Me? Run, run to meet Me, My children, for there is no more time.

You know that in the prayer of the heart you will always find Me, so that I may renew you in celestial Light and Peace.

Remember that I love you and that I am here to support you in the transformation of your lives. Give Me your doubts and your faults, for I will make of them hope and trust in the future.

Remember that I am waiting for you, My dears, with My Immaculate Heart open for you.

Thank you for being with Me today!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of the Rescue of souls

Weekly Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

My beloved children of the Marian Center of Aurora and of the whole world,

Thank you for being with Me today, preparing the heart of this Marian Center for receiving all the children of the world that will come here.

I have lovingly observed how My soldiers have prepared this house of Mine, the house of the healing of the soul and the spirit, the healing of the heart.

In these coming days, My beloved ones, in which many of My children in need of peace, conversion and healing will walk through this holy field, I want you to open your hearts and have all of your love available to receive all your brothers, sisters and pilgrims as I have taught you.

This new cycle that is beginning, on this seventh year of meetings with Me, will mark a before and an after in your consciousnesses, since the fruits of your task will begin to be mature, so as to give them to those who hunger and thirst for real love, for Mercy, for charity and for healing.

In this blessed August, just like six years ago, an intense period of work will begin for everybody, in which My visit to all My children of the Americas, My beloved Americas that have waited for Me for such a long time, will be concretized.

After My coming as Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Father waited for My children to be more mature to deeply understand this call Heaven is making, so that you may prepare the Return of the Redeemer.

That time has come and all souls celebrate the great Good News, that My Son is coming and My soldiers prepare the table for the great ceremony that the Savior of souls will share with all those that give their lives to Him.

Thus, prepare the heart and the house to receive those that will commune of the Mercy of Christ and My maternal Love, so that together we may eternally glorify God.

All I ask, My beloveds, is that each of the souls of My pilgrims be received as if it were the Soul of My Son; may each consciousness that enters this house find in the gaze of each brother and sister, the Light that Christ has for them.

Later on, when everything has happened, your consciousnesses will understand how important this has been, that you are preparing with such love and dedication.

I wait for you in My Immaculate Heart, like just another pilgrim, to cross the new bridge toward definite salvation.

I love you and bless you always,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My beloved children:

Blessed be Christ Jesus in your loving lives and praised be His Holy Name forever.

On this day in which I have My brave Marian soldiers enveloped in My Mantle of Light so that evil may not approach them, I want to tell you that more than ever, I Am with you.

I know that you feel My protection and that of My Son in the great tests that you are living and it will always be like this because together we will be able to defeat the opposition that manifests itself in order that the plans of the Highest are not fulfilled.

Today, My children, after the important lessons of these days, I want that you meditate together with Me and that you contemplate how a peacemaker, a Child of Mary, a Warrior and an Apostle of the Mercy of Christ places themselves before the tests and the attacks of the enemy.

A child of God the Father who lives the Graces that are poured from Heaven, lives in the joy of serving, conscious that each difficulty will strengthen their spirit for what is to come and will give to their consciousness the necessary impulse for the definitive transformation.

A Warrior and an Apostle of Mercy guards in the heart the lesson and hands to God its experience of pain so that the Father, in His Love, may transform it into courage and faith.

An Apostle of My Son is filled with joy when he or she feels their own spirit full of courage because they know that the same strength is entering into their being that Their Lord lived in His Passion.

A child of Mary, a missionary of Her Plan of rescue places all of its being on the path of the joy of serving, looking with the heart at all the good that is to come and surrendering without doubt its destiny in the hands of their Mother of Heaven, who will conduct them through the path of light and protection.

You have been able to intensely experiment, beloved children, what it is to live under another law, within the hand of the Powerful Lord of Heaven, He who has shown you His Power over all of the events of Heaven and Earth.

Today I ask you, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, that you redouble your efforts so that your consciousness may be always attentive and vigilant, so that you may intensify prayer and fasting because through these little surrenders the shield of Grace and the protection of the Celestial Hosts will be with you.

I want you to know, My beloved ones, that the Universal Mother counts on all of Her beloved missionaries, those who take the risk of giving all out of love for the Universe and its creatures.

Afterwards the Divine Mother dictated a prayer so that her missionaries may recite it before leaving for a task:

Prayer of the Missionary

In God, we all are,
to God, we all respond,
in the hands of the Highest, we rest.

In the Heart of Christ, we are transformed,
under the mantle of the Universal Mother, we are protected,
of the Holy Spirit, we are nourished
for all  Eternity.


Thank you for being today with Me.

I love you and I bless you all,

Mary, the Universal Mother.


My beloved children:

Praised be Jesus, Our Lord, and may He live forever in your hearts.

How many challenges for the consciousness in this time come to your lives in an accelerated way.

A long time ago My Son told this humanity that His Faithful Disciples in this time would do greater things than those which He did, because He expected from all of you that you could face greater challenges, and all have understood that He was referring to suffering.

But He also told you that He had died on the cross so that no one else would have to live His Passion in such a way.

Today the challenges are others, because He needs for all of the consciousnesses of this world to know that He is returning, bringing the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God for all without exception. He needs for His Faithful Workers to make this announcement resound in all of the planet, without time and without rest.

He needs that many of His Children transform their lives into a life of apostolate, of surrender to His Sacred Heart, so that in this way they may be transmitters of His Divine Mercy for all of humanity.

In this upcoming time His Beloved Apostles of the new time will multiply themselves and they will diffuse His Message of Love, Forgiveness, Faith, Service and Mercy. They will rely on all of the media available on the world so that this may become a reality.

The times already are, and for the planetary purification to find the souls prepared, reconciled with God the Creator and with firmness in their souls and minds, this message must arrive to the ends of the world without delay.

In this time the voice of the Master will be heard in unison in all of the planet so that all of the souls that wait for His Love, His Peace and His Forgiveness may hear Him, wherever they may be.

It is for this, My beloved ones, that all must open their minds and their hearts so that unusual things may occur, and all that which was created by humanity with selfish purposes may become an instrument of good and a transmitter of the Good News: the Savior Christ is arriving.

Go ahead, beloved children. Do not fear because I Am with you, accompanying you and sheltering you from all evil.

In you My Son has placed His Trust and His Love of Master, Father, Brother and Friend.

Follow His Instructions in obedience and surrender and you will see the hand of God the Creator working on this Earth.

I bless you, I love you and I accompany you always.

Thank you for being with Me.

Mary, Mother of Peace and of the Divine Mercy.


My beloved and little children:

In this time, in which My Maternal Consciousness approaches you more deeply to touch those places of your beings where the light of transformation has never arrived, I ask you to trust in that which My Maternal Spirit needs to do.

When a consciousness is transformed in truth, it lives a period in which all seems to be desert, aridity, desolation and even obscurity. Everything seems difficult and without an end; the souls feel a fear of losing what they considered as their identity, and fear not knowing what to do next. And the mind asks what will become of me when I am no longer myself? What will become of my life?

And I answer to you: wonderful things will happen, that have never happened, because the old man and the old woman will no longer be anymore, and My Son will be able to place the Water of Life, which He comes to bring to the world, in this new vessel that begins to arise.

Never again will you be slaves of your incomprehensions, of your desires, already there will be no way to tempt you so that you fall into the same errors, because the enemy yet will not find where to enter in your consciousnesses.

Peace will start to dwell always in the interior of each one, and it will sustain each spirit when any happening manifests itself in the exterior.

There will come a day in which the consciousness will be permanently united to the spirit and this will be able to bring, from the Heights, the Living Food that God the Father has available for His creatures, and all will share what each one receives from the universe.

But for this to be a reality, in all planes of consciousness, first we have to prepare it, and in this cycle all are being prepared for that which will come.

For this be in peace, trust in who guides you, surrender to the Divine Messengers, to My Immaculate Heart, and to the Immaculate Heart of My Son your uncertainties, your doubts and afflictions, and do not permit that the harassment of the enemy takes you away from the Major Purpose.

Transformation is necessary, difficult, but it brings us to accomplish the aspiration that humanity be converted into this new race that will appear on this blessed Earth.

And remember, My beloved children, that not only do you realize this surrender for yourselves, but for all those who remain asleep and, more than asleep, anesthetized by this poison that the enemy injects in the minds and the hearts of humanity, through some energies that are known as modernities.

Take up again the paths of the holy and fraternal love that My Son has taught all, defending yourself from all that is not pure and do not doubt, not for an instant, to seek for Me to share with Me your needs and afflictions.

In this time, My beloved children, those who enter into transformation need My assistance to maintain themselves firm in the purpose of changing, and I am here, available for all. Do not live alone and be anguished by these inner movements, because it is now when you have to seek Me the most.

Go forward My children. Do not doubt, do not fear, that I am here together with you, protecting your beings from any disturbance.

Be pacific and you will live in peace. Be loving and you will live in harmony. Be cautious and you will live in balance. Trust in Me and all will pass rapidly.

Surrender to the hands of the Great Potter, and permit that He realizes the Great Work, the new being, the fraternal being, the one who looks to God every day and brings to their brothers and sisters the Divine Breath that nourishes the souls so that they construct the new humanity.

I love you and I bless you, My dears.

I am always with you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Transformation and Peace


Dear children:

Today I pour my Pity over My children of the world, so that each one of you receives this spring of Mercy and feels consolation in your heart.

The Pity that comes from God reaches all those that cannot overcome their limitations, even though they try all the time. So that they find consolation, I bring in My Immaculate Heart this Blessed Pity, that which will be a a balm for the hearts that suffer.

With this balm that goes through the soul, each child that suffers from their limitations finds peace and strength to keep on trying once and again. You just have to appeal to My Pity and you will see how the breath of God returns to give you a new impulse to start over.

In these times, beloved children, in which the tests are profound and the paths difficult, I, as Helping Mother, come to bring you peace, calm and My Blessed Pity, so that you do not lower your arms, so that you do not grow sad, so that you do not feel the weight of a defeat; because to the Universe of the Father there is only triumph in each hard learning.

If you could see what there is behind these tests, the transformation that they bring, you would give an impulse to your consciousness, and would give thanks everyday for these tests; God is constructing in each one of you a fortress where His Son can find protection and rest.

May no one be discouraged by what they live; on the contrary, may they lift their gaze and conduct themselves without fear towards the Blessed Heart of My Son, that waits for you always to renew His vote of confidence, that which He gives to those who say yes.

I will accompany you step by step so that you do not feel fear nor shame, but joy for being able, through My Blessed Pity, to overcome another test and to take a step forward.

My souls, divine children of God:

I want you to lift your gaze and find My eyes of Mother that watches you and prays for each one of you, so that in this way you renew your commitment with the Plan of God over this Earth.

I love you and I bless you, I protect you and I wait for you in the inexhaustible source of My Pity.

Thank you for being today with Me.

Mary, Mother of the Blessed Pity.


My beloved children:

New keys are available to all My children to reach conversion and the protection of their souls in this time of chaos that the world lives.

These keys, those that already have been delivered, are prayer, fasting, confession and communion with My Son, the Redeemer.

Why do I repeat once and again, by means of all My channels in the world, these same things?

Because humanity does not listen to Me and does not realize that it has, before itself, those simple options that permit them to be saved, united to God, to My Son and to Me, protected from the movements of this world in this time.

What else can a Mother do, but repeat and repeat in every way, in every language, so that all My children in the world can be under My mantle?

That which makes My Immaculate Heart suffer the most is to see how the solution for the suffering of My children is within reach of everyone, and also how the majority of them do not extend their hands to gather the Graces that descend from Heaven. Many prefer to remain in suffering and to not make any effort to enter in My Immaculate Heart, and in the Sacred Heart of My Son.

What will happen when you realize that you have wasted so much time?

I wonder if in this moment your souls will be able to have the strength to convert back?

And if not, how to go forward, knowing that you have refused all the opportunities that Heaven gave you?

There is no greater pain for a Mother than to see Her children turn their back to Peace, to spiritual Healing, to the Love of God, and to see them lose themselves in the chaos of this modern life.

You are still in time, as I have already said to you, to return to the Love of God, to the Sacred Heart of Christ and to Me, your Mother from Heaven that seeks you, that waits for you, to shelter you under Her mantle of light and protection.

My beloveds: it is left for me only to pray tirelessly for each one of you so that My love touches your hearts and you accept to live under My protection.

To all My Marian soldiers, faithful workers of the light, I call you once again to double your efforts, and to pray more consciously for those who do not pray, that do not listen to Me, and that are in serious danger of losing this Grace and this Mercy that is arriving, before the Divine Justice pours itself over the Earth and its humanity.

Reflect, dear children, and take a step towards God.

I love you and I bless you today and always.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.


Dear children:

My beloved little ones, flowers of My protector mantle.

Today again I am very close to you, to guide you and bring you to the Heart of the Redeemer, who seeks His Disciples and Apostles of the New Time.

Now that we are preparing for a new anniversary of My Apparitions in Aurora, and in all of the Americas, I want that you understand, that you study all of My Marian tasks during the twenty and twenty-first centuries, and try to unify that which I have told you in these last two centuries.

In My messages of love to humanity, very important keys are found, for everyone in this time. This will make you understand that in the times that will come, all that has been announced will be accomplished, and the world will see that, despite all, with a little effort, many things have been able to be sustained on this planet. If each one of you, My children, stopped and reflected about how the Virgin Mary has announced some possible events, and how, also, through the prayer of the heart, and the vigil in all the Marian groups, you would see many events managed to cease and others transmuted themselves.

It is in this way, dear children, I call you again to pray for the intentions of My Immaculate Heart, that only wants to teach you, by means of the loving voice of the prayer of Her children, that this humanity could revert many prophecies.

I want you to know, beloved little ones, that our Father in Heaven is willing to listen to your pleas, your requests: that as a loving and perfect Father He only aspires that His children can look at the Heights, and once again want to unite their lives to His Mighty Heart.

I, as Mother and Mediator, pray every day so that each one of My children can go back to uniting themselves in spirit to Our Father of Love, who day by day waits for His beloved humanity.

We are in decisive times, in which all My children must know that which unites all of My Apparitions, that Celestial Purpose that God has for His Creatures. Know, dear children, that when the consciousnesses understand the why and the what of all the movements of the Divinity, all of the being collaborates in the realization of the Divine Plans.

Understand! Understand, dear children, why God has sent Me, since a long time ago, to this Earth, and when you have placed it into your consciousness, we will be more united to receive the arrival of the Redeemer.

I love you and I guard you in My Immaculate Heart. I wait for you in the Heart of My Son to pray for the Purpose of God, for humanity.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
