My Heart rejoices in yours and in your brothers and sisters hearts.

Days of Glory are coming in which we will be eternally in the Grace of the Father God.

Dear children,

Today I come to thank you for the warm reception you have made to My requests. This activates My plans of peace for this part of the Earth and prepares the coming of My son, Christ Jesus.

I am with you in these preparations, to which I call to all of My children to participate in. I have seen with much happiness that some hearts have come closer to Me in these last days and this happiness for those few that receive the Graces of Heaven, balances the pain that is caused in Me by the absence of other souls that day by day take the wrong path.

I am here, My children, to ask you once more for the prayer from the heart.  If in this new task that We will carry out, we are more united than ever - I am referring to the vigil of Tuesdays, to be done with all the love of the heart - marvelous spiritual events will happen that will come impregnated by the blessings that are available for you in Heaven and that could not have descended until today.

Remember that I told you that this time is totally blessed by the Grace of Our Lord that reaches to each one of you when you open the doors of the Heavens through sincere love and the happiness of serving.

Today I want to transmit to you that  the joy of some hearts for the proposal and the call that I have realized in My last special apparition has reached the Heavens. The small and sincere gesture that some souls have expressed, has been observed by Our Father and it will have great repercussions. You may already live it.

I unite Myself to you in soul and spirit for the preparation of our next vigils. Count on my permanent company, since I will be united to you in each decision that you make, in each step you take. Feel me and that which you are encouraged to live will be real.

I wait for you inside My Immaculate Heart. I guide you to the Sacred Heart of My Son.

With you, I am. I love you with predilection.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 


My beloved children of Aurora:

Celebrate together with Me!

Today My Marian soldiers pray together for the whole Earth. Today I will rescue from delusion many brother and sister souls, those that must not lose themselves in this chaos that the world lives in today.

Celebrate, My children, because the answer to My requests brings hope to this humanity that learns through suffering.

Celebrate with Me, My dears, because the Heart of My Son is relieved from the pain that the scourge of the human indifference provokes in Him.

Today I Am here as I have promised you and each time that My children confirm My presence after an announcement, this allows their souls to be in the absolute certainty of My company, of My shelter, of My protection and of My love for you.

I want to announce that each Tuesday I will be with all of the groups of prayer that pray along with Me and My guardian angels, and I will make each one feel My maternal presence.

After such a long time amongst you, since My first manifestations to humanity, this is the first time that South America answers to Me with all of the heart, an answer that I put in My Heart of Mother and that I give to God with all the gratitude.

I want you to accompany Me, children of mine, to ignite the whole American continent as a torch of light in the middle of the darkness. For this I summon you, during the whole month of February, to unite yourselves through what you call technology so that in the different places of the world, all may see each other and may participate together with Me in this celebration of Love and Celestial Peace.

Each Tuesday of February that we may be in vigil at the same time, we will unite our prayer and our heart to the Heart of My Son and we will hand to God, the All Powerful, the plea of this humanity that will fully enter into purification so that Our Lord may pour His Mercy over all those who still have not received It and so that this world may sustain itself, despite everything, in the faith of Our Lord.

Today I want to give you the Graces from My Maternal Heart for all that you give me. And for what you still cannot give Me, I offer to God My pleas of love for you.

I wait for you, children, united to the Heart of Christ Jesus and together to your brothers and sisters of the world in the following Tuesdays of vigil.

I keep you inside of My Immaculate Heart, I cover you with My Mantle of Light. Close your eyes for an instant and feel, My beloved ones, My maternal kiss on your forehead.

I love you, I love you with Divine Love, the one that comes from God the Father

Thank you for answering to My call of Peace.

Mary, Queen of Peace.


My voice cries out in the universe for peace for your hearts.

I am here in the Glory of God the Father to restore your essences and your bodies after the battles.

You must not expose yourself in these battles that My angels will fight for you.  For this you must only pray with fervor, so that I will send My army of light in search of the souls that are being lost.

I am here as your Universal Mother to announce to you that I will be with you during the vigil of the day of tomorrow, Tuesday at the hour of 9 PM.  There I will accompany your prayer and I will show you as My Blessed Love to collect the souls that are lost.

I will be with your consciousnesses during the whole vigil and I will receive each prayer that is said with love.  Then in My hands they will be converted into petals of flowers, which I will offer to Our Father God to intercede for the souls of your brothers and sisters.

Today I am here as an example of My infinite love, that which springs from My Immaculate Heart and cures all evil, all pain.

Through My Holy Hands I will place upon My Soldiers a special protection, a symbol of My Love so that your hearts will never more be attacked by evil.  This is a Grace of God that God has granted to Me.  I leave with you this protection, that which will shine upon your heads and your hearts as an emblem that will guard your beings. 

The Rose that represents My Virginal Purity will be the protection, that which will not allow for any loyal Marian soldier to be attacked by the enemy.

Beloved of Mine:

I leave to you a message of gratitude and peace.  Take care, and care for My clairvoyants because the enemy will want to silence their voices.  Only unity in prayer will allow for the task of the Mother of All to be victorious in Heaven and on the Earth.

Remember:  pray, pray without ceasing, pray together and in unity, pray for My Marian Work in the whole world and take care with prayer of My Marian soldiers, those who go forward without fear.

I wait for you to pray with Me in vigil.

I am your Mother, your Mother of Peace.  I am together with the Creator and I am also together with you in prayer.  Come closer to Me.

Thank you for answering to My call of peace.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.


My children.

Clamor for the Holy Spirit, clamor for His presence in your lives.

Today I come from heaven to recuperate many souls that have received the Grace of God and that have been rescued from the eternal suffering in which they were lost.

Today, My children, My Blessed Consciousness brings for all this Grace to again see the light inside of their hearts that comes from God the Creator and from the Heart of My Son Jesus.  Open yourselves to this Grace, embrace this power of love that the Shepherd brings in this final time.

The prophecies are being fulfilled and that which God wrote in the Universe and that which the Messengers announced in all times is descending.  You must only learn to read in the happenings that you live and unite My announcements with those of My Son.

This year will be one of great revelations, revelations that many do not listen to, but during the coming years the forcefulness of the happenings will show how everything had been announced, everything had been said and the words of the prophets of yesterday and the prophets of today will be transformed into events that all may live.

I told you to seek the signs of the Return of the Savior that one by one I will be revealing in My announcements.

You must pray today more than ever with the heart in unity without anything else mattering, because nothing is more important.  My dears offer only what you can to the All Powerful from the heart.

In my arms I carry with love and devotion all humanity, each one of you and your families so that through My love you may encounter the path to form the new family, the New Jerusalem, the consciousness of a new race that God designed in the Heavens and that must descend in this time.

Make efforts children because this is the time of sacrifice, one which I told you about since the beginning, the sacrifice made with love and happiness, that happiness that comes to us in building the new humanity, the new race.

The God of Love, the One of the ancient people from the desert, the One that waits for your love, He will bring again His Son, His First Born in order that He may love still more and finish liberating you from suffering and ignorance.

Now will you be prepared to receive Him?

How many of you will open the door of the heart for the Redeemer?

He is coming Full of Glory to resuscitate your hearts, your lives for the second time.  Come to gather His flock to share with His companions of the path, those that will serve Him and will surrender their lives to building this New Jerusalem.

Love your destiny, love your paths of sacrifice and thus you will redeem this humanity that must convert itself in the wise school of Universal Love.

I love you My children, in truth and in error.

Thank you for being here with Me and responding to My call of love.

Mary, Mother of the World.


Dear son, dear daughter.

With the power of My love I will erase from your hearts all of the sadness and I will open a new door to Heaven where souls live in the happiness of serving God.

Today, again, I am together with you so that you may know the marvelous power of My Love and of My Protection.  It is not necessary to have anguish in your hearts, you must only have peace, this peace that I bring today.

You already knew that purification will bring everyone imbalances in the consciousnesses for those that cannot easily release the material codes that they have learned on this Earth.  Be patient, be careful for your brothers and sisters for the tricks of the enemy that intend to put you one against the other.

Give Me all situations that you cannot transcend, place it with faith inside of My Heart so that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the inner planes will intercede to harmonize any situation that you cannot resolve.

But be attentive My children, do not be involved in conflicts and disputes between brothers and sisters because this is the way that the enemy wants you to be distant from each other so that he can reign among you.

Remember and have so present that under the Law of Unity the Kingdom of the Heavens will descend to the Earth and it is for you to have the responsibility to maintain this unity, first with Me and with My Son and through us among you.

Today through your prayer I will intercede before God our Lord and before My Beloved Son so that all the causes that your hearts still guard, those that do not permit the harmony, the peace and the unity that flows from the love of My Son, be grounded in your hearts for always.

Come to Me dear children so that I may rescue you under My mantle of light and protection, come to Me and I will make a miracle of love in you.

Who loves you and guards you, who protects and sustains in your mission of love on this Earth, your Queen Mother.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Thank you for continuing to answer to My call.


Dear daughter, dear son.

Again I am with you to comfort you in this choice that you have made, which is to live for and to serve My Beloved Son.

I bring for you the remembrance of my different passages in your life and the experience of the love from other times that left an indelible footprint on humanity.

As the Lady of the Graces today I want to reveal that My presence in your lives has brought the Blessed Graces that from Heaven our Father God has given Me for you. Through these Graces many of you have renewed your faith and have surrendered your lives to God. Through these Graces is lost the indifference and the pain that was produced from being far away from Him.

As the Lady of the Graces I have filled the hearts of many that today adore Me, love Me and follow Me. As the Lady of the Graces I am separating you from evil and I am bringing peace and comfort to your lives.

Today as the Lady of Graces I want to ask you to help Me to bring these Graces from the Heavens to those who are lost, for those that are indifferent, for those that are day by day separated from the heart of My Son.

As the Lady of the Graces today I bring from Heaven the Blessed Light of the Heart of Christ so that your hearts may be illuminated in this end of the cycle for humanity.

It is with this face of the Lady of the Graces that I invite you to walk a new path together with Me and My Son, so that all of humanity may be prepared to receive us in this new time, where we will finally discover the mysteries that God has guarded about His Messengers for always.

Each day I will remind you how many times I have visited you in many forms and in many places so that you will begin to understand that always I have been the same Messenger of the Highest who has been with you realizing distant tasks in distant places in different times.

Today it is time for you to feel Me and to receive Me as the Mother of all humanity, of all creeds and religions, of all races, of all of My children.

I came to gather all those that are preparing themselves, in the whole world, to receive the Great Shepherd who will come to quench the thirst of all and free them with His Forgiveness and His Mercy, from mistakes, loneliness and suffering.

Open your hearts to receive this great grace, to receive the Mother of the World, the Mother of all people and of all religions.

I will accompany you, I will guard you and I will conduct you to the Redeemer, who comes to free from oppression, from suffering and from ignorance all people, all races and all religions.

He is the Savior, the one who is not awaited by everyone, the one that will come as a thief in the night when the world that is far away from God is least expecting Him.

To you My children, those that yet are waiting for Him, I ask you to pray for those that do not, so that those closed hearts may reach the same Grace as you, to see the Redeemer face to face and surrender themselves to His Feet of Glory.

Praised be My Son, the Savior.

I love you with fondness.

Mary, your Lady of the Graces 


Dear children:

I come today to reveal to you that the cunning of the enemy is planning to take souls away from My Immaculate Heart. And it is for this that I convoke you to prayer and in vigil for all those that, without wanting to, are separated from My Arms.

In this time when the souls and the hearts realize efforts to remain in the Light of God, the temptations and the older sufferings are doors where the evil may absorb the souls and conduct them to obscure paths until a place in which they cannot return anymore, by themselves.

There is a need for My Marian soldiers so that, in permanent prayer, they may help me to rescue these brother and sister souls.

For this I convoke you to pray in vigil for 24 hours all Tuesdays, from midnight until the following midnight.  The Holy Rosary will be the instrument that we will use together: My Custodian Angels will be the guardians of each group of prayer and in each scheduled work together with Me to rescue these children souls of Mine.

I will go until the end of this world and beyond to bring My children again into My arms and all My soldiers of prayer will help me.  Each group in the world will reserve two hours of prayer on the day of Tuesday for this task and during this prayer one of My Guardian Angels will pray together with them. Through the light of prayer My Angels will discover and will rescue all the souls that find themselves in uncertain places, places which they will arrive at through the mistakes and seductions of the enemy.

Dear children:

We are walking in difficult times, where only the unity of all of the groups of prayer maintained with Me will permit that My children have the full feeling of peace and return into My arms.  My Son the Redeemer accompanies this planetary movement and seeks to rescue what we will do together, of all those who are losing themselves day by day.

From My Maternal Love I contemplate you and I instruct you as Marian soldiers in service of the All Powerful God. I announce to you also that I am not resting until the last essence from this humanity is in a secure place and in the Kingdom of Heaven.

How many of My children will accompany me in this task?

I wait for you to be at My side. To all I protect. With infinite love I thank you for responding to My call. 

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


In My Pious Kindness I receive you today. In My Pious Kindness I guard you today. Together with the Holy Spirit I receive you today. Take My Maternal Love, today it is for you who in unity and reverence will start to serve God in this new cycle.

My beloved children:

Today I want to present to you the Spirit of God, the one who filled the beings of Mary and of the Apostles and who today comes to you, as to other members of this humanity, to accomplish what is written by the hand of God in the great book of Heaven.

Today I call you to the deep reflection of the heart, the one which searches in the depths of the consciousnesses for the infinite wisdom, the one which the Holy Spirit deposits in the souls of the servers of the Father.

My dears accept inside you this Glory that the Highest Creator Father wants to give to you. Open your beings to this Divine Spirit and He will fill you of Divine Grace. In this way you will start this new cycle of humanity, the one which prepares for the advent of the Redeemer Christ who announces the definitive change in the planetary consciousness.

Dear children: one more time our Creator offers to this humanity the possibility of living together with His Favorite Son, the one who lived and gave His Life for all of you. Together with His Coming, the Holy Spirit will guide the consciousnesses of those who offer themselves to give their lives to the service of the One and Only All Powerful God.

On this day, My children, My presence amongst you marks the beginning of this stage in which I will be the guardian of all of the children of My Father who may enter into His Love and may serve His definitive Plan upon the Earth.

The Love and the Wisdom of the Spirit of God contemplate you and waits for those who do not fear staying empty of themselves, those who do not fear the pain, the cold, the hunger and the thirst because they know that they will be relieved and satiated by the perfect Love of the Redeemer.

My dears: praise, always praise the Supreme God, be like the angels of heaven who serve in permanent praise and in it get to know the Glory of Heavens. Praise is for you also.

I come to tell you that you must open your doors without fear because I will always be the guardian. Trust, trust in the love that I bring to you.

I love you eternally,

Mary, Queen of Peace. 


May My peace be with you.

Today once again I come to reconcile hearts. Today I come to pour My Grace of Love in the reparation and reconversion of hearts.

Dear children: It is no longer time to justify your faults, it is time to discover the tricks of the enemy when it they are still being prepared. If you remain vigilant inside of My Immaculate Heart these trick cannot be achieved in your lives.

If on the contrary you remain alone in yourself My Shield and My Sword cannot protect you. You need to be attentive so that your heart may be nourished from Mine and thus you will be under My Sacred Protection.

Remember that now you have a great task, to prepare the return of the Savior of souls. There is no time for anything else. Remain in Me because there you will all be united. In the ocean of My Love there does not exist shipwrecks, but in order to not have shipwrecks you must choose the ocean of My Peace, of My absolute Peace.

My Forgiveness is for you. Lift up your gaze towards My Heart and there you will find My ocean of peace. Submerge in it and swim towards the Heart of My Son.

Be as the great boats of fishermen that inside of the ocean of peace take the nets and find the food to feed the others. In My ocean of peace you may always satisfy your hunger, your thirst and that of your brothers and sisters.

And when I tell you, you will swim towards the ocean of My Son, the ocean of Mercy. There a bigger net is waiting for you, that which will be full with the Bread of Life which will feed all humanity.

Empty of your own selves in this time because there is no more time to loose. Enter definitively into this school.

My Son is waiting to send you two by two so that you may fish in His ocean of Love and Mercy, and in this way you may feed your brothers and sisters.

I wait in reflection.

I love you, even in your delay.

Thank you for being with Me in this time.

Mary Queen of Peace


My dear children:

Today I come to bring peace to your hearts, a peace that does not exist anymore on the Earth, a peace that comes from the Heavens.

In this hour in which your consciousnesses enter into the process of apostleship to the Redeemer I bring in My Maternal Heart the assistance for those who will follow this path.

Listen to My Voice, that which speaks of the mysteries, that which speaks of the path to the Lord.  I have good news for all those who trust in My Immaculate Heart and in the Most Holy Heart of My Son.

Today I come to reveal that in the second coming of My Son that evil will intend that the faithful servers of God will not reach the union with Christ.    You must be firm in the purpose of the Father and I, the Guardian of the valiant souls,  I will be the shield against which the enemy will be broken.

As Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity I bring with Me the Holy Spirit so that those who, firm in the project that God has designed for their lives, may maintain themselves in faith and in this way they may be fulfilled by His Light and His Love.  His Wisdom, a divine gift of God, brings peace, peace brings strength in the interior of the hearts, the inner strength opens the door to where may enter the certainty to live in the Most High, a path that will bring us to accomplish the Supreme Will.

My children:

Pay attention to all the signs that I will give in each encounter that I have with you.  In each one of them I will give a signal, one which will show the path of return to My Son.

He, with His Light and His Love will enter in your hearts with the power to remain there and through you will direct the preparation for His Return.

Today more than every God wants that His children feel inside themselves His unlimited power to love them.  He brings again His First Son to this world now so that He can enter directly into the hearts of all those who receive Him.

Do you know, little children, what it is to have the presence of the love of the Redeemer in your heart?

Have you asked yourself if you have the courage to love as Jesus loved?

Prepare yourself without fear in body and soul that Christ may live in you and love through you.

Remember, search for My signs in each meeting with me.

I love you as I loved Jesus.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My beloved children:

Today I arrive here to give you My breath, My love and My blessing.

We begin a cycle of the Christic Apostolate, a path without return to the heart of the Lord.

Under the sign of the Holy Spirit you will see accomplished the goals that today God, Our Lord, has placed for those of My children that have the courage to give all for love.

Today I come from Heaven bringing the Good News that the Spirit of God is yet among you.  Let yourselves be impregnated by His light, allow that the Spirit of God begin to be conscious in your lives.

How could you know that the Spirit of God impregnates you and conducts you?

Because, you will want to be in the Most High, because all your being will feel the necessity to unite itself to My Heart, and to the Heart of My Son.  This will be the daily aspiration, the necessity of a soul that always has thirst and that searches to quench itself in the Source of Love and Mercy of the Blessed Hearts of Jesus and of Mary.

Each heart that lets itself be fulfilled by the Spirit of God will feel completeness, consolation, relief, by only being in My arms and in the Heart of My Son.

Each heart that lets itself be fulfilled by the Spirit of God will feel an unlimited strength to love and to sacrifice itself for its brothers and sisters. My Light and the Light of Christ will flow from their heart and the Love of God will give wisdom to their consciousness.

In this time where the darkness wants to reign in this world, each child of Mine that opens itself to the Spirit of God will be as a torch of light that will permit that the path of others may be illuminated so that their steps may be conducted to the freedom that God wants to give to each one.

Dear children:

Prepare your consciousness for the time that will come, because I will give great announcements to you and the Redeemer will give them as well.  I have said to you that the mysteries of the universe will be unveiled for all, it is the time.

Cry out to the Holy Spirit so that He will fulfill you with wisdom and prepare your consciousness for when these mysteries will be revealed.  In Him you will find the wisdom to understand and together with My Heart, the peace to proceed with the designs of God.

Today I find myself together with you as I was yet in other times, closer, so much closer.  Feel Me, be one with Me and also allow My Love to strengthen you in these times.

I want to germinate the seed that My Son left planted, which He planted with His Love in your hearts.  When it germinates completely a great mystery will be unveiled and nothing will ever more be the same.

Today I want to transmit to you My Peace, My Love and My Mercy so that you know that I will accompany you always, as you have accompanied Me until today.  I will accompany you until the end.

In you I am rejoicing, to Christ I conduct you and He will bring you to God the All Powerful.

Hail My Beloved Children, servers for always!  God is in your lives.

My Maternal Love nourishes you, My peace guards you.

Thank you for answering to My call.

Mary, Queen of Peace.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

