111th Marathon of Divine Mercy

Monday, February 6 of 2023
Marian Center of Figueira - F2 | Carmo da Cachoeira (MG) | Brazil

The Marathon of Divine Mercy is an extraordinary spiritual exercise that consist in praying, together with Christ Jesus, 1,500 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on the 5th and 6th of each month, as an assistance for souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Monday, February 6 of 2023

Live transmission via internet through:
Broadcast time: 
8:00 am
(Carmo da Cachoeira (MG) | Brazil)
Time zones:
Brasilia 8:00 am
Buenos Aires 8:00 am
Montevideo 8:00 am
New York 6:00 am
London 11:00 am

Check time zones

Time of the second transmission: 
4:00 pm
(Carmo da Cachoeira (MG) | Brazil)

Marian Center of Figueira - F2 Auditorium
(Centro Mariano de Figueira)

Rodovia Fernão Dias, São Paulo direction, Km 717*
Countryside - Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
* Entrance by side Restaurante do Lucas

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