Fountain of Mary

“I come to ask you to build here, some meters away from this tree, in the place where you sit down to receive Me, a Fountain. A Fountain that will represent the presence of My renewal as Immaculate Mother, for all those who arrive here.”.

Virgin Mary, August 30, 2011

House of Adoration

"The task of this house will be the redemption of the heart, redemption of pain, and the uplifting of past suffering to My Heart".

Virgin Mary, August 23, 2011

"During each prayer in this House, souls will be rescued, beyond the comprehension of you consciousnesses and of your beliefs that this will happen”.

Virgin Mary, August 26, 2011

Garden of Mary

On August 18, 2011, On August 18, 2011, the Virgin Mary appeared over an orange tree located in this garden and requested that, from this day on, all of Her children of the world could be present in prayer during Her Apparitions, thus beginning a new cycle of instruction and healing for this humankind.

She spoke to us on August 22nd, 2011: “and said: “I have come here to tell you to build a garden of roses so that the thoughts of suffering will be lifted up to My Heart.
Build this garden in resemblance to that of the sublime worlds, so that from the healing that springs from this place, the suffering may be dissipated and your hearts may be elevated

In this garden, in front of the Portal of Peace*, the Mysteries of the Rosary are prayed.

Bell Tower of Peace

“Today I come to announce to you the construction of the Bell Tower of Peace, the one that will ring at sunrise and at sunset, announcing My arrival to the pilgrims.

All of you will be My soldiers of Peace in this Bell Tower, the one that will announce, every three hours, the arrival of My Heart, from dawn to dusk.

The Bell Tower of Peace represents My Immaculate Heart, that will resound in the hearts and in the spaces as far as it can be heard.”.

Virgin Mary, August 26, 2011.

Chapel of Saint Michael Archangel

“Whoever venerates Saint Michael in this chapel, that will present the sacred image, the one that by means of a vision I have revealed, will liberate from sin the hearts that are most persecuted and that are condemned by the astuteness of the enemy.

This sacred chapel will consecrate each server that present themselves before it and will liberate here, in Aurora, the spirits, from impurity and from deception.”

Christ Jesus, July 16, 2014

The Request for Liberation to Saint Michael the Archangel is prayed in front of the image of Saint Michael.

Blue Cross of Emmanuel

“The Cross of Emmanuel brings the spirit of redemption for souls and for all fallen spirits. It has the authority to bring liberation to the world and redemption for nations, because in it are kept the codes of the sacred merits of the Passion of your Lord.

When you live some obstacle or some difficulty, prostrate yourselves before the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel and contemplate It, lit up and bright, and see how It penetrates the spaces and planes, filling them with Light and Mercy, thus your sorrows will dissolve”.

Christ Jesus, January 4, 2018

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
