Christ Jesus reveals to us that His Divine Mercy is the Source of Love and Reparation from which all Graces spring.
It frees us from the chains of evil and suffering, redeems our mistakes and leads us back to the luminous path that God has traced for our lives.
It grants everything, everything accomplishes and everything transforms. It is the balm of spiritual healing that is available to all.
The energy of Divine Mercy has entered the planet thanks to the surrender of Christ on the Cross, out of love for all beings.
It poured out of the Sacred Wounded Heart of Jesus in the form of Blood and Water, fertilizing the Earth with celestial codes that brought new chances of redemption to mankind.
Since then, The Divine Mercy - as a principle of unfathomable love, forgiveness, healing and compassion - has overflowed into life through the Heart of Christ. It is the Merciful Face of God, manifested through His Firstborn Son.
Christ Jesus states that this is His last Time of Mercy, before Divine Justice rushes into the world and realigns everything according to the Universal Laws.
That means that Our Lord is granting us the last opportunity to be cleansed and saved in His Ocean of Mercy, for when God gives the ultimatum to the creatures of the Earth, there will be no other way but to experience the designs of Divine Justice.
Our Lord says that invoking His Divine Mercy with a sincere heart is enough for it to descend as an inexhaustible flow of Grace.
That’s why the Divine Messengers announce that merciful prayer is one of the greatest services we can provide to humanity and the planet today.
By crying out to the Eternal Father for Mercy in the name of Christ, through true prayer, we intercede to save souls and to transform the most difficult planetary realities, including those that only the Eyes of God see
This spiritual exercise also allows the energy of Divine Mercy to enter our beings and enlighten our cells, driving us to manifest the purpose God has thought of for each one of our lives from the beginning.
The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy is one of the most important and well-known spiritual exercises to invoke the Mercy of God. It was transmitted by Christ Jesus to Saint Faustina Kowalska in 1935 as a special way to experience His Mercy and to ask for forgiveness for our sins and those of the whole world.
Saint Faustina is considered one of the great mystics of Christianity. As she recorded in her diary, Christ appointed her as "secretary" of His Mercy, giving her the task of communicating all that He revealed to her about this sublime Divine Attribute in His Apparitions. In addition to the Chaplet, the Master transmitted to Saint Faustina other forms of devotion to His Divine Mercy.
Born on August 25, 1905, in Glogowiec, Poland, Saint Faustina felt the call to consecrated life from the age of seven. Despite the extraordinary mystical life and the physical and spiritual sufferings that she faced through offering herself to God in sacrifice for sinners, she always fulfilled her practical duties with the utmost promptness, humility, and diligence.
Saint Faustina was canonized in 2000 by Pope John Paul II.
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Association Mary
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