Wednesday, June 5 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You expired, Jesus,
but Your Death brought forth
a wellspring of Life for souls
and the ocean of Your Mercy
flooded the whole world.

Oh, Fountain of Life,
unfathomable Divine Mercy,
flood the whole world,
pouring out upon us
up to Your last drop of Blood.


Behold this ocean, which many do not know, vaster than all the seas and lakes of the world. The Fountain of My Love is so abundant and unknown that some souls are afraid of penetrating My mystery.

This is why, on this third and last day of the Presence of your Master and Lord in Canada for the whole world, I invite you to rise to the unknown again, through the spiritual and celestial staircase that I presented to you on the first day. And I invite you to patiently and calmly dare to cross the narrow door of God, which will liberate you from any human condition, the narrow door of God that will lead you to your own spiritual freedom.

This is why it is inevitable, companions, that, in order to find the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy, you have to feel, and at the same time detach yourselves from all that which is old, from everything that cannot be part of My Redeeming Work of the Return.

For this reason, I Am here to impel you and to encourage you, so that you may know that in the spiritual foundation of your lives, your consciousnesses and spirits, lies the Fountain and the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy. This Fountain of Love and Compassion was generated and spiritually manifested from the moment your Master and Lord drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, until the last moment of His expiration on the Cross, when I surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of God to give Him all the spirits that would come to Me throughout the times and generations, and to give Him, through My offering, in the deepest pain of the Cross, all the groups of souls that would come to My Heart throughout the times and events of the planet.

This is why you are today before this spiritual and celestial staircase, you are ready to take the first steps of the ascension, of the total detachment from what you believe, from all that which you could question or doubt.

Because by taking the first step on this spiritual and celestial staircase of divestment, I assure you that if you walk in trust, you will no longer remember nor will you feel or think all that which can humanly press you.

You already know that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one can reach the Father but through Me. If I remind you of this, it is because you must keep it in mind at this moment and in this time, given the events that the planet lives and suffers today, throughout the nations and peoples who are subjected by war, conflict and pain.

Be very much aware that ascending through this celestial and spiritual staircase is not something personal or individual; it means elevating through a mature and responsible consciousness, and doing so not only for all your ancestors but also for all of humanity. Thus, you will help your Master and Lord to elevate all that which is being corrupted and is darkening, within and outside of the human consciousness.

At each step that you may take, through this spiritual and celestial staircase, you will also help your Master to have humanity detach itself from every human condition, from everything which acts as an obstacle to the evolution of consciousness.

But it is inevitable, companions, that when the moment comes for each one to cross the narrow door of God, they must recline their head and spine to cross the door of humiliation and humility, just as the Holy Mother did as She entered the Grotto of Bethlehem, so that in a humble and simple space the King of the Universe might be born.

Therefore, learn through the Humility of Mary and the absolute trust of Mary in the Plan of God. Even today, being a Glorified Consciousness, She continues to be a Slave of God, so that all Her children on Earth may attain the great day of redemption and conversion, through an act of repentance for all the offenses committed against God, so that all of the human race may be reintegrated into the universe of the Laws, of the experience of Values, Attributes and Principles of the Father, which in this time all of My disciples must practice in their daily lives, as these Values, Principles and Attributes of the Project of God in some regions and nations of the planet are gradually dissolving.

Thus, you will be able to understand, with a conscious, ready and whole gaze, that climbing this spiritual and celestial staircase is not only for yourselves, but also for the world, for all those who, in this time and at this crucial hour of humanity, for the suffering generated in wars, persecution and death, cannot even raise their heads to implore God, due to the very traumatic and miserable conditions in which they live.

Are you aware that you are working with Me for something greater?

It is time, companions, to abandon all that which is petty and arrogant, it is time to abandon the action of manipulation and egocentrism.

Your Master and Lord has taught you the way, but all can be Christs of the New Time if you submerge into My ocean of Grace and Mercy.

Have you learned to wash your faces, hands and feet in the fountain of purification that I offer to you?

Behold, physically before you, this mystery that does not hide to remain secret, but which reveals itself to the pure in heart. This is the Fountain of My Heart, which never ends, and that few, on many occasions, visit or look for.

God thought of everything before you existed as race and civilization, even as souls or essences.

Do not think that you are in the wrong place; rather than think, try to feel: where has God, through Me, placed you in trust? Because if this were not so, even within your material or even concrete reality, you would not be here before Me today, listening to Me.

I do not come here to waste the time of God, I come here to seek the response from the hearts of those who once walked by My side, from those who were healed by Me, those who were liberated by Me, those who were forgiven by Me many times. Just as Mary Magdalen was liberated from sin and converted, until today, into a sanctified consciousness.

Do you believe in the power of conversion that I grant to souls as a Grace?

To all those who still do not manage to surrender their hearts to Me, but wait to do so, I Am here for this. It is God who sends Me as His Messenger, as His Bearer of Peace and Good for humanity.

In these three last Messages of your Master and Lord lie the guidance and also the keys to live this stage that I present to you today, the last preparatory stage of My Return to the world.

Do you want to participate in this? May your answer not be immature, but rather a conscious one.

I Am here to help and bless you through My Sacraments, inexhaustible Source of renewal for those who believe in them, just as the holy women did from the beginning, professed them and lived them in themselves, later on being the witnesses of the Resurrected One.

Will you be the witnesses of the Return of Christ, first being witnesses in your inner world, in your life example, and in your coherence with what you profess and all that you believe?

This is what I expect with infinite patience and with loving dedication.

The narrow door of God has been presented in these days for souls. Now is the moment for each one to walk with their own feet, because all has been consummated, just as all was consummated on the Cross.

May those who are tired and oppressed come to Me.

May those who doubt and those who are lost come to Me.

May those who seek the truth come to me.

May those who are anguished come to Me.

May those who seek peace come to Me.

May those who aspire to liberation come to Me.

May those who seek to have their wounds healed come to Me.

May all come to Me, because here is My Heart, the secure door for your spiritual protection.

I also thank all those who walk with Me today, by My side, and who, despite everything, continue and trust in the Lord, in his Unfathomable Presence, but also in His Word, and who. even at the most difficult and darkest moment, continue to walk in trust until they find the embrace of Jesus.

May Peace be in the oppressed, afflicted and lost so that Peace, which is the living presence of God, may be in the world, just as My Peace is in you today if you believe in it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, June 4 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A King is the greatest slave of God in the universe. There is no crown that exalts him, there is no power that brings vainglory to him, there is no authority that sustains him, because a true King is a king that gives himself from the heart.

Do you now understand what My Government is?

Although I died on the Cross for many of you, and even died for those who I knew would not be consistent with Me, the King, in His celestial glory, was not crowned by powers or riches, He was received by the angels of Heaven, with the same human humility that your Master Jesus was able to live while still incarnated in the world among you.

The Power of God is so humble, that He sent His Son to Earth so that all His Creatures on this surface of the planet, regardless of any condition or situation, could learn about the power of God’s Humility.

Because He would not be able to be present in Three Persons, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, if His Humility were not the premise of His Existence. And it is the very Humility of God that is expressed by His Law, the center of universal and divine life, ruled by Love and Unity, Source and manifestation of all that was created, infinite Light that guides consciousnesses regardless of any condition.

Therefore, in this time, through My example and the living example of God, seek the humility of life. Because the world has lost the simplicity and innocence that allows it to love under any condition.

Thus, I lead you along the path that I always expect, the path of the Christs of the New Time, those who, despite everything, have clarity about the proposal of life that I offer to you at this planetary moment, in which all is in danger.

Do you now understand the importance of souls to Me?

Each one brings something precious to God, to contribute to this experience of the Earth. And this something precious which each souls brings, which is a gift and a Grace, must not remain in vain, must not be wasted or lost.

This is why My silence becomes present when My chosen ones do not understand My Ways and My Will; because you have to remember every day that I offer to you the path of sanctity, perhaps not the way you understand or comprehend it.

The path of sanctity is the path of simplicity, of being free from any or all arrogance, of any or all pride, of any or all greed that you may have in this life.

At the end of this spiritual and celestial staircase that  I have presented to you, you will see the narrow door become visible to you, that door whose time has come for it to spiritually present itself to humanity so that souls may decide what they will do with their lives.

My aspiration is for all to cross this narrow door, which nothing personal or spiritual will be able to cross, but an absolute and unique emptiness of yourselves so that, after crossing this narrow door in the universe of the unknown, you may receive what God has in store for each one of you, which is nothing material, but rather deeply spiritual, anonymous and secret. Treasures that the holy angels guard, until souls find, on their paths, this sacred and narrow door that liberates them from their own ambitions and arrogance, the narrow door of God that converts you into nothing.

As the end of times draw near, the approach of the narrow door of God will be more evident in the life of souls. It will not be long before souls find this narrow door of God before themselves. At this moment and in this hour, each one of you, before God and the infinite, will have the chance to take the step and decide the next step.

In the face of the moment of humanity and all that the planet is suffering, will souls realize that they are before the narrow door of God?

How is it possible to turn back before a wonderful mystery that awaits you? A mystery that waits to cease being a mystery, to become a revelation, through the power of the faith that sustains life and existence.

I want you to know that your Master and Lord Jesus Christ, in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the hour of His most crucial and deepest agony as a human being just like you, as a being of flesh and bones just like you, as a soul just like you and as a spirit just like you, was before the narrow door of God.

How does God place Himself before His own mystery? The Living God Himself, through His Son, before His own narrow door?

How is it possible to understand this greatness of the Love of God, who only tries to impel the souls and consciousness of the Earth to increase the degrees of their love and forgiveness?

By any chance, did God see Himself before the narrow door in the Garden of Gethsemane?

How was it possible for God Himself to drink from a Chalice that did not correspond to Him, but it was God Himself, through His angels, that was offering it to His Son in the Presence of the Living God?

What is this mystery of the Eucharist? Why commune with transubstantiated bread and wine? Why is it necessary to avail oneself of a sacrifice that has already been carried out?

Why did God give Himself to all of you through the Body and Blood of His Son?

Why did God, through His Son, justify all the errors of the world until the end of times?

What is the reason for a Guardian Angel of His Eucharistic Body on the eternal levels of Divine Life?

Why did God forgive what He had created in His image and likeness?

What is the essence of His eucharistic mystery?

Why did He come to teach you, through His Son, about Love and Forgiveness?

I have the answer, companions. The mystery of the Eucharist, of the Last Supper, including the Garden of Gethsemane, the Sorrowful Way and the Death and agony on the Cross, is the great key to the self-giving of souls, for something that you absolutely do not know and, by themselves, the souls and lives of people cannot control.

Behold the mystery of loving the absolute and the unknown. Behold the mystery that ceases to be a mystery so that the life of souls may be ruled by the Holy Will.

Thus, all the signs have been given, from the Birth of Christ to His Death and Resurrection. Just as today the signs are given to the souls that seek Christ.

In Heaven, there is no such thing as what is ideal to you. In Heaven there is only Love, Unity and Sacrifice. Heaven is where the Love of the Father is vivified, expands and multiplies infinitely for those who seek the Truth. 

For this reason, I have always told you and tell you again that the Truth will make you free. Behold the living Truth of God, materialized in the Divine and Spiritual Consciousness through the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

This is what I have to offer to you at this moment; that your beings, and above all your souls, may know how to drink from this Fountain and not waste it; because just as the Fountain of atonement springs from the Earth as an inexhaustible wellspring, in the same way the Fountain may become dry and disappear, so that souls may live the stage of their spiritual desert, just as your Master and Lord, Christ, did at each step of the Calvary.

Canada must be the country of rebirth, the spiritual rebirth for the New Humanity. I know that you will not understand this today, but it is written in the Heart of the Father, just as it is written in the Heart of the Son and just as it was written in the heart of the angel of this country, the Angel Sariel, the guardian angel of the elements that create life, the angel that protects Creation, and rules Canada.

I hope all My Words are not dissolved from your consciousnesses, and that you do not listen as you have always listened, because the time and hour has come for Me to close My task with all of you.

And at this hour and at this moment will be the great time of the apostles, those who, through their own Inner Christs, will walk to fulfill the Will of God, just as I have patiently taught you in these times.

I thank you for attentively listening to My Words.

May God bless you on this path of constant transformation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Monday, June 3 of 2024

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the immaterial staircase to the Heavens. This is the path of ascension that I offer to the souls that decide to be with Me in this time, a preparatory preamble to the Return of the Redeemer.

Do the souls that follow Me perceive this spiritual offering that I make to them?

Because to climb the first part of this spiritual and celestial staircase, the first step for the souls that follow Me is the divestment of the self, the total emptying of any intention and absolute humbling, in order to understand, under the Humility of God, what your Master and Lord offers to you in this time as spiritual steps toward the ascension of consciousness.

Even while you live on this surface, even while you still live known and unknown experiences, this celestial staircase towards the Heavens, I offer to the souls that have understood the Path of the Lord and have decided to follow it under the precepts of My Divine Will. Because this spiritual and celestial staircase will always lead you toward the unknown, to all that which you cannot touch with your own hands, it will lead you to all that which you cannot see with your own physical eyes, but which each being will be able to understand with their heart and essence.

These are the abstract mysteries of God that are presented to the souls of the world. The choice of following this path of ascension depends on each heart and soul; for what awaits you after the portal that leads and guides you to the Heavens, is something wonderful and unknown.

For this reason, companions, souls are looking at this time, and through different paths, for an answer that does not exist externally, but in the interior, they are looking for a solution in what is material, whereas in truth, the solution lies in what is spiritual. There lies the answer that many times you seek and cannot find.

But in truth I tell you that not all will understand, because you will never know it all until you definitively achieve this divestment that is so expected by the Eternal Father, which will lead you to understand, with a different awareness and perspective, the same spiritual and material reality that the Hierarchy lives.

It is in this universal and unique view, in the view of the Spiritual Hierarchy, that souls will be able to understand and learn in what direction the Hierarchy has decided to walk, and what is the path drawn by the Will of God for these times. But unfortunately, in this end time, souls decide to place their minds and hearts on other paths that are not My Paths, but rather the paths of the world.

Each soul and heart of this humanity has their place to live their experience, but also their path, which is already written by the Eternal Father Himself.

As long as souls do not decide to follow the Path of the Lord, they will not only be wasting time that is precious to God, but you will also miss the opportunity to find for yourselves the treasures of Heaven, those spiritual and inner treasures that I keep in My Sacred Heart as an abundant and inexhaustible Source for souls, a Source of Graces and Mercies.

Do you now understand where the gaze of the world is, what the eyes of this humanity observe?

Because while the events precipitate on the planet, the guardian angels, sent by the Celestial Thrones, wait for souls to decide to take the first step and climb to the first part of this spiritual and celestial staircase.

The angelic procession is ready for this moment. But time has an end, just as time has a beginning. This is the moment not to delay and not to miss the opportunities of the universe. Because these opportunities, granted to souls, pass as a sacred impulse just once, expecting that many more may give a response.

This is why I come as the Lord of the Universe and Life because, by the Grace that the Eternal Father has granted Me, I can know the Purpose for each being.

Meanwhile, I will be here, waiting for the last ones, who were called to ascend through this spiritual and celestial staircase, to understand that we are at the preamble and at the great moment to prepare the Return of Christ for all the Inner Christs of this humanity.

And this will not take place through a miracle. This will take place through the cooperation and collaboration of souls, all those who can open up to learn to recognize the need for service and surrender at each place, especially in the places where you do not even imagine, or even where you least expected, because God writes just as He has determined.

Nothing is by chance for God. For God, there are only causes and motives, there are determinations and reasons for Him to concretize His Will through souls, through those who have decided to follow Him in fidelity, in Love, without conditions.

Today, the Hierarchy starts its second and last stage of pilgrimage in North America. This is the moment when the effort of all apostles will be seen. An effort that is not measured nor is it a constrained effort; it is a mature effort of someone who understands they are with Christ and for Christ, because they know that their life is a path of constant self-giving, to unite and merge with Christ, into His Essence of Love-Wisdom.

This is what I need from all My disciples, each one knows the ring that corresponds to them within the Work of Redemption.

My Heart will always be your center and guidance, the Source of all inspiration and Grace, the relief for all needs, the Light for the path, on the only path.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy elevate to the Heavens all intentions, through the prayers of all those who are consistent with Christ, those who no longer allow themselves to retrogress, but rather advance, those who clearly know what I need in this time.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy contemplate, through hearts, the sacred intentions of Christ for those He needs to take their steps in this constant quest of the live of consecration and service, so that someday, on this surface of the planet, the apostles and followers of Christ may be ambassadors of peace.

Let us pray, in this Marathon, for Canada to protect and safeguard its spiritual archetype and purpose, especially through the Kingdoms of Nature, which are the living and authentic expression of the Creative Love of the Father, which exists to heal and redeem you, which exists to impel you to self-giving, just as the Lower Kingdoms of Nature have done since the origin of this planet.

My blessing of Peace to all, from Canada to the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
