I am the one who will save humanity in the name of God and will place it on a new level of evolution so that it may receive the opportunity of loving just as I love you, of living just as I live, of fulfilling the works of God as the Father needs and thus bring spiritual healing for humanity.
Behold the One who comes on the white Horse of God and announces the victory of the Cross over all evil, assembles the legions of the Father and gathers them together, calls everyone by their name, just as God called the ancient people of Israel.
Today the tribes are scattered across the world, but the Lord of the Universe, the Son of Adonai, is calling you again in this crucial and definite time because, as you know, there is something to be done for this planet and for its humanity.
Before the hands of the clock of God indicate the last moments of the spiritual amnesty, pray inwardly for the souls that are sleeping. Plead, with the strength of all the love of your hearts, for those who walk in the abysses and in the perversion of these times, for those who transgress the laws every day and also harm and exploit the Kingdoms of Nature.
All of Creation is observing this moment; today the Son of God is not here as a Judge, but as a mediator of Divine Mercy, as the advocate of the souls and essences of the world.
Therefore, may peace prevail at this time so that souls may make the correct decisions and their acts be consistent according to what the Law requires, because still on this day, the Son of the Father, on the white Horse of God, yet holds the pendulum that with all might and power will bring the payment that humanity must experience.
But I died for you, I suffered for you, and endured for you, gave My Blood for each one of you up to the last beat of My Heart. If you honor, adore, and recognize this sacred merit of your Redeemer, the spiritual amnesty will be considered by the Universe. And all the sorrow, suffering, martyrdom, and agony experienced by your Redeemer up to the Cross will compensate for the mistakes made by this current human race.
There will be souls upon the surface of the Earth that will recognize the Legacy of your Master and Lord, they will go beyond the mysteries of God with wisdom, and hearts will recognize within themselves the Christic flame and fire that transmutes, liberates, and forgives everything.
With that fire which I bring you from Adonai, the Son of the Father, on the white Horse of God, comes to announce a time of extraordinary Grace that will be granted for the most hardened sinners, for all the souls that are in the spiritual abysses of the Earth, who lost the path of God which is the path of universal Love. Thus, this Grace is broadly granted by the adherence of good hearts to My sacred and unfathomable Heart.
This white Horse of God, which I ride today, is the white Horse of the beloved Archangel Michael, that united as one single consciousness and essence, we come to defeat the hells of the Earth so that the most fallen stars of this planet may have a moment of awakening and perceive the reality that, at this moment, they are not perceiving or seeing.
The spiritual amnesty is not making the same mistakes again. It is for changing the errors and transforming them, it is for redeeming the human ego and so that the consciousness may be lifted up to the plane of God.
With the power of the Archangel Michael, today I bring you the call of the Father, and from the Celestial Spheres it descends upon the Amazon, so that the Sacred Eden of God, lovingly gifted and thought of for each one of His children, may be protected, and the human consciousness learns to take care of and mainly, to love the hidden treasures which God gave you in this place, and that the indigenous consciousness itself, the sacred original peoples, knows what I am talking about.
Yet that hidden knowledge which comes from God cannot only be known by the Kingdoms or the original peoples. The whole human consciousness of this place and of Brazil must continue to fervently pray, as it has been doing up until now, committing itself to this path of the infinite life of prayer so that everything may continue to be transformed, and that more opportunities and graces may not only be granted to this nation, but also to the whole world.
Today Adonai is with His Book of Light open and with the quill of Light in His hand, waiting to Himself write the decision of His children. It is thus that the spiritual Universe approaches and communes with the material Universe so that souls may have the opportunity of reaching Him through the beloved Son, the mediator and advocate of souls; through the good Jesus, souls may reach the Mercy of God, and so write in that Sacred Book the inner decision that was taken by each one of His children.
But know that this does not end here, you will build that decision in daily life, not only in a spiritual, inner or divine way, you will build that decision through your acts, your actions, in your surrender to life, to the Plan of God, to your peers; because this is the time to offer oneself as an instrument to God, just as many offered themselves throughout human history and were witnesses to the immensity of the Love of God, and how far that infinite Love of the Father may reach, even in the most impossible and difficult situations of humanity and of the planet.
Be committed, in light of this inner decision that you are making before the portals of the Kingdom of God, to be caretakers of the Kingdoms of Nature, to bring relief to the suffering which they experience, to bring love to the pain that they feel, and thus your paths will open, your problems will end, and wisdom will emerge so that you may make good decisions from now on; knowing that there is still much to do, and that you will continue to write this story after this life, because your lives will be that story, part of the testimony of the Love of God, of the redemption that you will experience in this time, even after death.
Thus you will also uplift everyone around you, and although it may not correspond to you to be on this planet in the future, but in other spheres of the Universe, learning more from love and the giving of self, you will know, My companions, to place yourselves at the service of the Plan above all your limitations.
Your spirit may reach higher than it seems and be very close to God, just as His Son is close to the Father. Untiringly search for this closeness to God because then not only your life will be uplifted, transcended, and transmuted but as well, My companions, your families, acquaintances, and friends will also be helped at some moment in their lives; because God shows Himself at the precise moment, in the way that is necessary so that His children may recognize Him, not only in religion, but also through the Kingdoms of Nature.
God is here, not only because His Son is. He is here before I am and before you are. God is part of this planet, He is the very Consciousness of this Creation. That is why I tell all of you and the whole world: do not offend God anymore, do not hurt Him, do not sacrifice Him, do not cause Him to die, take care of God, just as He takes care of you, in His deep and intimate silence and thus, My companions, you will be reborn. Amen.
This passage of My Divine Consciousness through this place cannot end here. Therefore, I will leave in this place, in this city, an operative base of missionary work, as well as a Monastery of this Order consecrated to My name, so that the souls of this city and the original peoples receive the aid they need, as well as those who arrive in pilgrimage, seeking an opportunity and a hope.
It is time, companions, for the Islands of Salvation to be established, those that will hold the synthesis of the project of the Creation of God, not in a specific place, but rather in the heart of the people, of those who have faith in the Supreme Creator.
This will be an inexhaustible and incalculable treasure, and all will be able to participate in those treasures through actions of Mercy, fraternity, goodness, providence, manifestation, healing, forgiveness, redemption, and reconciliation.
I have also come especially to Manaus, directly from Heaven, through this sacred moment granted by the Eternal Father, to consecrate new missionaries and to also offer them from the depths of My Heart the greatest Sacrament of reconciliation and union with Me, the Eucharist.
With joy, hope, and renewal, we stand up to accompany this moment of consecration.
May the spiritual light of these oils represent the testimony of the consecration and the renewal of souls, as well as the spiritual healing that souls need to take the steps.
Now I call here the assisting missionaries so that they may receive the consecration.
Let us sing "Christ, You are Love" to accompany this consecration.
Now we are going to call the missionaries who will consecrate themselves as parent missionaries.
"My Lord"...
Those who can, may kneel to celebrate the Communion. We will listen to the instrumental, "Thus spoke the Master."
And now, I have placed Myself above you to bless you in this new task that you will start, which is a part of and is the work of My Divine Mercy for those who most suffer and have nothing, through your gestures of love and service sending a so much needed and urgent healing to humanity.
Thus, as My apostles, I gather you around My table, My poor and simple table, being received by the sacred womb of Creation, through nature and its Kingdoms, in order to celebrate not only a communion with My Body and with My Blood, but also with the essence of the Divine Project that from the origins, from the beginning, manifested and created you out of Love so that you may be happy in My Father and live in My Father, so that you may serve Him and know Him through living and experiencing degrees of love.
Today, your step before Me will permit the passage of many more souls into the missionary life, so that the spiritual relief of the Hierarchy and the awakening of consciousness in humanity may come to the world.
Thus, at that time, I was in a place similar to this one, gathered together with My apostles; but today, making a bridge of Light between time and space, I take you to the moment of My last Supper, so that you may remember, so that you may feel, and so that you may recognize the Supreme Will of God.
At that time, I took the bread, lifted it up so that God could bless it and the angels transubstantiate it into My Body. Then I broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, that will be given by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of sins".
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
All commune, at this moment, of My spiritual Body so that the Mystical Church of God, through the Mystical Body of which it is formed in all souls, may be strengthened and expanded with all the Love of My Heart for the whole world. Amen.
I then took the Chalice into My Hands, raised it so that God could bless it and the angels transubstantiate it into My Blood, and then passed it to the apostles, saying: "Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
United with our Lord Jesus Christ and with His Holy Celestial Church, we will repeat in humility and love the prayer that He taught us: Our Father (in Portuguese).
I will always leave you My Peace so that you may experience and share it with your brothers and sisters, because Peace will always lead you to Love, will fill your spirits and souls. Thus you will be renewed and will continue taking steps with trust and faith in God, so as to manifest His Plans and above all, His Will.
May this Peace that descended into the apostles, even after My Resurrection, descend upon you today so that the gifts of the Holy Spirit may awaken the virtues of your hearts and make you participants in the service of love for humanity and for eternal life. Amen
You may stand.
In fraternity and love, in the name of Christ, you may give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you for having been with Me in the Amazon.
The end of a sacred gathering has come at this moment.
I thank you!
Before God existed, in His Divine Essence, He had already thought of the Creation. With this, I want you to understand the infinity of His Love and His Mercy for His children of this humanity.
If He, before existing, thought of the Creation, what is it that moved Him to carry this thought forward, to feel in His profoundly spiritual Heart that a Creation should exist that was so vast and infinite that the human being of the surface still does not know of it?
And within this Creation and this infinity, there should manifest the Kingdoms, the civilizations and all of life, that the human being still does not know, even in the present, at this moment.
Do you know what this impulse was that moved God, from His divine essence, to manifest the Creation?
It was Love. An eternal Love that is inextinguishable, a Love that never dies, a Love that renews, that transmutes, and that liberates, that brings the opportunity of finding goodness and wisdom to the consciousness of the children of God.
It is this Love that has brought the Son of God here to be able to tell you these things and so that you may perceive, at this moment, the importance of taking care of and protecting the Creation; in this case, companions, this planet and this human project, which has still not concluded, and that still moves toward redemption, must be defined in order to enter into a new stage.
From the beginning, God knew, within the probabilities of the Universe and within the learning of all of His children, that this current moment in humanity could come. The Father already knows everything; it is His children that know nothing. That is why you must trust in the Eternal Father, because there is a Greater Will that not only rules you, but also guides you in the fulfilling of a purpose, of a destiny and of a mission that is still not within everyone's reach.
You must trust, companions, just as the Son of God trusted up to the last moment; on the Cross, on top of Mount Calvary, where, in the greatest suffering and agony, the Son of God did not doubt; He trusted in Divine Will, in the destiny of this purpose.
And in this way, what God so hoped for was accomplished: that His children of the Earth should learn the Love of God with God Himself incarnated in the Person of the Son, which is what in this time, companions, leads to My being here at this moment with you, speaking to all of humanity, knowing that as a race you face a crucial and definitive moment in which, with the great test of your lives, you must define what will triumph: love, or will indifference prevail? This is also for all of the Creation, not only in your human persons, but also for the Kingdoms of Nature.
The human being of the surface still has not learned to live in balance with the Creation; they have completely abused Creation and exploited it, and continue to do so. But that cannot continue to happen; there is a limit and an end also exists. I come here so that this end does not come, so that you may become aware, not only you who are here, experiencing spiritual growth and surrender, but also your brothers and sisters may become aware, those who are more asleep and hypnotized by the world.
Thus, companions, today your commitment expands, not only in the living of your spiritual mission, but also in your unconditional service to your neighbor, who must also have the opportunity and the grace that you had. Because when that end draws near, there will be no more time.
For this reason, I am here. Not only to be before you, to keep blessing and consecrating you, to bring you into My Heart and to the center of My Being, but also to tell the world that there is still a little time to change and expand the consciousness about what this sacred project of God truly means, not only on this planet but also on others.
All of Creation is attentive to the movement and the actions of humanity. Have faith that if you change from the heart and transcend any resistance, God will always welcome you and will receive you, and it will be such a real and profound response, that it will allow you to see deeper matters than what you see today; it will allow you to understand the reality of these times, just as the Hierarchy understands and sees it.
At this moment, there is nothing more you have to do but respond to the call of God and place within the center of your beings, the situation of this planet and of this race, so that Love, Peace and Mercy can redeem and transform the consciousnesses that need it.
This is why today, beyond My Presence and My Being, I bring you the great vault of Universal Creation, where the Divine Thought that created you and the deepest feeling of Love that manifested you dwells.
In this vault of Universal Creation is to be found sacred knowledge, this knowledge that has spiritually nourished you up to this moment, this knowledge that was known not only to the patriarchs and the prophets, but also to many civilizations that passed through this planet.
You, as the current human project of humanity, must keep in mind that you are a part of a story that is being written and that this story, which must be pure and sacred for of the transformation and redemption of your lives, must be within this great universal knowledge, within the sphere of the sacred vault of God, where universal knowledge has its expression and gives impulses, both for you and for other civilizations, to not only achieve an awakening and evolution, but for the different schools of the degrees of love.
If up until today you are unable to love your neighbor, begin to love the Kingdoms of Nature. Serve them, give of yourselves, surrender to them, express your love for them and you will be able to express your love for all your brothers and sisters; then you will discover, companions, that there will be no differences or limits for expressing that love, that will first transform you and then transform everything around you.
Bring relief to the Kingdoms of Nature and each situation that you find on your path, solve it, attend to it, assist the Lower Kingdoms, bring relief to suffering, just as God gives you His Mercy, and the world will transform, the project will not end, the evolution of the race will continue and the suns on Earth will shine, just as the essence of the Kingdoms shines, which despite bearing with and suffering by the hand of humankind, give of themselves unconditionally, without ceasing to express the devotion and beauty of God.
In all seriousness, I want to tell you that today you are facing the same moment as Adam and Eve were. It is as if you were in the Genesis, in the Beginning, in the most culminating moment of making a great decision, which will not only influence your lives but also the lives of the whole planet and the life of the rest of humanity. But this decision is not individual, it is of the whole race, of the whole group soul that makes up the Human Kingdom. This decision will also influence the Lower Kingdoms so that they can continue or not on the surface of this planet, because the first thing God will protect is what He created before humankind.
Life in other universes can be regenerated, the Kingdoms in other places of the galaxy can express themselves. Many of them offered before you did to be present on this blue planet, at the end of this local universe and of one of the arms of this galaxy. From such distant and deep places of the Universe, the Lower Kingdoms, known as Kingdoms of Nature, came here at the request of the Creator, to manifest life, beauty, devotion, love, and purity to each one of you.
Thus, you are before a great decision: that ancient errors committed by humanity and still committed today, may be forgiven, and the errors may be absolved by the compassionate hand of God, through the intervention of the divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart.
But if this response, which must be an affirmation of each one of your hearts concerning the Project of God and the Kingdoms of Nature, is weak, the laws will come forward. I speak not only to you, I speak to the entire world, to all those who must learn to respect Nature and the Creation that God has given them.
Be aware of your actions, of your movements, in order to no longer hurt the Creation. And in this way, the planet, which suffers in profound silence, will transmute itself and will again give surface humankind a chance.
Maybe you will not succeed in having hundreds of people or governments stop cutting down the trees. But if your attitude and inner decision were true, you would provide an opportunity and merit so that those souls, so sinful and ignorant, may receive the opportunity of becoming aware of what they are doing, and of reversing it forever.
Everything that I give you is an example. The situation is deeper than what it seems and the gravity is broader than what can be seen, because it is not only something material, but also spiritual. And in the spiritual, which is non-material, surface humankind, all of humanity, must not lose contact with God, otherwise, they would lose the project. So more expansively love the Kingdoms of Nature and in this way, you will learn to love your brothers and sisters, to support and to bear with the human condition and the actions committed by many nations, through ignorance and against evolution.
At this moment, before the Celestial Father, I come to establish an amnesty that will last some hours, so that souls on the inner planes, wherever they are on Earth, may have the time necessary to make a decision that will change the direction of humanity or not.
So that this amnesty may be granted to the whole world, in the name of all those who at this moment have united, beyond their religion or their belief, for the Creation and Nature of this planet, I will offer the consecration of the elements, so that this amnesty may be granted to inner beings and in a profound reflection, in a profound introspection, the decision may be taken and everything, from what Adam and Eve did up to the present, may be absolved by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The whole Universe will be attentive to the movement of the inner planes and to the decision that souls will make during the following hours, because it is a universal decision.
We may stand up.
Before the Spiritual Church of God, through the Divine Son, we will renew our vows and affirm our faith, by means of the fulfillment of the Sacred Will in the human consciousness and on the planet. Amen.
Just as the bread and wine that will become the testimony of the Love of Christ is offered on the altar, through His Body and His Blood, we offer ourselves sincerely in this moment before the Creator, so that He may reveal His Mysteries to us, and guide us through His Will.
We make our inner offering before the portals of Heaven.
And in our inner world, we contemplate the majesty of the Love of Jesus, not only in His Words but also in His Presence, in His Spiritual Presence.
In this moment, we will relive the sacrifice and Passion of Jesus, a legacy of Love and redemption that He left for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Those who can may kneel.
At that time, our Lord was gathered together with the disciples, celebrating the institution of the Eucharist. After having washed their hands and feet, he gathered them around Him, in deep silence and love, in union with each of His own, He took the bread, elevated it so that the Father might bless it, broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them:
"Take and eat, this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We listen to the bell strikes.
We repeat together:
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
He then took the Chalice into His Hands and in an expression of a deep Love for the sacrifice He would live, He elevated it so that the Father might bless it, and then gave it to His apostles, saying to them:
"Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of faults; do this always in remembrance of Me."
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you (repeated 3 times).
In union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will repeat the prayer He taught us, to finish consummating this consecration.
Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese)
Let us cover the elements.
Know, companions, that everything the human being does in this time will influence the Universe much more than it seems. That is why the Father sends His Divine Messengers, so that His Sacred Word may be heard and resound in hearts, so that souls may feel encouraged to take the necessary steps on the path of transformation, of fraternity and of peace.
This is why I leave you My Peace and I establish this Peace on this first day upon all of the sacred Amazon, in which many Kingdoms unknown to you, by means of the prayer of the heart carried out today, were profoundly alleviated and rescued, so as to have a new opportunity in the school of spiritual evolution.
May peace be in you and may peace be shared wherever you go.
May this stream of peace awaken hearts and bring wisdom to those who govern.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In My Presence and in unity with the Universal Creation, you will give one another the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more