Friday, August 18 of 2023

The Sacred Call

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I Am the Lord of Africa and I give to eat of My Body, I give to drink of My Blood, to those who cry out for help, for spiritual help.

From the desert of Sahara to the lands of Yemen, from the heart of Ethiopia down to South Africa, My Powerful Cross extends itself, the Cross of the spiritual freedom of souls of Africa, an unimaginable service that many do not want to experience.

Because it is not just about dirtying one’s hands or entering the greatest and inexplicable suffering of those who have nothing, but rather about My Africa having a treasure that is still unknown to the whole world, which is the treasure of the heart of My African children, which is filled with love, although surrounded by suffering; filled with faith, although disturbed by misery; filled with purity and innocence, still living in slavery.

The Lord of Africa will return to His people, first giving the great sign of His Advent through the powerful Light of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will extend itself throughout this dear and beloved continent.

Few are the ones who have committed to Me in this arduous and difficult service for the souls of Africa.

Who else will respond to My Call, leaving their emotions and restlessness behind, assuming the torch of the Light of Christ, which must shine and illuminate all of Africa through servers and missionaries?

Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Light in humanitarian service for this civilization of the surface?

Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Love at each place visited, in which self-giving must be spontaneous and authentic?

I come as the King of the African continent, Who guides the souls of this continent through the Scepter of God. Because despite what happens in these times, and the aggressions that all nations of Africa live, all souls of this continent are under My Light. This is why I will come first for each one of them, for those who served Me and for those who denied Me.

I will appear, at the end of these times, in an inexplicable way. I will give visible signs, just as I did in Israel, so that My companions may recognize Me.

I will come in a form stronger than the Eternal Light, and I will again work prodigies and miracles for those who do not have faith.

But above all, I will live a great moment with My children of Africa, when I will not only be able to embrace each one of them with the power of My Love and My Mercy, but I will also be filled with the love of each one of them, because their voice is heard in the Heavens, the voice of the peoples of Africa resounds in the Ears of God.

Therefore, trust and have faith. The moment of liberation is near, and not even one more tear will roll down upon the face of My children of Africa.

Happy are those who give of themselves for Africa; all My servers and companions who, beyond themselves, have clarity in their minds about what this great service for souls means and represents.

Happy are those who carry with them My code of Love; those who do not fear darkness, obscurity, misery or infirmity.

Blessed are those who serve in Africa without fear.

Blessed are those who have served in Africa at some moment of their lives, because the Lord has everything in His mind and in His Consciousness.

These are the precious pearls that are gifted to the Creator, through the effort and transmuting sacrifice of My missionaries, because I assure you that you partake with Me in the suffering of the Heart of the Redeemer. And each time you carry forward My service for the souls of Africa, you remove from My Heart the thorns that perpetually make me agonize.

Because not only have I made My Mercy known to the world. Today I also made known to the world the Sorrowful Heart of Jesus, to those who have clarity about the Call that I make to them, the Call for crossing the walls of egocentrism, to give of themselves to the world in a true, authentic and simple way.

I Am the One Who announces the coming of that which is new to all of Africa. Because the Lord of the Universe never tires. There is so much to do and so much to serve, that My apostles, My true apostles, do not have time to think of themselves, for their time is to place the other first, even in that which is smallest and most invisible.

If your consciousness starts from this principle that I present to you today, you will fear no other mission or challenge that I may place before you and you will be able to be living testimonies of My Presence in the world, in the places where true suffering exists, where peace, love and tolerance are lacking.

This is what I have to offer to you: that you may partake with Me in this end of times through humanitarian service and your self-giving.

Because a true missionary never goes ahead; a missionary of the Light foresees the Plan, makes it a part of themselves and internalizes it, so that this Plan may be concretized and fulfilled, just as it has been written in the Heavens since the beginning.

Because a missionary of the Light is always unconditionally prepared and available; they have their heart ready to face with Me the end of times. And the center of their principle is the unfathomable Flame of My Love, which is never extinguished within them, because it is the Flame of My unfathomable and invisible Love that guides and leads them. It is the Flame of My Love that grants them the discernment, the science and the wisdom to choose.

This is why, after this August 8, I come to offer you this synthesis.

I wait for the hearts that have decided to be available to Me until the end, wherever it may be, regardless of the place, the moment or situation. With them I will make all things new, and the light of My Heart will always be abundant for those who day by day confirm themselves to Me.

I will give you the power of My Fortitude so that you may serve Me wherever I need you. Because not only can you be the Light of Christ on Earth, through the hands that give of themselves and embrace suffering in themselves to transform it into relief, love, healing and redemption; but to the missionaries who are decided, I will also grant My Divine Thought so that they may spiritually build with Me the foundations of My Return.

If you feel stagnant, blocked or even closed, ask yourselves:

How is my service to the Lord? Is it authentic? Is it strong? Is it a decided service?

Am I really available for the Plan?

Do not fear transformation; as of now, change the concept and the idea of what it really means. If twelve fishermen converted into My apostles, what could you convert into today, in these end times?

My Graces for all have been so abundant and infinite.

My Love for all hearts has been vast and profound.

Africa and the world wait for you so that you may be bridges of solution, bridges of reconciliation, so that you may be centers of love and light in the world. Thus, you will unconditionally allow Me to work. And I will show you, I will make you feel, what that joy means and represents, the joy of serving God without anything in return.

Today, you conclude the preparatory schools, tomorrow begins the school of maturity and absolute surrender.

I come here to throw the seeds into the hearts that offer themselves as a fertile soil to sow My treasures in themselves, and offer, as trees of light, to someday yield My fruits in abundance. Just as some of Mine, in these times, are yielding fruits in abundance and with effort, but this is not enough. I must gather the 144,000 from the four corners of the Earth so that they may wait for My arrival and My Return. And so that My Return may be announced to the world, just as I announce it to you once again.

The time of My reappearance is approaching, and you will find Me among the humble and the simple, among the refugees and the discarded. You will find Me among the children, the youths and the adults who cry out for hope. You will never see Me in palaces or churches.

I have said to you once, as I said to My apostles, that the Kingdom of God is within each one of you, and that is where I forever want to be.

Are your hearts willing to receive Me eternally?

I do not need answers. I need confirmation and predisposition. This is how you will understand what I say to you out of Love, this is how you will be part of My Spiritual Government and be My instruments upon the surface of this planet, so that the true Spiritual Government of Christ may descend upon humanity, mend the errors of all the wars that are experienced today, extirpate the impunity of many rulers, and relieve the great multitudes and peoples who live oppression and evil in these times.

I promise you that I will come as the New Aurora, as that dawn which appears in the firmament. In the same way, My Most Holy Mother will appear, and many will see Her unknotting the great ties of the planet in the domes of churches and in unimaginable places.

Be attentive to the signs of the heart, because all is permitted.

Today, the Lord of Africa leaves this Message to you. Do not take it as a warning, take it as an opportunity for preparation, for the last and great preparation after this August 8, when the last part of the Apocalypse will be unleashed.

In this most difficult hour which the world now lives, I will return as the Lord of the Night, but also as the Lord of the Sun. Believers and even atheists will not be able to hide My Presence.

Happy will be eternally those who will see My Return. Blessed will be forever those who have striven for Me until the end, even without knowing how to do it.

Because, in this most difficult hour of the planet, as it was at Pentecost, I will send you the Great Consoler, the Divine, the Eternal and Sublime God, to make of your hearts and souls great strongholds so that as soldiers of peace and warriors of Mercy, you may serve Christ in the end of these times, because in this way you will make My Heart triumph when you are decided.

With all My treasures in your hearts and souls, make My Presence in the world count, and honor it because, just as I called the twelve at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, today I come to call all to be by My side and follow My Steps, the steps of your own liberation.

For all those who strive, I thank you.

For all those who are confirmed, I bless you.

For all those who serve the poor among the poor, all those who serve those who must recover their values and human dignity, making of each service a moment of great fraternity, I praise you and honor you in the name of My Celestial Father.

Because the signs of your sacrifice and surrender will leave marks in the Heavens and after this great service on the planet, your spirits will return to their origin, where they will serve the Creator Source with all the experience of the love and redemption lived.

And all this legacy, that is from each one of you through your own efforts and surrender to Me, will become a new star in this vast cosmos. And those who come later, in times to come, after they have been born on this Earth and are a part of the New Humanity, will look at the sky at night and will see many stars, as you see them today in the sky. And those recently incarnated souls will recognize the legacy that you will have left in the name of Christ, your Lord. Amen.

Let us joyfully prepare for this Spiritual Communion, reaffirming the Call of your Lord in your hearts. And we will do so through a song, the song that represents My Call for each one of the souls, that song that recounts the passage of Christ as a fisherman of souls at the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

This is what I want you to sing to Me, because do not forget, I Am with you, and you can be in Me.

I Am the Nazarene, the One Who preached, the One Who announced the Good News, Who healed and liberated hearts. I Am the One Who multiplied loaves of bread and the fish, I Am the One Who walked upon the waters, and Who invites you to do the same for the triumph of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I bless you and again give you My Peace, the Peace that will always strengthen you to move forward, trusting, without fear of anything.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Sunday, August 6 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy


Purify my soul, Lord, so I may be worthy of receiving Your Word.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time of My withdrawal is being fulfilled.

Now, My companions, you must be fishermen of souls, servants of the wounded hearts, helpers of those who suffer. Thus you shall bring My Love to the world, just as I brought My Love to you through the end times.

Now, that you already have the Book of Love of those in White Garments, it will only be to fulfill what is written; because you will see the fire of this world burn, you will see the seas rise, you will see wars happen and conflicts arise in the world, you will see things you have never seen, you will hear things you have never heard; but your hearts cannot tremble.

This is the time for you to live in strength through My Love, through that untiring and infinite Love that I have given you in every Presence, in every Message and in every encounter.

You must learn to walk in this darkness, just as your Master walks to take souls to the Heart of God and rescue them.

You shall be the definitive ambassadors of My Peace.

That is how you will accompany the Hierarchy. You will be guided in the footsteps of the Hierarchy. And, through an effort that is incalculable, your hearts will serve God, just as your Master serves the Eternal Father from the emergence of His Immaterial Source until the present day.

Now, who will be with Me to the end? Who will await My coming? Who will recognize the Master?

You must be ready for that moment, because there will be signs in the sky, symbols will appear on Earth. Blessed will be those who know how to read those signs and interpret them through My Heart, because My Heart is the House of God and it is the House for each one of you, the safe dwelling of courageous hearts, the safe temple of determined hearts.

The Book of Love, that I have given you still has some blank sheets. Who else will offer to be a pencil in the Hands of God so that He may write through each of your lives?

Who will be those last ones, announced in the Apocalypse, who will be gathering and forming part of the 144,000, the ones who will prepare My Return to the world?

Therefore, allow your hearts to continue to be transformed. Do not be afraid of change and transformation, because nothing can happen to you, only good things will happen that will make you see life differently.

But, the ones who have the key to your hearts, so that the hearts can open and be transformed, are you yourselves, who may or may not open the door for Me so that I may live in you, just as I lived in many saints and servants, throughout the times and centuries.

Therefore, when I am no longer here, I will be in your hearts, so that you may be in Me and you, being in Me, will be in the Father and, thus, the Father will be in you, fulfilling His Holy Will.

Now, you will understand that this is the time of decision, because there is no more time left, there is much less time left than there was until recently.

God needs to reflect His Plan on Earth and this will be through Mine.

What is kept in Heaven can only descend to Earth if there are bridges through the hearts; because they are treasures that cannot be seen with physical eyes, only the soul of each one can recognize them when it is in communion with Me, to be in communion with the Eternal Father.

Those treasures, called the Sacred Tools of the Hierarchy, are what will define this Apocalypse. And for this intervention of the Hierarchy to become a reality, hearts on the surface of the Earth must be determined to sustain it.

Therefore, I spoke to you yesterday of the history of which each one of you is a part, with Me and with the Great Brotherhood. For this moment cannot remain only in the mind; this moment must descend to the heart so that the heart may make it its own, the soul may make it its own, and thus it may be a reality and be concretized.

Just as today you have the Book of Our Love, your guardian angels have in their hands the Scroll of your commitment, written by the Lords of the Law.

That Scroll will be opened in these times and each one will recognize, for themselves, what they have signed directly with the Eternal Father. For on the final day all will be known, nothing else will be hidden and all eyes will see it, because this is written and so it will be fulfilled.

That will be the moment for your Master and Lord, when through a painful agony of His Heart, He must separate the chaff from the wheat, the good ones from the bad ones, so that the redemption of humanity can be established and the moment of the great beginning of a New Civilization, free from sin, guilt, sickness and death.

For to be in the Promised Land, Land that will descend as the New Jerusalem, it will not be necessary to die again, it will not be necessary to suffer and endure, because I will come to renew the world, just as I renew your hearts, today in this sacred promise that I will fulfill, being face to face with each one of Mine.

These are the deepest confessions of My Heart, which the courageous should know how to keep in their hearts, just as your Master and Lord keeps in His Heart many treasures, especially the treasures that I can contemplate through the transformation of souls.

Because this confirms to the universe, again and again, My victory; not only My heavenly victory, but also My victory on this planet, in each one of those who say 'yes' to Me.

Now, the time has come to make the life of each one of Mine sacred again through the sacred exercise of the Eucharist, of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine.

Today, I will offer this Sacred Eucharist, which will be officiated by My priests, for the sacred treasures that I have kept for each one of the young people of this world, the ones who will renew the end of times, the ones who will give peace to the world through their union with Me, through their trust in Me.

Therefore, you must always support them, accompany them and sustain them, so that they can fulfill their mission in this incarnation, a group mission, just as it was with the apostles.

Let us celebrate.

I thank you for being here today and for having completed these ten years with Me, in which I have formed a great spiritual family, extended throughout the Earth through all the souls and all the hearts that love and have faith in Christ.

In spite of your moments or your challenges, in spite of the purification, never ever lose hope. The hope will be what will save the world, hope will be what will bring peace to the  peoples and the nations, and to every inner world.

Hold on to the Hope of Jesus, so that you may be strengthened through My Faith in these end times.

And before I celebrate with you and for you, and through you with the whole world, I want to reveal to you the first decision that the Spiritual Hierarchy made in this month of August.

For the prayers of these last ten years, for all the prayer meetings that have been experienced and especially for the sincere offering of each prayerful heart, I will be with you for a while longer, on the 5th of each month and the third Friday of each month, so that My Mercy may continue to triumph in each human heart.

Through the clamor and supplication of all those who pray in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, the Father has granted Me this Grace that today I share this Grace with each one of you, fruit of the merits of My Sorrowful Passion and fruit of the efforts of all those who pray, of all those who continue to clamor without tiring and without stopping, of all those who have faith in Me.


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón of Jesus:

And at the request of Christ, preparing ourselves for this consecration of the Communion, let us sing a song that, according to Christ, represents the story of each one: "Todo lo que viví," 

Let us celebrate.

Saturday, August 5 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Inner Council of the planet, which is the Hierarchy, is now gathered, and this Council decides about the future of humanity. Upon the table of the Brotherhood are the new decisions. All contemplate and meditate for the best solution.

There are many situations that are being evaluated, and although you do not have total awareness of what this means, I thank you in advance for your prayer with Me, so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may also be helped in the making of new decisions.

A Plan is described before Our Eyes. The Divinity must take the first step and then the whole Hierarchy may take the next step, and thus, all of humanity may advance on the path to the recovery of its Purpose.

In the face of a time of grave emergency, the Hierarchy reconsiders its attitude before the universe. The Higher Spheres indicate this path.

The Scepter is in the Hand of the Mother of God. She is the One Who leads and guides the entire Brotherhood, because in this way Her Word and Her Message will be fulfilled again, as it has been in recent times and through the next August 8, when a special conjuncture will take place for all the inner worlds that are attentive and vigilant; all those who awaken on that day and receive the much expected and longed for revelation from other times, so that all these consciousnesses may also take the step in their evolution and awakening.

Today, I speak to you through the language of My Spiritual Government, because you must already attune with My Spiritual and Divine Government. It is time for you to recognize that, after the Ascension of the Lord, He assumed the Government of this universe and of others, He assumed the conduction of all souls and essences in this universe and in others.

Your Lord assumed preparing Himself to return, and this path starts defining itself within the heart that lives the Message, within the souls that listen to My Call; because everything will happen in what is most invisible and profound, where all eyes cannot see it, where only the fiery heart will be able to feel and recognize it.

These are the gifts and the treasures of the Hierarchy that will be entrusted to the consistent in heart, to all servers of the Plan of Christ.

This will be your last star, this will be your last sun, which will rise in the innermost depths of the universe of each being that believes in Me and that, as throughout the recent times and years, will be part of the new history that I Am writing through the souls that transform themselves in Me and for Me, through the hearts that responsibly assume their role in these times.

The Book of Love of those in the White Garments, this August, is open and exposed to all.

Who will recognize their signature in this Book? Even more, who will recognize their experience of love and redemption in this Book?

Have you realized, companions, that in these last ten years when you have been with Me, you are part of a new history of the redemption of humanity? Just like many brothers and sisters of yours in the world, especially those who have faith in the Lord.

For this reason, as your Redeemer, as your Master and Lord, as the Governor of this universe, as the Son of the Living God and of Creation, I come to open this last and definitive door, the door number 14, which is the door of the Return of Christ, so that souls may rejoice and feel bliss in the Lord, the Redeemer. Just as the angels of Heaven today feel the joy of being part of the history of the Living Christ in the heart of each human being who professes and lives their faith in Me, who lives through My Sacraments and dares to multiply My Graces in this wounded world.

This is why, before the Inner Council of this planet, which is the Council of the entire Brotherhood, around this table, where new decisions will be made and tested, I invite you to assume this part with Me, I invite you to decide with Us, your Masters and Hierarchies. I invite you to recognize your signature and your name in the Book of Love, and to sit at the table of the Hierarchy to build the Plan, not only the Plan of My Return to the world, but also the Plan of the redemption of the world, which must imperiously be fulfilled and experienced in these times.

Therefore, what will you offer to Me today? What will you give to the Hierarchy on this day when the Great Meeting begins, at the eve of August 8?

Who will definitively enter the Sacred Star of My Heart and be part of My Sacred Geometry, which renews and recreates itself through the souls that purify and transform themselves?

Who will be part of the new design of the Brotherhood?

Who will decide to be Light in this world in darkness?

Who will be co-responsible with Me in this Plan of Rescue?

Who will recognize, from other times, what they have lived with Me? The Footprints of the Lord, which you have always followed. The Light of the Lord, which you have always sought. The Love of Christ, which you have always aspired to find.

This is what I have to offer to each one, in this hour and at this moment.

This is why I ask you:

What else will you offer to Christ?

Because the moment has come to make the decision, because on this decision and on this inner moment will depend the next steps of humanity and of the planet.

Be aware that all this is done out of Love and for no other reason.

It is Love, at this moment, that grants you this miracle, that you may listen to the Lord, the Christ, again, and that your inner Christs may recognize Him.

Because it is the time and the hour to gather the 144,000 from the four corners of the Earth, as many of them are gathered today in Portugal, celebrating the Word of the Lord, living the Word of the Lord, communing with the Presence of the Lord.

Behold the Book of Love of those in White Garments, receive it in your hands.

This is the Sacred Treasure of the Spiritual Brotherhood, preciously kept in the Heart of the Hierarchy, where the true history of this world is written. The history that no book of this humanity has revealed so far. Because We have worked on this Treasure throughout the times, throughout the centuries and generations.

In this Book of Love, which We present and grant to you today, is also the history of each one of Mine.

Keep it within your hearts and may your lives be part of it, just as this Book is part of the Light of the Hierarchy, in which all the names are known, in which all the trajectories are represented.

This is the truth of My Love for all, because in this Book is also My life, the life that I lived with you here in this world.

Each moment of preaching, each miracle granted by the Father, each drop of Blood that was shed on the Calvary, each agony that was lived by Me in absolute silence. And, above all, through this Book, My life is represented by the love for Me that many truly have.

It is this love in Mine and of Mine in Me that renews all things, that overcomes all evils, that dissolves all darkness, that resurrects the dead in spirit, that blesses those who are condemned, that sanctifies those who are persevering.

My Love can do all things, even to the ends of the universe.

Thus, welcome to the Great Meeting of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who has opened the door so that all may enter Our Dwellings, so that the Advent of the New Race may be fulfilled and so that the New Christs, through the last apostles of the end of times, may repopulate the Earth with Mercy, Grace and Redemption.

Commune with Me from this moment, just as I commune with you by means of the giving of your lives and, above all, of your hearts.

Receive My blessing and My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now, to celebrate this moment and, above all, to bless the special moment that this Work will live in these days of August with the entire Hierarchy, I come once again in the name of Love and Life, to celebrate the Eucharist with you and with your brothers and sisters, a faithful testimonial of My Love for the world.

Let us prepare for this ceremony, so that My Celestial Church may descend to Earth and make a miracle of each human heart.

I gather you again at My table of redemption, just as I would gather the apostles and so many in the inner planes who would participated with Me in this Sacrament.

Thus, once again, by means of this offering, after having purified your hearts, I renew the life of My companions through the infinite mystery of My Body and My Blood, preciously exposed today at this Altar, in the tabernacle of each human heart.

Let us celebrate.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let those who can, stand up or kneel down at this moment of transubstantiation.

In the Holy Cenacle, I gathered you to give you My Life, to give you My Love, to grant you redemption until the end of times.

Thus, opening the doors to you in this sacred month of August, I come to offer to you what is most intimate of My Life and My Heart, so that you may have life in abundance.

Thus, I ask you again to take the bread, raise it to God in thanksgiving, in inner offering so that the Father may convert it into My Glorious Body, which I again break and share with you, saying that this is My Body, the Body that was surrendered for humanity, and is surrendered today for many, for the forgiveness of sins.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.


We revere the Presence of the Body of Christ, just as My angels of Heaven revere it.

I ask you to take the Chalice in your hands and offer it to God in sacrifice, just as His Beloved Son did, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood at this moment when Heaven unites to Earth, when souls unite to God and God unites to souls in eternal communion.

Thus, I pass it to each one again, saying to you, “Take and drink all of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God. The Precious Blood that is spiritually poured out again upon the world at this moment, for the remission of all faults and the end of wars. Do this in My Presence and in remembrance of Me, because I Am now returning to the world.”


We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Presence of the Blood of Jesus, just as the angels revere it and just as the angels collected it on top of Mount Calvary.


In union to the Father, in union to the Presence of the Son and to the Presence of the Holy Spirit, we will say the prayer that I taught you on the Mount of Beatitudes, so that this sacrifice may be pleasing to the Creator and for the triumph of My Heart in this world and in each heart that offers itself in this month of August to be part of the Plan of My Return.

Let us pray.

Prayer: “Our Father.”

May My so awaited Peace descend to the world.

And I want you to say the next prayer with the same faith that the centurion had, believing in the power of Forgiveness and Mercy.


I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word and I shall be healed.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, at this moment of union with Christ and for Christ, We announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls in the whole world with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


May My Peace be in you, so that My Peace may give life in abundance.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Gabriel Cruz, Lucía, Michael and the daughter of María Garabandal may come here. Christ will offer this Communion for the youth.


Let us pray:


Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.


And after this Communion with Me, which prepares you for the month of August, do not forget the Book of Love of the Hierarchy, which you must glimpse and contemplate with hope and joy, that gift and treasure of the Brotherhood.

I thank you for being with Me today and for being with Me until the end of times.

I impart with you My Light and My paternal blessing:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Go in peace, with Me.

Thursday, August 3 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My time in the world is coming to an end before I prepare My definitive Return to humanity. The clock strikes the great moment, there is still much to be done, there is still much to be redeemed, there is still much to be converted.

Who has defined themselves before this great hour draws near and marks the final period and the beginning of another stage, the culminating stage for humanity and the planet?

For this reason, I come from Heaven once again to gather you in My Name and so that, through My Heart, you may reach God, the Celestial Father, Who, in His Silence, still awaits  the mature response of His Children.

The Plan that I offer to souls is a Plan that does not belong to this world. It is a Plan that cannot be reasoned out with the mind, that can only be understood with the heart, with the heart that loves God without exceptions; with the heart that offers itself for others, without anything in return; with the heart that deeply knows what the Will of God means and does not reject it.

This is the heart that I seek in many of Mine, especially in this hour, when you must walk with your own feet through the pathway that I have opened to you, through the Purpose that I have shown to you, through the Commitment with Me that you have signed.

Behold the sample of a mature Heart, a Heart that sacrificed itself for you up to the Cross, a Heart that did not deny your salvation and the salvation of the planet, a Heart that continues to pour out Blood and Water for the world and humanity, although many do not feel or perceive it.

Behold the Heart that is an inexhaustible Source of Love for the whole world, a mature Love that needs to be imitated, that needs to have its example on this surface, that needs to reflect itself in the souls that say yes to Me.

This is the time for the mature hearts of My companions to assume the Plan, for them not to retrogress in the face of the challenges, for them not to fear darkness, because the one who is with Me, is in My Light, and will not perish.

But now is the time for you to do your definitive part, and for Me to just accompany you as a Good Shepherd, as a Shepherd that takes care of His entire flock, regardless of the responses of each one.

Therefore, it is important for love to be the center of your goal, and not so much your skills.  Therefore, it is important for love to be the center of your purpose, and not so much your ideas.

Because in God’s Love and through God’s Love you will go very far, if you really open to live it, not in the way you wish or intend to but rather in the way that God has thought of, that God has determined it, just as the Father determined it through His Son.

In the face of the Agony of the Garden of Gethsemane, He offered the Chalice of Love and Renunciation to Me. I could never have denied it, because otherwise you and your brothers and sisters would not be here today.

Now, do you understand how important it is to comprehend the immensity of this Love, which does not have limits or borders in any plane or consciousness, in any dimension or space?

God’s Love is a Fountain that is never extinguished and never ends. The Father has so much to give to you through Me that His Arms are still open so that more souls may come to Him without anything in return.

From this month of August on, it is the moment to demonstrate to God that you want to live of His Higher and Infinite Love; that you want to take your steps through His Merciful and Eternal Love; that you are willing to assume, out of love, the part of the Plan that you are supposed to assume so that your Master and Lord may work in this world and in this humanity in this definitive time when many situations are at stake and millions of souls are under this vulnerable condition.

Therefore, this is the time for the action of the apostles. It is the definitive time to abandon mediocrity, guilt and denial. This is the time for you to become free of yourselves and allow the spirit to fly high until it can unite to God in eternal communion, just as His Son united to God in eternal communion during His last expiration on the Cross, when I said, “Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit.” And you, do you commend your spirits to the Lord every day?

He intends to make works of Mercy through souls and through the apostles of Christ, who are decided to be a bright star in this world of darkness and in this sea of hostility and terror.

These are no longer moments for emotions. These are moments for decisions, for a mature and peaceful decision, a decision that can be in surrender to God unconditionally, with your hearts ready for whatever comes, for whatever has to be, according to what is written.

In this month of August, meditate and reflect:

Where does the boat of my soul head to?

Am I seeing from afar the safe harbor of God’s Heart?

Do I aspire to reach this harbor despite the tempest or the tribulations?

Do I have clear within my heart what I have decided for my life and for the rest of my evolution?

Do I have my feet upon just one path, the Path of the Lord?

Now, where is the boat of my soul? Where does it navigate?

Have I stopped for any reason? Have I slowed down? What am I doing?

Ask yourselves, companions. In this way, after August you will be able to enter a new cycle with a broader view, rather than a restricted one, with deeper wisdom, rather than a limited one, with a clearer purpose and not being confused.

Because the Flame of My Heart is the torch that illuminates your paths, it is the Light that will lead you to God’s Heart, because I Am the Truth and the Life, I Am the Way and the Love for My companions.

The decision lies within you, rather than in your words. The decision lies in the center of your souls, rather than in your minds.

Make room for your inner universe to expand and for the Holy Spirit to work through Its Gifts and Graces in the souls that, with faith, follow Christ step by step, regardless of their imperfections or regardless of their errors.Because I come to seek that which in truth you can give Me, rather than what you promise to Me.

Peter, the apostle, promised many things to Me and fulfilled just a few by himself. Until one day he realized by himself that what I needed was his heart and his life to be the cornerstone of My Spiritual Church in this world. Just as each soul is a precious stone for Me, it is a shining crystal that I polish with My own Hands when you allow Me to and do not resist, for Me to present My offering to God through your hearts.

I want to leave this Message, not as just one more Message but rather as the great and ultimate reflection of your consciousnesses at the doors of this month of August for the Brotherhood.

Although this world is in darkness, war and pain, may hope, faith and love awaken in those who believe in Me. Because I promised you in Pentecost that the Consoler, the Eternal, Holy Spirit of God would come to bless and guide you until the end of times.

I will send the Spirit of God once again so that you may prepare My Return through your paths, so that you may prepare My Return through your definitions, so that you may prepare My Arrival through the giving of your hearts. In this way, that which is written will continue to be fulfilled, regardless of what the world may be experiencing at this moment.

Be brave and do not become discouraged. The strength of My Love can do all in you and in your brothers and sisters.

Behold the Merciful Heart of the Lord, which let itself be pierced by the spear in His Side to pour out the Fountain of Life upon all souls.

Thus, at the beginning of this important month of August, I bless you and give you My Peace again so that this Marathon may grant the world a just and balanced peace; a peace that may bring relief to the suffering of many hearts and families; a peace that may remove guilt from many consciousnesses; a peace that demonstrates to all My Truth, the Truth that I love you more than what you imagine, because My Love does not change.

I wish you all a reflective Marathon of prayer, because I will be by your side to hear each bead, each prayer, when you tell My Father to deliver His Mercy for the sake of My Sorrowful Passion, for the sake of the Sorrowful Passion of Christ, which saved and will save the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
