Today, Africa beats in My Merciful Heart. And I do this for all who have offended it, those who mistreated it, those who colonized it, and who opened uncertain doors for the perdition of souls.
But today I do not come to speak to you of the abysses, but rather of the infinite purity that exists in each child of Mine in Africa, that through the ages I have venerated and contemplated with love.
For this reason, the hour and the moment have come for your King to return to Africa, to close the last doors and have the Heavens and the Universes descend and put an end to human suffering.
My Blood was also shed for them, to generate salvation and freedom in their souls from all the abysses of the Earth. It is to this end that today I bring the Holy Grail in My Hands, to give you My divine Blood, so that you may commune of it and put an end to suffering, hopelessness, affliction, and human pain.
I come today to pour out My Blood over Africa. In this way, I pour out My Blood over Portugal and Europe, to put an end to human discord, to the exploitation of these times, to the indignation that the children and young people of Africa feel on being mistreated throughout time and the years.
Today, I come to open My Arms and to stretch out My Hands for a sorrowful and suffering continent. I come to offer My Sacred Heart as a universal atonement for all the causes that have taken place on the African continent throughout the last decades.
I come to give the Light of My Spirit and of My Divinity. My Heart rejoices today on having received a humble basket of intentions and entreaties on My Altar. In this way, I want My littlest children of Africa to have the total certainty and assurance that their King is pouring His divine and infinite Mercy over them.
Thus, when I arrive in Africa the next time, I will again consecrate it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; because, companions, we must give thanks to this great Maternal and Universal Consciousness, which has generated the means and the spiritual conditions so that My Sacred Heart also finally triumphs in Africa.
I come to place the balm of My Healing in each African heart; to seal the evils, the sorrows, and the sufferings generated by the hearts of Europe towards that so wounded continent.
I come to ask of all Europe, that they pray every day on their knees, an Our Father for the re-consecration of Africa to My Sacred Heart. In that way, dear companions, you who are from here, from Europe, and all the souls of the whole world that are aware of the adversity that the African continent lives, generated by other nations and peoples, may open the doors with their prayers and hearts, so that My Celestial Victory may descend over that continent and over all nations.
Today I come to offer this Chalice, this Sacred Grail, for the innocent, for the victims of exploitation, martyrdom, and annihilation.
Today My spiritual Blood is poured out, the codes of life and of renewal, as a great tributary, as an inexhaustible spring, over all those souls that most need it. Here there is a life story; souls that belong to the Project of God and that are trying in these times of crisis, to live hope.
My wish is that each European spiritually and materially take on each one of these "crianças” (little children). I say "crianças", from the Portuguese, because this mission is especially for the Portuguese; for those who are here and those who are not here. I want to be clear, so that you may understand the importance of fulfilling this request of your Master and Lord of the Universe.
In each one of these intentions, as in each one of these photos, there is a story, a past, which must be redeemed, renewed, and restored by My Sacred Heart, and all the entreaties of those who unite with Me in this mission to generate, at the end of times, a healing, love, and unity in all the souls of Africa; especially for the souls that are in this basket, entreating My Merciful Heart for a divine intercession of the Celestial Father, that today I grant by the authority that He gave Me, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Here are one hundred and twenty-eight essences that offered to incarnate in Africa, so that humanity may learn about the suffering of others, about human pain, about torture, exploitation, and indifference.
I desire that all the hearts of the world not forget My beloved Africa and look towards it, because it is still silently suffering.
The reason for this pilgrimage in Europe is not only for your souls and hearts, which have already received so much, but so that your spirits and your consciousnesses unite with my universal Ministry, and so that you may go two by two, to help those who most need it, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.
At this sacred moment, when Adonai hears the plea of His beloved Son and the intentions of simple hearts, your Master and Lord will pray for each one of these souls, representing all the souls of Africa and the Middle East.
We will now listen to "Thus spoke the Master."
We place our left hand over the heart, on the chest.
Father, Adonai, Eli, Yahve, You Who has generated life, give it again to Your creatures, so they may vivify You and feel You in the very depths of their spirits.
Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who pleads for His beloved Africa. Dispel the sufferings. Erase the anguish from hearts. Bring alight in the littlest ones the hope of continuing to live You until the end of their days.
May Your angels descend, Eli. Eli is Your Holy Name, Your Holy Name for all of Africa, for Your beloved people, marked by the wounds and imprints of persecution.
Today I return to that people, Eli. Today I return to the origin, where everything began on this planet; to the place where Your first civilization of love, of service, and of surrender was launched, when You poured out Your divine Codes upon them.
May souls recover the trust of being able to live. May all be healed, so that no cell and no body feel the suffering, nor feel the pain, nor lose the faith of believing in You.
Just as you asked Moses to take care of Your People, today I hear Your Voice, Eli, beloved Father; I take care of Your flocks, so that the seeds of life, of regeneration, may be sown in the souls that have been subjected to human punishment, to exploitation, in these times.
May Your Source of Love and of Light descend upon them. May all recover the joy of being able to feel You and may they live in the fullness of Your mighty Spirit, Adonai.
Adonai Manu, Father, listen to the voice of Your People.
Adonai, Elah, may Your Will be fulfilled.
Eli, Eli, Eli, may all be consummated, so that humanity, which is suffering, may achieve peace. Amen.
These intentions and these photos will return to those they belong to. I will take them to Angola, to deliver them to each one of them, and thus to give them My deepest embrace of love.
So be it.
And now, in honor of the Most Blessed Mother of Heaven, your Advocate, Intercessor of souls, and Mediator of all hearts, in thanksgiving, gratitude, reverence, and devotion, and for the consecration of these elements, which will become the Body and the Blood of Christ, today I will ask you to call and invoke Our Lady of Kibeho.
And thus, I take you toward My Peace, because in the Peace of God, everything is done. In Peace, you can live eternal life, renewal and faith in all hearts that believe in My Sacred Heart.
May the good and love reign. May humanity live the Project of God. May the Kingdoms of Nature be healed and may all essences of this world achieve redemption, so that when I return in Glory, we may all experience the joy of Paradise. Amen.
I thank all those who will carry Africa in their heart, so that My Designs may be fulfilled; and My Mercy, which is the Mercy of your God, may expand throughout the whole world.
So may it be, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Let us continue singing, because today, your beloved Son, will carry the pleas of all those who have invoked for Africa to His beloved Servant, Mother, and Lady of Heaven,.
I thank you. Amen.
I have come from Heaven with a special intention: to recognize and honor those who are consistent with Me in their deepest silence, in the anonymity of their person, in an unconditional life, in service to their fellow beings. In all of this, I honor those who are consistent with Me, because it does not matter what they are, but rather what they feel when they are before My Merciful Heart.
It is thus that I consecrate you, I renew you, I give you the essence of My Life, which is the legacy of My Divinity; that which was attained during the Passion on the Cross. For all those who would be consistent with Me, I also let Myself die on the Cross, because I knew that I would find you at the end of times, to be able to carry My final Work forward on the planet.
All the blood shed, each pain experienced, as well as each transmutation expressed by each one of My Wounds, were not only for sinners, but also for those I offered Myself for, to see them working on My Plan in these times and carrying on My designs, both in the silence of their lives, and in their moments of prayer. And each time you are united with Me, this promise is fulfilled and renewed.
It is thus that I visit the New Christs, the new temples and the new dwelling places, transformed by Me, worked by My Hands, molded by My Spirit, and filled by My purest Love, the Love that comes from My Heart, from My Essence, and from My Life in this Celestial Universe.
So that I might find you in this time, in the different regions of the planet, in your different peoples and nations, My Father had to mark you with the gift of awakening, which is the grace of being aware of what it means to be on this planet and in this humanity, for these times, knowing what it is that must be done, what must be fulfilled and carried out by your Master and Lord.
Thus, I come to withdraw the keys from those who waste them. The keys are the symbol of the spiritual treasure, of the trust of the Most High in all that He has granted by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit.
Withdrawing these keys from those who did not know how to benefit from them, I place them in the hands of the consistent, of the anonymous, of those who have allowed themselves to be won by My Love rather than by material life.
In this way, I build a great network of souls, at the service of the Redeemer and of the Eternal Father. Because behind all this mystery is your Celestial Father, Who decrees and accomplishes all things.
Today I come to anoint the consistent of these times. Today I mark them again, this time with the luminous sign of the Cross, symbol of the Redemption of humanity and of an absolute surrender to the Creator.
Just as the women of Jerusalem anointed My wounded Body through the love of their hearts and of their lives, today I come to anoint with My Spirit and in thanksgiving, those who are consistent with Me and those who are consistent on behalf of the whole of humanity, especially for those who go astray.
Now that you have complied with what I needed, I will bring continuity to what I have come to do on this day, with all souls and for all the souls of the world.
I come to renew you in the apostleship, because in the renewal of your spiritual charge, you will always have the inner strength to accomplish all the things that the Father entrusts you with through His Son and His Holy Mother.
I want to bid farewell until a next meeting, reminding you of the importance of the prayer given and of the fulfillment of the wishes of your Lord, for something that is broader than your consciousnesses, as well as the whole of this planet. This is the magnitude of My wish.
Let us consecrate the elements, as well as the souls that thirst for the true Love of God, so as to survive the chaos of this humanity in these times.
Each Sacrament that is lived, remember that it is done not only for your lives, but also for this race, which is sick and wounded by its own mistakes.
Each Sacrament is a healing balm, it is a renewal for the soul, it is finding again the path that had been lost due to the influences of this material and superficial life.
Today try to feel your souls in a deep bliss, as they are newly sacramental, not only through the elements that will renew them, but also through a perpetual communion with the Heart of their Lord.
Praised be Thou, Lord, because Thou hast allowed Thy Most Beloved Son to incarnate among humankind, so that Thy Love, Thy Grace and Thy Mercy might descend again, so that each being on this planet might attain their redemption.
Today, I renew this testimony through the bread and the wine, and united with each being consistent with Me, I again establish this Supper, with My Body and with My Blood, so that all may receive the codes of life. Amen.
From this meeting of prayer here, in Porto, many opportunities have arisen, which in a short while you will become aware of, and which are the fruit of the prayer and of the faith of your hearts.
Once again, My Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Holy Mother, triumph again in Portugal and in Europe. This is a special gift for God. It is a gift of Heaven, gestated by simple hearts that hear the voice of their Master and walk by His side, always seeking the path of peace, for themselves and for the world.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I want you to sing “The Peacemakers”, just as you sang in glory yesterday, for your Redeemer and Lord.
Raise up your souls to God in profound joy, so that this triumph of the Sacred Hearts may be infused in the whole world. Amen.
And you will see coming among the clouds the Son of Man, surrounded by Glory, splendor, and joy. You will see Him coming with all of His angels and the authority of His archangels, together with the twelve choirs that will proclaim the return of the Firstborn.
You will see Him coming in His splendor, just as the Sun rises on the horizon to illumine the night, which was in darkness.
The uncertain portals will be closed when the trumpets of the angels sound. And the Almighty will make Himself present in the Primordial Essence of His Heart and through the radiation of Light of the Love of His Son, for all His creatures.
There will be no night for a long time. The night of darkness will finally disappear and the unredeemed will be carried into living their inner judgment before the Creator Fathers and the Judges of the Law.
Just as the Son of God will come, subsequently the Mother of God will come. And not only will She be surrounded by twelve stars, but the whole Universe will be Her infinite mantle in humanity.
For that time that is approaching, you will see the victory of the self-summoned; sadness will no longer be upon their faces, for they will reflect the healing and the hope in their deep gaze before the Celestial Universe.
You will thus see the new brotherhood take each other’s hands, to again generate the union and the fraternity that humanity has lost because of its indifference and its mistake.
The Son of God will place the Golden Scepter on the planet and with a simple touch of Light, it will illumine the face of the Earth, and all the languages and all the peoples, in spite of their differences and cultures, will understand the Word of God, which will emanate from His deep merciful Heart.
At that moment, only one language will be spoken throughout the world, which is the language of Love and Truth, and all will understand it.
In that time that is approaching and while you wait for it, purify your feelings, purify your actions, purify your consciousnesses, so that My Father may carry out His wonders in each one of His children, as well as in each essence of this planet, because in this way, My enemy will not find you, for you will be in the refuge of My Glorified Heart, living the new Supper with Me, the eternal Restorative Communion with the Heart of God.
And thus the bells of the Universe will ring and the doors to the new time will open. The cries of souls will no longer be heard, nor the lament of the mothers of the Earth. The women will no longer cry and the prophecy will be reverted ahead of time.
The Archangel Gabriel, in the company of all the saints, will open the Book of the Wisdom of God, to read in the coming time, the new Scriptures about the new Laws of the new humanity.
Sin will be eradicated and descendants will no longer be part of the new humanity.
It will not be part of Adam and Eve. Original sin will be eradicated and the new race will have the Grace of living in God forever.
Evil feelings will be dissipated because of the deep feeling of Love and of Unity. Happy are those who live it in this time, as an inner preparation for the arrival of the Great Master of the Universe.
I want you today to be flowers on My Altar, expressions of love and of beauty for the Creator of the Universe.
Today, with the blessed and the self-summoned for this sacred mission, we celebrate the inner unity that can be generated in the hearts that are simple, seekers of the truth and of peace, peacemakers of My Heart and messengers of My Divine Consciousness.
Today, I also pray for a new world, for a new redeemed humanity, that is consistent with the Universe, with the Laws and the commandments. And thus they will testify to the Son of God, present in humble hearts, who live the grandeur of the Celestial Universe.
May the sacred Words be fulfilled, and may the divine Decrees be carried out in this humanity and in the next, because today you are part of a transition; the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle on this Earth.
May the advent of the new be fulfilled. May hearts awaken to the call. May the self-summoned always respond to the convening. And may the new history of the planet be written, through those who unconditionally serve God.
May charity reign among souls and fraternity be expressed in simple spirits. May no one lose the sense of living this life, which the Father has given them with so much Love; and that in spite of their illnesses and trials, accept purification with humility. Because the old wine must be thrown away, so the new wine, which is the New Covenant between humankind and God, can be placed in you. This is possible through the merciful power of My Heart.
May My Decrees be written in your memories and may My Words, one by one, be printed on paper, recorded in the books of all languages of the world. I am still waiting for that to happen.
It will be through the servants of the nations of the world who will help this, My request, to be concretize. May My Words be in all languages, in all peoples, as well as in all cultures, which must rediscover the Love of God, a Love that they have lost because of their suffering, their pain, their indifference.
Blessed are those who listen with the humility of the heart, because the words are balms of healing, a renewal for consciousnesses, a freeing for the past, the beginning of a new cycle.
Let us celebrate in the Father, in the Son, and in the Holy Spirit, so that the promise of the Son of God may be established in this humanity.
While the trumpets of the angels sound to announce the new, may your souls proclaim the exaltation to God, because it is He who grants all these things to a mistaken, indifferent, and selfish humanity. Be all partakers of the Communion with Christ and renew again your vows, as if it were for the first time, bringing into your hearts all My subtle Vibrations, so that in truth and once and for all, you may be transformed into what God expects of your lives, because this is the last opportunity before everything happens.
Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain. Amen.
You will remember why you will be blessed:
Because I was hungry and you fed Me.
Because I was cold and you gave Me shelter.
Because I was sick and My brothers and sisters visited Me.
Because I was imprisoned and you came to see Me, to bring hope to the hearts that suffer.
Because I was thirsty and you gave Me to drink.
Because I was dying and you helped Me.
I was homeless and you welcomed Me.
You washed My Hands and My Feet, My Head and My Face, in the smallest and most innocent, to heal Me of the horrors of the wars.
Because I was in the mothers, who in their desperation sought peace, and gave it to Me.
These are the causes of the testimony of My Love for you.
I want you to always remember fraternity and be like Me in each daily act of life. Thus, the enemy will perish and the brothers and sisters will no longer be against their siblings, but rather will be united through the splendor of My Heart and of My Wisdom. Amen.
Leaving your past behind and living on My path of renewal, be sanctified by the sacraments that I gave you, so that life may be reborn and thus hope and healing may reappear in souls
Happy are those invited to the Table of the Lord, for they will have eternal life.
Raising My right Hand on High, placing My left Hand on the Merciful Heart; bringing the luminous sign of the Cross, I bless you, and those who suffer, those who most need it in every part of this world, as in every continent and in every nation, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for accompanying Me, for your company is indispensable to Me.
Christ Jesus
Praised be You, Lord, because you have given life and restoration to Your creatures.
Praised be You, Lord, for the presence of Your infinite Love, that restores all things.
Praised be You, Lord, because Holy is Your Name, throughout each corner of this Universe.
Praised be You, Lord, because Your Truth triumphs over those who call themselves powerful.
Woe to the hearts that still have not repent, because in this way they will never be able to find peace!
Praised be You, Lord, for Your angels and archangels, the messengers of the Good News, guardians of the hearts and souls, healers of the spirits, renewers of hope, joy for those who want to live in peace.
Praised be You, Lord, for all that You have created in the image and likeness to Your Heart, to Your Consciousness, to Your Wisdom.
Praised be You, Father, by those who follow You through the Love of Your Son and Your Divine Celestial Mother.
Praised be You, Lord, by those who accept You, by those who walk by Your side without hesitation at any moment, who only look toward the horizon to reach, at the end of their days, Your Purpose, which is infinite.
Praised be You, Lord, by all those who listen to the Heart of Your beloved Son, and keep in their memories the treasures of the Word.
Praised be You, Lord, by listening to the supplication of Your Only Begotten, which opens the portals of peace so that souls may enter into a deep communion, in a perpetual alliance and in an infinite union to Your Most Holy Heart.
Praised be You, Lord, because You are present in Your children through Your Sacred Gifts, Your Divine Graces, Your infinite Blessings.
Praised be You, Adonai, for you still observe this world with Mercy and, despite so many errors and indifferences, contemplate now, Adonai, the Works of Your Beloved Son in the simple virtues of His dear disciples.
Praised be You, Adonai, for Your great humility, for Your peacemaking Presence, for Your luminous gaze, Your powerful Consciousness that emanates from the Primordial Source.
Listen to the voice, Adonai, of all those who cry out to You, and set aside insults, all sins, so that through the Blood that today emanates from My Wounds, the codes of reparation and healing may be sowed within the planetary consciousness.
Do not look to the wars, Adonai, nor to the suffering of My children of Africa.
Do not look to the audacity of the governments, nor to the lies of the unjust.
May Your Spirit, Adonai, live in the enjoyment of those who believe in You and affirm, every day, the power of Your Sacred Word, and the incalculable prayer that opens the door towards redemption.
Lord, accept the reparations that My Heart and My Soul receive from the hearts that prostrate, in the resignation of their consciousnesses, fulfilling the promise of living every day in Your Holy Humility.
Adonai, see that light that You have created in Your children so that they could vivify You.
And even though I have My Wounds bloodied today, I do not cease to pour the Mercy of Your Heart.
May the sleeping souls awaken.
May the indifferent eyes open to know the true reality.
May the hardened hearts feel the warmth of Your Love, to transform their lives into the precious model that You have thought of since the Origin.
May in this way, Adonai, Your Purpose be accomplished, and may nobody else be lost in the illusion of darkness and in the blindness of material life.
Today I withdraw, through My Wounds and through the Power of Their Light, to the many who sleep in this world.
Thus I institute, through My Precious Blood, the New Covenant, giving everyone who is present, a spiritual drop of this Blood, the divine restoring code for the consciousnesses that accept simplicity and open interiorly to healing.
Today I come to you as the Christ of the Sick, to give you the balm of My Reparation, the Gift of acceptance and surrender that you can live.
Let us repeat:
Christ the Restorer,
Jesus of the Sick,
dwell in each cell of this humanity.
I come here for Europe that is divided, just as My Holy Mother came, nearly one hundred years ago, to unite that which was separated in the human consciousness, and to stop the danger of an imminent self-destruction.
After this great event in Fátima, the Christ of the Sick comes to you today to try to spiritually heal all those who have been submerged into suffering, wars and persecution.
Humanity needs to be healed so that it can be born again. Thus, I present Myself to you today, as Christ of the Sick.
The Lord of Mercy exposes the Blood of His Five Wounds to generate and awaken the Reparation throughout all of humanity, from East to West.
Humanity will need to recite this prayer daily, with the aim that the most fervent wish of their Lord may be fulfilled.
If this is fulfilled by all souls throughout the world, every day, the Father, in His infinite Mercy and Healing, will send Me to avoid a worse persecution than the one of the last century.
Otherwise, if the response is lukewarm, entire nations will have to learn from injustice and from endless suffering, to understand, at last, that humanity of the surface is mistaken.
I want you to draw upon My Energy of Healing so that peace not completely disappear from the planet.
I told you before the last Sacred Week that I would bring you strong revelations to avoid grave situations in humanity.
I would like this Marathon to be lived, symbolically, as the last one, and that all who participate in it from their hearts and in homes; it is by responding to this request that you will make My Sacred Heart triumph, not only in Europe but throughout the whole world.
In this way, the powers will be defeated, the unjust will lose their authority, the innocent souls will be free from human punishment and, thus, as My Mother said one hundred years ago, there will be another time of peace before the great planetary transition.
Each moment lived with Me is a preparation, do not forget this. In the end of times, you will need them to persist in faith and in trust, without vacillating.
Every day, through this Sacrament, you find the greatest testimony of My Love for this planet and for this humanity.
Today I ask you, companions, that, through this Marathon of Prayer, each communion shared and lived may be conducted for the redemption of the fallen, for the wars on the planet, for the persecution of the Christians, for those who suffer throughout all of Africa, for the misunderstandings amongst the nations, especially for those who generate wars and create weapons against the will of God.
If all this is offered in an act of reparation and love, to the Christ of the Sick, I will concede the triumph of My Sacred Heart in all those who listen to Me, in each part of this planet.
My Father will not look at you with Eyes of Justice, nor at the nations of the world, because My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will shed itself like a great source of Light upon the great scale of the planetary imbalance.
So be it.
I give you Peace, I ask you to live in My Peace and to bring peace, good and unity to those who need it the most, with the goal that everyone can attain the healing of their hearts and their spirits, until I return to the world with all the Power of My Glory, to once again establish the Kingdom of God within humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for accepting My Words and for disseminating them throughout the world.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more