May peace be in this house and in those who have lost it.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Companions, those who can, kneel before Me to revere Adonai.
Pray inwardly with Me the prayer Sacred Mercy, while I deliver My Message of Peace for the world.
Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me or hearing Me. Their faith will be invincible in the face of all evil, because My Heart chooses those I have gathered for this sacred task.
While I speak to you, listen to My unmistakable inner Voice. Feel My Love, which is what is most important.
Thus, after this prayer, you will have confessed to Me. The Rays of My Mercy will have participated in your lives, bringing renewal and forgiveness for you and for the whole world.
In My celestial Presence, which congregates you to walk in love, I bless these elements that God provided for you; through the wheat to make the bread that becomes My Glorified and Living Body; through the grape of the sacred vine that becomes wine to give you to drink of My Blood; and in all this mystery, I reveal My Love to you.
Let us pray.
Our Father (in Aramaic).
In August I will show Myself to the world, in Mercy and Redemption, to hearts that open to receive Me, through this renewal that is the Communion with My divine Principles.
I thank you. May peace reign here.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us listen to "Supreme Son of God," at the request of Christ.
Let the bells ring, as My Divinity rises to radiate Graces to a world deserving of Justice, but invaded by the ocean of My Mercy.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
In this way, after the Presence of Christ and before sharing this message, we want to tell you how He came here today as the Glorified Jesus, that glorious Face that presented Itself on January 5, 2013, here in Aurora.
The Master came very joyfully; there was a spiritual happiness that filled Him and we didn't know why. But in spite of that inner happiness that He expressed to us, He showed several images at His Feet of what was happening in the world, mainly with the unborn and all that is done through those who are not born. What He was showing us was pain. In a matter of seconds, He came with a golden and brilliant mantle that covered His tunic with light. He was surrounded by various angels that came before He arrived, prostrating on the ground, here on the heights of this House of Prayer.
Also, at the moment when He began to transmit the Message, the Master indicated that we write His Message here, on the altar, because He has done that task with many saints, with all those He says He addresses through inner speech, to give an important message. He asked that we do it this way, because He would reveal an inner aspiration to us, that we will share with everybody.
The Message transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón can be seen at the link: July 17, 2015.
On this holy day, when the darkness of the Earth is withdrawn from those of Mine, I would like to dictate an aspiration of My Heart to you.
Today I have come to speak to you about the glorious image of your Glorified Lord Jesus and about the powerful image of the Merciful Jesus.
When I dictated the universal and celestial powers of My ocean of Mercy to Sister Faustina, one night I revealed My merciful Face to her, so that the world would know the infinite compassion of My pious Heart.
In this way, I showed her the Blood and Water that constantly flowed from My Side, but I also made known to her the great thirst that I felt, at that time, before a blind and deaf humanity, which never wanted to hear the Voice of God through His beloved Son.
At that time, the Blood and Water would be the great justification between humanity and God, through Christ, in order to awaken a way of universal atonement in the world.
So I asked Sister Faustina, My daughter, to have an image painted just as she had seen it in an outer vision. I came during the night to show, through My Mercy, that I Am the Light that defeats and illuminates all darkness. Thus, I revealed to her the ocean of My Mercy and asked in writing that whoever venerated and contemplated it in the end of times would be protected by the mantle of My unfathomable Mercy.
After ten years, when the war had already ended, My Face came to be known. No painter would be capable of expressing My Presence; they could only do so if they loved the Mercy of My Heart.
At that time, I asked that My Mercy be known and venerated the Sunday after Easter, for in the past, after My death, the apostles knew the power of My Resurrection through the Wounds of My Mercy.
Thus it was that Adonai, through the Face of My Mercy, granted that humanity, despite their sins, would know the path of the way out toward the universe of the Love of God.
Years have passed and humanity does not understand what this atonement that I offer the souls of the world means. And as I promised in the Garden of Gethsemane, before elevating to the universe, I will return with even more power and glory. That is why I told Sister Faustina, through inner speech, minutes before her death, that humanity would have the Grace to know My eternal Glory through the powers of My Mercy.
That is why I told her that before My return to the world, before the last eight lunar cycles are fulfilled, I would appear again with the Face with which My Father clothed Me, so that in this way, humanity could contemplate not only My Mercy, but also the mystery of My Grace through the essence of My Glorification.
That Face is known to the whole universe. Thus, on this day, I have come days before all can know My Face, to reveal the twelve promises to those who contemplate and hold the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.
That is why I have come on this holy night, the holy night of the supper, so that the world may consciously know Who they will be contemplating.
To those who will contemplate My glorified image, I promise:
1. To unify the essence of the family purpose through a sacred life, free of the influences and tendencies of these times.
2. The concretization of the spiritual task through consecration of mind, body and spirit to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
3. Divine protection of the travelers and those who work daily out of love for the Plan of God.
4. Inner knowledge of an experience of spiritual love that will allow an inner maturity.
5. Liberation from the evils that influence the life of prayer and disturb sleep.
6. Reconciliation with the Holy Eternal Father, to thus find the spiritual task again.
7. To keep out of danger whoever carries and disseminates the image with reverence.
8. Spiritual union with the Primordial Source during the time of planetary transition.
9. Guidance beyond tests and fears.
10. Expansion of the channel of the heart so that Christ God may dwell in it.
11. Redemption from the habits and actions that lead to a life of condemnation for the soul and the loss of the spirit.
12. Union with the essence of the Most Holy Trinity, that is to say, spiritual Communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thus, when you face My Mercy, you will be asking for redemption. When you face My Glorified Face, you will be pleading for the evolution of your souls. In this way, you will have two ways of entering My Kingdom, through My Mercy and through My Glory.
Under the Pity that comes from God, Who has allowed all of this, be blessed.
Who unites you with Divine Creation,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
On this afternoon, My purpose is to seek the triumph of your heart, so that the Purpose of God may be accomplished in your lives and on the planet.
For this reason, I have been consequent with you up to the end times and I come to seek that which you can truly give Me, all of what can be gifted to the universe with love and humility.
But today, I leave to all an open path. From the beginning, My Father gave you the freedom to choose and this is respected by all of Creation.
My Heart seeks to transform hearts, to awaken new apostles to the path of the end of times.
But of all this immensity of souls that exist on the Earth, only a small number will reach the goal. But for this to happen, companions, many other souls must help. In this way, My Plan is slowly accomplished in all hearts and to each one I gradually give what they truly need.
To many of you, I gave many things that you did not deserve, for the ocean of My infinite Mercy allowed this. And today I stand before you as the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that you may remember that in My Heart is the true Universal Monstrance, the great lamp for this world, which lights up the darkness and the shadows, and rescues hearts that have fallen.
This is why I need disciples and beginners, so that My Purpose, the Purpose of Adonai, can be accomplished. And these disciples of Mine, whom I summon, must go through many tests and experiences until they achieve the true spirit of transcendence.
But I know that for many of you it is hard to live this spirit, it is something that humanity does not know, or truly lives. Through the experience of faith, I come to ignite that spirit, so that your lives may be the example and the school for other souls. There are many flocks, in this cycle, that are lost and others that no longer want to listen to Me; and others do not want to enter the Tabernacle of My Heart.
And what will I be able to do in light of these things? Have you asked yourselves this?
But I do not come to bring you severity, but rather the Love that transforms all things, that is the great fire of this universe that achieved Resurrection in the Son of God, through the Passion and the Death of the Cross.
God gave you a cross to carry; measuring the degree of your debts, this cross is heavier or lighter. But I teach you how to carry it. Many times I positioned Myself close to you to help you. And although you may not have perceived it, companions, My Mercy lifted you from the ground again and again, to walk by means of the strength of the heart toward the Purpose. You cannot lose that vision, of seeing the Creator Plan in every consciousness.
Thus, I come here again, to this Sacred Center, to remind you that you can walk freely and have experiences in this humanity, although it is not My Purpose. I show you the inner path, and the difficulties to be transcended are found on your inner paths.
Yesterday I came with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Today I come with the Monstrance of My Heart, so that you know where to look in times of tribulation.
But humanity does not believe that the world will be purified. There is no other way to go. To enter into My Kingdom, you must be clean and pure, and no small stain should remain on your souls in order to enter the Kingdom of God.
This is why I come to destroy your arrogance, so that love and truth may reign. And this love and this truth, which you still do not know deeply, are the spirit that will allow you to experience fraternity and brotherhood, and to step out of this superficial world that becomes involved in terrestrial matters.
I bring you the Spirit of another dimension, the spiritual and divine dimension. These sacred lights participate in your lives. Precious codes are poured out again and again upon humanity in the sacred hope that somebody will awaken to the essence of love, the love that will heal you and free you from yourselves.
I gave you the Sacraments so that you could live Me. The Sacraments go beyond a material act or beyond a spiritual plane. One of My Faces descends to transform you through the Sacraments: the Face of My Glorification that makes it possible to transform your putrefied things so that, expelling the evil from your hearts, the Source of Divine Purity may be born, which is what I bring you through My Priestly Presence.
Many times I gave you to drink from this Source in spite of your sins and debts, for I need a part of this humanity to be consecrated to God; that it may be freed from itself and from any idea, any personal purpose that tries to deviate My projects.
For who is with Me, is with Me. But who changes My plans is against Me, against the Law. And the Law is just and wise for any heart of the Earth or star of this universe. We are all are governed by the same Law and nobody escapes it, for if you are now experiencing what you are experiencing, it is within the Law of Adonai, of His Divine Thought and the essence of His Love, His Spiritual Love.
Learn and grown. Do not resist any longer. A greater universe awaits you so that you may find peace and be freed from arrogance, for My paths are crystalline and My footprints mark the steps of humility. You are all invited to follow in My footsteps. I accept all offers, in the degrees of love you can express to Me.
But for some, I have firm and determining decisions, which are part of the Will of Adonai. And when this does not happen, companions, it is as if you were despising My merciful Love, as many despise My Presence in this world because of not knowing true Love, which comes from the universe.
Your project is a project of love, it is not a personal project for anybody. In this human project of God, there is a beginning and an end and the end was deviated by the action of humanity, from the Genesis and throughout the times.
I came to the world to correct that error. I gave you My Word, I gifted you with My Love and I gave you My life, pouring out My Blood and My Water for all of you. Was it worth it? Have you asked yourselves this?
See how important this event in the past was, companions, which has allowed the Spirit of My Divinity to visit you in these times so you may awaken to an awareness of the Love of God.
To enter My ship, there is only one way to row. There are no two ways to row. But some of you have shown Me thus.
I invite you to follow Me in trust. I will carry you to a good port. And although now and in these times many will not be able to follow Me, as was foreseen, I will never cease to love you.
My understanding surpasses all these tests and reveres wounded hearts, filling with peace those who cry from seeing the ills of the world. I will comfort you. The suffering is part of purification. There are many who are not willing to experience it like I did, for they do not love sacrifice. They love their tenure within My project. And that must be corrected, for I invite you to be disciples, not governors.
I Am your King, the Father of all the essences in the world. I Am your sidereal Governor and you are My disciples, just as the twelve have always been; that Law will always be fulfilled.
I do not ask you to govern through My plans. I ask you to love through My Heart. Thus, all will be consummated.
We will listen to the "Pater Noster."
By the power of the Blood that is constantly shed from My Heart and the Water that sanctifies and justifies souls, I bless all these elements that will become sacred in the Eyes of God, and will be the sacramental offering of souls at the Thrones of God so that His Plan may triumph on Earth.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I expect to see you mature and living your paths, mature of heart.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer: Our Father
My silence speaks to the world and I hope you can hear Me and understand Me through My silence.
Let silence be the balm for your wisdom, for today you stand before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
But I know you will not understand what this means. I only come to speak to your souls, and, as a result, to your hearts.
My Words will be sown in open hearts and it will be My Words that will yield results in your lives, for each one contains a spiritual energy. Thus, I have given you many Words and Designs so that you could understand the moment you are experiencing.
The consciousness is not awakened and I have come seeking the awakening of your consciousness.
To many I have given incalculable treasures, but others received the crumbs of My bread, and in them I have seen the value they have given it. I am not demeaning any consciousness. This is only a parable so that you can understand Me, for it will be in this way that you will be able to hear Me, before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To others, I have given My most precious pearls. Where are those treasures? How have you kept them within you? The treasures are talents, rather than the skills of your minds.
The mind of humanity is dead. It is not necessary that you believe in Me, simply look around you to understand how the world is, what the human mind has done when in disunion with God, the Celestial Father.
The Divine Mind is the infinite wisdom that goes beyond forms and all structures. The mind is sustained by love, because if the mind does not live in love, it is rapidly impoverished.
I come to teach you, in the end of times, the path of the heart. Many of you have already traveled it. Woe to those who have not done so because of the desire to be in comfort!
My School is unique in the universe. I come to break the barriers of the superstructures. I need you to be dust so that you may then become life, because from dust you have come to this material life. Thus My Father created you in His image and likeness and sowed, in the hearts of all, the essence of love so that, through the lessons and the experiences, all should have the opportunity of knowing the Love of God.
But some are leaving My Great School, the School of Christification, which has no forms or structures, which is only full of the pure feeling of Love, the Love of God, the Love of Abba.
I cannot stop you. You are free since your birth. Your paths are as free as that of the birds. I Am that wind that comes to you, this strong and powerful current that comes to lead you on a single path of truth.
I have come in search of this from humanity, since the beginning, from the moment in which I was among you as Jesus of Nazareth.
Of the twelve apostles, only eleven managed to follow Me. Have you ever asked yourselves why that happened, beyond the Divine Will of My Father? What happened in Judas to give God into the hands of death? Have you asked yourselves? Did you feel My Gospel, beyond reading it?
The keys have already been revealed to the world. Time is coming to an end and the clock of My Father marks a new meeting within the great universal time. You are being called to cross the portal, the portal of the heart, the portal of humility.
There are some of you that are lagging behind. Remember that you are freer than birds. I do not come to bring you fear, but rather inner growth, so that your minds and lives set aside the structures, so that the only model of God can dwell there. But that will not be forced on those that do not want to experience it. Just like in Kibeho, you will not be able to say you did not hear the Lord.
Before the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in this Most Holy Trinity, in which you were placed today by Mercy, I reveal this which is My Petition to you.
I call on you to live something new, something unknown, distant from your material life. I call on you to live the life of the spirit that is not shaped by structures, but rather by the great consciousness of the heart. Many are called to seek this goal, but you are governed by Laws, and each time you decide before Me, I only need to wait.
Before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it is My merciful and compassionate Love that gathers you, that understands all your debts, because it is the Love that expands in the universe to open the doors of redemption.
My Mercy is for the world, for the brave and the determined. My Mercy is also Justice, for today in My Hand I carry the scales of the Law, so that you can see, before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that a cycle ends after eight years of being with My Holy Mother, the Mother of the Universe.
Have you realized, companions, that you have already done the path of infinity? This infinity is completed this year in humanity and in this part of this sacred planet. You are within the principal infinity of the Law. You were summoned by My Mother to live this, to attract the flocks toward My Heart. Scattered, solitary and lost flocks. Behind you, there is a spiritual responsibility, beyond the cross that My God gave you.
I come to cause you to mature, just as I matured in Gethsemane, bearing the inner martyrdoms of all of humanity. Your responsibility is similar to Mine. Thus it is for many souls in the world that were called by Me to live on this path, in the name of those that do not live it and will never live it, because of having their own freedom.
I come to give you Love, beyond your structures. You have seen My Love, you have known My Love and you have felt My Love throughout these times. But you owe much to My God. My Mercy is infinite; that is why He allows all things.
Today I speak even to your cells, for they too are called to live the change, when you only seek My unity.
Be worthy in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit so as to live the new phase of the Earth.
You must be ready to no longer be together, for My Father is Who presents the Purpose, and thus His universal Will is done in the times that will come.
I have prepared you, up to now, so that you may travel the paths and learn to live on love and on truth.
I pour out upon you the blessing of the Father Abba, of the Son Jesus Christ and of the Most Holy Mother of the Holy Spirit, so that the best will may be accomplished in the times that will come. Who follows Me, will know how to understand Me.
In the middle of the tribulation and the chaos, My Light will always shine.
I thank you.
I leave you My energy of Love so that you may adore it for some minutes.
Go in peace.
Prayer: Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Children and companions of Mine,
Twenty-four constellations of this universe, represented by the Lords of Adonai, the most wise and humble among the wise, descend today together with the Redeemer of all impossible things. They descend to prepare you for the anniversary of the Marathons of Mercy, in the month of August of this year.
In that moment, a cycle will be closed for all before the Celestial Universe and a new one shall begin to all those who may have corresponded to the Will of God in wherever place of the world they may be.
It is for that blessed cause that, today, I present Myself to all of you sweating blood and water from each part of My Glorified Body, because the divine tension is too great by seeing that many of you are still deciding for your own lives, easily forgetting the Sacred Spirit of My Sovereign Will.
Today I come to ask, in the name of all, for the Forgiveness of God for your insistence in wanting to do your own stingy human will.
But many of your brothers and sisters, the simplest ones, fill My Heart and encourage Me to keep on guiding you until you can see the great divine need of responding to My requests.
I need, children, that you reflect about your actions and be able to recognize Me in the different masters that I, with so much love, have placed in your path so that you could learn.
Have you internally recognized them? The masters who you live with teach you day after day about things that you still do not know and about those that are still unclear within you.
Have you been able to see them with the heart? They are your brothers and sisters.
I know that many cannot believe nor see them as masters who teach you how to truly love the Plan of God and how to love less your own and small plans.
For this I have asked, in the universe of love, unity and fraternity, for the twenty-four Masters, the wisest of all, those who guide a great part of My Redeeming Plan, to come with Me to help you understand with the heart and not with the concrete mind that you must see more than ever the Great Will of Adonai.
I do not wish for any of you to be like Jude, who in the moment of greatest weakness and failure exchanged the Love of the Universe for thirty-three golden coins. My Sovereign Power is worth much more than all that; blessed be the one who knows how to recognize that in this critical hour.
For this, in truth I tell you that after twenty-four Meetings of Prayer and Mercy something should already be different in of you.
Where is My flow? In which place of yourselves have you put it?
Dear companions, the times will get increasingly difficult, because all humanity is resistant and does not want to change. Some of your brothers and sisters have already turned their backs on Me and only listen to their own lower self.
What else can I do but wait for the Judgment to arrive?
Be in Me and you will not lose yourselves. Renew your faith so that it may stop being an appearance. I need you, for this I have come again to ask you for your fidelity and love for each other.
These are My last words; do not act like in Kibeho, listen with the heart. I do not speak to any mind. When you manage to listen to Me with the heart, My words will be pure energy in your lives.
May this Marathon be a renewal of faith and of brotherhood, thus you will be prepared to receive Me in the month of August, in which My Glorified Face shall present itself with Love and Mercy to all.
Under the Unfathomable Piety that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to Me with your heart!
Your Savior, Christ Jesus
After the Message, Christ Jesus transmitted the following Words to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And today I bless you again, giving you the Sacrament of Forgiveness so that you may renew your lives tonight, at this hour, in which all of humanity faces the inner transition.
Unite to Me and renew yourselves. Never forget that.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Jesus!
Brothers and sisters, tonight the Master came accompanied by many Hierarchies of Light, who came with Him for this meeting.
At a moment of the Apparition, the Master showed He was sweating blood, and He later explained to us in His Message what this meant.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more