In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer: Our Father
My silence speaks to the world and I hope you can hear Me and understand Me through My silence.
Let silence be the balm for your wisdom, for today you stand before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
But I know you will not understand what this means. I only come to speak to your souls, and, as a result, to your hearts.
My Words will be sown in open hearts and it will be My Words that will yield results in your lives, for each one contains a spiritual energy. Thus, I have given you many Words and Designs so that you could understand the moment you are experiencing.
The consciousness is not awakened and I have come seeking the awakening of your consciousness.
To many I have given incalculable treasures, but others received the crumbs of My bread, and in them I have seen the value they have given it. I am not demeaning any consciousness. This is only a parable so that you can understand Me, for it will be in this way that you will be able to hear Me, before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To others, I have given My most precious pearls. Where are those treasures? How have you kept them within you? The treasures are talents, rather than the skills of your minds.
The mind of humanity is dead. It is not necessary that you believe in Me, simply look around you to understand how the world is, what the human mind has done when in disunion with God, the Celestial Father.
The Divine Mind is the infinite wisdom that goes beyond forms and all structures. The mind is sustained by love, because if the mind does not live in love, it is rapidly impoverished.
I come to teach you, in the end of times, the path of the heart. Many of you have already traveled it. Woe to those who have not done so because of the desire to be in comfort!
My School is unique in the universe. I come to break the barriers of the superstructures. I need you to be dust so that you may then become life, because from dust you have come to this material life. Thus My Father created you in His image and likeness and sowed, in the hearts of all, the essence of love so that, through the lessons and the experiences, all should have the opportunity of knowing the Love of God.
But some are leaving My Great School, the School of Christification, which has no forms or structures, which is only full of the pure feeling of Love, the Love of God, the Love of Abba.
I cannot stop you. You are free since your birth. Your paths are as free as that of the birds. I Am that wind that comes to you, this strong and powerful current that comes to lead you on a single path of truth.
I have come in search of this from humanity, since the beginning, from the moment in which I was among you as Jesus of Nazareth.
Of the twelve apostles, only eleven managed to follow Me. Have you ever asked yourselves why that happened, beyond the Divine Will of My Father? What happened in Judas to give God into the hands of death? Have you asked yourselves? Did you feel My Gospel, beyond reading it?
The keys have already been revealed to the world. Time is coming to an end and the clock of My Father marks a new meeting within the great universal time. You are being called to cross the portal, the portal of the heart, the portal of humility.
There are some of you that are lagging behind. Remember that you are freer than birds. I do not come to bring you fear, but rather inner growth, so that your minds and lives set aside the structures, so that the only model of God can dwell there. But that will not be forced on those that do not want to experience it. Just like in Kibeho, you will not be able to say you did not hear the Lord.
Before the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in this Most Holy Trinity, in which you were placed today by Mercy, I reveal this which is My Petition to you.
I call on you to live something new, something unknown, distant from your material life. I call on you to live the life of the spirit that is not shaped by structures, but rather by the great consciousness of the heart. Many are called to seek this goal, but you are governed by Laws, and each time you decide before Me, I only need to wait.
Before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it is My merciful and compassionate Love that gathers you, that understands all your debts, because it is the Love that expands in the universe to open the doors of redemption.
My Mercy is for the world, for the brave and the determined. My Mercy is also Justice, for today in My Hand I carry the scales of the Law, so that you can see, before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that a cycle ends after eight years of being with My Holy Mother, the Mother of the Universe.
Have you realized, companions, that you have already done the path of infinity? This infinity is completed this year in humanity and in this part of this sacred planet. You are within the principal infinity of the Law. You were summoned by My Mother to live this, to attract the flocks toward My Heart. Scattered, solitary and lost flocks. Behind you, there is a spiritual responsibility, beyond the cross that My God gave you.
I come to cause you to mature, just as I matured in Gethsemane, bearing the inner martyrdoms of all of humanity. Your responsibility is similar to Mine. Thus it is for many souls in the world that were called by Me to live on this path, in the name of those that do not live it and will never live it, because of having their own freedom.
I come to give you Love, beyond your structures. You have seen My Love, you have known My Love and you have felt My Love throughout these times. But you owe much to My God. My Mercy is infinite; that is why He allows all things.
Today I speak even to your cells, for they too are called to live the change, when you only seek My unity.
Be worthy in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit so as to live the new phase of the Earth.
You must be ready to no longer be together, for My Father is Who presents the Purpose, and thus His universal Will is done in the times that will come.
I have prepared you, up to now, so that you may travel the paths and learn to live on love and on truth.
I pour out upon you the blessing of the Father Abba, of the Son Jesus Christ and of the Most Holy Mother of the Holy Spirit, so that the best will may be accomplished in the times that will come. Who follows Me, will know how to understand Me.
In the middle of the tribulation and the chaos, My Light will always shine.
I thank you.
I leave you My energy of Love so that you may adore it for some minutes.
Go in peace.
Prayer: Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more