On each Sacred Week, Christ Jesus makes revelations that expand our consciousnesses, offers Graces that promote deep spiritual healing and guides us to the reunion with God during eight memorable days.
In Sacred Week 2022, which took place from the 10th to the 17th of April, Our Lord invited His followers to enter a new stage of adherence to His Redemptive Plan. He drew seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit to the planet, expanded our knowledge about His task in the Universe and transmitted guidance for us to live these definitive times.
This 9th edition of the event, as well as the two previous ones, took place in an online format and was broadcast from the Marian Center of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
On this occasion, the Choir of the Light-Communities presented seven songs from their new album, “Sacred Names of God - Volume 1”, and new video clips of eight songs from the series “Praises to the King”.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
After the opening of the event, on the 10th, Christ Jesus began to evoke a Gift of the Holy Spirit each day, totaling seven Gifts: the Gifts of the Discernment, Love, Healing, Redemption, Light, Mercy and Fraternity.
For each Gift evoked, the Master asked that a candle of a Menorah (a seven-branched candelabrum) be lit, as a way to represent and vivify it. Thus, at the end of the event, the seven candles of the Menorah were lit.
What happened to Christ after His Ascension
Our Lord made revelations about His evolutionary path after ascending to Heaven. He stated that He went to the Andromeda galaxy, where He went through apprenticeships that enabled Him to assume the Spiritual Government of the Universe.
Christ told us that through these experiences, His Consciousness developed further, until He became a Solar Angel.
Initiates on the path of consecration
After filling us with gifts, teachings and revelations, Our Lord announced, on the last day of the encounter, that we had been initiated on a definitive path of consecration. According to Him, in this new stage, our spirit will finally have the opportunity to fulfill the mission that God has reserved for it.
To learn more, read the synthesis of what happened on each day of the event and access the transcription of the Messages that were transmitted by Christ Jesus.
Day 1 - April 10: Open and peaceful hearts
Christ Jesus announced, through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, that the most important thing for this Sacred Week was that our hearts, in addition to being ready, be open to listen to His Words.
Our Lord affirmed that the Divine Hierarchy remains mobilized to help humanity through this difficult planetary moment. He said that despite the events, the day of our redemption is near.
The Master called us, as His companions, to uphold the standard of His Peace and to enter into the Christic spirit of Love. According to Him, in this way, we will have compassion to identify the need of these times and to be instruments in the service of God.
Christ invited two pilgrims from Ethiopia to come on stage, at the auditorium of the Marian Center of Figueira, as representatives of His beloved Africa and all humanity as He radiated impulses of Christification and holiness to souls. Through them, the Master also blessed the exiles and refugees of the world.
On this day, the Choir of the Light-Communities sang two special songs in honor of Our Lord: "Adonai, El Gibbor", from the album Sacred Names of God - Volume 1, and "Cristo, Renasço no Fogo de Teu Amor" (Christ, I am reborn in the Fire of Your Love), from the playlist Praises to the King.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 10, 2022
The seven cycles
Christ Jesus revealed that humanity is entering its last seven important cycles. He invited us to pray so that all the Celestial Universe aspires to accomplish with souls in this period may be possible.
Our Lord stated that the first of these cycles, which started after the Sacred Week, will be marked by great planetary events, which will correct humanity with Love and Mercy.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
As a way of symbolizing this inaugural cycle, the Master asked that a Menorah candle (a seven-branched candelabrum) be lit, whose flame must be kept alive on the altar of the Marian Center of Figueira until the end of the Sacred Week. He explained that, through this spiritual exercise, the Holy Spirit would pour out His Gifts on all consciences who postulate to follow God's Plan.
Our Lord stressed that we cannot take spiritual steps without the help of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, He encouraged us to ask for the Gifts of the Third Person of the Trinity with faith and trust, remembering the promise of the Gospel: God will send His Spirit and renew the face of the Earth through those who say yes to Christ.
So that we can live the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Our Lord has given us a great key: to no longer have a will of our own. He said we must pray so that the Holy Spirit will govern our lives and establish God's Will.
The Gift of Discernment
Christ Jesus emphasized the importance of the Gift of Discernment in these times. He asked His companions to pray so that, through the Gift of the Science of the Holy Spirit, the Gift of Discernment would be established in human consciousness and guide all world situations. In this way, the Earth can be reconfigured and rebuilt according to the Divine Will.
Sealing this blessed day, Christ Jesus called some souls to perform the sacrament of foot washing.
In addition, the Choir of the Light-Communities performed two special songs for Our Lord: "Adonai, Espíritu Santo" (Adonai, Holy Spirit), from the album Sacred Names of God - Volume 1, and "Canto del Alma" (Song of the soul), from the playlist Praises to the King.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 11, 2022
Day 3 - April 12: The Gift of Love
Christ Jesus announced that He was opening the door of the Holy Spirit to grant to the world that which is the greatest of all gifts: the Gift of Love.
The Master pointed out that, from that moment on, our hearts must be ready and empty to fulfill His aspirations. According to Him, we must ask ourselves: what else can our hearts give to the Lord?
Union with the Sacred Heart of Christ
The Redeemer invited us to feel the beating of His Sacred Heart, allowing His Fire to illuminate us and His Rays to penetrate the core of our souls and essences.
The Master asked us to embrace Him, in the certainty that there was nothing that could separate His Soul from our souls, and that we should believe in the power that God has granted Him to liberate and sanctify our lives.
He affirmed that the step that each one of us will take towards His Heart will open the doors for the redemption of the whole human race.
The Government of God
Christ Jesus revealed that, after ascending to the Heavens, He learned to exercise the Government of God in another part of the Universe: the Andromeda Galaxy. The Master stressed that the Government of God is realized through Love and Mercy, and not through the imposition of justice or authority.
So much so that, after two thousand years, He was with us, gathering the servers who will prepare His Return.
Loving your enemies and forgiving the one who made a mistake
Christ Jesus said that the suffering of the world exists because no one had the courage to love the enemy and forgive the one who made a mistake, just as we, many times, were forgiven by the Mercy of God.
Spread love to the world
In this way, the Master called us to establish a perfect alliance with Him: to expand the degrees of love in the world, so that all wounds, traumas and pains are healed.
He assured us that we are capable of doing this and much more to serve Him and fulfill the Will of God upon the planet.
On this day, Christ Jesus invited two sisters to sing a song for Him. In addition, He consecrated 11 new helpers of the Divine Mercy of Jesus.
Among the songs presented by the Choir of the Light-Communities, there were two special offers: “Emmanuel”, from the album Sacred Names of God - Volume 1, and “Haz de mí nada” (Make of me, nothing), from the playlist Praises to the King.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 12, 2022
Day 4 - April 13: The Gift of Healing
Christ Jesus invoked the Holy Spirit, asking for the power of the Gift of Healing to permeate every cell and consciousness, especially of those souls who are in spiritual prison and have not been able to be released and redeemed for decades. Our Lord emphasized that if healing is not established in humanity, love could not be established in the world, including in the Kingdoms of Nature.
The Kingdoms of Nature
He affirmed that, although we deeply interfere in the evolution of the Kingdoms, exploring, outraging and transgressing God's Creation, the minerals, plants, animals, devas and elementals continue to sacrifice themselves to sustain the consciousness of the planet.
The Master highlighted that, as long as human beings live in disharmony with the other Kingdoms, physical, psychological and spiritual diseases will continue to exist.
Therefore, He invited us to love the Kingdoms of Nature, emphasizing that the more consciousnesses come in contact with God through prayer and the sacraments, the more the Gift of Healing from the Holy Spirit can be granted to this suffering Creation.
The Evolutionary Path of Christ
Christ spoke about the second stage of His evolutionary path, which began after His Ascension. He revealed that after ascending to Heavens He did not return to the Divine Source, because the reason for His existence is to be with us eternally and to guide us until our essences become Christified.
In this way, after His ascension, Our Lord said He underwent a training similar to the one He had had with the essenes on Earth, living initiations programmed by God. He revealed that His experience of Passion, Death and Resurrection was used so that Love could once again constitute the Spiritual Government of the Universe, which had been harmed by the forces of evil.
A Key to Christification
The Master gave us what, according to Him, is a great key to Christification: to love the hidden symbol of our cross. He said that when we can do that, we will have the opportunity to reach the same vibration that He did.
Christ said that just as there have been incorruptible saints, we must believe that our lives can be incorruptible and that matter can be sanctified and christified.
He stressed that God created the essence of the human being to be co-creator, as are the angels. But as long as we do not have spiritual evolution as our goal, the involutive forces will continue to distract us from our true purpose.
The True Face of Christ
Christ said that when He was on Mount Tabor, He could gather only a few of the apostles to reveal His true Face: the Face of the Cosmic Christ, which is one of the seven Aspects of His Consciousness, the closest to the material universe.
He announced that at His Second Return He will show that Face ten times stronger than at that previous time, and the world will be redeemed.
On that day, Christ called a consecrated nun of the Grace Mercy Order to sing a song for Him. In addition, He consecrated thirty-four new adorers of the Mystical and Eucharistic Body of Christ.
The Choir of the Light-Communities performed two special songs: “Abba, Fuente Primordial” (Abba, Primordial Source), from the album Sacred Names of God - Volume 1, and “Escúchame, Redentor” (Listen to me, Redeemer), from the playlist Praises to the King.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 13, 2022
Christ Jesus asked the Holy Spirit, through His Divine Intelligence, to continue granting the world the Gift of Redemption, especially for those consciousnesses that were already condemned. He also said that the love of His apostles could save them.
After Ascension, in Andromeda
Our Lord continued with the story of what happened after His Ascension. According to Him, this secret had also been revealed, in advance, to the apostles in the Cenacle.
The Master reported that, through the intervention of the Archangels, God physically opened the doors of Andromeda to Him, the place where the Divine Plans for this material universe were located.
In Andromeda, He was received by sublime consciousnesses, who had accompanied Him, in the inner planes, in His trajectory on Earth. There were nine Hierarchies of the Universe, Mentors of the Celestial Governments, in charge of the spiritual and material evolution of millions of consciousnesses in this Creation, as well as in other galaxies and constellations.
These nine Hierarchies indicated to Christ His next step: to be not only the Redeemer of the world, but also the Governor of the Universe. The Master stated that this Andromeda experience encompassed three cycles of our material time and it was then that He made the eternal commitment for our salvation.
Earth's Purpose
Christ pointed out that if the fallen angel had not disobeyed God, this entire local universe would be part of the Celestial Kingdom. However, in the Heart of the Eternal Father, the divine fusion between the dimensions and the planes of consciousness is still foreseen.
So that the human project would not be lost, what God first gave Him in Andromeda was the essence of the purpose of this planet and some other worlds: to attain the Redeeming Christic Love.
Christ highlighted that, through His Return, this purpose will be reestablished in the consciousness of all His followers. In this way, the codes of evil will be dissolved from humanity and the forces of chaos will be removed from the planet and destined for reservoirs prepared by the Archangels themselves.
Therefore, we need to work for His Return, focusing on awakening the molecule of Christic Love that dwells within us, being clear about the divine purpose that is latent before us. The Master also asked us to pray for those who have yet to awaken.
The Solar Angel
At this point in the Apparition, after having prepared our hearts and consciousnesses, Christ Jesus presented Himself to everyone as the Solar Angel, as He called His Ultraterrestrial Aspect.
He asked us to meditate on how it is possible for a human being to become a Solar Angel. To this end, He gave us a key: the steps of evolution and expansion of consciousness are governed by the Law of Love. The more we love, the more we grow.
On that day full of sublime revelations, Christ Jesus consecrated, live, four new priests of the Grace Mercy Order.
The Choir of the Light-Communities performed two special songs: “Sagrados Nombres de Dios - Canon n.° 1” (Sacred Names of God - Canon no. 1), from the album Sacred Names of God - Volume 1, and “Mi corazón está pronto” (My Heart is Ready), from the playlist Praises to the King.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 14, 2022
On that day, Christ Jesus invoked the Gift of Light of the Holy Spirit for each one of us. He asked that this Light permeate all the spaces of the planet and extirpate from human beings the codes of the deadly sins, which lead us to perdition and distraction. Our Lord said that this Gift is based on the Love and Unity of God, two powerful currents of the Universe that allow souls to awaken from illusion.
The path of evolution
The Master has called us to be the consciousnesses that recreate this Creation, so that everything may be healed and redeemed. He emphasized that the Divine Project is that we become co-creators with God, through the expansion of the degrees of love.
The Savior revealed that God's Plan for each one of us will continue to be written beyond life on this planet, because the goal is in Eternity. Just as He continued His path in Andromeda, after ascending to the Heavens, we will also continue our evolutionary path in the Universe through the determination to live the Will of God.
Christ announced that if we are able to understand the expansion of His Consciousness after the Ascension – from which the Savior of the World became the Spiritual Governor of the Universe – we will allow Him to awaken many souls that are still asleep.
Warriors of Peace
Our Lord said that He came to cut the chains of evil so that, through the intercession of the Archangel Michael, each of our spirits may be formed as a warrior of Peace, able to watch over the Flame of the Sacred Divine Purpose, which is alive as a teraphim in Andromeda.
He asked us to postulate ourselves to be disciples of the Universal Hierarchy, emptying our hearts, purifying our lives and expanding our consciousnesses to the Sidereal Universe.
The cross
The Redeemer pointed out that this is His Time of Revelation, in which the seals of the Apocalypse are opening and the Reliquary of His Heart is being shown to the world. He stressed that, in order to go through this culminating cycle, our personal cross must be carried with bravery, courage and maturity so that it becomes His Victory.
On that day, Christ Jesus blessed the sacred objects the participants of the event carried with them. He declared that through these objects, souls can have access to spiritual and internal mysteries that His Heart offers to the world.
The Choir of the Light-Communities performed two special songs: “Adon Olam”, from the album Sacred Names of God - Volume 1, and “Mi Señor del Suelo” (My Lord of the Soil), from the playlist Praises to the King.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 15, 2022
Time of the New Apostolate
Christ Jesus announced that, after the spiritual preparation provided by all the Sacred Weeks, the time had come to fulfill our apostolate. He warned, He would begin to summon His followers, as long as they allowed it, to be in the places that most need help.
The Master asked, who, after having received so many Graces, would be able to become a molecule of Light, a spark of God's Love, to help respond to the most serious situations in the world through prayer and service.
The year 2022
The Master declared that this is a culminating year, in which consciousnesses will have the last opportunity to enter the path that will lead them to fulfill the Will of God, responding to the call to prepare His Return.
The New Christs and the Gift of Mercy
Our Lord said that, before returning to Earth, He must first return through our lives, into our hearts, for the errors of humanity can no longer be justified before God. Therefore, He reiterated that the spiritual reconstruction of humanity and the planet will be possible through the New Christs.
For this purpose, the Redeemer invoked the Gift of Mercy of the Holy Spirit, affirming that through this Gift, the new Christs will be able to awaken.
Concrete solutions
Our Lord said that we must seek concrete and lasting solutions to help those who suffer most. He claimed that if His requests were placed in our prayers, He could perform many miracles and inspire humanity to find these solutions.
The strategy for these times
Regarding our way of dealing with the challenges of the planetary transition, the Master warned that it is not in opposition and in battle that we will have victory. We cannot work on the basis of indignation, intolerance and violence – physical, verbal or mental.
He called us to be intelligent, letting ourselves be inspired by the Holy Spirit. We must imitate His example of non-opposition and non-confrontation, allowing silence to give us the true strategy. Thus, guided by the Discernment and Wisdom of God, we will generate His Return.
The master key of the Sacred Week 2022
Christ invited us to pray for our enemies, so that Mercy may reach them and, in this way, one day they will realize that they have distanced themselves from the Love and Truth of God.
He revealed that this is the great master key for this Sacred Week: to love the enemy so that he can be redeemed and saved.
Christ Jesus emphasized that, in each new sacrament, there is the possibility of spiritual and internal reintegration with the Holy Supreme Source. Thus, at the end of the Apparition, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order offered the sacrament of Baptism.
The Choir of the Light-Communities performed two special songs: “Sagrados Nombres de Dios – Canon n.º 2” (Sacred Names of God - Canon no. 2), from the album Sacred Names of God - Volume 1, and “Como superar a Ti, Senhor?” (How to Overcome You, Lord?), from the playlist Praises to the King.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 16, 2022
The Light of Emmanuel
On the last day of the Sacred Week, Christ Jesus made us contemplate the Light of Emmanuel, saying that we will need it to have the strength to overcome and fortitude in the battles of the coming times. The Master reminded us that we are part of the Supreme and Cosmic Source of Emmanuel, to which we will return after living this school of love and redemption.
Initiates on the path of consecration
Christ revealed that, on that day, we were initiated on a definitive path of consecration, in which our souls will have the opportunity to take control of themselves, so that the spirit of each being can fulfill its mission.
He indicated that it will be a path of sacrifice, but that it will also provide us with great and enriching experiences. We will be able to live them if we are open and adhered to God in the face of the events that will happen.
The banner of Peace
The Master stated that the banner of His Peace must never fall from our hands. For this, we need to have a peaceful and firm heart, willing to listen and dialogue without the need to defend ourselves. He assured that, having a clean heart, even if imperfect, absolutely everything can be Christified through the Light of Emmanuel.
The Gift of Fraternity
Christ invoked the Gift of the Fraternity of the Holy Spirit, announcing that it will be the central axis for the end of time, the keynote of this moment and the Gift that will govern the other six Gifts that He attracted from the Heavens during the Sacred Week. Our Lord said that the heart of fraternity is love and the giving of ourselves for others.
The Master revealed that when we live the seven Gifts He has offered us, we will know His seven last Aspirations, which are united with God's Aspirations for all His creatures. In this way, the door of the Universe through which souls will have the last chance of salvation will be kept open.
On that day, Our Lord invited four sisters, three of them consecrated nuns of the Grace Mercy Order, to sing a song for Him. In addition, the Choir of the Light-Communities performed two special songs: “Ha Rishon”, which will be released on Volume 2 of the album Sacred Names of God, and “Tu és O Rei” (You are the King), from the playlist Praises to the King.
To end this blessed meeting, the priests of the Grace Mercy Order offered the sacrament of Anointing.
Read the transcript of the Apparition of Christ Jesus of April 17, 2022
After so many divine impulses received, may we strengthen the aspiration for the Christification of our lives, as souls faithfully adhered to the Plan of God.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more